use of org.apache.druid.segment.column.LongsColumn in project druid by druid-io.
the class ColumnarLongsEncodeDataFromSegmentBenchmark method initializeSegmentValueIntermediaryFile.
* writes column values to an intermediary text file, 1 per line, encoders read from this file as input to write
* encoded column files.
private void initializeSegmentValueIntermediaryFile() throws IOException {
File dir = getTmpDir();
File dataFile = new File(dir, getColumnDataFileName(segmentName, columnName));
if (!dataFile.exists()) {
final IndexIO indexIO = new IndexIO(new DefaultObjectMapper(), () -> 0);
try (final QueryableIndex index = indexIO.loadIndex(new File(segmentPath))) {
final Set<String> columnNames = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Iterables.addAll(columnNames, index.getColumnNames());
final ColumnHolder column = index.getColumnHolder(columnName);
final ColumnCapabilities capabilities = column.getCapabilities();
try (Writer writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(dataFile.toPath(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
if (! {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid column type, expected 'Long'");
LongsColumn theColumn = (LongsColumn) column.getColumn();
for (int i = 0; i < theColumn.length(); i++) {
long value = theColumn.getLongSingleValueRow(i);
writer.write(value + "\n");
use of org.apache.druid.segment.column.LongsColumn in project druid by druid-io.
the class NumericNullColumnSelectorTest method testLongSelectorWithNullsCanResetOffset.
public void testLongSelectorWithNullsCanResetOffset() {
for (ImmutableBitmap bitmap : bitmaps) {
ColumnarLongs longs = new ColumnarLongs() {
public int size() {
return numRows;
public long get(int index) {
return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong();
public void close() {
LongsColumn columnWithNulls = LongsColumn.create(longs, bitmap);
ColumnValueSelector<?> selector = columnWithNulls.makeColumnValueSelector(offset);
assertOffsetCanReset(selector, bitmap, offset);
VectorValueSelector vectorSelector = columnWithNulls.makeVectorValueSelector(vectorOffset);
assertVectorOffsetCanReset(vectorSelector, bitmap, vectorOffset);