use of org.apache.flink.table.operations.QueryOperation in project zeppelin by apache.
the class Flink112Shims method parseBySqlParser.
private SqlCommandCall parseBySqlParser(Parser sqlParser, String stmt) throws Exception {
List<Operation> operations;
try {
operations = sqlParser.parse(stmt);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new Exception("Invalidate SQL statement.", e);
if (operations.size() != 1) {
throw new Exception("Only single statement is supported now.");
final SqlCommand cmd;
String[] operands = new String[] { stmt };
Operation operation = operations.get(0);
if (operation instanceof CatalogSinkModifyOperation) {
boolean overwrite = ((CatalogSinkModifyOperation) operation).isOverwrite();
cmd = overwrite ? SqlCommand.INSERT_OVERWRITE : SqlCommand.INSERT_INTO;
} else if (operation instanceof CreateTableOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.CREATE_TABLE;
} else if (operation instanceof DropTableOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.DROP_TABLE;
} else if (operation instanceof AlterTableOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.ALTER_TABLE;
} else if (operation instanceof CreateViewOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.CREATE_VIEW;
} else if (operation instanceof DropViewOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.DROP_VIEW;
} else if (operation instanceof CreateDatabaseOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.CREATE_DATABASE;
} else if (operation instanceof DropDatabaseOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.DROP_DATABASE;
} else if (operation instanceof AlterDatabaseOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.ALTER_DATABASE;
} else if (operation instanceof CreateCatalogOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.CREATE_CATALOG;
} else if (operation instanceof DropCatalogOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.DROP_CATALOG;
} else if (operation instanceof UseCatalogOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.USE_CATALOG;
operands = new String[] { ((UseCatalogOperation) operation).getCatalogName() };
} else if (operation instanceof UseDatabaseOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.USE;
operands = new String[] { ((UseDatabaseOperation) operation).getDatabaseName() };
} else if (operation instanceof ShowCatalogsOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.SHOW_CATALOGS;
operands = new String[0];
} else if (operation instanceof ShowDatabasesOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.SHOW_DATABASES;
operands = new String[0];
} else if (operation instanceof ShowTablesOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.SHOW_TABLES;
operands = new String[0];
} else if (operation instanceof ShowFunctionsOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.SHOW_FUNCTIONS;
operands = new String[0];
} else if (operation instanceof CreateCatalogFunctionOperation || operation instanceof CreateTempSystemFunctionOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.CREATE_FUNCTION;
} else if (operation instanceof DropCatalogFunctionOperation || operation instanceof DropTempSystemFunctionOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.DROP_FUNCTION;
} else if (operation instanceof AlterCatalogFunctionOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.ALTER_FUNCTION;
} else if (operation instanceof ExplainOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.EXPLAIN;
} else if (operation instanceof DescribeTableOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.DESCRIBE;
operands = new String[] { ((DescribeTableOperation) operation).getSqlIdentifier().asSerializableString() };
} else if (operation instanceof QueryOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.SELECT;
} else {
throw new Exception("Unknown operation: " + operation.asSummaryString());
return new SqlCommandCall(cmd, operands, stmt);
use of org.apache.flink.table.operations.QueryOperation in project flink by apache.
the class ValuesOperationFactory method create.
* Creates a valid {@link ValuesQueryOperation} operation.
* <p>It derives a row type based on {@link LogicalTypeMerging}. It flattens any row
* constructors. It does not flatten ROWs which are a result of e.g. a function call.
* <p>The resulting schema can be provided manually. If it is not, the schema will be
* automatically derived from the types of the expressions.
QueryOperation create(@Nullable ResolvedSchema expectedSchema, List<ResolvedExpression> resolvedExpressions, ExpressionResolver.PostResolverFactory postResolverFactory) {
List<List<ResolvedExpression>> resolvedRows = unwrapFromRowConstructor(resolvedExpressions);
if (expectedSchema != null) {
verifyAllSameSize(resolvedRows, expectedSchema.getColumnCount());
ResolvedSchema schema = Optional.ofNullable(expectedSchema).orElseGet(() -> extractSchema(resolvedRows));
List<List<ResolvedExpression>> castedExpressions = -> convertTopLevelExpressionToExpectedRowType(postResolverFactory, schema.getColumnDataTypes(), row)).collect(Collectors.toList());
return new ValuesQueryOperation(castedExpressions, schema);
use of org.apache.flink.table.operations.QueryOperation in project flink by apache.
the class OperationTreeBuilder method aggregate.
public QueryOperation aggregate(List<Expression> groupingExpressions, Expression aggregate, QueryOperation child) {
Expression resolvedAggregate = aggregate.accept(lookupResolver);
ExpressionResolver resolver = getAggResolver(child, groupingExpressions);
AggregateWithAlias aggregateWithAlias = resolvedAggregate.accept(new ExtractAliasAndAggregate(true, resolver));
List<Expression> groupsAndAggregate = new ArrayList<>(groupingExpressions);
List<Expression> namedGroupsAndAggregate = addAliasToTheCallInAggregate(child.getResolvedSchema().getColumnNames(), groupsAndAggregate);
// Step1: add a default name to the call in the grouping expressions, e.g., groupBy(a % 5)
// to
// groupBy(a % 5 as TMP_0). We need a name for every column so that to perform alias for the
// aggregate function in Step5.
List<Expression> newGroupingExpressions = namedGroupsAndAggregate.subList(0, groupingExpressions.size());
// Step2: turn agg to a named agg, because it will be verified later.
Expression aggregateRenamed = namedGroupsAndAggregate.get(groupingExpressions.size());
// Step3: get agg table
QueryOperation aggregateOperation = this.aggregate(newGroupingExpressions, Collections.singletonList(aggregateRenamed), child);
// Step4: flatten the aggregate function
List<String> aggNames = aggregateOperation.getResolvedSchema().getColumnNames();
List<Expression> flattenedExpressions = aggNames.subList(0, groupingExpressions.size()).stream().map(ApiExpressionUtils::unresolvedRef).collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new));
flattenedExpressions.add(unresolvedCall(BuiltInFunctionDefinitions.FLATTEN, unresolvedRef(aggNames.get(aggNames.size() - 1))));
QueryOperation flattenedProjection = this.project(flattenedExpressions, aggregateOperation);
// Step5: add alias
return aliasBackwardFields(flattenedProjection, aggregateWithAlias.aliases, groupingExpressions.size());
use of org.apache.flink.table.operations.QueryOperation in project flink by apache.
the class OperationTreeBuilder method joinLateral.
public QueryOperation joinLateral(QueryOperation left, Expression tableFunction, JoinType joinType, Optional<Expression> condition) {
ExpressionResolver resolver = getResolver(left);
ResolvedExpression resolvedFunction = resolveSingleExpression(tableFunction, resolver);
QueryOperation temporalTable = calculatedTableFactory.create(resolvedFunction, left.getResolvedSchema().getColumnNames());
return join(left, temporalTable, joinType, condition, true);
use of org.apache.flink.table.operations.QueryOperation in project flink by apache.
the class OperationTreeBuilder method flatMap.
public QueryOperation flatMap(Expression tableFunctionCall, QueryOperation child) {
final ExpressionResolver resolver = getResolverBuilder(child).build();
final ResolvedExpression resolvedCall = resolveSingleExpression(tableFunctionCall, resolver);
if (!isFunctionOfKind(resolvedCall, FunctionKind.TABLE)) {
throw new ValidationException("Only a table function can be used in the flatMap operator.");
final List<String> originFieldNames = DataTypeUtils.flattenToNames(resolvedCall.getOutputDataType());
List<String> childFields = child.getResolvedSchema().getColumnNames();
Set<String> usedFieldNames = new HashSet<>(childFields);
List<Expression> args = new ArrayList<>();
for (String originFieldName : originFieldNames) {
String resultName = getUniqueName(originFieldName, usedFieldNames);
args.add(0, tableFunctionCall);
Expression renamedTableFunction = unresolvedCall(BuiltInFunctionDefinitions.AS, args.toArray(new Expression[0]));
QueryOperation joinNode = joinLateral(child, renamedTableFunction, JoinType.INNER, Optional.empty());
QueryOperation rightNode = dropColumns(, joinNode);
return alias(, rightNode);