use of org.apache.druid.query.context.ResponseContext in project druid by druid-io.
the class GroupByStrategyV2 method processSubqueryResult.
public Sequence<ResultRow> processSubqueryResult(GroupByQuery subquery, GroupByQuery query, GroupByQueryResource resource, Sequence<ResultRow> subqueryResult, boolean wasQueryPushedDown) {
// Keep a reference to resultSupplier outside the "try" so we can close it if something goes wrong
// while creating the sequence.
GroupByRowProcessor.ResultSupplier resultSupplier = null;
try {
final GroupByQuery queryToRun;
if (wasQueryPushedDown) {
// If the query was pushed down, filters would have been applied downstream, so skip it here.
queryToRun = query.withDimFilter(null).withQuerySegmentSpec(new MultipleIntervalSegmentSpec(Intervals.ONLY_ETERNITY));
} else {
queryToRun = query;
resultSupplier = GroupByRowProcessor.process(queryToRun, wasQueryPushedDown ? queryToRun : subquery, subqueryResult, configSupplier.get(), resource, spillMapper, processingConfig.getTmpDir(), processingConfig.intermediateComputeSizeBytes());
final GroupByRowProcessor.ResultSupplier finalResultSupplier = resultSupplier;
return Sequences.withBaggage(mergeResults((queryPlus, responseContext) -> finalResultSupplier.results(null), query, null), finalResultSupplier);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw CloseableUtils.closeAndWrapInCatch(e, resultSupplier);
use of org.apache.druid.query.context.ResponseContext in project druid by druid-io.
the class MovingAverageQueryRunner method run.
public Sequence<Row> run(QueryPlus<Row> query, ResponseContext responseContext) {
MovingAverageQuery maq = (MovingAverageQuery) query.getQuery();
List<Interval> intervals;
final Period period;
// Get the largest bucket from the list of averagers
Optional<Integer> opt = maq.getAveragerSpecs().stream().map(AveragerFactory::getNumBuckets).max(Integer::compare);
int buckets = opt.orElse(0);
// Extend the interval beginning by specified bucket - 1
if (maq.getGranularity() instanceof PeriodGranularity) {
period = ((PeriodGranularity) maq.getGranularity()).getPeriod();
int offset = buckets <= 0 ? 0 : (1 - buckets);
intervals = maq.getIntervals().stream().map(i -> new Interval(i.getStart().withPeriodAdded(period, offset), i.getEnd())).collect(Collectors.toList());
} else {
throw new ISE("Only PeriodGranulaity is supported for movingAverage queries");
Sequence<Row> resultsSeq;
DataSource dataSource = maq.getDataSource();
if (maq.getDimensions() != null && !maq.getDimensions().isEmpty() && (dataSource instanceof TableDataSource || dataSource instanceof UnionDataSource || dataSource instanceof QueryDataSource)) {
// build groupBy query from movingAverage query
GroupByQuery.Builder builder = GroupByQuery.builder().setDataSource(dataSource).setInterval(intervals).setDimFilter(maq.getFilter()).setGranularity(maq.getGranularity()).setDimensions(maq.getDimensions()).setAggregatorSpecs(maq.getAggregatorSpecs()).setPostAggregatorSpecs(maq.getPostAggregatorSpecs()).setContext(maq.getContext());
GroupByQuery gbq =;
ResponseContext gbqResponseContext = ResponseContext.createEmpty();
gbqResponseContext.putQueryFailDeadlineMs(System.currentTimeMillis() + QueryContexts.getTimeout(gbq));
Sequence<ResultRow> results = gbq.getRunner(walker).run(QueryPlus.wrap(gbq), gbqResponseContext);
try {
// use localhost for remote address
requestLogger.logNativeQuery(RequestLogLine.forNative(gbq, DateTimes.nowUtc(), "", new QueryStats(ImmutableMap.of("query/time", 0, "query/bytes", 0, "success", true))));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
resultsSeq = -> row.toMapBasedRow(gbq));
} else {
// no dimensions, so optimize this as a TimeSeries
TimeseriesQuery tsq = new TimeseriesQuery(dataSource, new MultipleIntervalSegmentSpec(intervals), false, null, maq.getFilter(), maq.getGranularity(), maq.getAggregatorSpecs(), maq.getPostAggregatorSpecs(), 0, maq.getContext());
ResponseContext tsqResponseContext = ResponseContext.createEmpty();
tsqResponseContext.putQueryFailDeadlineMs(System.currentTimeMillis() + QueryContexts.getTimeout(tsq));
Sequence<Result<TimeseriesResultValue>> results = tsq.getRunner(walker).run(QueryPlus.wrap(tsq), tsqResponseContext);
try {
// use localhost for remote address
requestLogger.logNativeQuery(RequestLogLine.forNative(tsq, DateTimes.nowUtc(), "", new QueryStats(ImmutableMap.of("query/time", 0, "query/bytes", 0, "success", true))));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
resultsSeq =, new TimeseriesResultToRow());
// Process into period buckets
Sequence<RowBucket> bucketedMovingAvgResults = Sequences.simple(new RowBucketIterable(resultsSeq, intervals, period));
// Apply the windows analysis functions
Sequence<Row> movingAvgResults = Sequences.simple(new MovingAverageIterable(bucketedMovingAvgResults, maq.getDimensions(), maq.getAveragerSpecs(), maq.getPostAggregatorSpecs(), maq.getAggregatorSpecs()));
// Apply any postAveragers
Sequence<Row> movingAvgResultsWithPostAveragers =, new PostAveragerAggregatorCalculator(maq));
// remove rows outside the reporting window
List<Interval> reportingIntervals = maq.getIntervals();
movingAvgResults = Sequences.filter(movingAvgResultsWithPostAveragers, row -> -> i.contains(row.getTimestamp())));
// Apply any having, sorting, and limits
movingAvgResults = maq.applyLimit(movingAvgResults);
return movingAvgResults;
use of org.apache.druid.query.context.ResponseContext in project druid by druid-io.
the class MaterializedViewQueryQueryToolChest method preMergeQueryDecoration.
public QueryRunner preMergeQueryDecoration(final QueryRunner runner) {
return new QueryRunner() {
public Sequence run(QueryPlus queryPlus, ResponseContext responseContext) {
Query realQuery = getRealQuery(queryPlus.getQuery());
QueryToolChest realQueryToolChest = warehouse.getToolChest(realQuery);
QueryRunner realQueryRunner = realQueryToolChest.preMergeQueryDecoration(new MaterializedViewQueryRunner(runner, optimizer));
return, responseContext);
use of org.apache.druid.query.context.ResponseContext in project druid by druid-io.
the class GroupByStrategyV2 method mergeResults.
public Sequence<ResultRow> mergeResults(final QueryRunner<ResultRow> baseRunner, final GroupByQuery query, final ResponseContext responseContext) {
// Merge streams using ResultMergeQueryRunner, then apply postaggregators, then apply limit (which may
// involve materialization)
final ResultMergeQueryRunner<ResultRow> mergingQueryRunner = new ResultMergeQueryRunner<>(baseRunner, this::createResultComparator, this::createMergeFn);
// Set up downstream context.
final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> context = ImmutableMap.builder();
context.put("finalize", false);
context.put(GroupByQueryConfig.CTX_KEY_STRATEGY, GroupByStrategySelector.STRATEGY_V2);
context.put(CTX_KEY_OUTERMOST, false);
Granularity granularity = query.getGranularity();
List<DimensionSpec> dimensionSpecs = query.getDimensions();
final String timestampResultField = query.getContextValue(GroupByQuery.CTX_TIMESTAMP_RESULT_FIELD);
final boolean hasTimestampResultField = (timestampResultField != null && !timestampResultField.isEmpty()) && query.getContextBoolean(CTX_KEY_OUTERMOST, true) && !query.isApplyLimitPushDown();
int timestampResultFieldIndex = 0;
if (hasTimestampResultField) {
// sql like "group by city_id,time_floor(__time to day)",
// the original translated query is granularity=all and dimensions:[d0, d1]
// the better plan is granularity=day and dimensions:[d0]
// but the ResultRow structure is changed from [d0, d1] to [__time, d0]
// this structure should be fixed as [d0, d1] (actually it is [d0, __time]) before postAggs are called.
// the above is the general idea of this optimization.
// but from coding perspective, the granularity=all and "d0" dimension are referenced by many places,
// eg: subtotals, having, grouping set, post agg,
// there would be many many places need to be fixed if "d0" dimension is removed from query.dimensions
// and the same to the granularity change.
// so from easier coding perspective, this optimization is coded as groupby engine-level inner process change.
// the most part of codes are in GroupByStrategyV2 about the process change between broker and compute node.
// the basic logic like nested queries and subtotals are kept unchanged,
// they will still see the granularity=all and the "d0" dimension.
// the tradeoff is that GroupByStrategyV2 behaviors differently according to the query contexts set in DruidQuery
// in another word,
// the query generated by "explain plan for select ..." doesn't match to the native query ACTUALLY being executed,
// the granularity and dimensions are slightly different.
// now, part of the query plan logic is handled in GroupByStrategyV2, not only in DruidQuery.toGroupByQuery()
final Granularity timestampResultFieldGranularity = query.getContextValue(GroupByQuery.CTX_TIMESTAMP_RESULT_FIELD_GRANULARITY);
dimensionSpecs = query.getDimensions().stream().filter(dimensionSpec -> !dimensionSpec.getOutputName().equals(timestampResultField)).collect(Collectors.toList());
granularity = timestampResultFieldGranularity;
// when timestampResultField is the last dimension, should set sortByDimsFirst=true,
// otherwise the downstream is sorted by row's timestamp first which makes the final ordering not as expected
timestampResultFieldIndex = query.getContextValue(GroupByQuery.CTX_TIMESTAMP_RESULT_FIELD_INDEX);
if (!query.getContextSortByDimsFirst() && timestampResultFieldIndex == query.getDimensions().size() - 1) {
context.put(GroupByQuery.CTX_KEY_SORT_BY_DIMS_FIRST, true);
// it is actually equals to sortByDimsFirst=false
if (query.getContextSortByDimsFirst() && timestampResultFieldIndex == 0) {
context.put(GroupByQuery.CTX_KEY_SORT_BY_DIMS_FIRST, false);
// when hasTimestampResultField=true and timestampResultField is neither first nor last dimension,
// the DefaultLimitSpec will always do the reordering
final int timestampResultFieldIndexInOriginalDimensions = timestampResultFieldIndex;
if (query.getUniversalTimestamp() != null && !hasTimestampResultField) {
// universalTimestamp works only when granularity is all
// hasTimestampResultField works only when granularity is all
// fudgeTimestamp should not be used when hasTimestampResultField=true due to the row's actual timestamp is used
context.put(CTX_KEY_FUDGE_TIMESTAMP, String.valueOf(query.getUniversalTimestamp().getMillis()));
// The having spec shouldn't be passed down, so we need to convey the existing limit push down status
context.put(GroupByQueryConfig.CTX_KEY_APPLY_LIMIT_PUSH_DOWN, query.isApplyLimitPushDown());
// Always request array result rows when passing the query downstream.
context.put(GroupByQueryConfig.CTX_KEY_ARRAY_RESULT_ROWS, true);
final GroupByQuery newQuery = new GroupByQuery(query.getDataSource(), query.getQuerySegmentSpec(), query.getVirtualColumns(), query.getDimFilter(), granularity, dimensionSpecs, query.getAggregatorSpecs(), // Don't apply postaggregators on compute nodes
ImmutableList.of(), // Don't do "having" clause until the end of this method.
null, // higher-up).
query.isApplyLimitPushDown() ? ((DefaultLimitSpec) query.getLimitSpec()).withOffsetToLimit() : null, query.getSubtotalsSpec(), query.getContext()).withOverriddenContext(;
final Sequence<ResultRow> mergedResults =, responseContext);
if (!query.getContextBoolean(CTX_KEY_OUTERMOST, true) || query.getContextBoolean(GroupByQueryConfig.CTX_KEY_EXECUTING_NESTED_QUERY, false)) {
return mergedResults;
} else if (query.getPostAggregatorSpecs().isEmpty()) {
if (!hasTimestampResultField) {
return mergedResults;
return, row -> {
final ResultRow resultRow = ResultRow.create(query.getResultRowSizeWithoutPostAggregators());
moveOrReplicateTimestampInRow(query, timestampResultFieldIndexInOriginalDimensions, row, resultRow);
return resultRow;
} else {
return, row -> {
// This function's purpose is to apply PostAggregators.
final ResultRow rowWithPostAggregations = ResultRow.create(query.getResultRowSizeWithPostAggregators());
// Copy everything that comes before the postaggregations.
if (hasTimestampResultField) {
moveOrReplicateTimestampInRow(query, timestampResultFieldIndexInOriginalDimensions, row, rowWithPostAggregations);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < query.getResultRowPostAggregatorStart(); i++) {
rowWithPostAggregations.set(i, row.get(i));
// Compute postaggregations. We need to do this with a result-row map because PostAggregator.compute
// expects a map. Some further design adjustment may eliminate the need for it, and speed up this function.
final Map<String, Object> mapForPostAggregationComputation = rowWithPostAggregations.toMap(query);
for (int i = 0; i < query.getPostAggregatorSpecs().size(); i++) {
final PostAggregator postAggregator = query.getPostAggregatorSpecs().get(i);
final Object value = postAggregator.compute(mapForPostAggregationComputation);
rowWithPostAggregations.set(query.getResultRowPostAggregatorStart() + i, value);
mapForPostAggregationComputation.put(postAggregator.getName(), value);
return rowWithPostAggregations;
use of org.apache.druid.query.context.ResponseContext in project druid by druid-io.
the class ScanQueryEngine method process.
public Sequence<ScanResultValue> process(final ScanQuery query, final Segment segment, final ResponseContext responseContext) {
// "legacy" should be non-null due to toolChest.mergeResults
final boolean legacy = Preconditions.checkNotNull(query.isLegacy(), "Expected non-null 'legacy' parameter");
final Long numScannedRows = responseContext.getRowScanCount();
if (numScannedRows != null && numScannedRows >= query.getScanRowsLimit() && query.getTimeOrder().equals(ScanQuery.Order.NONE)) {
return Sequences.empty();
final boolean hasTimeout = QueryContexts.hasTimeout(query);
final Long timeoutAt = responseContext.getTimeoutTime();
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
final StorageAdapter adapter = segment.asStorageAdapter();
if (adapter == null) {
throw new ISE("Null storage adapter found. Probably trying to issue a query against a segment being memory unmapped.");
final List<String> allColumns = new ArrayList<>();
if (query.getColumns() != null && !query.getColumns().isEmpty()) {
if (legacy && !query.getColumns().contains(LEGACY_TIMESTAMP_KEY)) {
// Unless we're in legacy mode, allColumns equals query.getColumns() exactly. This is nice since it makes
// the compactedList form easier to use.
} else {
final Set<String> availableColumns = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(Iterables.concat(Collections.singleton(legacy ? LEGACY_TIMESTAMP_KEY : ColumnHolder.TIME_COLUMN_NAME), Iterables.transform(Arrays.asList(query.getVirtualColumns().getVirtualColumns()), VirtualColumn::getOutputName), adapter.getAvailableDimensions(), adapter.getAvailableMetrics()));
if (legacy) {
final List<Interval> intervals = query.getQuerySegmentSpec().getIntervals();
Preconditions.checkArgument(intervals.size() == 1, "Can only handle a single interval, got[%s]", intervals);
final SegmentId segmentId = segment.getId();
final Filter filter = Filters.convertToCNFFromQueryContext(query, Filters.toFilter(query.getFilter()));
// If the row count is not set, set it to 0, else do nothing.
final long limit = calculateRemainingScanRowsLimit(query, responseContext);
return Sequences.concat(adapter.makeCursors(filter, intervals.get(0), query.getVirtualColumns(), Granularities.ALL, query.getTimeOrder().equals(ScanQuery.Order.DESCENDING) || (query.getTimeOrder().equals(ScanQuery.Order.NONE) && query.isDescending()), null).map(cursor -> new BaseSequence<>(new BaseSequence.IteratorMaker<ScanResultValue, Iterator<ScanResultValue>>() {
public Iterator<ScanResultValue> make() {
final List<BaseObjectColumnValueSelector> columnSelectors = new ArrayList<>(allColumns.size());
for (String column : allColumns) {
final BaseObjectColumnValueSelector selector;
if (legacy && LEGACY_TIMESTAMP_KEY.equals(column)) {
selector = cursor.getColumnSelectorFactory().makeColumnValueSelector(ColumnHolder.TIME_COLUMN_NAME);
} else {
selector = cursor.getColumnSelectorFactory().makeColumnValueSelector(column);
final int batchSize = query.getBatchSize();
return new Iterator<ScanResultValue>() {
private long offset = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return !cursor.isDone() && offset < limit;
public ScanResultValue next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
if (hasTimeout && System.currentTimeMillis() >= timeoutAt) {
throw new QueryTimeoutException(StringUtils.nonStrictFormat("Query [%s] timed out", query.getId()));
final long lastOffset = offset;
final Object events;
final ScanQuery.ResultFormat resultFormat = query.getResultFormat();
if (ScanQuery.ResultFormat.RESULT_FORMAT_COMPACTED_LIST.equals(resultFormat)) {
events = rowsToCompactedList();
} else if (ScanQuery.ResultFormat.RESULT_FORMAT_LIST.equals(resultFormat)) {
events = rowsToList();
} else {
throw new UOE("resultFormat[%s] is not supported", resultFormat.toString());
responseContext.addRowScanCount(offset - lastOffset);
if (hasTimeout) {
responseContext.putTimeoutTime(timeoutAt - (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
return new ScanResultValue(segmentId.toString(), allColumns, events);
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private List<List<Object>> rowsToCompactedList() {
final List<List<Object>> events = new ArrayList<>(batchSize);
final long iterLimit = Math.min(limit, offset + batchSize);
for (; !cursor.isDone() && offset < iterLimit; cursor.advance(), offset++) {
final List<Object> theEvent = new ArrayList<>(allColumns.size());
for (int j = 0; j < allColumns.size(); j++) {
return events;
private List<Map<String, Object>> rowsToList() {
List<Map<String, Object>> events = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(batchSize);
final long iterLimit = Math.min(limit, offset + batchSize);
for (; !cursor.isDone() && offset < iterLimit; cursor.advance(), offset++) {
final Map<String, Object> theEvent = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (int j = 0; j < allColumns.size(); j++) {
theEvent.put(allColumns.get(j), getColumnValue(j));
return events;
private Object getColumnValue(int i) {
final BaseObjectColumnValueSelector selector = columnSelectors.get(i);
final Object value;
if (legacy && allColumns.get(i).equals(LEGACY_TIMESTAMP_KEY)) {
value = DateTimes.utc((long) selector.getObject());
} else {
value = selector == null ? null : selector.getObject();
return value;
public void cleanup(Iterator<ScanResultValue> iterFromMake) {