use of org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.RpcException in project drill by apache.
the class UserClient method authenticate.
private CheckedFuture<Void, SaslException> authenticate(final DrillProperties properties) {
final Map<String, String> propertiesMap = properties.stringPropertiesAsMap();
// Set correct QOP property and Strength based on server needs encryption or not.
// If ChunkMode is enabled then negotiate for buffer size equal to wrapChunkSize,
// If ChunkMode is disabled then negotiate for MAX_WRAPPED_SIZE buffer size.
propertiesMap.putAll(SaslProperties.getSaslProperties(connection.isEncryptionEnabled(), connection.getMaxWrappedSize()));
// use handleAuthFailure to setException
final SettableFuture<Void> authSettable = SettableFuture.create();
final CheckedFuture<Void, SaslException> authFuture = new AbstractCheckedFuture<Void, SaslException>(authSettable) {
protected SaslException mapException(Exception e) {
if (e instanceof ExecutionException) {
final Throwable cause = Throwables.getRootCause(e);
if (cause instanceof SaslException) {
return new SaslException(String.format("Authentication failed. [Details: %s, Error %s]", connection.getEncryptionCtxtString(), cause.getMessage()), cause);
return new SaslException(String.format("Authentication failed unexpectedly. [Details: %s, Error %s]", connection.getEncryptionCtxtString(), e.getMessage()), e);
final AuthenticatorFactory factory;
final String mechanismName;
final UserGroupInformation ugi;
final SaslClient saslClient;
try {
factory = getAuthenticatorFactory(properties);
mechanismName = factory.getSimpleName();
logger.trace("Will try to authenticate to server using {} mechanism with encryption context {}", mechanismName, connection.getEncryptionCtxtString());
ugi = factory.createAndLoginUser(propertiesMap);
saslClient = factory.createSaslClient(ugi, propertiesMap);
if (saslClient == null) {
throw new SaslException(String.format("Cannot initiate authentication using %s mechanism. Insufficient " + "credentials or selected mechanism doesn't support configured security layers?", factory.getSimpleName()));
} catch (final IOException e) {
return authFuture;
logger.trace("Initiating SASL exchange.");
new AuthenticationOutcomeListener<>(this, connection, RpcType.SASL_MESSAGE, ugi, new RpcOutcomeListener<Void>() {
public void failed(RpcException ex) {
public void success(Void value, ByteBuf buffer) {
authComplete = true;
public void interrupted(InterruptedException e) {
return authFuture;
use of org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.RpcException in project drill by apache.
the class ControlClient method validateHandshake.
protected void validateHandshake(BitControlHandshake handshake) throws RpcException {
if (handshake.getRpcVersion() != ControlRpcConfig.RPC_VERSION) {
throw new RpcException(String.format("Invalid rpc version. Expected %d, actual %d.", handshake.getRpcVersion(), ControlRpcConfig.RPC_VERSION));
if (handshake.getAuthenticationMechanismsCount() != 0) {
// remote requires authentication
final SaslClient saslClient;
try {
final Map<String, String> saslProperties = SaslProperties.getSaslProperties(connection.isEncryptionEnabled(), connection.getMaxWrappedSize());
saslClient = config.getAuthFactory(handshake.getAuthenticationMechanismsList()).createSaslClient(UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser(), config.getSaslClientProperties(remoteEndpoint, saslProperties));
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new RpcException(String.format("Failed to initiate authenticate to %s", remoteEndpoint.getAddress()), e);
if (saslClient == null) {
throw new RpcException("Unexpected failure. Could not initiate SASL exchange.");
} else {
if (config.getAuthMechanismToUse() != null) {
// local requires authentication
throw new RpcException(String.format("Drillbit (%s) does not require auth, but auth is enabled.", remoteEndpoint.getAddress()));
use of org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.RpcException in project drill by apache.
the class TestConvertFunctions method testBigIntVarCharReturnTripConvertLogical_ScalarReplaceON.
// TODO(DRILL-2326) temporary until we fix the scalar replacement bug for this case
// Because this test sometimes fails, sometimes succeeds
public void testBigIntVarCharReturnTripConvertLogical_ScalarReplaceON() throws Exception {
final OptionValue srOption = QueryTestUtil.setupScalarReplacementOption(bits[0], ScalarReplacementOption.ON);
boolean caughtException = false;
try {
// this used to fail (with a JUnit assertion) until we fix the SR bug
// Something in DRILL-5116 seemed to fix this problem, so the test now
// succeeds - sometimes.
} catch (RpcException e) {
caughtException = true;
} finally {
QueryTestUtil.restoreScalarReplacementOption(bits[0], srOption);
// Yes: sometimes this works, sometimes it does not...
assertTrue(!caughtException || caughtException);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.RpcException in project drill by axbaretto.
the class DrillClient method connect.
* Start's a connection from client to server
* @param connect - Zookeeper connection string provided at connection URL
* @param props - not null {@link Properties} filled with connection url parameters
* @throws RpcException
public synchronized void connect(String connect, Properties props) throws RpcException {
if (connected) {
properties = DrillProperties.createFromProperties(props);
final List<DrillbitEndpoint> endpoints = new ArrayList<>();
if (isDirectConnection) {
// Populate the endpoints list with all the drillbit information provided in the connection string
endpoints.addAll(parseAndVerifyEndpoints(properties.getProperty(DrillProperties.DRILLBIT_CONNECTION), config.getString(ExecConstants.INITIAL_USER_PORT)));
} else {
if (ownsZkConnection) {
try {
this.clusterCoordinator = new ZKClusterCoordinator(this.config, connect);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RpcException("Failure setting up ZK for client.", e);
// Gets the drillbit endpoints that are ONLINE and excludes the drillbits that are
// in QUIESCENT state. This avoids the clients connecting to drillbits that are
// shutting down thereby avoiding reducing the chances of query failures.
// Make sure we have at least one endpoint in the list
checkState(!endpoints.isEmpty(), "No active Drillbit endpoint found from ZooKeeper. Check connection parameters?");
// shuffle the collection then get the first endpoint
eventLoopGroup = createEventLoop(config.getInt(ExecConstants.CLIENT_RPC_THREADS), "Client-");
executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(), new NamedThreadFactory("drill-client-executor-")) {
protected void afterExecute(final Runnable r, final Throwable t) {
if (t != null) {
logger.error("{}.run() leaked an exception.", r.getClass().getName(), t);
super.afterExecute(r, t);
final String connectTriesConf = properties.getProperty(DrillProperties.TRIES, "5");
int connectTriesVal;
try {
connectTriesVal = Math.min(endpoints.size(), Integer.parseInt(connectTriesConf));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new InvalidConnectionInfoException("Invalid tries value: " + connectTriesConf + " specified in " + "connection string");
// If the value provided in the connection string is <=0 then override with 1 since we want to try connecting
// at least once
connectTriesVal = Math.max(1, connectTriesVal);
int triedEndpointIndex = 0;
DrillbitEndpoint endpoint;
while (triedEndpointIndex < connectTriesVal) {
endpoint = endpoints.get(triedEndpointIndex);
// version
if (!properties.containsKey(DrillProperties.SERVICE_HOST)) {
properties.setProperty(DrillProperties.SERVICE_HOST, endpoint.getAddress());
props.setProperty(DrillProperties.SERVICE_HOST, endpoint.getAddress());
// Note: the properties member is a DrillProperties instance which lower cases names of
// properties. That does not work too well with properties that are mixed case.
// For user client severla properties are mixed case so we do not use the properties member
// but instead pass the props parameter.
client = new UserClient(clientName, config, props, supportComplexTypes, allocator, eventLoopGroup, executor, endpoint);
logger.debug("Connecting to server {}:{}", endpoint.getAddress(), endpoint.getUserPort());
try {
connected = true;"Successfully connected to server {}:{}", endpoint.getAddress(), endpoint.getUserPort());
} catch (NonTransientRpcException ex) {
logger.error("Connection to {}:{} failed with error {}. Not retrying anymore", endpoint.getAddress(), endpoint.getUserPort(), ex.getMessage());
throw ex;
} catch (RpcException ex) {
logger.error("Attempt {}: Failed to connect to server {}:{}", triedEndpointIndex, endpoint.getAddress(), endpoint.getUserPort());
// Throw exception when we have exhausted all the tries without having a successful connection
if (triedEndpointIndex == connectTriesVal) {
throw ex;
// Close the connection here to avoid calling close twice in case when all tries are exhausted.
// Since DrillClient.close is also calling client.close
use of org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.RpcException in project drill by axbaretto.
the class ServerAuthenticationHandler method handle.
public void handle(S connection, int rpcType, ByteBuf pBody, ByteBuf dBody, ResponseSender sender) throws RpcException {
final String remoteAddress = connection.getRemoteAddress().toString();
// exchange involves server "challenges" and client "responses" (initiated by client)
if (saslRequestTypeValue == rpcType) {
final SaslMessage saslResponse;
try {
saslResponse = SaslMessage.PARSER.parseFrom(new ByteBufInputStream(pBody));
} catch (final InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
handleAuthFailure(connection, sender, e, saslResponseType);
logger.trace("Received SASL message {} from {}", saslResponse.getStatus(), remoteAddress);
final SaslResponseProcessor processor = RESPONSE_PROCESSORS.get(saslResponse.getStatus());
if (processor == null) {"Unknown message type from client from {}. Will stop authentication.", remoteAddress);
handleAuthFailure(connection, sender, new SaslException("Received unexpected message"), saslResponseType);
final SaslResponseContext<S, T> context = new SaslResponseContext<>(saslResponse, connection, sender, requestHandler, saslResponseType);
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
handleAuthFailure(connection, sender, e, saslResponseType);
} else {
// drop connection
throw new RpcException(String.format("Request of type %d is not allowed without authentication. Client on %s must authenticate " + "before making requests. Connection dropped. [Details: %s]", rpcType, remoteAddress, connection.getEncryptionCtxtString()));