use of org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.testutils.IntegerSource in project flink by apache.
the class KafkaProducerTestBase method testExactlyOnce.
* This test sets KafkaProducer so that it will automatically flush the data and and fails the
* broker to check whether flushed records since last checkpoint were not duplicated.
protected void testExactlyOnce(boolean regularSink, int sinksCount) throws Exception {
final String topic = (regularSink ? "exactlyOnceTopicRegularSink" : "exactlyTopicCustomOperator") + sinksCount;
final int partition = 0;
final int numElements = 1000;
final int failAfterElements = 333;
for (int i = 0; i < sinksCount; i++) {
createTestTopic(topic + i, 1, 1);
TypeInformationSerializationSchema<Integer> schema = new TypeInformationSerializationSchema<>(BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO, new ExecutionConfig());
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
env.setRestartStrategy(RestartStrategies.fixedDelayRestart(1, 0));
Properties properties = new Properties();
// process exactly failAfterElements number of elements and then shutdown Kafka broker and
// fail application
List<Integer> expectedElements = getIntegersSequence(numElements);
DataStream<Integer> inputStream = env.addSource(new IntegerSource(numElements)).map(new FailingIdentityMapper<Integer>(failAfterElements));
for (int i = 0; i < sinksCount; i++) {
FlinkKafkaPartitioner<Integer> partitioner = new FlinkKafkaPartitioner<Integer>() {
public int partition(Integer record, byte[] key, byte[] value, String targetTopic, int[] partitions) {
return partition;
if (regularSink) {
StreamSink<Integer> kafkaSink = kafkaServer.getProducerSink(topic + i, schema, properties, partitioner);
} else {
kafkaServer.produceIntoKafka(inputStream, topic + i, schema, properties, partitioner);
FailingIdentityMapper.failedBefore = false;
TestUtils.tryExecute(env, "Exactly once test");
for (int i = 0; i < sinksCount; i++) {
// assert that before failure we successfully snapshot/flushed all expected elements
assertExactlyOnceForTopic(properties, topic + i, expectedElements);
deleteTestTopic(topic + i);