use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedMapVector in project drill by axbaretto.
the class FlattenRecordBatch method getFlattenFieldTransferPair.
* The data layout is the same for the actual data within a repeated field, as it is in a scalar vector for
* the same sql type. For example, a repeated int vector has a vector of offsets into a regular int vector to
* represent the lists. As the data layout for the actual values in the same in the repeated vector as in the
* scalar vector of the same type, we can avoid making individual copies for the column being flattened, and just
* use vector copies between the inner vector of the repeated field to the resulting scalar vector from the flatten
* operation. This is completed after we determine how many records will fit (as we will hit either a batch end, or
* the end of one of the other vectors while we are copying the data of the other vectors alongside each new flattened
* value coming out of the repeated field.)
private TransferPair getFlattenFieldTransferPair(FieldReference reference) {
final TypedFieldId fieldId = incoming.getValueVectorId(popConfig.getColumn());
final Class<?> vectorClass = incoming.getSchema().getColumn(fieldId.getFieldIds()[0]).getValueClass();
final ValueVector flattenField = incoming.getValueAccessorById(vectorClass, fieldId.getFieldIds()).getValueVector();
TransferPair tp = null;
if (flattenField instanceof RepeatedMapVector) {
tp = ((RepeatedMapVector) flattenField).getTransferPairToSingleMap(reference.getAsNamePart().getName(), oContext.getAllocator());
} else if (!(flattenField instanceof RepeatedValueVector)) {
if (incoming.getRecordCount() != 0) {
throw UserException.unsupportedError().message("Flatten does not support inputs of non-list values.").build(logger);
logger.error("Cannot cast {} to RepeatedValueVector", flattenField);
// when incoming recordCount is 0, don't throw exception since the type being seen here is not solid
final ValueVector vv = new RepeatedMapVector(flattenField.getField(), oContext.getAllocator(), null);
tp = RepeatedValueVector.class.cast(vv).getTransferPair(reference.getAsNamePart().getName(), oContext.getAllocator());
} else {
final ValueVector vvIn = RepeatedValueVector.class.cast(flattenField).getDataVector();
// vvIn may be null because of fast schema return for repeated list vectors
if (vvIn != null) {
tp = vvIn.getTransferPair(reference.getAsNamePart().getName(), oContext.getAllocator());
return tp;
use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedMapVector in project drill by axbaretto.
the class FlattenRecordBatch method setFlattenVector.
private void setFlattenVector() {
final TypedFieldId typedFieldId = incoming.getValueVectorId(popConfig.getColumn());
final MaterializedField field = incoming.getSchema().getColumn(typedFieldId.getFieldIds()[0]);
final RepeatedValueVector vector;
final ValueVector inVV = incoming.getValueAccessorById(field.getValueClass(), typedFieldId.getFieldIds()).getValueVector();
if (!(inVV instanceof RepeatedValueVector)) {
if (incoming.getRecordCount() != 0) {
throw UserException.unsupportedError().message("Flatten does not support inputs of non-list values.").build(logger);
// when incoming recordCount is 0, don't throw exception since the type being seen here is not solid
logger.error("setFlattenVector cast failed and recordcount is 0, create empty vector anyway.");
vector = new RepeatedMapVector(field, oContext.getAllocator(), null);
} else {
vector = RepeatedValueVector.class.cast(inVV);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedMapVector in project drill by axbaretto.
the class VectorContainerBuilder method buildMap.
private void buildMap(TupleProxy parentTuple, BaseMapColumnState colModel) {
// Creating the map vector will create its contained vectors if we
// give it a materialized field with children. So, instead pass a clone
// without children so we can add them.
ColumnMetadata mapColSchema = colModel.schema().cloneEmpty();
// Don't get the map vector from the vector cache. Map vectors may
// have content that varies from batch to batch. Only the leaf
// vectors can be cached.
AbstractMapVector mapVector;
if (mapColSchema.isArray()) {
// A repeated map shares an offset vector with the internal
// repeated map.
UInt4Vector offsets = (UInt4Vector) colModel.vector();
mapVector = new RepeatedMapVector(mapColSchema.schema(), offsets, null);
} else {
mapVector = new MapVector(mapColSchema.schema(), allocator(), null);
// Add the map vector and schema to the parent tuple
int index = parentTuple.schema.addColumn(mapColSchema);
assert parentTuple.size() == parentTuple.size();
// Update the tuple, which will add the new columns in the map
updateTuple(colModel.mapState(), parentTuple.mapProxy(index));
use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedMapVector in project drill by axbaretto.
the class TestValueVector method testVectors.
* Convenience method that allows running tests on various {@link ValueVector vector} instances.
* @param test test function to execute
private void testVectors(VectorVerifier test) throws Exception {
final MaterializedField[] fields = { MaterializedField.create(EMPTY_SCHEMA_PATH, UInt4Holder.TYPE), MaterializedField.create(EMPTY_SCHEMA_PATH, BitHolder.TYPE), MaterializedField.create(EMPTY_SCHEMA_PATH, VarCharHolder.TYPE), MaterializedField.create(EMPTY_SCHEMA_PATH, NullableVarCharHolder.TYPE), MaterializedField.create(EMPTY_SCHEMA_PATH, RepeatedListVector.TYPE), MaterializedField.create(EMPTY_SCHEMA_PATH, MapVector.TYPE), MaterializedField.create(EMPTY_SCHEMA_PATH, RepeatedMapVector.TYPE) };
final ValueVector[] vectors = { new UInt4Vector(fields[0], allocator), new BitVector(fields[1], allocator), new VarCharVector(fields[2], allocator), new NullableVarCharVector(fields[3], allocator), new RepeatedListVector(fields[4], allocator, null), new MapVector(fields[5], allocator, null), new RepeatedMapVector(fields[6], allocator, null) };
try {
for (final ValueVector vector : vectors) {
} finally {
use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedMapVector in project drill by axbaretto.
the class RowSetTest method testRepeatedMapStructure.
public void testRepeatedMapStructure() {
TupleMetadata schema = new SchemaBuilder().add("a", MinorType.INT).addMapArray("m").add("b", MinorType.INT).add("c", MinorType.INT).resumeSchema().buildSchema();
ExtendableRowSet rowSet = fixture.rowSet(schema);
RowSetWriter writer = rowSet.writer();
// Map and Int
// Pick out components and lightly test. (Assumes structure
// tested earlier is still valid, so no need to exhaustively
// test again.)
assertEquals(ObjectType.SCALAR, writer.column("a").type());
assertEquals(ObjectType.ARRAY, writer.column("m").type());
ArrayWriter maWriter = writer.column(1).array();
assertEquals(ObjectType.TUPLE, maWriter.entryType());
TupleWriter mapWriter = maWriter.tuple();
assertEquals(ObjectType.SCALAR, mapWriter.column("b").type());
assertEquals(ObjectType.SCALAR, mapWriter.column("c").type());
ScalarWriter aWriter = writer.column("a").scalar();
ScalarWriter bWriter = mapWriter.scalar("b");
ScalarWriter cWriter = mapWriter.scalar("c");
assertEquals(ValueType.INTEGER, aWriter.valueType());
assertEquals(ValueType.INTEGER, bWriter.valueType());
assertEquals(ValueType.INTEGER, cWriter.valueType());
// Write data
// Advance to next array position;
// Finish the row set and get a reader.
SingleRowSet actual = writer.done();
RowSetReader reader = actual.reader();
// Verify reader structure
assertEquals(ObjectType.SCALAR, reader.column("a").type());
assertEquals(ObjectType.ARRAY, reader.column("m").type());
ArrayReader maReader = reader.column(1).array();
assertEquals(ObjectType.TUPLE, maReader.entryType());
TupleReader mapReader = maReader.tuple();
assertEquals(ObjectType.SCALAR, mapReader.column("b").type());
assertEquals(ObjectType.SCALAR, mapReader.column("c").type());
ScalarReader aReader = reader.column("a").scalar();
ScalarReader bReader = mapReader.scalar("b");
ScalarReader cReader = mapReader.scalar("c");
assertEquals(ValueType.INTEGER, aReader.valueType());
assertEquals(ValueType.INTEGER, bReader.valueType());
assertEquals(ValueType.INTEGER, cReader.valueType());
// Row 1: use index accessors
assertEquals(10, aReader.getInt());
TupleReader ixReader = maReader.tuple(0);
assertEquals(101, ixReader.scalar(0).getInt());
assertEquals(102, ixReader.scalar(1).getInt());
ixReader = maReader.tuple(1);
assertEquals(111, ixReader.scalar(0).getInt());
assertEquals(112, ixReader.scalar(1).getInt());
// Row 2: use common accessor with explicit positioning,
// but access scalars through the map reader.
assertEquals(20, aReader.getInt());
assertEquals(201, mapReader.scalar(0).getInt());
assertEquals(202, mapReader.scalar(1).getInt());
assertEquals(211, mapReader.scalar(0).getInt());
assertEquals(212, mapReader.scalar(1).getInt());
// Row 3: use common accessor for scalars
assertEquals(30, aReader.getInt());
assertEquals(301, bReader.getInt());
assertEquals(302, cReader.getInt());
assertEquals(311, bReader.getInt());
assertEquals(312, cReader.getInt());
// Verify that the map accessor's value count was set.
@SuppressWarnings("resource") RepeatedMapVector mapVector = (RepeatedMapVector) actual.container().getValueVector(1).getValueVector();
assertEquals(3, mapVector.getAccessor().getValueCount());
// Verify the readers and writers again using the testing tools.
SingleRowSet expected = fixture.rowSetBuilder(schema).addRow(10, objArray(objArray(101, 102), objArray(111, 112))).addRow(20, objArray(objArray(201, 202), objArray(211, 212))).addRow(30, objArray(objArray(301, 302), objArray(311, 312))).build();
new RowSetComparison(expected).verifyAndClearAll(actual);