use of org.apache.druid.segment.realtime.RealtimeMetricsMonitor in project druid by druid-io.
the class RealtimeIndexTask method run.
public TaskStatus run(final TaskToolbox toolbox) throws Exception {
runThread = Thread.currentThread();
if (this.plumber != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Plumber must be null");
boolean normalExit = true;
// It would be nice to get the PlumberSchool in the constructor. Although that will need jackson injectables for
// stuff like the ServerView, which seems kind of odd? Perhaps revisit this when Guice has been introduced.
final SegmentPublisher segmentPublisher = new TaskActionSegmentPublisher(toolbox);
// NOTE: We talk to the coordinator in various places in the plumber and we could be more robust to issues
// with the coordinator. Right now, we'll block/throw in whatever thread triggered the coordinator behavior,
// which will typically be either the main data processing loop or the persist thread.
// Wrap default DataSegmentAnnouncer such that we unlock intervals as we unannounce segments
final long lockTimeoutMs = getContextValue(Tasks.LOCK_TIMEOUT_KEY, Tasks.DEFAULT_LOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS);
// Note: if lockTimeoutMs is larger than ServerConfig.maxIdleTime, http timeout error can occur while waiting for a
// lock to be acquired.
final DataSegmentAnnouncer lockingSegmentAnnouncer = new DataSegmentAnnouncer() {
public void announceSegment(final DataSegment segment) throws IOException {
// Side effect: Calling announceSegment causes a lock to be acquired
final TaskLock lock = Preconditions.checkNotNull(toolbox.getTaskActionClient().submit(new TimeChunkLockAcquireAction(TaskLockType.EXCLUSIVE, segment.getInterval(), lockTimeoutMs)), "Cannot acquire a lock for interval[%s]", segment.getInterval());
if (lock.isRevoked()) {
throw new ISE(StringUtils.format("Lock for interval [%s] was revoked.", segment.getInterval()));
public void unannounceSegment(final DataSegment segment) throws IOException {
try {
} finally {
toolbox.getTaskActionClient().submit(new LockReleaseAction(segment.getInterval()));
public void announceSegments(Iterable<DataSegment> segments) throws IOException {
// Side effect: Calling announceSegments causes locks to be acquired
for (DataSegment segment : segments) {
final TaskLock lock = Preconditions.checkNotNull(toolbox.getTaskActionClient().submit(new TimeChunkLockAcquireAction(TaskLockType.EXCLUSIVE, segment.getInterval(), lockTimeoutMs)), "Cannot acquire a lock for interval[%s]", segment.getInterval());
if (lock.isRevoked()) {
throw new ISE(StringUtils.format("Lock for interval [%s] was revoked.", segment.getInterval()));
public void unannounceSegments(Iterable<DataSegment> segments) throws IOException {
try {
} finally {
for (DataSegment segment : segments) {
toolbox.getTaskActionClient().submit(new LockReleaseAction(segment.getInterval()));
// NOTE: getVersion will block if there is lock contention, which will block plumber.getSink
// NOTE: (and thus the firehose)
// Shouldn't usually happen, since we don't expect people to submit tasks that intersect with the
// realtime window, but if they do it can be problematic. If we decide to care, we can use more threads in
// the plumber such that waiting for the coordinator doesn't block data processing.
final VersioningPolicy versioningPolicy = new VersioningPolicy() {
public String getVersion(final Interval interval) {
try {
// Side effect: Calling getVersion causes a lock to be acquired
final TimeChunkLockAcquireAction action = new TimeChunkLockAcquireAction(TaskLockType.EXCLUSIVE, interval, lockTimeoutMs);
final TaskLock lock = Preconditions.checkNotNull(toolbox.getTaskActionClient().submit(action), "Cannot acquire a lock for interval[%s]", interval);
if (lock.isRevoked()) {
throw new ISE(StringUtils.format("Lock for interval [%s] was revoked.", interval));
return lock.getVersion();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
DataSchema dataSchema = spec.getDataSchema();
RealtimeIOConfig realtimeIOConfig = spec.getIOConfig();
RealtimeTuningConfig tuningConfig = spec.getTuningConfig().withBasePersistDirectory(toolbox.getPersistDir()).withVersioningPolicy(versioningPolicy);
final FireDepartment fireDepartment = new FireDepartment(dataSchema, realtimeIOConfig, tuningConfig);
this.metrics = fireDepartment.getMetrics();
final RealtimeMetricsMonitor metricsMonitor =, fireDepartment);
this.queryRunnerFactoryConglomerate = toolbox.getQueryRunnerFactoryConglomerate();
// NOTE: This pusher selects path based purely on global configuration and the DataSegment, which means
// NOTE: that redundant realtime tasks will upload to the same location. This can cause
// NOTE: ( for HDFS data storage) to mismatch, or it can cause historical nodes to load
// NOTE: different instances of the "same" segment.
final PlumberSchool plumberSchool = new RealtimePlumberSchool(toolbox.getEmitter(), toolbox.getQueryRunnerFactoryConglomerate(), toolbox.getSegmentPusher(), lockingSegmentAnnouncer, segmentPublisher, toolbox.getSegmentHandoffNotifierFactory(), toolbox.getQueryProcessingPool(), toolbox.getJoinableFactory(), toolbox.getIndexMergerV9(), toolbox.getIndexIO(), toolbox.getCache(), toolbox.getCacheConfig(), toolbox.getCachePopulatorStats(), toolbox.getJsonMapper());
this.plumber = plumberSchool.findPlumber(dataSchema, tuningConfig, metrics);
final Supplier<Committer> committerSupplier = Committers.nilSupplier();
LookupNodeService lookupNodeService = getContextValue(CTX_KEY_LOOKUP_TIER) == null ? toolbox.getLookupNodeService() : new LookupNodeService((String) getContextValue(CTX_KEY_LOOKUP_TIER));
DiscoveryDruidNode discoveryDruidNode = new DiscoveryDruidNode(toolbox.getDruidNode(), NodeRole.PEON, ImmutableMap.of(toolbox.getDataNodeService().getName(), toolbox.getDataNodeService(), lookupNodeService.getName(), lookupNodeService));
try {
// Set up metrics emission
// Delay firehose connection to avoid claiming input resources while the plumber is starting up.
final FirehoseFactory firehoseFactory = spec.getIOConfig().getFirehoseFactory();
final boolean firehoseDrainableByClosing = isFirehoseDrainableByClosing(firehoseFactory);
// Skip connecting firehose if we've been stopped before we got started.
synchronized (this) {
if (!gracefullyStopped) {
firehose = firehoseFactory.connect(Preconditions.checkNotNull(spec.getDataSchema().getParser(), "inputRowParser"), toolbox.getIndexingTmpDir());
// Time to read data!
while (firehose != null && (!gracefullyStopped || firehoseDrainableByClosing) && firehose.hasMore()) {
Plumbers.addNextRow(committerSupplier, firehose, plumber, tuningConfig.isReportParseExceptions(), metrics);
} catch (Throwable e) {
normalExit = false;
log.makeAlert(e, "Exception aborted realtime processing[%s]", dataSchema.getDataSource()).emit();
throw e;
} finally {
if (normalExit) {
try {
// Persist if we had actually started.
if (firehose != null) {"Persisting remaining data.");
final Committer committer = committerSupplier.get();
final CountDownLatch persistLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
plumber.persist(new Committer() {
public Object getMetadata() {
return committer.getMetadata();
public void run() {
try {;
} finally {
if (gracefullyStopped) {"Gracefully stopping.");
} else {"Finishing the job.");
synchronized (this) {
if (gracefullyStopped) {
// Someone called stopGracefully after we checked the flag. That's okay, just stop now."Gracefully stopping.");
} else {
finishingJob = true;
if (finishingJob) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.debug(e, "Interrupted while finishing the job");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.makeAlert(e, "Failed to finish realtime task").emit();
throw e;
} finally {
if (firehose != null) {
CloseableUtils.closeAndSuppressExceptions(firehose, e -> log.warn("Failed to close Firehose"));
}"Job done!");
return TaskStatus.success(getId());
use of org.apache.druid.segment.realtime.RealtimeMetricsMonitor in project druid by druid-io.
the class PartialSegmentGenerateTask method generateSegments.
private List<DataSegment> generateSegments(final TaskToolbox toolbox, final ParallelIndexSupervisorTaskClient taskClient, final InputSource inputSource, final File tmpDir) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
final DataSchema dataSchema = ingestionSchema.getDataSchema();
final FireDepartment fireDepartmentForMetrics = new FireDepartment(dataSchema, new RealtimeIOConfig(null, null), null);
final FireDepartmentMetrics fireDepartmentMetrics = fireDepartmentForMetrics.getMetrics();
final RowIngestionMeters buildSegmentsMeters = toolbox.getRowIngestionMetersFactory().createRowIngestionMeters();
toolbox.addMonitor(new RealtimeMetricsMonitor(Collections.singletonList(fireDepartmentForMetrics), Collections.singletonMap(DruidMetrics.TASK_ID, new String[] { getId() })));
final ParallelIndexTuningConfig tuningConfig = ingestionSchema.getTuningConfig();
final PartitionsSpec partitionsSpec = tuningConfig.getGivenOrDefaultPartitionsSpec();
final long pushTimeout = tuningConfig.getPushTimeout();
final SegmentAllocatorForBatch segmentAllocator = createSegmentAllocator(toolbox, taskClient);
final SequenceNameFunction sequenceNameFunction = segmentAllocator.getSequenceNameFunction();
final ParseExceptionHandler parseExceptionHandler = new ParseExceptionHandler(buildSegmentsMeters, tuningConfig.isLogParseExceptions(), tuningConfig.getMaxParseExceptions(), tuningConfig.getMaxSavedParseExceptions());
final boolean useMaxMemoryEstimates = getContextValue(Tasks.USE_MAX_MEMORY_ESTIMATES, Tasks.DEFAULT_USE_MAX_MEMORY_ESTIMATES);
final Appenderator appenderator = BatchAppenderators.newAppenderator(getId(), toolbox.getAppenderatorsManager(), fireDepartmentMetrics, toolbox, dataSchema, tuningConfig, new ShuffleDataSegmentPusher(supervisorTaskId, getId(), toolbox.getIntermediaryDataManager()), buildSegmentsMeters, parseExceptionHandler, useMaxMemoryEstimates);
boolean exceptionOccurred = false;
try (final BatchAppenderatorDriver driver = BatchAppenderators.newDriver(appenderator, toolbox, segmentAllocator)) {
final SegmentsAndCommitMetadata pushed = InputSourceProcessor.process(dataSchema, driver, partitionsSpec, inputSource, inputSource.needsFormat() ? ParallelIndexSupervisorTask.getInputFormat(ingestionSchema) : null, tmpDir, sequenceNameFunction, inputRowIteratorBuilder, buildSegmentsMeters, parseExceptionHandler, pushTimeout);
return pushed.getSegments();
} catch (Exception e) {
exceptionOccurred = true;
throw e;
} finally {
if (exceptionOccurred) {
} else {
use of org.apache.druid.segment.realtime.RealtimeMetricsMonitor in project druid by druid-io.
the class SinglePhaseSubTask method generateAndPushSegments.
* This method reads input data row by row and adds the read row to a proper segment using {@link BaseAppenderatorDriver}.
* If there is no segment for the row, a new one is created. Segments can be published in the middle of reading inputs
* if one of below conditions are satisfied.
* <ul>
* <li>
* If the number of rows in a segment exceeds {@link DynamicPartitionsSpec#maxRowsPerSegment}
* </li>
* <li>
* If the number of rows added to {@link BaseAppenderatorDriver} so far exceeds {@link DynamicPartitionsSpec#maxTotalRows}
* </li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* At the end of this method, all the remaining segments are published.
* @return true if generated segments are successfully published, otherwise false
private Set<DataSegment> generateAndPushSegments(final TaskToolbox toolbox, final ParallelIndexSupervisorTaskClient taskClient, final InputSource inputSource, final File tmpDir) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final DataSchema dataSchema = ingestionSchema.getDataSchema();
final GranularitySpec granularitySpec = dataSchema.getGranularitySpec();
final FireDepartment fireDepartmentForMetrics = new FireDepartment(dataSchema, new RealtimeIOConfig(null, null), null);
final FireDepartmentMetrics fireDepartmentMetrics = fireDepartmentForMetrics.getMetrics();
toolbox.addMonitor(new RealtimeMetricsMonitor(Collections.singletonList(fireDepartmentForMetrics), Collections.singletonMap(DruidMetrics.TASK_ID, new String[] { getId() })));
final ParallelIndexTuningConfig tuningConfig = ingestionSchema.getTuningConfig();
final DynamicPartitionsSpec partitionsSpec = (DynamicPartitionsSpec) tuningConfig.getGivenOrDefaultPartitionsSpec();
final long pushTimeout = tuningConfig.getPushTimeout();
final boolean explicitIntervals = !granularitySpec.inputIntervals().isEmpty();
final boolean useLineageBasedSegmentAllocation = getContextValue(SinglePhaseParallelIndexTaskRunner.CTX_USE_LINEAGE_BASED_SEGMENT_ALLOCATION_KEY, SinglePhaseParallelIndexTaskRunner.LEGACY_DEFAULT_USE_LINEAGE_BASED_SEGMENT_ALLOCATION);
// subtaskSpecId is used as the sequenceName, so that retry tasks for the same spec
// can allocate the same set of segments.
final String sequenceName = useLineageBasedSegmentAllocation ? Preconditions.checkNotNull(subtaskSpecId, "subtaskSpecId") : getId();
final SegmentAllocatorForBatch segmentAllocator = SegmentAllocators.forLinearPartitioning(toolbox, sequenceName, new SupervisorTaskAccess(getSupervisorTaskId(), taskClient), getIngestionSchema().getDataSchema(), getTaskLockHelper(), ingestionSchema.getIOConfig().isAppendToExisting(), partitionsSpec, useLineageBasedSegmentAllocation);
final boolean useMaxMemoryEstimates = getContextValue(Tasks.USE_MAX_MEMORY_ESTIMATES, Tasks.DEFAULT_USE_MAX_MEMORY_ESTIMATES);
final Appenderator appenderator = BatchAppenderators.newAppenderator(getId(), toolbox.getAppenderatorsManager(), fireDepartmentMetrics, toolbox, dataSchema, tuningConfig, rowIngestionMeters, parseExceptionHandler, useMaxMemoryEstimates);
boolean exceptionOccurred = false;
try (final BatchAppenderatorDriver driver = BatchAppenderators.newDriver(appenderator, toolbox, segmentAllocator);
final CloseableIterator<InputRow> inputRowIterator = AbstractBatchIndexTask.inputSourceReader(tmpDir, dataSchema, inputSource, inputSource.needsFormat() ? ParallelIndexSupervisorTask.getInputFormat(ingestionSchema) : null, inputRow -> {
if (inputRow == null) {
return false;
if (explicitIntervals) {
final Optional<Interval> optInterval = granularitySpec.bucketInterval(inputRow.getTimestamp());
return optInterval.isPresent();
return true;
}, rowIngestionMeters, parseExceptionHandler)) {
final Set<DataSegment> pushedSegments = new HashSet<>();
while (inputRowIterator.hasNext()) {
final InputRow inputRow =;
// Segments are created as needed, using a single sequence name. They may be allocated from the overlord
// (in append mode) or may be created on our own authority (in overwrite mode).
final AppenderatorDriverAddResult addResult = driver.add(inputRow, sequenceName);
if (addResult.isOk()) {
final boolean isPushRequired = addResult.isPushRequired(partitionsSpec.getMaxRowsPerSegment(), partitionsSpec.getMaxTotalRowsOr(DynamicPartitionsSpec.DEFAULT_MAX_TOTAL_ROWS));
if (isPushRequired) {
// There can be some segments waiting for being published even though any rows won't be added to them.
// If those segments are not published here, the available space in appenderator will be kept to be small
// which makes the size of segments smaller.
final SegmentsAndCommitMetadata pushed = driver.pushAllAndClear(pushTimeout);
pushedSegments.addAll(pushed.getSegments());"Pushed [%s] segments", pushed.getSegments().size());
LOG.infoSegments(pushed.getSegments(), "Pushed segments");
} else {
throw new ISE("Failed to add a row with timestamp[%s]", inputRow.getTimestamp());
final SegmentsAndCommitMetadata pushed = driver.pushAllAndClear(pushTimeout);
pushedSegments.addAll(pushed.getSegments());"Pushed [%s] segments", pushed.getSegments().size());
LOG.infoSegments(pushed.getSegments(), "Pushed segments");
return pushedSegments;
} catch (TimeoutException | ExecutionException e) {
exceptionOccurred = true;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (Exception e) {
exceptionOccurred = true;
throw e;
} finally {
if (exceptionOccurred) {
} else {