use of org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.resettable.SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator in project flink by apache.
the class CrossDriver method runBlockedOuterFirst.
private void runBlockedOuterFirst() throws Exception {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(this.taskContext.formatLogString("Running Cross with Block-Nested-Loops: " + "First input is outer (blocking) side, second input is inner (spilling) side."));
final Counter numRecordsIn = taskContext.getMetricGroup().getIOMetricGroup().getNumRecordsInCounter();
final Counter numRecordsOut = taskContext.getMetricGroup().getIOMetricGroup().getNumRecordsOutCounter();
final MutableObjectIterator<T1> in1 = new CountingMutableObjectIterator<>(this.taskContext.<T1>getInput(0), numRecordsIn);
final MutableObjectIterator<T2> in2 = new CountingMutableObjectIterator<>(this.taskContext.<T2>getInput(1), numRecordsIn);
final TypeSerializer<T1> serializer1 = this.taskContext.<T1>getInputSerializer(0).getSerializer();
final TypeSerializer<T2> serializer2 = this.taskContext.<T2>getInputSerializer(1).getSerializer();
final BlockResettableMutableObjectIterator<T1> blockVals = new BlockResettableMutableObjectIterator<T1>(this.memManager, in1, serializer1, this.memPagesForBlockSide, this.taskContext.getContainingTask());
this.blockIter = blockVals;
final SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator<T2> spillVals = new SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator<T2>(in2, serializer2, this.memManager, this.taskContext.getIOManager(), this.memPagesForSpillingSide, this.taskContext.getContainingTask());
this.spillIter = spillVals;
final CrossFunction<T1, T2, OT> crosser = this.taskContext.getStub();
final Collector<OT> collector = new CountingCollector<>(this.taskContext.getOutputCollector(), numRecordsOut);
if (objectReuseEnabled) {
final T1 val1Reuse = serializer1.createInstance();
final T2 val2Reuse = serializer2.createInstance();
T1 val1;
T2 val2;
// for all blocks
do {
// for all values from the spilling side
while (this.running && ((val2 = != null)) {
// for all values in the block
while ((val1 = != null) {
collector.collect(crosser.cross(val1, val2));
} while (this.running && blockVals.nextBlock());
} else {
T1 val1;
T2 val2;
// for all blocks
do {
// for all values from the spilling side
while (this.running && ((val2 = != null)) {
// for all values in the block
while ((val1 = != null) {
collector.collect(crosser.cross(val1, serializer2.copy(val2)));
} while (this.running && blockVals.nextBlock());
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.resettable.SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator in project flink by apache.
the class CrossDriver method runStreamedOuterSecond.
private void runStreamedOuterSecond() throws Exception {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(this.taskContext.formatLogString("Running Cross with Nested-Loops: " + "First input is inner (spilling) side, second input is outer side."));
final Counter numRecordsIn = taskContext.getMetricGroup().getIOMetricGroup().getNumRecordsInCounter();
final Counter numRecordsOut = taskContext.getMetricGroup().getIOMetricGroup().getNumRecordsOutCounter();
final MutableObjectIterator<T1> in1 = new CountingMutableObjectIterator<>(this.taskContext.<T1>getInput(0), numRecordsIn);
final MutableObjectIterator<T2> in2 = new CountingMutableObjectIterator<>(this.taskContext.<T2>getInput(1), numRecordsIn);
final TypeSerializer<T1> serializer1 = this.taskContext.<T1>getInputSerializer(0).getSerializer();
final TypeSerializer<T2> serializer2 = this.taskContext.<T2>getInputSerializer(1).getSerializer();
final SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator<T1> spillVals = new SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator<T1>(in1, serializer1, this.memManager, this.taskContext.getIOManager(), this.memPagesForSpillingSide, this.taskContext.getContainingTask());
this.spillIter = spillVals;
final CrossFunction<T1, T2, OT> crosser = this.taskContext.getStub();
final Collector<OT> collector = new CountingCollector<>(this.taskContext.getOutputCollector(), numRecordsOut);
if (objectReuseEnabled) {
final T1 val1Reuse = serializer1.createInstance();
final T2 val2Reuse = serializer2.createInstance();
T1 val1;
T2 val2;
// for all blocks
while (this.running && (val2 = != null) {
// for all values from the spilling side
while (this.running && (val1 = != null) {
collector.collect(crosser.cross(val1, val2));
// crosser.cross(val1, val2Copy, collector);
} else {
T1 val1;
T2 val2;
// for all blocks
while (this.running && (val2 = != null) {
// for all values from the spilling side
while (this.running && (val1 = != null) {
collector.collect(crosser.cross(val1, serializer2.copy(val2)));
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.resettable.SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator in project flink by apache.
the class BatchTask method initLocalStrategies.
* NOTE: This method must be invoked after the invocation of {@code #initInputReaders()} and
* {@code #initInputSerializersAndComparators(int)}!
protected void initLocalStrategies(int numInputs) throws Exception {
final MemoryManager memMan = getMemoryManager();
final IOManager ioMan = getIOManager();
this.localStrategies = new CloseableInputProvider<?>[numInputs];
this.inputs = new MutableObjectIterator<?>[numInputs];
this.excludeFromReset = new boolean[numInputs];
this.inputIsCached = new boolean[numInputs];
this.inputIsAsyncMaterialized = new boolean[numInputs];
this.materializationMemory = new int[numInputs];
// created
for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
// we do another loop over the inputs, because we want to instantiate all
// sorters, etc before requesting the first input (as this call may block)
// we have two types of materialized inputs, and both are replayable (can act as a cache)
// The first variant materializes in a different thread and hence
// acts as a pipeline breaker. this one should only be there, if a pipeline breaker is
// needed.
// the second variant spills to the side and will not read unless the result is also
// consumed
// in a pipelined fashion.
this.resettableInputs = new SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator<?>[numInputs];
this.tempBarriers = new TempBarrier<?>[numInputs];
for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
final int memoryPages;
final boolean async = this.config.isInputAsynchronouslyMaterialized(i);
final boolean cached = this.config.isInputCached(i);
this.inputIsAsyncMaterialized[i] = async;
this.inputIsCached[i] = cached;
if (async || cached) {
memoryPages = memMan.computeNumberOfPages(this.config.getRelativeInputMaterializationMemory(i));
if (memoryPages <= 0) {
throw new Exception("Input marked as materialized/cached, but no memory for materialization provided.");
this.materializationMemory[i] = memoryPages;
} else {
memoryPages = 0;
if (async) {
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) TempBarrier<?> barrier = new TempBarrier(this, getInput(i), this.inputSerializers[i], memMan, ioMan, memoryPages, emptyList());
this.tempBarriers[i] = barrier;
this.inputs[i] = null;
} else if (cached) {
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator<?> iter = new SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator(getInput(i), this.inputSerializers[i].getSerializer(), getMemoryManager(), getIOManager(), memoryPages, this);
this.resettableInputs[i] = iter;
this.inputs[i] = iter;
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.resettable.SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator in project flink by apache.
the class CrossDriver method runBlockedOuterSecond.
private void runBlockedOuterSecond() throws Exception {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(this.taskContext.formatLogString("Running Cross with Block-Nested-Loops: " + "First input is inner (spilling) side, second input is outer (blocking) side."));
final Counter numRecordsIn = taskContext.getMetricGroup().getIOMetricGroup().getNumRecordsInCounter();
final Counter numRecordsOut = taskContext.getMetricGroup().getIOMetricGroup().getNumRecordsOutCounter();
final MutableObjectIterator<T1> in1 = new CountingMutableObjectIterator<>(this.taskContext.<T1>getInput(0), numRecordsIn);
final MutableObjectIterator<T2> in2 = new CountingMutableObjectIterator<>(this.taskContext.<T2>getInput(1), numRecordsIn);
final TypeSerializer<T1> serializer1 = this.taskContext.<T1>getInputSerializer(0).getSerializer();
final TypeSerializer<T2> serializer2 = this.taskContext.<T2>getInputSerializer(1).getSerializer();
final SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator<T1> spillVals = new SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator<T1>(in1, serializer1, this.memManager, this.taskContext.getIOManager(), this.memPagesForSpillingSide, this.taskContext.getContainingTask());
this.spillIter = spillVals;
final BlockResettableMutableObjectIterator<T2> blockVals = new BlockResettableMutableObjectIterator<T2>(this.memManager, in2, serializer2, this.memPagesForBlockSide, this.taskContext.getContainingTask());
this.blockIter = blockVals;
final CrossFunction<T1, T2, OT> crosser = this.taskContext.getStub();
final Collector<OT> collector = new CountingCollector<>(this.taskContext.getOutputCollector(), numRecordsOut);
if (objectReuseEnabled) {
final T1 val1Reuse = serializer1.createInstance();
final T2 val2Reuse = serializer2.createInstance();
T1 val1;
T2 val2;
// for all blocks
do {
// for all values from the spilling side
while (this.running && ((val1 = != null)) {
// for all values in the block
while (this.running && ((val2 = != null)) {
collector.collect(crosser.cross(val1, val2));
} while (this.running && blockVals.nextBlock());
} else {
T1 val1;
T2 val2;
// for all blocks
do {
// for all values from the spilling side
while (this.running && ((val1 = != null)) {
// for all values in the block
while (this.running && ((val2 = != null)) {
collector.collect(crosser.cross(serializer1.copy(val1), val2));
} while (this.running && blockVals.nextBlock());
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.resettable.SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator in project flink by apache.
the class CrossDriver method runStreamedOuterFirst.
private void runStreamedOuterFirst() throws Exception {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(this.taskContext.formatLogString("Running Cross with Nested-Loops: " + "First input is outer side, second input is inner (spilling) side."));
final Counter numRecordsIn = taskContext.getMetricGroup().getIOMetricGroup().getNumRecordsInCounter();
final Counter numRecordsOut = taskContext.getMetricGroup().getIOMetricGroup().getNumRecordsOutCounter();
final MutableObjectIterator<T1> in1 = new CountingMutableObjectIterator<>(this.taskContext.<T1>getInput(0), numRecordsIn);
final MutableObjectIterator<T2> in2 = new CountingMutableObjectIterator<>(this.taskContext.<T2>getInput(1), numRecordsIn);
final TypeSerializer<T1> serializer1 = this.taskContext.<T1>getInputSerializer(0).getSerializer();
final TypeSerializer<T2> serializer2 = this.taskContext.<T2>getInputSerializer(1).getSerializer();
final SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator<T2> spillVals = new SpillingResettableMutableObjectIterator<T2>(in2, serializer2, this.memManager, this.taskContext.getIOManager(), this.memPagesForSpillingSide, this.taskContext.getContainingTask());
this.spillIter = spillVals;
final CrossFunction<T1, T2, OT> crosser = this.taskContext.getStub();
final Collector<OT> collector = new CountingCollector<>(this.taskContext.getOutputCollector(), numRecordsOut);
if (objectReuseEnabled) {
final T1 val1Reuse = serializer1.createInstance();
final T2 val2Reuse = serializer2.createInstance();
T1 val1;
T2 val2;
// for all blocks
while (this.running && ((val1 = != null)) {
// for all values from the spilling side
while (this.running && ((val2 = != null)) {
collector.collect(crosser.cross(val1, val2));
} else {
T1 val1;
T2 val2;
// for all blocks
while (this.running && ((val1 = != null)) {
// for all values from the spilling side
while (this.running && ((val2 = != null)) {
collector.collect(crosser.cross(serializer1.copy(val1), val2));