use of org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.RichSinkFunction in project flink by apache.
the class KafkaConsumerTestBase method runSimpleConcurrentProducerConsumerTopology.
* Ensure Kafka is working on both producer and consumer side. This executes a job that contains
* two Flink pipelines.
* <pre>
* (generator source) --> (kafka sink)-[KAFKA-TOPIC]-(kafka source) --> (validating sink)
* </pre>
* <p>We need to externally retry this test. We cannot let Flink's retry mechanism do it,
* because the Kafka producer does not guarantee exactly-once output. Hence a recovery would
* introduce duplicates that cause the test to fail.
* <p>This test also ensures that FLINK-3156 doesn't happen again:
* <p>The following situation caused a NPE in the FlinkKafkaConsumer
* <p>topic-1 <-- elements are only produced into topic1. topic-2
* <p>Therefore, this test is consuming as well from an empty topic.
@RetryOnException(times = 2, exception = NotLeaderForPartitionException.class)
public void runSimpleConcurrentProducerConsumerTopology() throws Exception {
final String topic = "concurrentProducerConsumerTopic_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final String additionalEmptyTopic = "additionalEmptyTopic_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final int parallelism = 3;
final int elementsPerPartition = 100;
final int totalElements = parallelism * elementsPerPartition;
createTestTopic(topic, parallelism, 1);
createTestTopic(additionalEmptyTopic, parallelism, // create an empty topic which will remain empty all the time
final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
// fail immediately
TypeInformation<Tuple2<Long, String>> longStringType = TypeInformation.of(new TypeHint<Tuple2<Long, String>>() {
TypeInformationSerializationSchema<Tuple2<Long, String>> sourceSchema = new TypeInformationSerializationSchema<>(longStringType, env.getConfig());
TypeInformationSerializationSchema<Tuple2<Long, String>> sinkSchema = new TypeInformationSerializationSchema<>(longStringType, env.getConfig());
// ----------- add producer dataflow ----------
DataStream<Tuple2<Long, String>> stream = env.addSource(new RichParallelSourceFunction<Tuple2<Long, String>>() {
private boolean running = true;
public void run(SourceContext<Tuple2<Long, String>> ctx) throws InterruptedException {
int cnt = getRuntimeContext().getIndexOfThisSubtask() * elementsPerPartition;
int limit = cnt + elementsPerPartition;
while (running && cnt < limit) {
ctx.collect(new Tuple2<>(1000L + cnt, "kafka-" + cnt));
// we delay data generation a bit so that we are sure that some
// checkpoints are
// triggered (for FLINK-3156)
public void cancel() {
running = false;
Properties producerProperties = FlinkKafkaProducerBase.getPropertiesFromBrokerList(brokerConnectionStrings);
producerProperties.setProperty("retries", "3");
kafkaServer.produceIntoKafka(stream, topic, sinkSchema, producerProperties, null);
// ----------- add consumer dataflow ----------
List<String> topics = new ArrayList<>();
Properties props = new Properties();
DataStreamSource<Tuple2<Long, String>> consuming = getStream(env, topics, sourceSchema, props);
consuming.addSink(new RichSinkFunction<Tuple2<Long, String>>() {
private int elCnt = 0;
private BitSet validator = new BitSet(totalElements);
public void invoke(Tuple2<Long, String> value) throws Exception {
String[] sp = value.f1.split("-");
int v = Integer.parseInt(sp[1]);
assertEquals(value.f0 - 1000, (long) v);
assertFalse("Received tuple twice", validator.get(v));
if (elCnt == totalElements) {
// check if everything in the bitset is set to true
int nc;
if ((nc = validator.nextClearBit(0)) != totalElements) {
fail("The bitset was not set to 1 on all elements. Next clear:" + nc + " Set: " + validator);
throw new SuccessException();
public void close() throws Exception {
try {
tryExecutePropagateExceptions(env, "runSimpleConcurrentProducerConsumerTopology");
} catch (ProgramInvocationException | JobExecutionException e) {
// look for NotLeaderForPartitionException
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
// search for nested SuccessExceptions
int depth = 0;
while (cause != null && depth++ < 20) {
if (cause instanceof NotLeaderForPartitionException) {
throw (Exception) cause;
cause = cause.getCause();
throw e;