use of org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmanager.JobManagerProcessSpec in project flink by apache.
the class JobManagerProcessSpecTest method testEquals.
public void testEquals() {
JobManagerProcessSpec spec1 = new JobManagerProcessSpec(MemorySize.parse("1m"), MemorySize.parse("2m"), MemorySize.parse("3m"), MemorySize.parse("4m"));
JobManagerProcessSpec spec2 = new JobManagerProcessSpec(MemorySize.parse("1m"), MemorySize.parse("2m"), MemorySize.parse("3m"), MemorySize.parse("4m"));
assertThat(spec1, is(spec2));
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmanager.JobManagerProcessSpec in project flink by apache.
the class YarnClusterDescriptor method startAppMaster.
private ApplicationReport startAppMaster(Configuration configuration, String applicationName, String yarnClusterEntrypoint, JobGraph jobGraph, YarnClient yarnClient, YarnClientApplication yarnApplication, ClusterSpecification clusterSpecification) throws Exception {
// ------------------ Initialize the file systems -------------------------
org.apache.flink.core.fs.FileSystem.initialize(configuration, PluginUtils.createPluginManagerFromRootFolder(configuration));
final FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(yarnConfiguration);
// method.
if (!fs.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("GoogleHadoopFileSystem") && fs.getScheme().startsWith("file")) {
LOG.warn("The file system scheme is '" + fs.getScheme() + "'. This indicates that the " + "specified Hadoop configuration path is wrong and the system is using the default Hadoop configuration values." + "The Flink YARN client needs to store its files in a distributed file system");
ApplicationSubmissionContext appContext = yarnApplication.getApplicationSubmissionContext();
final List<Path> providedLibDirs = Utils.getQualifiedRemoteSharedPaths(configuration, yarnConfiguration);
Path stagingDirPath = getStagingDir(fs);
FileSystem stagingDirFs = stagingDirPath.getFileSystem(yarnConfiguration);
final YarnApplicationFileUploader fileUploader = YarnApplicationFileUploader.from(stagingDirFs, stagingDirPath, providedLibDirs, appContext.getApplicationId(), getFileReplication());
// The files need to be shipped and added to classpath.
Set<File> systemShipFiles = new HashSet<>(shipFiles.size());
for (File file : shipFiles) {
final String logConfigFilePath = configuration.getString(YarnConfigOptionsInternal.APPLICATION_LOG_CONFIG_FILE);
if (logConfigFilePath != null) {
systemShipFiles.add(new File(logConfigFilePath));
// Set-up ApplicationSubmissionContext for the application
final ApplicationId appId = appContext.getApplicationId();
// ------------------ Add Zookeeper namespace to local flinkConfiguraton ------
setHAClusterIdIfNotSet(configuration, appId);
if (HighAvailabilityMode.isHighAvailabilityModeActivated(configuration)) {
// activate re-execution of failed applications
appContext.setMaxAppAttempts(configuration.getInteger(YarnConfigOptions.APPLICATION_ATTEMPTS.key(), YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_AM_MAX_ATTEMPTS));
} else {
// set number of application retries to 1 in the default case
appContext.setMaxAppAttempts(configuration.getInteger(YarnConfigOptions.APPLICATION_ATTEMPTS.key(), 1));
final Set<Path> userJarFiles = new HashSet<>();
if (jobGraph != null) {
userJarFiles.addAll(jobGraph.getUserJars().stream().map(f -> f.toUri()).map(Path::new).collect(Collectors.toSet()));
final List<URI> jarUrls = ConfigUtils.decodeListFromConfig(configuration, PipelineOptions.JARS, URI::create);
if (jarUrls != null && YarnApplicationClusterEntryPoint.class.getName().equals(yarnClusterEntrypoint)) {
// only for per job mode
if (jobGraph != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry> entry : jobGraph.getUserArtifacts().entrySet()) {
// only upload local files
if (!Utils.isRemotePath(entry.getValue().filePath)) {
Path localPath = new Path(entry.getValue().filePath);
Tuple2<Path, Long> remoteFileInfo = fileUploader.uploadLocalFileToRemote(localPath, entry.getKey());
jobGraph.setUserArtifactRemotePath(entry.getKey(), remoteFileInfo.f0.toString());
if (providedLibDirs == null || providedLibDirs.isEmpty()) {
// Register all files in provided lib dirs as local resources with public visibility
// and upload the remaining dependencies as local resources with APPLICATION visibility.
final List<String> systemClassPaths = fileUploader.registerProvidedLocalResources();
final List<String> uploadedDependencies = fileUploader.registerMultipleLocalResources( -> new Path(e.toURI())).collect(Collectors.toSet()), Path.CUR_DIR, LocalResourceType.FILE);
// Plugin files only need to be shipped and should not be added to classpath.
if (providedLibDirs == null || providedLibDirs.isEmpty()) {
Set<File> shipOnlyFiles = new HashSet<>();
fileUploader.registerMultipleLocalResources( -> new Path(e.toURI())).collect(Collectors.toSet()), Path.CUR_DIR, LocalResourceType.FILE);
if (!shipArchives.isEmpty()) {
fileUploader.registerMultipleLocalResources( -> new Path(e.toURI())).collect(Collectors.toSet()), Path.CUR_DIR, LocalResourceType.ARCHIVE);
// Upload and register user jars
final List<String> userClassPaths = fileUploader.registerMultipleLocalResources(userJarFiles, userJarInclusion == YarnConfigOptions.UserJarInclusion.DISABLED ? ConfigConstants.DEFAULT_FLINK_USR_LIB_DIR : Path.CUR_DIR, LocalResourceType.FILE);
// usrlib will be automatically shipped if it exists.
if (ClusterEntrypointUtils.tryFindUserLibDirectory().isPresent()) {
final Set<File> usrLibShipFiles = new HashSet<>();
final List<String> usrLibClassPaths = fileUploader.registerMultipleLocalResources( -> new Path(e.toURI())).collect(Collectors.toSet()), Path.CUR_DIR, LocalResourceType.FILE);
if (userJarInclusion == YarnConfigOptions.UserJarInclusion.ORDER) {
// normalize classpath by sorting
// classpath assembler
StringBuilder classPathBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (userJarInclusion == YarnConfigOptions.UserJarInclusion.FIRST) {
for (String userClassPath : userClassPaths) {
for (String classPath : systemClassPaths) {
// Setup jar for ApplicationMaster
final YarnLocalResourceDescriptor localResourceDescFlinkJar = fileUploader.uploadFlinkDist(flinkJarPath);
// TODO: server use user main method to generate job graph
if (jobGraph != null) {
File tmpJobGraphFile = null;
try {
tmpJobGraphFile = File.createTempFile(appId.toString(), null);
try (FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(tmpJobGraphFile);
ObjectOutputStream obOutput = new ObjectOutputStream(output)) {
final String jobGraphFilename = "job.graph";
configuration.setString(JOB_GRAPH_FILE_PATH, jobGraphFilename);
fileUploader.registerSingleLocalResource(jobGraphFilename, new Path(tmpJobGraphFile.toURI()), "", LocalResourceType.FILE, true, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Add job graph to local resource fail.");
throw e;
} finally {
if (tmpJobGraphFile != null && !tmpJobGraphFile.delete()) {
LOG.warn("Fail to delete temporary file {}.", tmpJobGraphFile.toPath());
// Upload the flink configuration
// write out configuration file
File tmpConfigurationFile = null;
try {
tmpConfigurationFile = File.createTempFile(appId + "-flink-conf.yaml", null);
BootstrapTools.writeConfiguration(configuration, tmpConfigurationFile);
String flinkConfigKey = "flink-conf.yaml";
fileUploader.registerSingleLocalResource(flinkConfigKey, new Path(tmpConfigurationFile.getAbsolutePath()), "", LocalResourceType.FILE, true, true);
} finally {
if (tmpConfigurationFile != null && !tmpConfigurationFile.delete()) {
LOG.warn("Fail to delete temporary file {}.", tmpConfigurationFile.toPath());
if (userJarInclusion == YarnConfigOptions.UserJarInclusion.LAST) {
for (String userClassPath : userClassPaths) {
// To support Yarn Secure Integration Test Scenario
// In Integration test setup, the Yarn containers created by YarnMiniCluster does not have
// the Yarn site XML
// and KRB5 configuration files. We are adding these files as container local resources for
// the container
// applications (JM/TMs) to have proper secure cluster setup
Path remoteYarnSiteXmlPath = null;
if (System.getenv("IN_TESTS") != null) {
File f = new File(System.getenv("YARN_CONF_DIR"), Utils.YARN_SITE_FILE_NAME);"Adding Yarn configuration {} to the AM container local resource bucket", f.getAbsolutePath());
Path yarnSitePath = new Path(f.getAbsolutePath());
remoteYarnSiteXmlPath = fileUploader.registerSingleLocalResource(Utils.YARN_SITE_FILE_NAME, yarnSitePath, "", LocalResourceType.FILE, false, false).getPath();
if (System.getProperty("") != null) {
configuration.set(SecurityOptions.KERBEROS_KRB5_PATH, System.getProperty(""));
Path remoteKrb5Path = null;
boolean hasKrb5 = false;
String krb5Config = configuration.get(SecurityOptions.KERBEROS_KRB5_PATH);
if (!StringUtils.isNullOrWhitespaceOnly(krb5Config)) {
final File krb5 = new File(krb5Config);"Adding KRB5 configuration {} to the AM container local resource bucket", krb5.getAbsolutePath());
final Path krb5ConfPath = new Path(krb5.getAbsolutePath());
remoteKrb5Path = fileUploader.registerSingleLocalResource(Utils.KRB5_FILE_NAME, krb5ConfPath, "", LocalResourceType.FILE, false, false).getPath();
hasKrb5 = true;
Path remotePathKeytab = null;
String localizedKeytabPath = null;
String keytab = configuration.getString(SecurityOptions.KERBEROS_LOGIN_KEYTAB);
if (keytab != null) {
boolean localizeKeytab = flinkConfiguration.getBoolean(YarnConfigOptions.SHIP_LOCAL_KEYTAB);
localizedKeytabPath = flinkConfiguration.getString(YarnConfigOptions.LOCALIZED_KEYTAB_PATH);
if (localizeKeytab) {
// Localize the keytab to YARN containers via local resource."Adding keytab {} to the AM container local resource bucket", keytab);
remotePathKeytab = fileUploader.registerSingleLocalResource(localizedKeytabPath, new Path(keytab), "", LocalResourceType.FILE, false, false).getPath();
} else {
// // Assume Keytab is pre-installed in the container.
localizedKeytabPath = flinkConfiguration.getString(YarnConfigOptions.LOCALIZED_KEYTAB_PATH);
final JobManagerProcessSpec processSpec = JobManagerProcessUtils.processSpecFromConfigWithNewOptionToInterpretLegacyHeap(flinkConfiguration, JobManagerOptions.TOTAL_PROCESS_MEMORY);
final ContainerLaunchContext amContainer = setupApplicationMasterContainer(yarnClusterEntrypoint, hasKrb5, processSpec);
// setup security tokens
if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) {
// set HDFS delegation tokens when security is enabled"Adding delegation token to the AM container.");
final List<Path> pathsToObtainToken = new ArrayList<>();
boolean fetchToken = configuration.getBoolean(SecurityOptions.KERBEROS_FETCH_DELEGATION_TOKEN);
if (fetchToken) {
List<Path> yarnAccessList = ConfigUtils.decodeListFromConfig(configuration, YarnConfigOptions.YARN_ACCESS, Path::new);
Utils.setTokensFor(amContainer, pathsToObtainToken, yarnConfiguration, fetchToken);
// Setup CLASSPATH and environment variables for ApplicationMaster
final Map<String, String> appMasterEnv = new HashMap<>();
// set user specified app master environment variables
appMasterEnv.putAll(ConfigurationUtils.getPrefixedKeyValuePairs(ResourceManagerOptions.CONTAINERIZED_MASTER_ENV_PREFIX, configuration));
// set Flink app class path
appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.ENV_FLINK_CLASSPATH, classPathBuilder.toString());
// set Flink on YARN internal configuration values
appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.FLINK_DIST_JAR, localResourceDescFlinkJar.toString());
appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.ENV_APP_ID, appId.toString());
appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.ENV_CLIENT_HOME_DIR, fileUploader.getHomeDir().toString());
appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.ENV_CLIENT_SHIP_FILES, encodeYarnLocalResourceDescriptorListToString(fileUploader.getEnvShipResourceList()));
appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.FLINK_YARN_FILES, fileUploader.getApplicationDir().toUri().toString());
appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.ENV_HADOOP_USER_NAME, UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getUserName());
if (localizedKeytabPath != null) {
appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.LOCAL_KEYTAB_PATH, localizedKeytabPath);
String principal = configuration.getString(SecurityOptions.KERBEROS_LOGIN_PRINCIPAL);
appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL, principal);
if (remotePathKeytab != null) {
appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.REMOTE_KEYTAB_PATH, remotePathKeytab.toString());
// To support Yarn Secure Integration Test Scenario
if (remoteYarnSiteXmlPath != null) {
appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.ENV_YARN_SITE_XML_PATH, remoteYarnSiteXmlPath.toString());
if (remoteKrb5Path != null) {
appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.ENV_KRB5_PATH, remoteKrb5Path.toString());
// set classpath from YARN configuration
Utils.setupYarnClassPath(yarnConfiguration, appMasterEnv);
// Set up resource type requirements for ApplicationMaster
Resource capability = Records.newRecord(Resource.class);
final String customApplicationName = customName != null ? customName : applicationName;
appContext.setApplicationType(applicationType != null ? applicationType : "Apache Flink");
// Set priority for application
int priorityNum = flinkConfiguration.getInteger(YarnConfigOptions.APPLICATION_PRIORITY);
if (priorityNum >= 0) {
Priority priority = Priority.newInstance(priorityNum);
if (yarnQueue != null) {
// add a hook to clean up in case deployment fails
Thread deploymentFailureHook = new DeploymentFailureHook(yarnApplication, fileUploader.getApplicationDir());
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(deploymentFailureHook);"Submitting application master " + appId);
yarnClient.submitApplication(appContext);"Waiting for the cluster to be allocated");
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
ApplicationReport report;
YarnApplicationState lastAppState = YarnApplicationState.NEW;
loop: while (true) {
try {
report = yarnClient.getApplicationReport(appId);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new YarnDeploymentException("Failed to deploy the cluster.", e);
YarnApplicationState appState = report.getYarnApplicationState();
LOG.debug("Application State: {}", appState);
switch(appState) {
case FAILED:
case KILLED:
throw new YarnDeploymentException("The YARN application unexpectedly switched to state " + appState + " during deployment. \n" + "Diagnostics from YARN: " + report.getDiagnostics() + "\n" + "If log aggregation is enabled on your cluster, use this command to further investigate the issue:\n" + "yarn logs -applicationId " + appId);
// break ..
case RUNNING:"YARN application has been deployed successfully.");
break loop;
case FINISHED:"YARN application has been finished successfully.");
break loop;
if (appState != lastAppState) {"Deploying cluster, current state " + appState);
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > 60000) {"Deployment took more than 60 seconds. Please check if the requested resources are available in the YARN cluster");
lastAppState = appState;
// since deployment was successful, remove the hook
ShutdownHookUtil.removeShutdownHook(deploymentFailureHook, getClass().getSimpleName(), LOG);
return report;
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmanager.JobManagerProcessSpec in project flink by splunk.
the class YarnClusterDescriptorTest method testSetupApplicationMasterContainer.
public void testSetupApplicationMasterContainer() {
Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
YarnClusterDescriptor clusterDescriptor = createYarnClusterDescriptor(cfg);
final JobManagerProcessSpec jobManagerProcessSpec = createDefaultJobManagerProcessSpec(1024);
final String java = "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java";
final String jvmmem = JobManagerProcessUtils.generateJvmParametersStr(jobManagerProcessSpec, cfg);
final String dynamicParameters = JobManagerProcessUtils.generateDynamicConfigsStr(jobManagerProcessSpec);
// if set
final String jvmOpts = "-Djvm";
// if set
final String jmJvmOpts = "-DjmJvm";
final String krb5 = "";
final String logfile = "-Dlog.file=\"" + ApplicationConstants.LOG_DIR_EXPANSION_VAR + // if set
final String logback = "-Dlogback.configurationFile=file:" + // if set
final String log4j = "-Dlog4j.configuration=file:" + YarnLogConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_LOG4J_NAME + " -Dlog4j.configurationFile=file:" + // if set
final String mainClass = clusterDescriptor.getYarnSessionClusterEntrypoint();
final String redirects = "1> " + ApplicationConstants.LOG_DIR_EXPANSION_VAR + "/jobmanager.out " + "2> " + ApplicationConstants.LOG_DIR_EXPANSION_VAR + "/jobmanager.err";
try {
// no logging, with/out krb5
assertEquals(java + " " + jvmmem + "" + // jvmOpts
"" + // logging
" " + mainClass + " " + dynamicParameters + " " + redirects, clusterDescriptor.setupApplicationMasterContainer(mainClass, false, jobManagerProcessSpec).getCommands().get(0));
assertEquals(java + " " + jvmmem + " " + krb5 + // jvmOpts
"" + // logging
" " + mainClass + " " + dynamicParameters + " " + redirects, clusterDescriptor.setupApplicationMasterContainer(mainClass, true, jobManagerProcessSpec).getCommands().get(0));
// logback only, with/out krb5
cfg.set(YarnConfigOptionsInternal.APPLICATION_LOG_CONFIG_FILE, YarnLogConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_LOGBACK_NAME);
assertEquals(java + " " + jvmmem + "" + // jvmOpts
" " + logfile + " " + logback + " " + mainClass + " " + dynamicParameters + " " + redirects, clusterDescriptor.setupApplicationMasterContainer(mainClass, false, jobManagerProcessSpec).getCommands().get(0));
cfg.set(YarnConfigOptionsInternal.APPLICATION_LOG_CONFIG_FILE, YarnLogConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_LOGBACK_NAME);
assertEquals(java + " " + jvmmem + " " + krb5 + // jvmOpts
" " + logfile + " " + logback + " " + mainClass + " " + dynamicParameters + " " + redirects, clusterDescriptor.setupApplicationMasterContainer(mainClass, true, jobManagerProcessSpec).getCommands().get(0));
// log4j, with/out krb5
cfg.set(YarnConfigOptionsInternal.APPLICATION_LOG_CONFIG_FILE, YarnLogConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_LOG4J_NAME);
assertEquals(java + " " + jvmmem + "" + // jvmOpts
" " + logfile + " " + log4j + " " + mainClass + " " + dynamicParameters + " " + redirects, clusterDescriptor.setupApplicationMasterContainer(mainClass, false, jobManagerProcessSpec).getCommands().get(0));
cfg.set(YarnConfigOptionsInternal.APPLICATION_LOG_CONFIG_FILE, YarnLogConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_LOG4J_NAME);
assertEquals(java + " " + jvmmem + " " + krb5 + // jvmOpts
" " + logfile + " " + log4j + " " + mainClass + " " + dynamicParameters + " " + redirects, clusterDescriptor.setupApplicationMasterContainer(mainClass, true, jobManagerProcessSpec).getCommands().get(0));
// logback, with/out krb5
cfg.set(YarnConfigOptionsInternal.APPLICATION_LOG_CONFIG_FILE, YarnLogConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_LOGBACK_NAME);
assertEquals(java + " " + jvmmem + "" + // jvmOpts
" " + logfile + " " + logback + " " + mainClass + " " + dynamicParameters + " " + redirects, clusterDescriptor.setupApplicationMasterContainer(mainClass, false, jobManagerProcessSpec).getCommands().get(0));
cfg.set(YarnConfigOptionsInternal.APPLICATION_LOG_CONFIG_FILE, YarnLogConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_LOGBACK_NAME);
assertEquals(java + " " + jvmmem + " " + krb5 + // jvmOpts
" " + logfile + " " + logback + " " + mainClass + " " + dynamicParameters + " " + redirects, clusterDescriptor.setupApplicationMasterContainer(mainClass, true, jobManagerProcessSpec).getCommands().get(0));
// logback, with/out krb5, different JVM opts
// IMPORTANT: Be aware that we are using side effects here to modify the created
// YarnClusterDescriptor,
// because we have a reference to the ClusterDescriptor's configuration which we modify
// continuously
cfg.setString(CoreOptions.FLINK_JVM_OPTIONS, jvmOpts);
cfg.set(YarnConfigOptionsInternal.APPLICATION_LOG_CONFIG_FILE, YarnLogConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_LOGBACK_NAME);
assertEquals(java + " " + jvmmem + " " + jvmOpts + " " + logfile + " " + logback + " " + mainClass + " " + dynamicParameters + " " + redirects, clusterDescriptor.setupApplicationMasterContainer(mainClass, false, jobManagerProcessSpec).getCommands().get(0));
cfg.set(YarnConfigOptionsInternal.APPLICATION_LOG_CONFIG_FILE, YarnLogConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_LOGBACK_NAME);
assertEquals(java + " " + jvmmem + " " + jvmOpts + " " + krb5 + // jvmOpts
" " + logfile + " " + logback + " " + mainClass + " " + dynamicParameters + " " + redirects, clusterDescriptor.setupApplicationMasterContainer(mainClass, true, jobManagerProcessSpec).getCommands().get(0));
// log4j, with/out krb5, different JVM opts
// IMPORTANT: Be aware that we are using side effects here to modify the created
// YarnClusterDescriptor
cfg.setString(CoreOptions.FLINK_JM_JVM_OPTIONS, jmJvmOpts);
cfg.set(YarnConfigOptionsInternal.APPLICATION_LOG_CONFIG_FILE, YarnLogConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_LOG4J_NAME);
assertEquals(java + " " + jvmmem + " " + jvmOpts + " " + jmJvmOpts + " " + logfile + " " + log4j + " " + mainClass + " " + dynamicParameters + " " + redirects, clusterDescriptor.setupApplicationMasterContainer(mainClass, false, jobManagerProcessSpec).getCommands().get(0));
cfg.set(YarnConfigOptionsInternal.APPLICATION_LOG_CONFIG_FILE, YarnLogConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_LOG4J_NAME);
assertEquals(java + " " + jvmmem + " " + jvmOpts + " " + jmJvmOpts + " " + krb5 + // jvmOpts
" " + logfile + " " + log4j + " " + mainClass + " " + dynamicParameters + " " + redirects, clusterDescriptor.setupApplicationMasterContainer(mainClass, true, jobManagerProcessSpec).getCommands().get(0));
// now try some configurations with different yarn.container-start-command-template
// IMPORTANT: Be aware that we are using side effects here to modify the created
// YarnClusterDescriptor
cfg.set(YarnConfigOptionsInternal.APPLICATION_LOG_CONFIG_FILE, YarnLogConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_LOGBACK_NAME);
cfg.setString(ConfigConstants.YARN_CONTAINER_START_COMMAND_TEMPLATE, "%java% 1 %jvmmem% 2 %jvmopts% 3 %logging% 4 %class% 5 %args% 6 %redirects%");
assertEquals(java + " 1 " + jvmmem + " 2 " + jvmOpts + " " + jmJvmOpts + " " + krb5 + // jvmOpts
" 3 " + logfile + " " + logback + " 4 " + mainClass + " 5 " + dynamicParameters + " 6 " + redirects, clusterDescriptor.setupApplicationMasterContainer(mainClass, true, jobManagerProcessSpec).getCommands().get(0));
cfg.set(YarnConfigOptionsInternal.APPLICATION_LOG_CONFIG_FILE, YarnLogConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_LOGBACK_NAME);
cfg.setString(ConfigConstants.YARN_CONTAINER_START_COMMAND_TEMPLATE, "%java% %logging% %jvmopts% %jvmmem% %class% %args% %redirects%");
// IMPORTANT: Be aware that we are using side effects here to modify the created
// YarnClusterDescriptor
assertEquals(java + " " + logfile + " " + logback + " " + jvmOpts + " " + jmJvmOpts + " " + krb5 + // jvmOpts
" " + jvmmem + " " + mainClass + " " + dynamicParameters + " " + redirects, clusterDescriptor.setupApplicationMasterContainer(mainClass, true, jobManagerProcessSpec).getCommands().get(0));
} finally {
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmanager.JobManagerProcessSpec in project flink by splunk.
the class JobManagerProcessSpecTest method testNotEquals.
public void testNotEquals() {
JobManagerProcessSpec spec1 = new JobManagerProcessSpec(MemorySize.parse("1m"), MemorySize.parse("2m"), MemorySize.parse("3m"), MemorySize.parse("4m"));
JobManagerProcessSpec spec2 = new JobManagerProcessSpec(MemorySize.ZERO, MemorySize.ZERO, MemorySize.ZERO, MemorySize.ZERO);
assertThat(spec1, not(spec2));
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmanager.JobManagerProcessSpec in project flink-mirror by flink-ci.
the class JobManagerProcessSpecTest method testEquals.
public void testEquals() {
JobManagerProcessSpec spec1 = new JobManagerProcessSpec(MemorySize.parse("1m"), MemorySize.parse("2m"), MemorySize.parse("3m"), MemorySize.parse("4m"));
JobManagerProcessSpec spec2 = new JobManagerProcessSpec(MemorySize.parse("1m"), MemorySize.parse("2m"), MemorySize.parse("3m"), MemorySize.parse("4m"));
assertThat(spec1, is(spec2));