use of org.apache.felix.ipojo.composite.service.instantiator.ServiceImporter in project felix by apache.
the class ProvidedServiceHandler method computeAvailableServices.
* Build the list of available specifications.
private void computeAvailableServices() {
// Get instantiated services :
ServiceDependencyHandler handler = (ServiceDependencyHandler) getHandler(HandlerFactory.IPOJO_NAMESPACE + ":subservice");
for (int i = 0; handler != null && i < handler.getInstances().size(); i++) {
SvcInstance svc = (SvcInstance) handler.getInstances().get(i);
String itf = svc.getServiceSpecification();
boolean agg = svc.isAggregate();
boolean opt = svc.isOptional();
SpecificationMetadata specMeta = new SpecificationMetadata(itf, m_context, agg, opt, this);
for (int i = 0; handler != null && i < handler.getRequirements().size(); i++) {
ServiceImporter imp = (ServiceImporter) handler.getRequirements().get(i);
String itf = imp.getSpecification().getName();
boolean agg = imp.isAggregate();
boolean opt = imp.isOptional();
SpecificationMetadata specMeta = new SpecificationMetadata(itf, m_context, agg, opt, this);
use of org.apache.felix.ipojo.composite.service.instantiator.ServiceImporter in project felix by apache.
the class ProvidedServiceHandler method checkServiceSpecification.
* Check composite requirement against service specification requirement is available.
* @param svc : the provided service to check
* @throws CompositionException : occurs if the specification field of the service specification cannot be analyzed correctly.
private void checkServiceSpecification(ProvidedService svc) throws CompositionException {
try {
Class spec = m_context.getBundle().loadClass(svc.getSpecification());
Field specField = spec.getField("specification");
Object object = specField.get(null);
if (object instanceof String) {
Element specification = ManifestMetadataParser.parse((String) object);
Element[] reqs = specification.getElements("requires");
for (int j = 0; reqs != null && j < reqs.length; j++) {
ServiceImporter imp = getAttachedRequirement(reqs[j]);
if (imp != null) {
// Fix service-level dependency flag
checkRequirement(imp, reqs[j]);
} else {
error("[" + getCompositeManager().getInstanceName() + "] The specification field of the service specification " + svc.getSpecification() + " needs to be a String");
throw new CompositionException("Service Specification checking failed : The specification field of the service specification " + svc.getSpecification() + " needs to be a String");
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
// No specification field
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
error("[" + getCompositeManager().getInstanceName() + "] The service specification " + svc.getSpecification() + " cannot be load");
throw new CompositionException("The service specification " + svc.getSpecification() + " cannot be loaded", e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
error("[" + getCompositeManager().getInstanceName() + "] The field 'specification' of the service specification " + svc.getSpecification() + " is not accessible : " + e.getMessage());
throw new CompositionException("The field 'specification' of the service specification " + svc.getSpecification() + " is not accessible", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
error("[" + getCompositeManager().getInstanceName() + "] The field 'specification' of the service specification " + svc.getSpecification() + " is not accessible : " + e.getMessage());
throw new CompositionException("The field 'specification' of the service specification " + svc.getSpecification() + " is not accessible", e);
} catch (ParseException e) {
error("[" + getCompositeManager().getInstanceName() + "] The field 'specification' of the service specification " + svc.getSpecification() + " does not contain a valid String : " + e.getMessage());
throw new CompositionException("The field 'specification' of the service specification " + svc.getSpecification() + " does not contain a valid String", e);
use of org.apache.felix.ipojo.composite.service.instantiator.ServiceImporter in project felix by apache.
the class ProvidedServiceHandler method checkRequirement.
* Check the correctness of the composite requirement against the service level dependency.
* @param imp : requirement to check
* @param elem : service-level dependency metadata
* @throws CompositionException : occurs if the requirement does not match with service-level specification requirement
private void checkRequirement(ServiceImporter imp, Element elem) throws CompositionException {
String optional = elem.getAttribute("optional");
boolean opt = optional != null && optional.equalsIgnoreCase("true");
String aggregate = elem.getAttribute("aggregate");
boolean agg = aggregate != null && aggregate.equalsIgnoreCase("true");
if (imp == null) {
// Add the missing requirement
ServiceDependencyHandler handler = (ServiceDependencyHandler) getHandler(HandlerFactory.IPOJO_NAMESPACE + ":subservice");
if (handler == null) {
// Look for the ServiceDependencyHandler factory
HandlerManager handlerManager = null;
try {
ServiceReference[] refs = m_context.getServiceReferences(Factory.class.getName(), "(&(" + HandlerFactory.IPOJO_NAMESPACE + ")(handler.type=composite))");
Factory factory = (Factory) m_context.getService(refs[0]);
handlerManager = (HandlerManager) factory.createComponentInstance(null, getCompositeManager().getServiceContext());
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
// Should not happen
} catch (UnacceptableConfiguration e) {
// Should not happen
} catch (MissingHandlerException e) {
// Should not happen
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
// Should not happen
// Add the required handler
try {
handlerManager.init(getCompositeManager(), new Element("composite", ""), new Properties());
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
error("Internal error : cannot configure the Import Handler : " + e.getMessage());
throw new CompositionException("Internal error : cannot configure the Import Handler", e);
handler = (ServiceDependencyHandler) handlerManager.getHandler();
String spec = elem.getAttribute("specification");
// Cannot import yourself
String filter = "(&(objectClass=" + spec + ")(!(" + getCompositeManager().getInstanceName() + ")))";
String givenFilter = elem.getAttribute("filter");
if (givenFilter != null) {
filter = "(&" + filter + givenFilter + ")";
BundleContext context = new PolicyServiceContext(getCompositeManager().getGlobalContext(), getCompositeManager().getParentServiceContext(), PolicyServiceContext.GLOBAL);
Filter fil = null;
try {
fil = getCompositeManager().getGlobalContext().createFilter(filter);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new CompositionException("A required filter " + filter + " is malformed", e);
Class specToImport = null;
try {
specToImport = getCompositeManager().getGlobalContext().getBundle().loadClass(spec);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new CompositionException("A required specification cannot be loaded : " + spec, e);
ServiceImporter importer = new ServiceImporter(specToImport, fil, agg, opt, null, DependencyModel.DYNAMIC_BINDING_POLICY, context, null, handler);
SpecificationMetadata specMeta = new SpecificationMetadata(spec, m_context, agg, opt, this);
// Update the available types
if (imp.isAggregate() && !agg) {
error("[" + getCompositeManager().getInstanceName() + "] The requirement " + elem.getAttribute("specification") + " is aggregate in the implementation and is declared as a simple service-level requirement");
throw new CompositionException("The requirement " + elem.getAttribute("specification") + " is aggregate in the implementation and is declared as a simple service-level requirement");
String filter = elem.getAttribute("filter");
if (filter != null) {
String filter2 = imp.getFilter();
if (filter2 == null || !filter2.equalsIgnoreCase(filter)) {
error("[" + getCompositeManager().getInstanceName() + "] The specification requirement " + elem.getAttribute("specification") + " as not the same filter as declared in the service-level requirement");
throw new CompositionException("The specification requirement " + elem.getAttribute("specification") + " as not the same filter as declared in the service-level requirement");
use of org.apache.felix.ipojo.composite.service.instantiator.ServiceImporter in project felix by apache.
the class ProvidedServiceHandler method getAttachedRequirement.
* Look for the implementation (i.e. composite) requirement for the given service-level requirement metadata.
* @param element : the service-level requirement metadata
* @return the ServiceImporter object, null if not found or if the DependencyHandler is not plugged to the instance
private ServiceImporter getAttachedRequirement(Element element) {
ServiceDependencyHandler handler = (ServiceDependencyHandler) getHandler(HandlerFactory.IPOJO_NAMESPACE + ":subservice");
if (handler == null) {
return null;
String identity = element.getAttribute("id");
if (identity != null) {
// Look for dependency Id
for (int i = 0; i < handler.getRequirements().size(); i++) {
ServiceImporter imp = (ServiceImporter) handler.getRequirements().get(i);
if (imp.getId().equals(identity)) {
return imp;
// If not found or no id, look for a dependency with the same specification
String requirement = element.getAttribute("specification");
for (int i = 0; i < handler.getRequirements().size(); i++) {
ServiceImporter imp = (ServiceImporter) handler.getRequirements().get(i);
if (imp.getId().equals(requirement) || imp.getSpecification().getName().equals(requirement)) {
return imp;
return null;