use of org.apache.druid.segment.realtime.appenderator.SegmentIdWithShardSpec in project druid by druid-io.
the class SegmentAllocateActionTest method testAddToExistingLinearShardSpecsSameGranularity.
public void testAddToExistingLinearShardSpecsSameGranularity() throws Exception {
final Task task = NoopTask.create();
taskActionTestKit.getMetadataStorageCoordinator().announceHistoricalSegments(ImmutableSet.of(DataSegment.builder().dataSource(DATA_SOURCE).interval(Granularities.HOUR.bucket(PARTY_TIME)).version(PARTY_TIME.toString()).shardSpec(new LinearShardSpec(0)).size(0).build(), DataSegment.builder().dataSource(DATA_SOURCE).interval(Granularities.HOUR.bucket(PARTY_TIME)).version(PARTY_TIME.toString()).shardSpec(new LinearShardSpec(1)).size(0).build()));
final SegmentIdWithShardSpec id1 = allocate(task, PARTY_TIME, Granularities.NONE, Granularities.HOUR, "s1", null, LinearPartialShardSpec.instance());
final SegmentIdWithShardSpec id2 = allocate(task, PARTY_TIME, Granularities.NONE, Granularities.HOUR, "s1", id1.toString(), LinearPartialShardSpec.instance());
assertSameIdentifier(new SegmentIdWithShardSpec(DATA_SOURCE, Granularities.HOUR.bucket(PARTY_TIME), PARTY_TIME.toString(), new LinearShardSpec(2)), id1);
assertSameIdentifier(new SegmentIdWithShardSpec(DATA_SOURCE, Granularities.HOUR.bucket(PARTY_TIME), PARTY_TIME.toString(), new LinearShardSpec(3)), id2);
use of org.apache.druid.segment.realtime.appenderator.SegmentIdWithShardSpec in project druid by druid-io.
the class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator method createNewSegment.
* This function creates a new segment for the given datasource/interval/etc. A critical
* aspect of the creation is to make sure that the new version & new partition number will make
* sense given the existing segments & pending segments also very important is to avoid
* clashes with existing pending & used/unused segments.
* @param handle Database handle
* @param dataSource datasource for the new segment
* @param interval interval for the new segment
* @param partialShardSpec Shard spec info minus segment id stuff
* @param existingVersion Version of segments in interval, used to compute the version of the very first segment in
* interval
* @return
* @throws IOException
private SegmentIdWithShardSpec createNewSegment(final Handle handle, final String dataSource, final Interval interval, final PartialShardSpec partialShardSpec, final String existingVersion) throws IOException {
// Get the time chunk and associated data segments for the given interval, if any
final List<TimelineObjectHolder<String, DataSegment>> existingChunks = getTimelineForIntervalsWithHandle(handle, dataSource, ImmutableList.of(interval)).lookup(interval);
if (existingChunks.size() > 1) {
// Not possible to expand more than one chunk with a single segment.
log.warn("Cannot allocate new segment for dataSource[%s], interval[%s]: already have [%,d] chunks.", dataSource, interval, existingChunks.size());
return null;
} else {
// max partitionId of the shardSpecs which share the same partition space.
SegmentIdWithShardSpec maxId = null;
if (!existingChunks.isEmpty()) {
TimelineObjectHolder<String, DataSegment> existingHolder = Iterables.getOnlyElement(existingChunks);
// noinspection ConstantConditions
for (DataSegment segment : FluentIterable.from(existingHolder.getObject()).transform(PartitionChunk::getObject).filter(segment -> segment.getShardSpec().sharePartitionSpace(partialShardSpec))) {
// Note that this will compute the max id of existing, visible, data segments in the time chunk:
if (maxId == null || maxId.getShardSpec().getPartitionNum() < segment.getShardSpec().getPartitionNum()) {
maxId = SegmentIdWithShardSpec.fromDataSegment(segment);
// Get the version of the existing chunk, we might need it in some of the cases below
// to compute the new identifier's version
@Nullable final String versionOfExistingChunk;
if (!existingChunks.isEmpty()) {
// remember only one chunk possible for given interval so get the first & only one
versionOfExistingChunk = existingChunks.get(0).getVersion();
} else {
versionOfExistingChunk = null;
// next, we need to enrich the maxId computed before with the information of the pending segments
// it is possible that a pending segment has a higher id in which case we need that, it will work,
// and it will avoid clashes when inserting the new pending segment later in the caller of this method
final Set<SegmentIdWithShardSpec> pendings = getPendingSegmentsForIntervalWithHandle(handle, dataSource, interval);
// Make sure we add the maxId we obtained from the segments table:
if (maxId != null) {
// Now compute the maxId with all the information: pendings + segments:
// The versionOfExistingChunks filter is ensure that we pick the max id with the version of the existing chunk
// in the case that there may be a pending segment with a higher version but no corresponding used segments
// which may generate a clash with an existing segment once the new id is generated
maxId = -> id.getShardSpec().sharePartitionSpace(partialShardSpec)).filter(id -> versionOfExistingChunk == null ? true : id.getVersion().equals(versionOfExistingChunk)).max((id1, id2) -> {
final int versionCompare = id1.getVersion().compareTo(id2.getVersion());
if (versionCompare != 0) {
return versionCompare;
} else {
return, id2.getShardSpec().getPartitionNum());
// The following code attempts to compute the new version, if this
// new version is not null at the end of next block then it will be
// used as the new version in the case for initial or appended segment
final String newSegmentVersion;
if (versionOfExistingChunk != null) {
// segment version overrides, so pick that now that we know it exists
newSegmentVersion = versionOfExistingChunk;
} else if (!pendings.isEmpty() && maxId != null) {
// there is no visible segments in the time chunk, so pick the maxId of pendings, as computed above
newSegmentVersion = maxId.getVersion();
} else {
// no segments, no pendings, so this must be the very first segment created for this interval
newSegmentVersion = null;
if (maxId == null) {
// When appending segments, null maxId means that we are allocating the very initial
// segment for this time chunk.
// This code is executed when the Overlord coordinates segment allocation, which is either you append segments
// or you use segment lock. Since the core partitions set is not determined for appended segments, we set
// it 0. When you use segment lock, the core partitions set doesn't work with it. We simply set it 0 so that the
// OvershadowableManager handles the atomic segment update.
final int newPartitionId = partialShardSpec.useNonRootGenerationPartitionSpace() ? PartitionIds.NON_ROOT_GEN_START_PARTITION_ID : PartitionIds.ROOT_GEN_START_PARTITION_ID;
String version = newSegmentVersion == null ? existingVersion : newSegmentVersion;
return new SegmentIdWithShardSpec(dataSource, interval, version, partialShardSpec.complete(jsonMapper, newPartitionId, 0));
} else if (!maxId.getInterval().equals(interval) || maxId.getVersion().compareTo(existingVersion) > 0) {
log.warn("Cannot allocate new segment for dataSource[%s], interval[%s], existingVersion[%s]: conflicting segment[%s].", dataSource, interval, existingVersion, maxId);
return null;
} else if (maxId.getShardSpec().getNumCorePartitions() == SingleDimensionShardSpec.UNKNOWN_NUM_CORE_PARTITIONS) {
log.warn("Cannot allocate new segment because of unknown core partition size of segment[%s], shardSpec[%s]", maxId, maxId.getShardSpec());
return null;
} else {
return new SegmentIdWithShardSpec(dataSource, maxId.getInterval(), Preconditions.checkNotNull(newSegmentVersion, "newSegmentVersion"), partialShardSpec.complete(jsonMapper, maxId.getShardSpec().getPartitionNum() + 1, maxId.getShardSpec().getNumCorePartitions()));
use of org.apache.druid.segment.realtime.appenderator.SegmentIdWithShardSpec in project druid by druid-io.
the class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator method allocatePendingSegment.
private SegmentIdWithShardSpec allocatePendingSegment(final Handle handle, final String dataSource, final String sequenceName, final Interval interval, final PartialShardSpec partialShardSpec, final String maxVersion) throws IOException {
final CheckExistingSegmentIdResult result = checkAndGetExistingSegmentId(handle.createQuery(StringUtils.format("SELECT payload FROM %s WHERE " + "dataSource = :dataSource AND " + "sequence_name = :sequence_name AND " + "start = :start AND " + "%2$send%2$s = :end", dbTables.getPendingSegmentsTable(), connector.getQuoteString())), interval, sequenceName, null, Pair.of("dataSource", dataSource), Pair.of("sequence_name", sequenceName), Pair.of("start", interval.getStart().toString()), Pair.of("end", interval.getEnd().toString()));
if (result.found) {
// The found existing segment identifier can be null if its interval doesn't match with the given interval
return result.segmentIdentifier;
final SegmentIdWithShardSpec newIdentifier = createNewSegment(handle, dataSource, interval, partialShardSpec, maxVersion);
if (newIdentifier == null) {
return null;
// SELECT -> INSERT can fail due to races; callers must be prepared to retry.
// Avoiding ON DUPLICATE KEY since it's not portable.
// Avoiding try/catch since it may cause inadvertent transaction-splitting.
// UNIQUE key for the row, ensuring we don't have more than one segment per sequence per interval.
// Using a single column instead of (sequence_name, sequence_prev_id) as some MySQL storage engines
// have difficulty with large unique keys (see
final String sequenceNamePrevIdSha1 = BaseEncoding.base16().encode(Hashing.sha1().newHasher().putBytes(StringUtils.toUtf8(sequenceName)).putByte((byte) 0xff).putLong(interval.getStartMillis()).putLong(interval.getEndMillis()).hash().asBytes());
// always insert empty previous sequence id
insertToMetastore(handle, newIdentifier, dataSource, interval, "", sequenceName, sequenceNamePrevIdSha1);"Allocated pending segment [%s] for sequence[%s] in DB", newIdentifier, sequenceName);
return newIdentifier;
use of org.apache.druid.segment.realtime.appenderator.SegmentIdWithShardSpec in project druid by druid-io.
the class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinatorTest method testAnotherAllocatePendingSegmentAfterRevertingCompaction.
* Slightly different that the above test but that involves reverted compaction
* 1) used segments of version = A, id = 0, 1, 2
* 2) overwrote segments of version = B, id = 0 <= compaction
* 3) marked segments unused for version = A, id = 0, 1, 2 <= overshadowing
* 4) pending segment of version = B, id = 1 <= appending new data, aborted
* 5) reverted compaction, mark segments used for version = A, id = 0, 1, 2, and mark compacted segments unused
* 6) used segments of version = A, id = 0, 1, 2
* 7) pending segment of version = B, id = 1
public void testAnotherAllocatePendingSegmentAfterRevertingCompaction() {
String maxVersion = "Z";
// 1.0) simulate one append load
final PartialShardSpec partialShardSpec = NumberedPartialShardSpec.instance();
final String dataSource = "ds";
final Interval interval = Intervals.of("2017-01-01/2017-02-01");
final SegmentIdWithShardSpec identifier = coordinator.allocatePendingSegment(dataSource, "seq", null, interval, partialShardSpec, "A", true);
Assert.assertEquals("ds_2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_2017-02-01T00:00:00.000Z_A", identifier.toString());
// Assume it publishes; create its corresponding segment
DataSegment segment = new DataSegment("ds", Intervals.of("2017-01-01T00Z/2017-02-01T00Z"), "A", ImmutableMap.of(), ImmutableList.of("dim1"), ImmutableList.of("m1"), new LinearShardSpec(0), 9, 100);
List<String> ids = retrieveUsedSegmentIds();
Assert.assertEquals("ds_2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_2017-02-01T00:00:00.000Z_A", ids.get(0));
// 1.1) simulate one more append load (as if previous segment was published, note different sequence name)
final SegmentIdWithShardSpec identifier1 = coordinator.allocatePendingSegment(dataSource, "seq2", identifier.toString(), interval, partialShardSpec, maxVersion, true);
Assert.assertEquals("ds_2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_2017-02-01T00:00:00.000Z_A_1", identifier1.toString());
// Assume it publishes; create its corresponding segment
segment = new DataSegment("ds", Intervals.of("2017-01-01T00Z/2017-02-01T00Z"), "A", ImmutableMap.of(), ImmutableList.of("dim1"), ImmutableList.of("m1"), new LinearShardSpec(1), 9, 100);
ids = retrieveUsedSegmentIds();
Assert.assertEquals("ds_2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_2017-02-01T00:00:00.000Z_A_1", ids.get(1));
// 1.2) simulate one more append load (as if previous segment was published, note different sequence name)
final SegmentIdWithShardSpec identifier2 = coordinator.allocatePendingSegment(dataSource, "seq3", identifier1.toString(), interval, partialShardSpec, maxVersion, true);
Assert.assertEquals("ds_2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_2017-02-01T00:00:00.000Z_A_2", identifier2.toString());
// Assume it publishes; create its corresponding segment
segment = new DataSegment("ds", Intervals.of("2017-01-01T00Z/2017-02-01T00Z"), "A", ImmutableMap.of(), ImmutableList.of("dim1"), ImmutableList.of("m1"), new LinearShardSpec(2), 9, 100);
// state so far:
// pendings: A: 0,1,2
// used segments A: 0,1,2
// unused segments:
ids = retrieveUsedSegmentIds();
Assert.assertEquals("ds_2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_2017-02-01T00:00:00.000Z_A_2", ids.get(2));
// 2)
// now simulate that one compaction was done (batch) ingestion for same interval (like reindex of the previous three):
DataSegment compactedSegment = new DataSegment("ds", Intervals.of("2017-01-01T00Z/2017-02-01T00Z"), "B", ImmutableMap.of(), ImmutableList.of("dim1"), ImmutableList.of("m1"), new LinearShardSpec(0), 9, 100);
ids = retrieveUsedSegmentIds();
Assert.assertEquals("ds_2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_2017-02-01T00:00:00.000Z_B", ids.get(3));
// 3) When overshadowing, segments are still marked as "used" in the segments table
// state so far:
// pendings: A: 0,1,2
// used segments: A: 0,1,2; B: 0 <- new compacted segment, overshadows previous version A
// unused segment:
// 4) pending segment of version = B, id = 1 <= appending new data, aborted
final SegmentIdWithShardSpec identifier3 = coordinator.allocatePendingSegment(dataSource, "seq4", identifier2.toString(), interval, partialShardSpec, maxVersion, true);
Assert.assertEquals("ds_2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_2017-02-01T00:00:00.000Z_B_1", identifier3.toString());
// no corresponding segment, pending aborted
// state so far:
// pendings: A: 0,1,2; B:1 (note that B_1 does not make it into segments since its task aborted)
// used segments: A: 0,1,2; B: 0 <- compacted segment, overshadows previous version A
// unused segment:
// 5) reverted compaction (by marking B_0 as unused)
// Revert compaction a manual metadata update which is basically the following two steps:
// <- drop compacted segment
// pending: version = A, id = 0,1,2
// version = B, id = 1
// used segment: version = A, id = 0,1,2
// unused segment: version = B, id = 0
List<String> pendings = retrievePendingSegmentIds();
Assert.assertTrue(pendings.size() == 4);
List<String> used = retrieveUsedSegmentIds();
Assert.assertTrue(used.size() == 3);
List<String> unused = retrieveUnusedSegmentIds();
Assert.assertTrue(unused.size() == 1);
// Simulate one more append load
final SegmentIdWithShardSpec identifier4 = coordinator.allocatePendingSegment(dataSource, "seq5", identifier1.toString(), interval, partialShardSpec, maxVersion, true);
// maxid = B_1 -> new partno = 2
// versionofexistingchunk=A
// ds_2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_2017-02-01T00:00:00.000Z_A_2
Assert.assertEquals("ds_2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_2017-02-01T00:00:00.000Z_A_3", identifier4.toString());
// Assume it publishes; create its corresponding segment
segment = new DataSegment("ds", Intervals.of("2017-01-01T00Z/2017-02-01T00Z"), "A", ImmutableMap.of(), ImmutableList.of("dim1"), ImmutableList.of("m1"), new LinearShardSpec(3), 9, 100);
// pending: version = A, id = 0,1,2,3
// version = B, id = 1
// used segment: version = A, id = 0,1,2,3
// unused segment: version = B, id = 0
ids = retrieveUsedSegmentIds();
Assert.assertEquals("ds_2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_2017-02-01T00:00:00.000Z_A_3", ids.get(3));
use of org.apache.druid.segment.realtime.appenderator.SegmentIdWithShardSpec in project druid by druid-io.
the class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinatorTest method testAddNumberedShardSpecAfterMultiDimensionsShardSpecWithUnknownCorePartitionSize.
public void testAddNumberedShardSpecAfterMultiDimensionsShardSpecWithUnknownCorePartitionSize() throws IOException {
final String datasource = "datasource";
final Interval interval = Intervals.of("2020-01-01/P1D");
final String version = "version";
final List<String> dimensions = ImmutableList.of("dim");
final List<String> metrics = ImmutableList.of("met");
final Set<DataSegment> originalSegments = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
originalSegments.add(new DataSegment(datasource, interval, version, ImmutableMap.of(), dimensions, metrics, new DimensionRangeShardSpec(Collections.singletonList("dim"), i == 0 ? null : StringTuple.create(String.valueOf(i - 1)), i == 5 ? null : StringTuple.create(String.valueOf(i)), i, // emulate shardSpecs created in older versions of Druid
null), 9, 10L));
final SegmentIdWithShardSpec id = coordinator.allocatePendingSegment(datasource, "seq", null, interval, NumberedPartialShardSpec.instance(), version, false);