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Example 1 with HashPartition

use of org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashPartition in project drill by apache.

the class HashJoinBatch method updateStats.

 * Updates the {@link HashTable} and spilling stats after the original build
 * side is processed.
 * Note: this does not update all the stats. The cycleNum is updated
 * dynamically in {@link #innerNext()} and the total bytes written is updated
 * at close time in {@link #cleanup()}.
private void updateStats() {
    if (buildSideIsEmpty.booleanValue()) {
    // no stats when the right side is empty
    if (!spilledState.isFirstCycle()) {
    // These stats are only for before processing spilled files
    HashTableStats htStats = new HashTableStats();
    long numSpilled = 0;
    HashTableStats newStats = new HashTableStats();
    // sum the stats from all the partitions
    for (HashPartition partn : partitions) {
        if (partn.isSpilled()) {
    stats.setLongStat(Metric.NUM_BUCKETS, htStats.numBuckets);
    stats.setLongStat(Metric.NUM_ENTRIES, htStats.numEntries);
    stats.setLongStat(Metric.NUM_RESIZING, htStats.numResizing);
    stats.setLongStat(Metric.RESIZING_TIME_MS, htStats.resizingTime);
    stats.setLongStat(Metric.NUM_PARTITIONS, numPartitions);
    // Put 0 in
    stats.setLongStat(Metric.SPILL_CYCLE, spilledState.getCycle());
    // case no
    // spill
    stats.setLongStat(Metric.SPILLED_PARTITIONS, numSpilled);
Also used : HashTableStats(org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashTableStats) HashPartition(org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashPartition)

Example 2 with HashPartition

use of org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashPartition in project drill by apache.

the class HashJoinProbeTemplate method executeProbePhase.

private void executeProbePhase() throws SchemaChangeException {
    while (outputRecords < targetOutputRecords && probeState != ProbeState.DONE && probeState != ProbeState.PROJECT_RIGHT) {
        // Check if we have processed all records in this batch we need to invoke next
        if (recordsProcessed == recordsToProcess) {
            // Done processing all records in the previous batch, clean up!
            for (VectorWrapper<?> wrapper : probeBatch) {
            IterOutcome leftUpstream =, probeBatch);
            switch(leftUpstream) {
                case NONE:
                case NOT_YET:
                    recordsProcessed = 0;
                    recordsToProcess = 0;
                    // in case some outer partitions were spilled, need to spill their last batches
                    for (HashPartition partn : partitions) {
                        // skip non-spilled
                        if (!partn.isSpilled()) {
                        // update the partition's spill record with the outer side
                        HashJoinBatch.HashJoinSpilledPartition sp = spilledInners[partn.getPartitionNum()];
                        sp.updateOuter(partn.getPartitionBatchesCount(), partn.getSpillFile());
                case OK_NEW_SCHEMA:
                    if (probeBatch.getSchema().equals(probeSchema)) {
                        for (HashPartition partn : partitions) {
                    } else {
                        throw SchemaChangeException.schemaChanged("Hash join does not support schema changes in probe side.", probeSchema, probeBatch.getSchema());
                case OK:
                    outgoingJoinBatch.getBatchMemoryManager().update(probeBatch, LEFT_INDEX, outputRecords);
                    // calculated by update()
                    recordsToProcess = probeBatch.getRecordCount();
                    recordsProcessed = 0;
                    // If we received an empty batch do nothing
                    if (recordsToProcess == 0) {
                    if (cycleNum > 0) {
                        // Needed ?
                        read_left_HV_vector = (IntVector) probeBatch.getContainer().getLast();
        int probeIndex = -1;
        // Check if we need to drain the next row in the probe side
        if (getNextRecord) {
            if (!buildSideIsEmpty) {
                int hashCode = (cycleNum == 0) ? partitions[0].getProbeHashCode(recordsProcessed) : read_left_HV_vector.getAccessor().get(recordsProcessed);
                int currBuildPart = hashCode & partitionMask;
                hashCode >>>= bitsInMask;
                // Set and keep the current partition (may be used again on subsequent probe calls as
                // inner rows of duplicate key are processed)
                // inner if not spilled, else outer
                currPartition = partitions[currBuildPart];
                // If the matching inner partition was spilled
                if (outgoingJoinBatch.isSpilledInner(currBuildPart)) {
                    // add this row to its outer partition (may cause a spill, when the batch is full)
                    currPartition.appendOuterRow(hashCode, recordsProcessed);
                    // done with this outer record
                    // on to the next outer record
                probeIndex = currPartition.probeForKey(recordsProcessed, hashCode);
            if (semiJoin) {
                if (probeIndex != -1) {
                    // output the probe side only
                    outputRecords = outputRow(null, 0, probeBatch.getContainer(), recordsProcessed);
                // no build-side duplicates, go on to the next probe-side row
            if (probeIndex != -1) {
                /* The current probe record has a key that matches. Get the index
           * of the first row in the build side that matches the current key
           * (and record this match in the bitmap, in case of a FULL/RIGHT join)
                Pair<Integer, Boolean> matchStatus = currPartition.getStartIndex(probeIndex);
                boolean matchExists = matchStatus.getRight();
                if (joinControl.isIntersectDistinct() && matchExists) {
                    // since it is intersect distinct and we already have one record matched, move to next probe row
                currentCompositeIdx = matchStatus.getLeft();
                outputRecords = outputRow(currPartition.getContainers(), currentCompositeIdx, probeBatch.getContainer(), recordsProcessed);
                /* Projected single row from the build side with matching key but there
           * may be more rows with the same key. Check if that's the case as long as
           * we are not doing intersect distinct since it only cares about
           * distinct values.
                currentCompositeIdx = joinControl.isIntersectDistinct() ? -1 : currPartition.getNextIndex(currentCompositeIdx);
                if (currentCompositeIdx == -1) {
                    /* We only had one row in the build side that matched the current key
             * from the probe side. Drain the next row in the probe side.
                } else {
                    /* There is more than one row with the same key on the build side
             * don't drain more records from the probe side till we have projected
             * all the rows with this key
                    getNextRecord = false;
            } else {
                // If we have a left outer join, project the outer side
                if (joinType == JoinRelType.LEFT || joinType == JoinRelType.FULL) {
                    // output only the probe side (the build side would be all nulls)
                    outputRecords = outputRow(null, 0, probeBatch.getContainer(), recordsProcessed);
        } else {
            // match the next inner row with the same key
            outputRecords = outputRow(currPartition.getContainers(), currentCompositeIdx, probeBatch.getContainer(), recordsProcessed);
            currentCompositeIdx = currPartition.getNextIndex(currentCompositeIdx);
            if (currentCompositeIdx == -1) {
                // We don't have any more rows matching the current key on the build side, move on to the next probe row
                getNextRecord = true;
Also used : IterOutcome(org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatch.IterOutcome) HashPartition(org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashPartition)

Example 3 with HashPartition

use of org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashPartition in project drill by apache.

the class HashJoinBatch method executeBuildPhase.

 * Execute the BUILD phase; first read incoming and split rows into
 * partitions; may decide to spill some of the partitions
 * @return Returns an
 *         {@link org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatch.IterOutcome} if a
 *         termination condition is reached. Otherwise returns null.
 * @throws SchemaChangeException
public IterOutcome executeBuildPhase() throws SchemaChangeException {
    if (buildSideIsEmpty.booleanValue()) {
        // empty right
        return null;
    if (skipHashTableBuild) {
        // No hash table needed - then consume all the
        // right upstream
        return null;
    HashJoinMemoryCalculator.BuildSidePartitioning buildCalc;
        // Initializing build calculator
        // Limit scope of these variables to this block
        int maxBatchSize = spilledState.isFirstCycle() ? RecordBatch.MAX_BATCH_ROW_COUNT : RECORDS_PER_BATCH;
        boolean doMemoryCalculation = canSpill && !probeSideIsEmpty.booleanValue();
        HashJoinMemoryCalculator calc = getCalculatorImpl();
        buildCalc =;
        // TODO Fix after
        buildCalc.initialize(// TODO Fix after
        spilledState.isFirstCycle(), // TODO Fix after
        true, // fixed
        buildBatch, probeBatch, buildJoinColumns, probeSideIsEmpty.booleanValue(), allocator.getLimit(), numPartitions, RECORDS_PER_BATCH, RECORDS_PER_BATCH, maxBatchSize, maxBatchSize, batchMemoryManager.getOutputBatchSize(), HashTable.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
        if (spilledState.isFirstCycle() && doMemoryCalculation) {
            // Do auto tuning
            buildCalc = partitionNumTuning(maxBatchSize, buildCalc);
    if (spilledState.isFirstCycle()) {
        // Do initial setup only on the first cycle
    // Make the calculator aware of our partitions
    HashJoinMemoryCalculator.PartitionStatSet partitionStatSet = new HashJoinMemoryCalculator.PartitionStatSet(partitions);
    boolean moreData = true;
    while (moreData) {
        switch(rightUpstream) {
            case NONE:
            case NOT_YET:
                moreData = false;
            case OK_NEW_SCHEMA:
                if (!buildSchema.equals(buildBatch.getSchema())) {
                    throw SchemaChangeException.schemaChanged("Hash join does not support schema changes in build side.", buildSchema, buildBatch.getSchema());
                for (HashPartition partn : partitions) {
            // Fall through
            case OK:
                batchMemoryManager.update(buildBatch, RIGHT_INDEX, 0, true);
                int currentRecordCount = buildBatch.getRecordCount();
                // create runtime filter
                if (spilledState.isFirstCycle() && enableRuntimeFilter) {
                    // create runtime filter and send out async
                    for (BloomFilter bloomFilter : bloomFilter2buildId.keySet()) {
                        int fieldId = bloomFilter2buildId.get(bloomFilter);
                        for (int ind = 0; ind < currentRecordCount; ind++) {
                            long hashCode = hash64.hash64Code(ind, 0, fieldId);
                // incoming vectors as they are (no row copy)
                if (numPartitions == 1) {
                if (!spilledState.isFirstCycle()) {
                    read_right_HV_vector = (IntVector) buildBatch.getContainer().getLast();
                // the result
                for (int ind = 0; ind < currentRecordCount; ind++) {
                    int hashCode = spilledState.isFirstCycle() ? partitions[0].getBuildHashCode(ind) : // get the hash
                    // value from the
                    // HV column
                    int currPart = hashCode & spilledState.getPartitionMask();
                    hashCode >>>= spilledState.getBitsInMask();
                    // semi-join skips join-key-duplicate rows
                    if (semiJoin) {
                    // Append the new inner row to the appropriate partition; spill (that
                    // partition) if needed
                    partitions[currPart].appendInnerRow(buildBatch.getContainer(), ind, hashCode, buildCalc);
                if (read_right_HV_vector != null) {
                    read_right_HV_vector = null;
                throw new IllegalStateException(;
        // Get the next incoming record batch
        rightUpstream = next(HashJoinHelper.RIGHT_INPUT, buildBatch);
    if (spilledState.isFirstCycle() && enableRuntimeFilter) {
        if (bloomFilter2buildId.size() > 0) {
            int hashJoinOpId = this.popConfig.getOperatorId();
            runtimeFilterReporter.sendOut(bloomFilters, probeFields, this.popConfig.getRuntimeFilterDef(), hashJoinOpId);
    // the spilled partitions list
    if (numPartitions > 1) {
        // a single partition needs no completion
        for (HashPartition partn : partitions) {
            partn.completeAnInnerBatch(false, partn.isSpilled());
    if (leftUpstream.isError()) {
        // We need to terminate.
        return leftUpstream;
    HashJoinMemoryCalculator.PostBuildCalculations postBuildCalc =;
    // probeEmpty
    for (int index = 0; index < partitions.length; index++) {
        HashPartition partn = partitions[index];
        if (partn.isSpilled()) {
            // Don't build hash tables for spilled partitions
        try {
            if (postBuildCalc.shouldSpill()) {
                // Spill this partition if we need to make room
            } else {
                // Only build hash tables for partitions that are not spilled
        } catch (OutOfMemoryException e) {
            String message = "Failed building hash table on partition " + index + ":\n" + makeDebugString() + "\n" + postBuildCalc.makeDebugString();
            // Include debug info
            throw new OutOfMemoryException(message, e);
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    for (HashPartition partn : partitions) {
        if (partn.isSpilled()) {
            HashJoinSpilledPartition sp = new HashJoinSpilledPartition(spilledState.getCycle(), partn.getPartitionNum(), originalPartition, partn.getPartitionBatchesCount(), partn.getSpillFile());
            // for the outer to find
            spilledInners[partn.getPartitionNum()] = sp;
            // the SP later
    return null;
Also used : BloomFilter( HashPartition(org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashPartition) OutOfMemoryException(org.apache.drill.exec.exception.OutOfMemoryException)

Example 4 with HashPartition

use of org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashPartition in project drill by apache.

the class HashJoinBatch method makeDebugString.

 * This creates a string that summarizes the memory usage of the operator.
 * @return A memory dump string.
public String makeDebugString() {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int partitionIndex = 0; partitionIndex < partitions.length; partitionIndex++) {
        String partitionPrefix = "Partition " + partitionIndex + ": ";
        HashPartition hashPartition = partitions[partitionIndex];
    return sb.toString();
Also used : HashPartition(org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashPartition)

Example 5 with HashPartition

use of org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashPartition in project drill by apache.

the class HashJoinBatch method innerNext.

public IterOutcome innerNext() {
    if (wasKilled) {
        // We have received a cancel signal. We need to stop processing.
        return IterOutcome.NONE;
    if (rightUpstream.isError()) {
        // We need to terminate.
        return rightUpstream;
    try {
       * If we are here for the first time, execute the build phase of the hash
       * join and setup the run time generated class for the probe side
        if (state == BatchState.FIRST) {
            // Build the hash table, using the build side record batches.
            IterOutcome buildExecuteTermination = executeBuildPhase();
            if (buildExecuteTermination != null) {
                // We need to terminate.
                return buildExecuteTermination;
            buildComplete = true;
            if (isRowKeyJoin) {
                // discard the first left batch which was fetched by buildSchema, and
                // get the new
                // one based on rowkey join
                leftUpstream = next(left);
            // Update the hash table related stats for the operator
        // Try to probe and project, or recursively handle a spilled partition
        if (// If there are build-side rows
        !buildSideIsEmpty.booleanValue() || joinIsLeftOrFull) {
            // or if this is a left/full outer join
            if (leftUpstream.isError() || (leftUpstream == NONE && !joinIsRightOrFull)) {
                // We need to terminate.
                return leftUpstream;
            if (!buildSideIsEmpty.booleanValue() || !probeSideIsEmpty.booleanValue()) {
                if (state == BatchState.FIRST) {
                    // Initialize various settings for the probe side
                    hashJoinProbe.setupHashJoinProbe(probeBatch, this, joinType, semiJoin, leftUpstream, partitions, spilledState.getCycle(), container, spilledInners, buildSideIsEmpty.booleanValue(), numPartitions, rightHVColPosition);
                // Allocate the memory for the vectors in the output container
                outputRecords = hashJoinProbe.probeAndProject();
                RecordBatchStats.logRecordBatchStats(RecordBatchIOType.OUTPUT, this, getRecordBatchStatsContext());
           * We are here because of one the following 1. Completed processing of
           * all the records and we are done 2. We've filled up the outgoing
           * batch to the maximum and we need to return upstream Either case
           * build the output container's schema and return
                if (outputRecords > 0 || state == BatchState.FIRST) {
                    state = BatchState.NOT_FIRST;
                    return IterOutcome.OK;
            // (In case need to start processing spilled partitions)
            for (HashPartition partn : partitions) {
                // clean, but do not delete the spill files !!
            if (!buildSideIsEmpty.booleanValue()) {
                while (!spilledState.isEmpty()) {
                    // "while" is only used for
                    // skipping; see "continue" below
                    // Get the next (previously) spilled partition to handle as incoming
                    HashJoinSpilledPartition currSp = spilledState.getNextSpilledPartition();
                    // next spilled partition
                    if (currSp.outerSpilledBatches == 0 && !joinIsRightOrFull) {
                    // Create a BUILD-side "incoming" out of the inner spill file of
                    // that partition
                    buildBatch = new SpilledRecordBatch(currSp.innerSpillFile, currSp.innerSpilledBatches, context, buildSchema, oContext, spillSet);
                    // The above ctor call also got the first batch; need to update the
                    // outcome
                    rightUpstream = ((SpilledRecordBatch) buildBatch).getInitialOutcome();
                    if (currSp.outerSpilledBatches > 0) {
                        // Create a PROBE-side "incoming" out of the outer spill file of
                        // that partition
                        probeBatch = new SpilledRecordBatch(currSp.outerSpillFile, currSp.outerSpilledBatches, context, probeSchema, oContext, spillSet);
                        // The above ctor call also got the first batch; need to update
                        // the outcome
                        leftUpstream = ((SpilledRecordBatch) probeBatch).getInitialOutcome();
                    } else {
                        // if no outer batch then reuse left - needed
                        probeBatch = left;
                        // for updateIncoming()
                        leftUpstream = IterOutcome.NONE;
                    spilledState.updateCycle(stats, currSp, spilledStateUpdater);
                    // TODO need to determine if this is still
                    state = BatchState.FIRST;
                    // necessary since
                    // prefetchFirstBatchFromBothSides sets
                    // this
                    // start processing the next spilled partition
                    return innerNext();
                // "recursively"
        } else {
            // Our build side is empty, we won't have any matches, clear the probe
            // side
        // No more output records, clean up and return
        state = BatchState.DONE;
        return IterOutcome.NONE;
    } catch (SchemaChangeException e) {
        throw UserException.schemaChangeError(e).build(logger);
Also used : SchemaChangeException(org.apache.drill.exec.exception.SchemaChangeException) SpilledRecordBatch(org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.aggregate.SpilledRecordBatch) HashPartition(org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashPartition)


HashPartition (org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashPartition)7 OutOfMemoryException (org.apache.drill.exec.exception.OutOfMemoryException)1 SchemaChangeException (org.apache.drill.exec.exception.SchemaChangeException)1 SpilledRecordBatch (org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.aggregate.SpilledRecordBatch)1 HashTableStats (org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashTableStats)1 JoinControl (org.apache.drill.exec.planner.common.JoinControl)1 IterOutcome (org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatch.IterOutcome)1 BloomFilter (