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Example 1 with NameForm

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class DefaultSchemaLoader method loadNameForms.

private void loadNameForms(Attribute nameForms) throws LdapException {
    if (nameForms == null) {
    for (Value value : nameForms) {
        String desc = value.getValue();
        try {
            NameForm nameForm = NF_DESCR_SCHEMA_PARSER.parseNameFormDescription(desc);
        } catch (ParseException pe) {
            throw new LdapException(pe);
Also used : NameForm( Value( ParseException(java.text.ParseException) LdapException(

Example 2 with NameForm

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class DefaultSchemaLoader method loadNameForms.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public List<Entry> loadNameForms(Schema... schemas) throws LdapException, IOException {
    List<Entry> nameFormEntries = new ArrayList<>();
    if (schemas == null) {
        return nameFormEntries;
    AttributesFactory factory = new AttributesFactory();
    for (Schema schema : schemas) {
        Set<SchemaObjectWrapper> schemaObjectWrappers = schema.getContent();
        for (SchemaObjectWrapper schemaObjectWrapper : schemaObjectWrappers) {
            SchemaObject schemaObject = schemaObjectWrapper.get();
            if (schemaObject instanceof NameForm) {
                NameForm nameForm = (NameForm) schemaObject;
                Entry nameFormEntry = factory.convert(nameForm, schema, null);
    return nameFormEntries;
Also used : SchemaObject( DefaultEntry( Entry( AttributesFactory( NameForm( DefaultSchema( Schema( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SchemaObjectWrapper(

Example 3 with NameForm

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class Registries method unregister.

 * Unregister a SchemaObject from the registries
 * @param schemaObject The SchemaObject we want to deregister
 * @throws LdapException If the removal failed
private SchemaObject unregister(List<Throwable> errors, SchemaObject schemaObject) throws LdapException {
    LOG.debug("Unregistering {}:{}", schemaObject.getObjectType(), schemaObject.getOid());
    // Check that the SchemaObject is present in the registries
    if (!(schemaObject instanceof LoadableSchemaObject) && !globalOidRegistry.contains(schemaObject.getOid())) {
        String msg = I18n.err(I18n.ERR_13751_UNREGISTERING_FAILED_NOT_PRESENT, schemaObject.getObjectType(), schemaObject.getOid());
        throw new LdapUnwillingToPerformException(ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, msg);
    SchemaObject unregistered;
    // First call the specific registry's register method
    switch(schemaObject.getObjectType()) {
        case ATTRIBUTE_TYPE:
            unregistered = attributeTypeRegistry.unregister((AttributeType) schemaObject);
        case COMPARATOR:
            unregistered = comparatorRegistry.unregister((LdapComparator<?>) schemaObject);
        case DIT_CONTENT_RULE:
            unregistered = ditContentRuleRegistry.unregister((DitContentRule) schemaObject);
        case DIT_STRUCTURE_RULE:
            unregistered = ditStructureRuleRegistry.unregister((DitStructureRule) schemaObject);
        case LDAP_SYNTAX:
            unregistered = ldapSyntaxRegistry.unregister((LdapSyntax) schemaObject);
        case MATCHING_RULE:
            unregistered = matchingRuleRegistry.unregister((MatchingRule) schemaObject);
        case MATCHING_RULE_USE:
            unregistered = matchingRuleUseRegistry.unregister((MatchingRuleUse) schemaObject);
        case NAME_FORM:
            unregistered = nameFormRegistry.unregister((NameForm) schemaObject);
        case NORMALIZER:
            unregistered = normalizerRegistry.unregister((Normalizer) schemaObject);
        case OBJECT_CLASS:
            unregistered = objectClassRegistry.unregister((ObjectClass) schemaObject);
        case SYNTAX_CHECKER:
            unregistered = syntaxCheckerRegistry.unregister((SyntaxChecker) schemaObject);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_13718_UNEXPECTED_SCHEMA_OBJECT_TYPE, schemaObject.getObjectType()));
    return unregistered;
Also used : LdapComparator( SchemaObject( LoadableSchemaObject( SyntaxChecker( ObjectClass( MatchingRuleUse( LdapUnwillingToPerformException( NameForm( Normalizer( LoadableSchemaObject( AttributeType( MutableAttributeType( DitStructureRule( LdapSyntax( DitContentRule( MatchingRule( MutableMatchingRule(

Example 4 with NameForm

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class NameFormDescriptionSchemaParserTest method testMay.

 * Test MAY and its values.
 * @throws ParseException
public void testMay() throws ParseException, LdapException {
    String value = null;
    NameForm nf = null;
    // no MAY
    value = "( 1.1 OC o MUST m )";
    nf = parser.parseNameFormDescription(value);
    assertEquals(0, nf.getMayAttributeTypeOids().size());
    // MAY simple numericoid
    value = "( 1.1 OC o MUST m MAY 1.2.3 )";
    nf = parser.parseNameFormDescription(value);
    assertEquals(1, nf.getMayAttributeTypeOids().size());
    assertEquals("1.2.3", nf.getMayAttributeTypeOids().get(0));
    // MAY mulitple
    value = "(1.1 OC o MUST m MAY (cn$sn       $         $  objectClass   ))";
    nf = parser.parseNameFormDescription(value);
    assertEquals(4, nf.getMayAttributeTypeOids().size());
    assertEquals("cn", nf.getMayAttributeTypeOids().get(0));
    assertEquals("sn", nf.getMayAttributeTypeOids().get(1));
    assertEquals("", nf.getMayAttributeTypeOids().get(2));
    assertEquals("objectClass", nf.getMayAttributeTypeOids().get(3));
    // MAY must only appear once
    value = "( 1.1 OC o MUST m MAY test1 MAY test2 )";
    try {
        nf = parser.parseNameFormDescription(value);
        fail("Exception expected, MAY appears twice");
    } catch (ParseException pe) {
    // expected
    if (!parser.isQuirksMode()) {
        // invalid value
        value = "( 1.1 OC o MUST m MAY ( c_n ) )";
        try {
            nf = parser.parseNameFormDescription(value);
            fail("Exception expected, invalid value c_n");
        } catch (ParseException pe) {
        // expected
Also used : NameForm( ParseException(java.text.ParseException) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with NameForm

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class NameFormDescriptionSchemaParserTest method testOc.

 * Test OC and its value.
 * @throws ParseException
public void testOc() throws ParseException, LdapException {
    String value = null;
    NameForm nf = null;
    // numeric oid
    value = "( 1.1 MUST m OC )";
    nf = parser.parseNameFormDescription(value);
    assertEquals("", nf.getStructuralObjectClassOid());
    // numeric oid
    value = "(   1.1 MUST m   OC    123.4567.890    )";
    nf = parser.parseNameFormDescription(value);
    assertEquals("123.4567.890", nf.getStructuralObjectClassOid());
    // descr
    value = "( 1.1 MUST m OC abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-0123456789 )";
    nf = parser.parseNameFormDescription(value);
    assertEquals("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-0123456789", nf.getStructuralObjectClassOid());
    // quoted value
    value = "( 1.1 MUST m OC '' )";
    nf = parser.parseNameFormDescription(value);
    assertEquals("", nf.getStructuralObjectClassOid());
    // quoted value
    value = "( 1.1 MUST m OC 'test' )";
    nf = parser.parseNameFormDescription(value);
    assertEquals("test", nf.getStructuralObjectClassOid());
    // invalid character
    value = "( 1.1 MUST m OC )";
    try {
        nf = parser.parseNameFormDescription(value);
        fail("Exception expected, invalid OC (invalid character)");
    } catch (ParseException pe) {
    // expected
    // no multi value allowed
    value = "( 1.1 MUST m OC ( test1 test2 ) )";
    try {
        nf = parser.parseNameFormDescription(value);
        fail("Exception expected, OC must be single valued");
    } catch (ParseException pe) {
    // expected
    // OC must only appear once
    value = "( 1.1 MUST m OC test1 OC test2 )";
    try {
        nf = parser.parseNameFormDescription(value);
        fail("Exception expected, OC appears twice");
    } catch (ParseException pe) {
    // expected
    if (!parser.isQuirksMode()) {
        // OC is required
        value = "( 1.1 MUST m )";
        try {
            nf = parser.parseNameFormDescription(value);
            fail("Exception expected, OC is required");
        } catch (ParseException pe) {
        // expected
        // invalid start
        value = "( 1.1 MUST m OC -test ) )";
        try {
            nf = parser.parseNameFormDescription(value);
            fail("Exception expected, invalid OC '-test' (starts with hypen)");
        } catch (ParseException pe) {
        // expected
Also used : NameForm( ParseException(java.text.ParseException) Test(org.junit.Test)


NameForm ( ParseException (java.text.ParseException)5 Test (org.junit.Test)5 SchemaObject ( LdapException ( AttributeType ( DitContentRule ( DitStructureRule ( LdapSyntax ( LoadableSchemaObject ( MatchingRule ( MatchingRuleUse ( MutableAttributeType ( MutableMatchingRule ( ObjectClass ( SchemaObjectWrapper ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 Map (java.util.Map)1