use of in project flink by apache.
the class KryoSerializer method serialize.
public void serialize(T record, DataOutputView target) throws IOException {
if (target != previousOut) {
DataOutputViewStream outputStream = new DataOutputViewStream(target);
output = new Output(outputStream);
previousOut = target;
// otherwise data might be written multiple times in case of a previous EOFException
if (output.position() != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The Kryo Output still contains data from a previous " + "serialize call. It has to be flushed or cleared at the end of the serialize call.");
try {
kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, record);
} catch (KryoException ke) {
// make sure that the Kryo output buffer is cleared in case that we can recover from
// the exception (e.g. EOFException which denotes buffer full)
Throwable cause = ke.getCause();
if (cause instanceof EOFException) {
throw (EOFException) cause;
} else {
throw ke;