use of org.apache.druid.collections.StableLimitingSorter in project druid by druid-io.
the class ScanQueryRunnerFactory method stableLimitingSort.
* Returns a sorted and limited copy of the provided {@param inputSequence}. Materializes the full sequence
* in memory before returning it. The amount of memory use is limited by the limit of the {@param scanQuery}.
Sequence<ScanResultValue> stableLimitingSort(Sequence<ScanResultValue> inputSequence, ScanQuery scanQuery, List<Interval> intervalsOrdered) throws IOException {
Comparator<ScanResultValue> comparator = scanQuery.getResultOrdering();
if (scanQuery.getScanRowsLimit() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new UOE("Limit of %,d rows not supported for priority queue strategy of time-ordering scan results", scanQuery.getScanRowsLimit());
// Converting the limit from long to int could theoretically throw an ArithmeticException but this branch
// only runs if limit < MAX_LIMIT_FOR_IN_MEMORY_TIME_ORDERING (which should be < Integer.MAX_VALUE)
int limit = Math.toIntExact(scanQuery.getScanRowsLimit());
final StableLimitingSorter<ScanResultValue> sorter = new StableLimitingSorter<>(comparator, limit);
Yielder<ScanResultValue> yielder = Yielders.each(inputSequence);
try {
boolean doneScanning = yielder.isDone();
// We need to scan limit elements and anything else in the last segment
int numRowsScanned = 0;
Interval finalInterval = null;
while (!doneScanning) {
ScanResultValue next = yielder.get();
List<ScanResultValue> singleEventScanResultValues = next.toSingleEventScanResultValues();
for (ScanResultValue srv : singleEventScanResultValues) {
// Using an intermediate unbatched ScanResultValue is not that great memory-wise, but the column list
// needs to be preserved for queries using the compactedList result format
// Finish scanning the interval containing the limit row
if (numRowsScanned > limit && finalInterval == null) {
long timestampOfLimitRow = srv.getFirstEventTimestamp(scanQuery.getResultFormat());
for (Interval interval : intervalsOrdered) {
if (interval.contains(timestampOfLimitRow)) {
finalInterval = interval;
if (finalInterval == null) {
throw new ISE("Row came from an unscanned interval");
yielder =;
doneScanning = yielder.isDone() || (finalInterval != null && !finalInterval.contains(next.getFirstEventTimestamp(scanQuery.getResultFormat())));
final List<ScanResultValue> sortedElements = new ArrayList<>(sorter.size());
Iterators.addAll(sortedElements, sorter.drain());
return Sequences.simple(sortedElements);
} finally {