Search in sources :

Example 11 with Dn

use of in project syncope by apache.

the class LdifInputStreamLoader method execute.

 * Opens the LDIF file and loads the entries into the context.
 * @return The count of entries created.
public int execute() {
    try {
        try {
            for (LdifEntry ldifEntry : new LdifReader(ldif)) {
                Dn dn = ldifEntry.getDn();
                if (ldifEntry.isEntry()) {
                    Entry entry = ldifEntry.getEntry();
                    try {
                        LOG.debug("Found {}, will not create.", dn);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        try {
                            coreSession.add(new DefaultEntry(coreSession.getDirectoryService().getSchemaManager(), entry));
                            LOG.debug("Created {}.", dn);
                        } catch (LdapException e1) {
                            LOG.error("Could not create entry " + entry, e1);
                } else {
                    // modify
                    List<Modification> items = ldifEntry.getModifications();
                    try {
                        coreSession.modify(dn, items);
                        LOG.debug("Modified: " + dn + " with modificationItems: " + items);
                    } catch (LdapException e) {
                        LOG.debug("Could not modify: " + dn + " with modificationItems: " + items, e);
        } finally {
    } catch (Exception ioe) {
        LOG.error(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_174), ioe);
    return count;
Also used : Modification( LdifReader( DefaultEntry( Entry( LdifEntry( DefaultEntry( Dn( LdapException( LdifEntry( LdapException(

Example 12 with Dn

use of in project openmeetings by apache.

the class LdapLoginManager method login.

 * Ldap Login
 * Connection Data is retrieved from ConfigurationFile
 * @param _login - user login
 * @param passwd - user password
 * @param domainId - user domain id
 * @return - {@link User} with this credentials or <code>null</code>
 * @throws OmException - in case of any error
public User login(String _login, String passwd, Long domainId) throws OmException {
    if (!userDao.validLogin(_login)) {
        log.error("Invalid login provided");
        return null;
    User u = null;
    try (LdapWorker w = new LdapWorker(domainId)) {
        String login = w.options.useLowerCase ? _login.toLowerCase() : _login;
        boolean authenticated = true;
        Dn userDn = null;
        Entry entry = null;
        switch(w.options.type) {
            case SEARCHANDBIND:
                    bindAdmin(w.conn, w.options);
                    Dn baseDn = new Dn(w.options.searchBase);
                    String searchQ = String.format(w.options.searchQuery, login);
                    try (EntryCursor cursor = new EntryCursorImpl( SearchRequestImpl().setBase(baseDn).setFilter(searchQ).setScope(w.options.scope).addAttributes("*").setDerefAliases(w.options.derefMode)))) {
                        while ( {
                            try {
                                Entry e = cursor.get();
                                if (userDn != null) {
                                    log.error("more than 1 user found in LDAP");
                                    throw UNKNOWN;
                                userDn = e.getDn();
                                if (w.options.useAdminForAttrs) {
                                    entry = e;
                            } catch (CursorLdapReferralException cle) {
                                log.warn("Referral LDAP entry found, ignore it");
                    if (userDn == null) {
                        log.error("NONE users found in LDAP");
                        throw BAD_CREDENTIALS;
                    w.conn.bind(userDn, passwd);
            case SIMPLEBIND:
                userDn = new Dn(String.format(w.options.userDn, login));
                w.conn.bind(userDn, passwd);
            case NONE:
                authenticated = false;
        u = authenticated ? userDao.getByLogin(login, Type.ldap, domainId) : userDao.login(login, passwd);
        log.debug("getByLogin:: authenticated ? {}, login = '{}', domain = {}, user = {}", authenticated, login, domainId, u);
        if (u == null && Provisionning.AUTOCREATE != w.options.prov) {
            log.error("User not found in OM DB and Provisionning.AUTOCREATE was not set");
            throw BAD_CREDENTIALS;
        if (authenticated && entry == null) {
            if (w.options.useAdminForAttrs) {
                bindAdmin(w.conn, w.options);
            entry = w.conn.lookup(userDn);
        switch(w.options.prov) {
            case AUTOUPDATE:
            case AUTOCREATE:
                u = w.getUser(entry, u);
                if (w.options.syncPasswd) {
                    u.updatePassword(cfgDao, passwd);
                u = userDao.update(u, null);
            case NONE:
    } catch (LdapAuthenticationException ae) {
        log.error("Not authenticated.", ae);
        throw BAD_CREDENTIALS;
    } catch (OmException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Unexpected exception.", e);
        throw new OmException(e);
    return u;
Also used : EntryCursor( EntryCursorImpl( User(org.apache.openmeetings.db.entity.user.User) GroupUser(org.apache.openmeetings.db.entity.user.GroupUser) SearchRequestImpl( Dn( OmException(org.apache.openmeetings.util.OmException) LdapInvalidAttributeValueException( CursorLdapReferralException( LdapAuthenticationException( OmException(org.apache.openmeetings.util.OmException) CursorException( IOException( LdapException( Entry( LdapAuthenticationException( CursorLdapReferralException(

Example 13 with Dn

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class UserClass_NameTest method initNames.

 * Initialize name instances
public void initNames() throws LdapInvalidDnException {
    Set<String> dnSetA = new HashSet<>();
    dnSetA.add(new Dn("a=aa").getNormName());
    dnSetA.add(new Dn("b=bb").getNormName());
    Set<String> dnSetB = new HashSet<>();
    dnSetB.add(new Dn("b=bb").getNormName());
    dnSetB.add(new Dn("a=aa").getNormName());
    Set<String> dnSetC = new HashSet<>();
    dnSetC.add(new Dn("a=aa").getNormName());
    dnSetC.add(new Dn("b=bb").getNormName());
    Set<String> dnSetD = new HashSet<>();
    dnSetD.add(new Dn("b=bb").getNormName());
    dnSetD.add(new Dn("c=cc").getNormName());
    nameA = new Name(dnSetA);
    nameACopy = new Name(dnSetB);
    nameB = new Name(dnSetC);
    nameC = new Name(dnSetD);
Also used : Dn( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Name( Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 14 with Dn

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class UserClass_SubtreeTest method initNames.

 * Initialize name instances
public void initNames() throws Exception {
    SubtreeSpecification subtreeSpecA = new BaseSubtreeSpecification();
    SubtreeSpecification subtreeSpecB = new BaseSubtreeSpecification();
    SubtreeSpecification subtreeSpecC = new BaseSubtreeSpecification();
    SubtreeSpecification subtreeSpecD = new BaseSubtreeSpecification(new Dn("cn=dummy"));
    Set<SubtreeSpecification> colA = new HashSet<SubtreeSpecification>();
    Set<SubtreeSpecification> colB = new HashSet<SubtreeSpecification>();
    Set<SubtreeSpecification> colC = new HashSet<SubtreeSpecification>();
    subtreeA = new Subtree(colA);
    subtreeACopy = new Subtree(colA);
    subtreeB = new Subtree(colB);
    subtreeC = new Subtree(colC);
Also used : BaseSubtreeSpecification( Subtree( Dn( SubtreeSpecification( BaseSubtreeSpecification( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 15 with Dn

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class EntryChangeControlTest method testEncodeEntryChangeControl.

 * Test encoding of a EntryChangeControl.
public void testEncodeEntryChangeControl() throws Exception {
    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(0x0D);
    bb.put(new byte[] { // EntryChangeNotification ::= SEQUENCE {
    0x30, // EntryChangeNotification ::= SEQUENCE {
    0x0B, 0x0A, 0x01, // changeType ENUMERATED {
    0x08, // }
    0x04, 0x03, 'a', '=', // previousDN LDAPDN OPTIONAL, -- modifyDN ops. only
    'b', 0x02, 0x01, // changeNumber INTEGER OPTIONAL -- if supported
    0x10 });
    String expected = Strings.dumpBytes(bb.array());
    EntryChangeDecorator decorator = new EntryChangeDecorator(codec);
    EntryChange entryChange = (EntryChange) decorator.getDecorated();
    entryChange.setPreviousDn(new Dn("a=b"));
    bb = decorator.encode(ByteBuffer.allocate(decorator.computeLength()));
    String decoded = Strings.dumpBytes(bb.array());
    assertEquals(expected, decoded);
Also used : EntryChangeDecorator( Dn( EntryChange( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) Test(org.junit.Test) AbstractCodecServiceTest(


Dn ( Test (org.junit.Test)183 Rdn ( LdifEntry ( LdapException ( Entry ( DnNode ( DefaultEntry ( LdapInvalidDnException ( DefaultAttribute ( Modification ( DefaultModification ( TLV ( Attribute ( ModifyRequest ( Referral ( File ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 ResponseCarryingException ( Value (