use of org.apache.flink.runtime.state.StateBackend in project flink by apache.
the class ExecutionGraphBuilder method buildGraph.
* Builds the ExecutionGraph from the JobGraph.
* If a prior execution graph exists, the JobGraph will be attached. If no prior execution
* graph exists, then the JobGraph will become attach to a new empty execution graph.
public static ExecutionGraph buildGraph(@Nullable ExecutionGraph prior, JobGraph jobGraph, Configuration jobManagerConfig, ScheduledExecutorService futureExecutor, Executor ioExecutor, SlotProvider slotProvider, ClassLoader classLoader, CheckpointRecoveryFactory recoveryFactory, Time timeout, RestartStrategy restartStrategy, MetricGroup metrics, int parallelismForAutoMax, Logger log) throws JobExecutionException, JobException {
checkNotNull(jobGraph, "job graph cannot be null");
final String jobName = jobGraph.getName();
final JobID jobId = jobGraph.getJobID();
// create a new execution graph, if none exists so far
final ExecutionGraph executionGraph;
try {
executionGraph = (prior != null) ? prior : new ExecutionGraph(futureExecutor, ioExecutor, jobId, jobName, jobGraph.getJobConfiguration(), jobGraph.getSerializedExecutionConfig(), timeout, restartStrategy, jobGraph.getUserJarBlobKeys(), jobGraph.getClasspaths(), slotProvider, classLoader, metrics);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new JobException("Could not create the execution graph.", e);
// set the basic properties
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.warn("Cannot create JSON plan for job", t);
// give the graph an empty plan
// initialize the vertices that have a master initialization hook
// file output formats create directories here, input formats create splits
final long initMasterStart = System.nanoTime();"Running initialization on master for job {} ({}).", jobName, jobId);
for (JobVertex vertex : jobGraph.getVertices()) {
String executableClass = vertex.getInvokableClassName();
if (executableClass == null || executableClass.isEmpty()) {
throw new JobSubmissionException(jobId, "The vertex " + vertex.getID() + " (" + vertex.getName() + ") has no invokable class.");
if (vertex.getParallelism() == ExecutionConfig.PARALLELISM_AUTO_MAX) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new JobExecutionException(jobId, "Cannot initialize task '" + vertex.getName() + "': " + t.getMessage(), t);
}"Successfully ran initialization on master in {} ms.", (System.nanoTime() - initMasterStart) / 1_000_000);
// topologically sort the job vertices and attach the graph to the existing one
List<JobVertex> sortedTopology = jobGraph.getVerticesSortedTopologicallyFromSources();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Adding {} vertices from job graph {} ({}).", sortedTopology.size(), jobName, jobId);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Successfully created execution graph from job graph {} ({}).", jobName, jobId);
// configure the state checkpointing
JobSnapshottingSettings snapshotSettings = jobGraph.getSnapshotSettings();
if (snapshotSettings != null) {
List<ExecutionJobVertex> triggerVertices = idToVertex(snapshotSettings.getVerticesToTrigger(), executionGraph);
List<ExecutionJobVertex> ackVertices = idToVertex(snapshotSettings.getVerticesToAcknowledge(), executionGraph);
List<ExecutionJobVertex> confirmVertices = idToVertex(snapshotSettings.getVerticesToConfirm(), executionGraph);
CompletedCheckpointStore completedCheckpoints;
CheckpointIDCounter checkpointIdCounter;
try {
int maxNumberOfCheckpointsToRetain = jobManagerConfig.getInteger(CoreOptions.MAX_RETAINED_CHECKPOINTS);
if (maxNumberOfCheckpointsToRetain <= 0) {
// warning and use 1 as the default value if the setting in
// state.checkpoints.max-retained-checkpoints is not greater than 0.
log.warn("The setting for '{} : {}' is invalid. Using default value of {}", CoreOptions.MAX_RETAINED_CHECKPOINTS.key(), maxNumberOfCheckpointsToRetain, CoreOptions.MAX_RETAINED_CHECKPOINTS.defaultValue());
maxNumberOfCheckpointsToRetain = CoreOptions.MAX_RETAINED_CHECKPOINTS.defaultValue();
completedCheckpoints = recoveryFactory.createCheckpointStore(jobId, maxNumberOfCheckpointsToRetain, classLoader);
checkpointIdCounter = recoveryFactory.createCheckpointIDCounter(jobId);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JobExecutionException(jobId, "Failed to initialize high-availability checkpoint handler", e);
// Maximum number of remembered checkpoints
int historySize = jobManagerConfig.getInteger(ConfigConstants.JOB_MANAGER_WEB_CHECKPOINTS_HISTORY_SIZE, ConfigConstants.DEFAULT_JOB_MANAGER_WEB_CHECKPOINTS_HISTORY_SIZE);
CheckpointStatsTracker checkpointStatsTracker = new CheckpointStatsTracker(historySize, ackVertices, snapshotSettings, metrics);
// The default directory for externalized checkpoints
String externalizedCheckpointsDir = jobManagerConfig.getString(ConfigConstants.CHECKPOINTS_DIRECTORY_KEY, null);
// load the state backend for checkpoint metadata.
// if specified in the application, use from there, otherwise load from configuration
final StateBackend metadataBackend;
final StateBackend applicationConfiguredBackend = snapshotSettings.getDefaultStateBackend();
if (applicationConfiguredBackend != null) {
metadataBackend = applicationConfiguredBackend;"Using application-defined state backend for checkpoint/savepoint metadata: {}.", applicationConfiguredBackend);
} else {
try {
metadataBackend = AbstractStateBackend.loadStateBackendFromConfigOrCreateDefault(jobManagerConfig, classLoader, log);
} catch (IllegalConfigurationException | IOException | DynamicCodeLoadingException e) {
throw new JobExecutionException(jobId, "Could not instantiate configured state backend", e);
executionGraph.enableCheckpointing(snapshotSettings.getCheckpointInterval(), snapshotSettings.getCheckpointTimeout(), snapshotSettings.getMinPauseBetweenCheckpoints(), snapshotSettings.getMaxConcurrentCheckpoints(), snapshotSettings.getExternalizedCheckpointSettings(), triggerVertices, ackVertices, confirmVertices, checkpointIdCounter, completedCheckpoints, externalizedCheckpointsDir, metadataBackend, checkpointStatsTracker);
return executionGraph;