use of org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.DistributionPattern in project flink by apache.
the class DefaultCheckpointPlanCalculator method someTasksMustBeTriggered.
private boolean someTasksMustBeTriggered(Map<JobVertexID, BitSet> runningTasksByVertex, List<JobEdge> prevJobEdges) {
for (JobEdge jobEdge : prevJobEdges) {
DistributionPattern distributionPattern = jobEdge.getDistributionPattern();
BitSet upstreamRunningStatus = runningTasksByVertex.get(jobEdge.getSource().getProducer().getID());
if (hasActiveUpstreamVertex(distributionPattern, upstreamRunningStatus)) {
return false;
return true;
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.DistributionPattern in project flink by apache.
the class VertexFinishedStateChecker method checkPredecessorsOfPartiallyFinishedVertex.
private void checkPredecessorsOfPartiallyFinishedVertex(ExecutionJobVertex vertex, VerticesFinishedStatusCache verticesFinishedStatusCache) {
// Computes the distribution pattern from each predecessor. If there are multiple edges
// from a single predecessor, ALL_TO_ALL edges would have a higher priority since it
// implies stricter limitation (must be fully finished).
Map<JobVertexID, DistributionPattern> predecessorDistribution = new HashMap<>();
for (JobEdge jobEdge : vertex.getJobVertex().getInputs()) {
predecessorDistribution.compute(jobEdge.getSource().getProducer().getID(), (k, v) -> v == DistributionPattern.ALL_TO_ALL ? v : jobEdge.getDistributionPattern());
for (IntermediateResult dataset : vertex.getInputs()) {
ExecutionJobVertex predecessor = dataset.getProducer();
VertexFinishedState predecessorState = verticesFinishedStatusCache.getOrUpdate(predecessor);
DistributionPattern distribution = predecessorDistribution.get(predecessor.getJobVertexId());
if (distribution == DistributionPattern.ALL_TO_ALL && predecessorState != VertexFinishedState.FULLY_FINISHED) {
throw new FlinkRuntimeException("Illegal JobGraph modification. Cannot run a program with partially finished" + " vertices predeceased with running or partially finished ones and" + " connected via the ALL_TO_ALL edges. Task vertex " + vertex.getName() + "(" + vertex.getJobVertexId() + ")" + " has a " + (predecessorState == VertexFinishedState.ALL_RUNNING ? "all running" : "partially finished") + " predecessor");
} else if (distribution == DistributionPattern.POINTWISE && predecessorState == VertexFinishedState.ALL_RUNNING) {
throw new FlinkRuntimeException("Illegal JobGraph modification. Cannot run a program with partially finished" + " vertices predeceased with all running ones. Task vertex " + vertex.getName() + "(" + vertex.getJobVertexId() + ")" + " has a all running predecessor");