use of org.apache.distributedlog.exceptions.InvalidEnvelopedEntryException in project bookkeeper by apache.
the class BKLogSegmentWriter method flushIfNeeded.
// Based on transmit buffer size, immediate flush, etc., should we flush the current
// packet now.
void flushIfNeeded() throws BKTransmitException, WriteException, InvalidEnvelopedEntryException, LockingException, FlushException {
if (outstandingBytes > transmissionThreshold) {
// If flush delay is disabled, flush immediately, else schedule appropriately.
if (0 == minDelayBetweenImmediateFlushMs) {
} else {
scheduleFlushWithDelayIfNeeded(new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
return null;
}, transmitSchedFutureRefUpdater);
// Timing here is not very important--the last flush failed and we should
// indicate this to the caller. The next flush may succeed and unset the
// scheduledFlushException in which case the next write will succeed (if the caller
// hasn't already closed the writer).
Exception exec = scheduledFlushExceptionUpdater.get(this);
if (exec != null) {
throw new FlushException("Last flush encountered an error while writing data to the backend", getLastTxId(), getLastTxIdAcknowledged(), exec);
use of org.apache.distributedlog.exceptions.InvalidEnvelopedEntryException in project bookkeeper by apache.
the class BKLogSegmentWriter method transmit.
* Transmit the current buffer to bookkeeper.
* Synchronised at the class. #write() and #flush()
* are never called at the same time.
* NOTE: This method should only throw known exceptions so that we don't accidentally
* add new code that throws in an inappropriate place.
* @return a transmit future for caller to wait for transmit result if we transmit successfully,
* null if no data to transmit
* @throws BKTransmitException if the segment writer is already in error state
* @throws LockingException if the segment writer lost lock before transmit
* @throws WriteException if failed to create the envelope for the data to transmit
* @throws InvalidEnvelopedEntryException when built an invalid enveloped entry
private CompletableFuture<Integer> transmit() throws BKTransmitException, LockingException, WriteException, InvalidEnvelopedEntryException {
EntryBuffer recordSetToTransmit;
try {
synchronized (this) {
// stream has encountered an error and cannot be written to.
if (!transmitResultUpdater.compareAndSet(this, BKException.Code.OK, BKException.Code.OK)) {
LOG.error("Log Segment {} Trying to write to an errored stream; Error is {}", fullyQualifiedLogSegment, BKException.getMessage(transmitResultUpdater.get(this)));
throw new BKTransmitException("Trying to write to an errored stream;" + " Error code : (" + transmitResultUpdater.get(this) + ") " + BKException.getMessage(transmitResultUpdater.get(this)), transmitResultUpdater.get(this));
if (recordSetWriter.getNumRecords() == 0) {
// Control flushes always have at least the control record to flush;
return null;
recordSetToTransmit = recordSetWriter;
recordSetWriter = newRecordSetWriter();
outstandingBytes = 0;
if (recordSetToTransmit.hasUserRecords()) {
numBytes += recordSetToTransmit.getNumBytes();
ByteBuf toSend;
try {
toSend = recordSetToTransmit.getBuffer();
} catch (IOException e) {
if (e instanceof InvalidEnvelopedEntryException) {
alertStatsLogger.raise("Invalid enveloped entry for segment {} : ", fullyQualifiedLogSegment, e);
LOG.error("Exception while enveloping entries for segment: {}", new Object[] { fullyQualifiedLogSegment }, e);
// If a write fails here, we need to set the transmit result to an error so that
// no future writes go through and violate ordering guarantees.
transmitResultUpdater.set(this, BKException.Code.WriteException);
if (e instanceof InvalidEnvelopedEntryException) {
alertStatsLogger.raise("Invalid enveloped entry for segment {} : ", fullyQualifiedLogSegment, e);
throw (InvalidEnvelopedEntryException) e;
} else {
throw new WriteException(streamName, "Envelope Error");
synchronized (this) {
// update the transmit timestamp
lastTransmitNanos = MathUtils.nowInNano();
BKTransmitPacket packet = new BKTransmitPacket(recordSetToTransmit);
packetPrevious = packet;
entryWriter.asyncAddEntry(toSend, this, packet);
if (recordSetToTransmit.hasUserRecords()) {;
} else {;
controlFlushNeeded = false;
return packet.getTransmitFuture();
} finally {