use of org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.registry.RemoteFunctionRegistry in project drill by apache.
the class TestDynamicUDFSupport method testExceedRetryAttemptsDuringUnregistration.
public void testExceedRetryAttemptsDuringUnregistration() throws Exception {
RemoteFunctionRegistry remoteFunctionRegistry = spyRemoteFunctionRegistry();
test("create function using jar '%s'", default_binary_name);
doThrow(new VersionMismatchException("Version mismatch detected", 1)).when(remoteFunctionRegistry).updateRegistry(any(Registry.class), any(DataChangeVersion.class));
String summary = "Failed to update remote function registry. Exceeded retry attempts limit.";
testBuilder().sqlQuery("drop function using jar '%s'", default_binary_name).unOrdered().baselineColumns("ok", "summary").baselineValues(false, summary).go();
verify(remoteFunctionRegistry, times(remoteFunctionRegistry.getRetryAttempts() + 1)).updateRegistry(any(Registry.class), any(DataChangeVersion.class));
FileSystem fs = remoteFunctionRegistry.getFs();
assertTrue("Binary should be present in registry area", fs.exists(new Path(remoteFunctionRegistry.getRegistryArea(), default_binary_name)));
assertTrue("Source should be present in registry area", fs.exists(new Path(remoteFunctionRegistry.getRegistryArea(), default_source_name)));
Registry registry = remoteFunctionRegistry.getRegistry(new DataChangeVersion());
assertEquals("Registry should contain one jar", registry.getJarList().size(), 1);
assertEquals(registry.getJar(0).getName(), default_binary_name);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.registry.RemoteFunctionRegistry in project drill by apache.
the class CreateFunctionHandler method initRemoteRegistration.
* Instantiates remote registration. First gets remote function registry with version.
* Version is used to ensure that we update the same registry we validated against.
* Then validates against list of remote jars.
* If validation is successful, first copies jars to registry area and starts updating remote function registry.
* If during update {@link VersionMismatchException} was detected,
* attempts to repeat remote registration process till retry attempts exceeds the limit.
* If retry attempts number hits 0, throws exception that failed to update remote function registry.
* In case of any error, if jars have been already copied to registry area, they will be deleted.
* @param functions list of functions present in jar
* @param jarManager helper class for copying jars to registry area
* @param remoteRegistry remote function registry
* @throws IOException in case of problems with copying jars to registry area
private void initRemoteRegistration(List<String> functions, JarManager jarManager, RemoteFunctionRegistry remoteRegistry) throws IOException {
int retryAttempts = remoteRegistry.getRetryAttempts();
boolean copyJars = true;
try {
while (retryAttempts >= 0) {
DataChangeVersion version = new DataChangeVersion();
List<Jar> remoteJars = remoteRegistry.getRegistry(version).getJarList();
validateAgainstRemoteRegistry(remoteJars, jarManager.getBinaryName(), functions);
if (copyJars) {
copyJars = false;
List<Jar> jars = Lists.newArrayList(remoteJars);
Registry updatedRegistry = Registry.newBuilder().addAllJar(jars).build();
try {
remoteRegistry.updateRegistry(updatedRegistry, version);
} catch (VersionMismatchException ex) {
logger.debug("Failed to update function registry during registration, version mismatch was detected.", ex);
throw new DrillRuntimeException("Failed to update remote function registry. Exceeded retry attempts limit.");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!copyJars) {
throw e;
use of org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.registry.RemoteFunctionRegistry in project drill by apache.
the class DropFunctionHandler method unregister.
* Gets remote function registry with version.
* Version is used to ensure that we update the same registry we removed jars from.
* Looks for a jar to be deleted, if founds one,
* attempts to update remote registry with list of jars, that excludes jar to be deleted.
* If during update {@link VersionMismatchException} was detected,
* attempts to repeat unregistration process till retry attempts exceeds the limit.
* If retry attempts number hits 0, throws exception that failed to update remote function registry.
* @param jarName jar name
* @param remoteFunctionRegistry remote function registry
* @return jar that was unregistered, null otherwise
private Jar unregister(String jarName, RemoteFunctionRegistry remoteFunctionRegistry) {
int retryAttempts = remoteFunctionRegistry.getRetryAttempts();
while (retryAttempts >= 0) {
DataChangeVersion version = new DataChangeVersion();
Registry registry = remoteFunctionRegistry.getRegistry(version);
Jar jarToBeDeleted = null;
List<Jar> jars = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Jar j : registry.getJarList()) {
if (j.getName().equals(jarName)) {
jarToBeDeleted = j;
} else {
if (jarToBeDeleted == null) {
return null;
Registry updatedRegistry = Registry.newBuilder().addAllJar(jars).build();
try {
remoteFunctionRegistry.updateRegistry(updatedRegistry, version);
return jarToBeDeleted;
} catch (VersionMismatchException ex) {
logger.debug("Failed to update function registry during unregistration, version mismatch was detected.", ex);
throw new DrillRuntimeException("Failed to update remote function registry. Exceeded retry attempts limit.");
use of org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.registry.RemoteFunctionRegistry in project drill by apache.
the class TestDynamicUDFSupport method testConcurrentRegistrationOfTheSameJar.
public void testConcurrentRegistrationOfTheSameJar() throws Exception {
RemoteFunctionRegistry remoteFunctionRegistry = spyRemoteFunctionRegistry();
final CountDownLatch latch1 = new CountDownLatch(1);
final CountDownLatch latch2 = new CountDownLatch(1);
doAnswer(new Answer<String>() {
public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
String result = (String) invocation.callRealMethod();
return result;
}).doCallRealMethod().doCallRealMethod().when(remoteFunctionRegistry).addToJars(anyString(), any(RemoteFunctionRegistry.Action.class));
final String query = String.format("create function using jar '%s'", default_binary_name);
Thread thread = new Thread(new SimpleQueryRunner(query));
try {
String summary = "Jar with %s name is used. Action: REGISTRATION";
testBuilder().sqlQuery(query).unOrdered().baselineColumns("ok", "summary").baselineValues(false, String.format(summary, default_binary_name)).go();
testBuilder().sqlQuery("drop function using jar '%s'", default_binary_name).unOrdered().baselineColumns("ok", "summary").baselineValues(false, String.format(summary, default_binary_name)).go();
} finally {
use of org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.registry.RemoteFunctionRegistry in project drill by apache.
the class TestDynamicUDFSupport method testExceedRetryAttemptsDuringRegistration.
public void testExceedRetryAttemptsDuringRegistration() throws Exception {
RemoteFunctionRegistry remoteFunctionRegistry = spyRemoteFunctionRegistry();
doThrow(new VersionMismatchException("Version mismatch detected", 1)).when(remoteFunctionRegistry).updateRegistry(any(Registry.class), any(DataChangeVersion.class));
String summary = "Failed to update remote function registry. Exceeded retry attempts limit.";
testBuilder().sqlQuery("create function using jar '%s'", default_binary_name).unOrdered().baselineColumns("ok", "summary").baselineValues(false, summary).go();
verify(remoteFunctionRegistry, times(remoteFunctionRegistry.getRetryAttempts() + 1)).updateRegistry(any(Registry.class), any(DataChangeVersion.class));
FileSystem fs = remoteFunctionRegistry.getFs();
assertTrue("Binary should be present in staging area", fs.exists(new Path(remoteFunctionRegistry.getStagingArea(), default_binary_name)));
assertTrue("Source should be present in staging area", fs.exists(new Path(remoteFunctionRegistry.getStagingArea(), default_source_name)));
assertFalse("Registry area should be empty", fs.listFiles(remoteFunctionRegistry.getRegistryArea(), false).hasNext());
assertFalse("Temporary area should be empty", fs.listFiles(remoteFunctionRegistry.getTmpArea(), false).hasNext());
assertEquals("Registry should be empty", remoteFunctionRegistry.getRegistry(new DataChangeVersion()).getJarList().size(), 0);