use of org.apache.druid.segment.join.table.IndexedTable in project druid by druid-io.
the class SegmentManager method loadSegment.
* Load a single segment.
* @param segment segment to load
* @param lazy whether to lazy load columns metadata
* @param loadFailed callBack to execute when segment lazy load failed
* @return true if the segment was newly loaded, false if it was already loaded
* @throws SegmentLoadingException if the segment cannot be loaded
public boolean loadSegment(final DataSegment segment, boolean lazy, SegmentLazyLoadFailCallback loadFailed) throws SegmentLoadingException {
final ReferenceCountingSegment adapter = getSegmentReference(segment, lazy, loadFailed);
final SettableSupplier<Boolean> resultSupplier = new SettableSupplier<>();
// compute() is used to ensure that the operation for a data source is executed atomically
dataSources.compute(segment.getDataSource(), (k, v) -> {
final DataSourceState dataSourceState = v == null ? new DataSourceState() : v;
final VersionedIntervalTimeline<String, ReferenceCountingSegment> loadedIntervals = dataSourceState.getTimeline();
final PartitionChunk<ReferenceCountingSegment> entry = loadedIntervals.findChunk(segment.getInterval(), segment.getVersion(), segment.getShardSpec().getPartitionNum());
if (entry != null) {
log.warn("Told to load an adapter for segment[%s] that already exists", segment.getId());
} else {
IndexedTable table =;
if (table != null) {
if (dataSourceState.isEmpty() || dataSourceState.numSegments == dataSourceState.tablesLookup.size()) {
dataSourceState.tablesLookup.put(segment.getId(), new ReferenceCountingIndexedTable(table));
} else {
log.error("Cannot load segment[%s] with IndexedTable, no existing segments are joinable", segment.getId());
} else if (dataSourceState.tablesLookup.size() > 0) {
log.error("Cannot load segment[%s] without IndexedTable, all existing segments are joinable", segment.getId());
loadedIntervals.add(segment.getInterval(), segment.getVersion(), segment.getShardSpec().createChunk(adapter));
return dataSourceState;
return resultSupplier.get();
use of org.apache.druid.segment.join.table.IndexedTable in project druid by druid-io.
the class SegmentManager method getIndexedTables.
* Returns the collection of {@link IndexedTable} for the entire timeline (since join conditions do not currently
* consider the queries intervals), if the timeline exists for each of its segments that are joinable.
public Optional<Stream<ReferenceCountingIndexedTable>> getIndexedTables(DataSourceAnalysis analysis) {
return getTimeline(analysis).map(timeline -> {
// join doesn't currently consider intervals, so just consider all segments
final Stream<ReferenceCountingSegment> segments = timeline.lookup(Intervals.ETERNITY).stream().flatMap(x ->, false));
final TableDataSource tableDataSource = getTableDataSource(analysis);
ConcurrentHashMap<SegmentId, ReferenceCountingIndexedTable> tables = Optional.ofNullable(dataSources.get(tableDataSource.getName())).map(DataSourceState::getTablesLookup).orElseThrow(() -> new ISE("Datasource %s does not have IndexedTables", tableDataSource.getName()));
return -> tables.get(segment.getId())).filter(Objects::nonNull);