use of in project drill by apache.
the class TextFormatPlugin method frameworkBuilder.
protected FileScanBuilder frameworkBuilder(OptionManager options, EasySubScan scan) throws ExecutionSetupException {
ColumnsScanBuilder builder = new ColumnsScanBuilder();
initScanBuilder(builder, scan);
TextParsingSettings settings = new TextParsingSettings(getConfig(), scan.getSchema());
builder.setReaderFactory(new ColumnsReaderFactory(settings, scan.getMaxRecords()));
// If this format has no headers, or wants to skip them,
// then we must use the columns column to hold the data.
builder.requireColumnsArray(!settings.isHeaderExtractionEnabled() && builder.providedSchema() == null);
// Text files handle nulls in an unusual way. Missing columns
// are set to required Varchar and filled with blanks. Yes, this
// means that the SQL statement or code cannot differentiate missing
// columns from empty columns, but that is how CSV and other text
// files have been defined within Drill.
// The text readers use required Varchar columns to represent null columns.
// Provide custom error context
builder.errorContext(new ChildErrorContext(builder.errorContext()) {
public void addContext(UserException.Builder builder) {
builder.addContext("Extract headers:", Boolean.toString(getConfig().isHeaderExtractionEnabled()));
builder.addContext("Skip first line:", Boolean.toString(getConfig().isSkipFirstLine()));
return builder;