use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.RepeatedListWriter in project drill by apache.
the class ColumnBuilder method buildRepeatedList.
private ColumnState buildRepeatedList(ContainerState parent, ColumnMetadata columnSchema) {
assert columnSchema.type() == MinorType.LIST;
assert columnSchema.mode() == DataMode.REPEATED;
// the element type after creating the repeated writer itself.
assert columnSchema.childSchema() == null;
// Build the repeated vector.
final RepeatedListVector vector = new RepeatedListVector(columnSchema.emptySchema(), parent.loader().allocator(), null);
// No inner type yet. The result set loader builds the subtype
// incrementally because it might be complex (a map or another
// repeated list.) To start, use a dummy to avoid need for if-statements
// everywhere.
final ColumnMetadata dummyElementSchema = new PrimitiveColumnMetadata(MaterializedField.create(, Types.repeated(MinorType.NULL)));
final AbstractObjectWriter dummyElement = ColumnWriterFactory.buildDummyColumnWriter(dummyElementSchema);
// Create the list writer: an array of arrays.
final AbstractObjectWriter arrayWriter = RepeatedListWriter.buildRepeatedList(columnSchema, vector, dummyElement);
// Create the list vector state that tracks the list vector lifecycle.
final RepeatedListVectorState vectorState = new RepeatedListVectorState(arrayWriter, vector);
// Build the container that tracks the array contents
final RepeatedListState listState = new RepeatedListState(parent.loader(), parent.vectorCache().childCache(;
// Bind the list state as the list event listener.
((RepeatedListWriter) arrayWriter.array()).bindListener(listState);
// propagate events down to the (one and only) child state.
return new RepeatedListColumnState(parent.loader(), arrayWriter, vectorState, listState);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.RepeatedListWriter in project drill by apache.
the class TestResultSetLoaderRepeatedList method test2DLateSchemaIncremental.
public void test2DLateSchemaIncremental() {
final TupleMetadata schema = new SchemaBuilder().add("id", MinorType.INT).addRepeatedList("list1").addArray(MinorType.VARCHAR).resumeSchema().addRepeatedList("list2").addArray(MinorType.VARCHAR).resumeSchema().buildSchema();
final ResultSetLoaderImpl.ResultSetOptions options = new ResultSetOptionBuilder().build();
final ResultSetLoader rsLoader = new ResultSetLoaderImpl(fixture.allocator(), options);
final RowSetLoader writer = rsLoader.writer();
// Add columns dynamically
// Write a row without the array.
// Add the repeated list, but without contents.
// Sanity check of writer structure
assertEquals(2, writer.size());
final ObjectWriter listObj = writer.column("list1");
assertEquals(ObjectType.ARRAY, listObj.type());
final ArrayWriter listWriter = listObj.array();
// No child defined yet. A dummy child is inserted instead.
assertEquals(MinorType.NULL, listWriter.entry().schema().type());
assertEquals(ObjectType.ARRAY, listWriter.entryType());
assertEquals(ObjectType.SCALAR, listWriter.array().entryType());
assertEquals(ValueType.NULL, listWriter.array().scalar().valueType());
// Although we don't know the type of the inner, we can still
// create null (empty) elements in the outer array.
writer.addRow(2, null).addRow(3, objArray()).addRow(4, objArray(objArray(), null));
// Define the inner type.
final RepeatedListWriter listWriterImpl = (RepeatedListWriter) listWriter;
listWriterImpl.defineElement(MaterializedField.create("list1", Types.repeated(MinorType.VARCHAR)));
// Sanity check of completed structure
assertEquals(ObjectType.ARRAY, listWriter.entryType());
final ArrayWriter innerWriter = listWriter.array();
assertEquals(ObjectType.SCALAR, innerWriter.entryType());
final ScalarWriter strWriter = innerWriter.scalar();
assertEquals(ValueType.STRING, strWriter.valueType());
// Write values
writer.addRow(5, objArray(strArray("a1", "b1"), strArray("c1", "d1")));
// Add the second list, with a complete type
// Sanity check of writer structure
assertEquals(3, writer.size());
final ObjectWriter list2Obj = writer.column("list2");
assertEquals(ObjectType.ARRAY, list2Obj.type());
final ArrayWriter list2Writer = list2Obj.array();
assertEquals(ObjectType.ARRAY, list2Writer.entryType());
final ArrayWriter inner2Writer = list2Writer.array();
assertEquals(ObjectType.SCALAR, inner2Writer.entryType());
final ScalarWriter str2Writer = inner2Writer.scalar();
assertEquals(ValueType.STRING, str2Writer.valueType());
// Write values
writer.addRow(6, objArray(strArray("a2", "b2"), strArray("c2", "d2")), objArray(strArray("w2", "x2"), strArray("y2", "z2")));
// Add the second list, with a complete type
// Verify the values.
// (Relies on the row set level repeated list tests having passed.)
final RowSet expected = fixture.rowSetBuilder(schema).addRow(1, objArray(), objArray()).addRow(2, objArray(), objArray()).addRow(3, objArray(), objArray()).addRow(4, objArray(objArray(), null), objArray()).addRow(5, objArray(strArray("a1", "b1"), strArray("c1", "d1")), objArray()).addRow(6, objArray(strArray("a2", "b2"), strArray("c2", "d2")), objArray(strArray("w2", "x2"), strArray("y2", "z2"))).build();
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, fixture.wrap(rsLoader.harvest()));
use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.RepeatedListWriter in project drill by apache.
the class TestResultSetLoaderRepeatedList method test2DLateSchema.
public void test2DLateSchema() {
final TupleMetadata schema = new SchemaBuilder().add("id", MinorType.INT).addRepeatedList("list2").addArray(MinorType.VARCHAR).resumeSchema().buildSchema();
final ResultSetLoaderImpl.ResultSetOptions options = new ResultSetOptionBuilder().build();
final ResultSetLoader rsLoader = new ResultSetLoaderImpl(fixture.allocator(), options);
final RowSetLoader writer = rsLoader.writer();
// Add columns dynamically
// Yes, this is ugly. The whole repeated array idea is awkward.
// The only place it is used at present is in JSON where the
// awkwardness is mixed in with JSON complexity.
// Consider improving this API in the future.
((RepeatedListWriter) writer.array(1)).defineElement(schema.metadata(1).childSchema());
do2DTest(schema, rsLoader);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.RepeatedListWriter in project drill by apache.
the class BuildFromSchema method buildRepeatedList.
* Expand a repeated list. The list may be multi-dimensional, meaning that
* it may have may layers of other repeated lists before we get to the element
* (inner-most) array.
* @param parent tuple writer for the tuple that holds the array
* @param colSchema schema definition of the array
private ObjectWriter buildRepeatedList(ParentShim parent, ColumnMetadata colSchema) {
final ObjectWriter objWriter = parent.add(colSchema.cloneEmpty());
final RepeatedListWriter listWriter = (RepeatedListWriter) objWriter.array();
final ColumnMetadata elements = colSchema.childSchema();
if (elements != null) {
final RepeatedListShim listShim = new RepeatedListShim(listWriter);
buildColumn(listShim, elements);
return objWriter;