use of org.apache.flink.table.api.TableColumn in project flink by apache.
the class HiveParserDDLSemanticAnalyzer method convertAlterTableModifyCols.
private Operation convertAlterTableModifyCols(CatalogBaseTable alteredTable, String tblName, HiveParserASTNode ast, boolean replace) throws SemanticException {
List<FieldSchema> newCols = HiveParserBaseSemanticAnalyzer.getColumns((HiveParserASTNode) ast.getChild(0));
boolean isCascade = false;
if (null != ast.getFirstChildWithType(HiveASTParser.TOK_CASCADE)) {
isCascade = true;
ObjectIdentifier tableIdentifier = parseObjectIdentifier(tblName);
CatalogTable oldTable = (CatalogTable) alteredTable;
// prepare properties
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>(oldTable.getOptions());
if (isCascade) {
props.put(ALTER_COL_CASCADE, "true");
TableSchema oldSchema = oldTable.getSchema();
final int numPartCol = oldTable.getPartitionKeys().size();
TableSchema.Builder builder = TableSchema.builder();
// add existing non-part col if we're not replacing
if (!replace) {
List<TableColumn> nonPartCols = oldSchema.getTableColumns().subList(0, oldSchema.getFieldCount() - numPartCol);
for (TableColumn column : nonPartCols) {
setWatermarkAndPK(builder, oldSchema);
// add new cols
for (FieldSchema col : newCols) {
builder.add(TableColumn.physical(col.getName(), HiveTypeUtil.toFlinkType(TypeInfoUtils.getTypeInfoFromTypeString(col.getType()))));
// add part cols
List<TableColumn> partCols = oldSchema.getTableColumns().subList(oldSchema.getFieldCount() - numPartCol, oldSchema.getFieldCount());
for (TableColumn column : partCols) {
return new AlterTableSchemaOperation(tableIdentifier, new CatalogTableImpl(, oldTable.getPartitionKeys(), props, oldTable.getComment()));
use of org.apache.flink.table.api.TableColumn in project flink by apache.
the class TableFormatFactoryBase method deriveSchema.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Finds the table schema that can be used for a format schema (without time attributes and
* generated columns).
public static TableSchema deriveSchema(Map<String, String> properties) {
final DescriptorProperties descriptorProperties = new DescriptorProperties();
final TableSchema.Builder builder = TableSchema.builder();
final TableSchema tableSchema = descriptorProperties.getTableSchema(SCHEMA);
for (int i = 0; i < tableSchema.getFieldCount(); i++) {
final TableColumn tableColumn = tableSchema.getTableColumns().get(i);
final String fieldName = tableColumn.getName();
final DataType dataType = tableColumn.getType();
if (!tableColumn.isPhysical()) {
// skip non-physical columns
final boolean isProctime = descriptorProperties.getOptionalBoolean(SCHEMA + '.' + i + '.' + SCHEMA_PROCTIME).orElse(false);
final String timestampKey = SCHEMA + '.' + i + '.' + ROWTIME_TIMESTAMPS_TYPE;
final boolean isRowtime = descriptorProperties.containsKey(timestampKey);
if (!isProctime && !isRowtime) {
// check for aliasing
final String aliasName = descriptorProperties.getOptionalString(SCHEMA + '.' + i + '.' + SCHEMA_FROM).orElse(fieldName);
builder.field(aliasName, dataType);
} else // only use the rowtime attribute if it references a field
if (isRowtime && descriptorProperties.isValue(timestampKey, ROWTIME_TIMESTAMPS_TYPE_VALUE_FROM_FIELD)) {
final String aliasName = descriptorProperties.getString(SCHEMA + '.' + i + '.' + ROWTIME_TIMESTAMPS_FROM);
builder.field(aliasName, dataType);
use of org.apache.flink.table.api.TableColumn in project flink by apache.
the class OperationConverterUtils method convertChangeColumn.
public static Operation convertChangeColumn(ObjectIdentifier tableIdentifier, SqlChangeColumn changeColumn, CatalogTable catalogTable, SqlValidator sqlValidator) {
String oldName = changeColumn.getOldName().getSimple();
if (catalogTable.getPartitionKeys().indexOf(oldName) >= 0) {
// disallow changing partition columns
throw new ValidationException("CHANGE COLUMN cannot be applied to partition columns");
TableSchema oldSchema = catalogTable.getSchema();
boolean first = changeColumn.isFirst();
String after = changeColumn.getAfter() == null ? null : changeColumn.getAfter().getSimple();
TableColumn newTableColumn = toTableColumn(changeColumn.getNewColumn(), sqlValidator);
TableSchema newSchema = changeColumn(oldSchema, oldName, newTableColumn, first, after);
Map<String, String> newProperties = new HashMap<>(catalogTable.getOptions());
return new AlterTableSchemaOperation(tableIdentifier, new CatalogTableImpl(newSchema, catalogTable.getPartitionKeys(), newProperties, catalogTable.getComment()));
// TODO: handle watermark and constraints
use of org.apache.flink.table.api.TableColumn in project flink by apache.
the class HiveParserDDLSemanticAnalyzer method convertAlterTableChangeCol.
private Operation convertAlterTableChangeCol(CatalogBaseTable alteredTable, String[] qualified, HiveParserASTNode ast) throws SemanticException {
String newComment = null;
boolean first = false;
String flagCol = null;
boolean isCascade = false;
// col_old_name col_new_name column_type [COMMENT col_comment] [FIRST|AFTER column_name]
String oldColName = ast.getChild(0).getText();
String newColName = ast.getChild(1).getText();
String newType = HiveParserBaseSemanticAnalyzer.getTypeStringFromAST((HiveParserASTNode) ast.getChild(2));
int childCount = ast.getChildCount();
for (int i = 3; i < childCount; i++) {
HiveParserASTNode child = (HiveParserASTNode) ast.getChild(i);
switch(child.getToken().getType()) {
case HiveASTParser.StringLiteral:
newComment = HiveParserBaseSemanticAnalyzer.unescapeSQLString(child.getText());
flagCol = HiveParserBaseSemanticAnalyzer.unescapeIdentifier(child.getChild(0).getText());
case HiveASTParser.KW_FIRST:
first = true;
case HiveASTParser.TOK_CASCADE:
isCascade = true;
case HiveASTParser.TOK_RESTRICT:
throw new ValidationException("Unsupported token: " + child.getToken() + " for alter table");
// Validate the operation of renaming a column name.
Table tab = getTable(new ObjectPath(qualified[0], qualified[1]));
SkewedInfo skewInfo = tab.getTTable().getSd().getSkewedInfo();
if ((null != skewInfo) && (null != skewInfo.getSkewedColNames()) && skewInfo.getSkewedColNames().contains(oldColName)) {
throw new ValidationException(oldColName + ErrorMsg.ALTER_TABLE_NOT_ALLOWED_RENAME_SKEWED_COLUMN.getMsg());
String tblName = HiveParserBaseSemanticAnalyzer.getDotName(qualified);
ObjectIdentifier tableIdentifier = parseObjectIdentifier(tblName);
CatalogTable oldTable = (CatalogTable) alteredTable;
String oldName = HiveParserBaseSemanticAnalyzer.unescapeIdentifier(oldColName);
String newName = HiveParserBaseSemanticAnalyzer.unescapeIdentifier(newColName);
if (oldTable.getPartitionKeys().contains(oldName)) {
// disallow changing partition columns
throw new ValidationException("CHANGE COLUMN cannot be applied to partition columns");
TableSchema oldSchema = oldTable.getSchema();
TableColumn newTableColumn = TableColumn.physical(newName, HiveTypeUtil.toFlinkType(TypeInfoUtils.getTypeInfoFromTypeString(newType)));
TableSchema newSchema = OperationConverterUtils.changeColumn(oldSchema, oldName, newTableColumn, first, flagCol);
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>(oldTable.getOptions());
if (isCascade) {
props.put(ALTER_COL_CASCADE, "true");
return new AlterTableSchemaOperation(tableIdentifier, new CatalogTableImpl(newSchema, oldTable.getPartitionKeys(), props, oldTable.getComment()));
use of org.apache.flink.table.api.TableColumn in project flink by apache.
the class SchemaValidator method deriveTableSinkSchema.
* Derives the table schema for a table sink. A sink ignores a proctime attribute and needs to
* track the origin of a rowtime field.
* @deprecated This method combines two separate concepts of table schema and field mapping.
* This should be split into two methods once we have support for the corresponding
* interfaces (see FLINK-9870).
public static TableSchema deriveTableSinkSchema(DescriptorProperties properties) {
TableSchema.Builder builder = TableSchema.builder();
TableSchema tableSchema = properties.getTableSchema(SCHEMA);
for (int i = 0; i < tableSchema.getFieldCount(); i++) {
final TableColumn tableColumn = tableSchema.getTableColumns().get(i);
final String fieldName = tableColumn.getName();
final DataType dataType = tableColumn.getType();
if (!tableColumn.isPhysical()) {
// skip non-physical column
boolean isProctime = properties.getOptionalBoolean(SCHEMA + "." + i + "." + SCHEMA_PROCTIME).orElse(false);
String tsType = SCHEMA + "." + i + "." + ROWTIME_TIMESTAMPS_TYPE;
boolean isRowtime = properties.containsKey(tsType);
if (!isProctime && !isRowtime) {
// check for a aliasing
String aliasName = properties.getOptionalString(SCHEMA + "." + i + "." + SCHEMA_FROM).orElse(fieldName);
builder.field(aliasName, dataType);
} else // only use the rowtime attribute if it references a field
if (isRowtime) {
switch(properties.getString(tsType)) {
String field = properties.getString(SCHEMA + "." + i + "." + ROWTIME_TIMESTAMPS_FROM);
builder.field(field, dataType);
// insert the timestamp into the output
throw new TableException(format("Unsupported rowtime type '%s' for sink" + " table schema. Currently only '%s' is supported for table sinks.", dataType, ROWTIME_TIMESTAMPS_TYPE_VALUE_FROM_FIELD));