use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class JettyTest method testNumConnectionsMetricHttp.
public void testNumConnectionsMetricHttp() throws Exception {
String text = "hello";
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (GZIPOutputStream gzipOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(out)) {
Request request = new Request(HttpMethod.GET, new URL("http://localhost:" + port + "/latched/hello"));
request.setHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
request.setContent(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, out.toByteArray());
JettyServerModule jsm = injector.getInstance(JettyServerModule.class);
Assert.assertEquals(0, jsm.getActiveConnections());
ListenableFuture<InputStream> go = client.go(request, new InputStreamResponseHandler());
Assert.assertEquals(1, jsm.getActiveConnections());
Assert.assertEquals(0, jsm.getActiveConnections());
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class HttpRemoteTaskRunner method streamTaskReports.
public Optional<ByteSource> streamTaskReports(String taskId) {
// Read on tasks is safe
@SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy") HttpRemoteTaskRunnerWorkItem taskRunnerWorkItem = tasks.get(taskId);
Worker worker = null;
if (taskRunnerWorkItem != null && taskRunnerWorkItem.getState() != HttpRemoteTaskRunnerWorkItem.State.COMPLETE) {
worker = taskRunnerWorkItem.getWorker();
if (worker == null || !workers.containsKey(worker.getHost())) {
// Worker is not running this task, it might be available in deep storage
return Optional.absent();
} else {
// Worker is still running this task
TaskLocation taskLocation = taskRunnerWorkItem.getLocation();
final URL url = TaskRunnerUtils.makeTaskLocationURL(taskLocation, "/druid/worker/v1/chat/%s/liveReports", taskId);
return Optional.of(new ByteSource() {
public InputStream openStream() throws IOException {
try {
return httpClient.go(new Request(HttpMethod.GET, url), new InputStreamResponseHandler()).get();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
// Unwrap if possible
Throwables.propagateIfPossible(e.getCause(), IOException.class);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class HttpRemoteTaskRunner method streamTaskLog.
public Optional<ByteSource> streamTaskLog(String taskId, long offset) {
// Read on tasks is safe
@SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy") HttpRemoteTaskRunnerWorkItem taskRunnerWorkItem = tasks.get(taskId);
Worker worker = null;
if (taskRunnerWorkItem != null && taskRunnerWorkItem.getState() != HttpRemoteTaskRunnerWorkItem.State.COMPLETE) {
worker = taskRunnerWorkItem.getWorker();
if (worker == null || !workers.containsKey(worker.getHost())) {
// Worker is not running this task, it might be available in deep storage
return Optional.absent();
} else {
// Worker is still running this task
final URL url = TaskRunnerUtils.makeWorkerURL(worker, "/druid/worker/v1/task/%s/log?offset=%s", taskId, Long.toString(offset));
return Optional.of(new ByteSource() {
public InputStream openStream() throws IOException {
try {
return httpClient.go(new Request(HttpMethod.GET, url), new InputStreamResponseHandler()).get();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
// Unwrap if possible
Throwables.propagateIfPossible(e.getCause(), IOException.class);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class HttpShuffleClient method fetchSegmentFile.
public File fetchSegmentFile(File partitionDir, String supervisorTaskId, GenericPartitionLocation location) throws IOException {
// Create a local buffer since this class is not thread-safe.
// Note that this method can be called by different threads at the same time with ThreadingTaskRunner.
final byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
final File zippedFile = new File(partitionDir, StringUtils.format("temp_%s", location.getSubTaskId()));
final URI uri = location.toIntermediaryDataServerURI(supervisorTaskId);
FileUtils.copyLarge(uri, u -> {
try {
return httpClient.go(new Request(HttpMethod.GET, u.toURL()), new InputStreamResponseHandler()).get();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
}, zippedFile, buffer, t -> t instanceof IOException, NUM_FETCH_RETRIES, StringUtils.format("Failed to fetch file[%s]", uri));
final File unzippedDir = new File(partitionDir, StringUtils.format("unzipped_%s", location.getSubTaskId()));
try {
CompressionUtils.unzip(zippedFile, unzippedDir);
} finally {
if (!zippedFile.delete()) {
LOG.warn("Failed to delete temp file[%s]", zippedFile);
return unzippedDir;
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class RemoteTaskRunner method streamTaskReports.
public Optional<ByteSource> streamTaskReports(final String taskId) {
final ZkWorker zkWorker = findWorkerRunningTask(taskId);
if (zkWorker == null) {
// Worker is not running this task, it might be available in deep storage
return Optional.absent();
} else {
TaskLocation taskLocation = runningTasks.get(taskId).getLocation();
final URL url = TaskRunnerUtils.makeTaskLocationURL(taskLocation, "/druid/worker/v1/chat/%s/liveReports", taskId);
return Optional.of(new ByteSource() {
public InputStream openStream() throws IOException {
try {
return httpClient.go(new Request(HttpMethod.GET, url), new InputStreamResponseHandler()).get();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
// Unwrap if possible
Throwables.propagateIfPossible(e.getCause(), IOException.class);
throw new RuntimeException(e);