use of org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.CalciteConfig in project flink by apache.
the class PushFilterIntoTableSourceScanRuleTest method setup.
public void setup() {
util = batchTestUtil(TableConfig.getDefault());
((BatchTableTestUtil) util).buildBatchProgram(FlinkBatchProgram.DEFAULT_REWRITE());
CalciteConfig calciteConfig = TableConfigUtils.getCalciteConfig(util.tableEnv().getConfig());
calciteConfig.getBatchProgram().get().addLast("rules", FlinkHepRuleSetProgramBuilder.<BatchOptimizeContext>newBuilder().setHepRulesExecutionType(HEP_RULES_EXECUTION_TYPE.RULE_COLLECTION()).setHepMatchOrder(HepMatchOrder.BOTTOM_UP).add(RuleSets.ofList(PushFilterIntoTableSourceScanRule.INSTANCE, CoreRules.FILTER_PROJECT_TRANSPOSE)).build());
// name: STRING, id: LONG, amount: INT, price: DOUBLE
String ddl1 = "CREATE TABLE MyTable (\n" + " name STRING,\n" + " id bigint,\n" + " amount int,\n" + " price double\n" + ") WITH (\n" + " 'connector' = 'values',\n" + " 'filterable-fields' = 'amount',\n" + " 'bounded' = 'true'\n" + ")";
String ddl2 = "CREATE TABLE VirtualTable (\n" + " name STRING,\n" + " id bigint,\n" + " amount int,\n" + " virtualField as amount + 1,\n" + " price double\n" + ") WITH (\n" + " 'connector' = 'values',\n" + " 'filterable-fields' = 'amount',\n" + " 'bounded' = 'true'\n" + ")";
use of org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.CalciteConfig in project flink by apache.
the class PushPartitionIntoTableSourceScanRuleTest method setup.
public void setup() throws Exception {
CalciteConfig calciteConfig = TableConfigUtils.getCalciteConfig(util().tableEnv().getConfig());
calciteConfig.getBatchProgram().get().addLast("rules", FlinkHepRuleSetProgramBuilder.<BatchOptimizeContext>newBuilder().setHepRulesExecutionType(HEP_RULES_EXECUTION_TYPE.RULE_SEQUENCE()).setHepMatchOrder(HepMatchOrder.BOTTOM_UP).add(RuleSets.ofList(CoreRules.FILTER_PROJECT_TRANSPOSE, PushPartitionIntoTableSourceScanRule.INSTANCE)).build());
// define ddl
String ddlTemp = "CREATE TABLE MyTable (\n" + " id int,\n" + " name string,\n" + " part1 string,\n" + " part2 int)\n" + " partitioned by (part1, part2)\n" + " WITH (\n" + " 'connector' = 'values',\n" + " 'bounded' = 'true',\n" + " 'partition-list' = '%s'" + ")";
String ddlTempWithVirtualColumn = "CREATE TABLE VirtualTable (\n" + " id int,\n" + " name string,\n" + " part1 string,\n" + " part2 int,\n" + " virtualField AS part2 + 1)\n" + " partitioned by (part1, part2)\n" + " WITH (\n" + " 'connector' = 'values',\n" + " 'bounded' = 'true',\n" + " 'partition-list' = '%s'" + ")";
if (sourceFetchPartitions()) {
String partitionString = "part1:A,part2:1;part1:A,part2:2;part1:B,part2:3;part1:C,part2:1";
util().tableEnv().executeSql(String.format(ddlTemp, partitionString));
util().tableEnv().executeSql(String.format(ddlTempWithVirtualColumn, partitionString));
} else {
TestValuesCatalog catalog = new TestValuesCatalog("test_catalog", "test_database", useCatalogFilter());
util().tableEnv().registerCatalog("test_catalog", catalog);
// register table without partitions
util().tableEnv().executeSql(String.format(ddlTemp, ""));
util().tableEnv().executeSql(String.format(ddlTempWithVirtualColumn, ""));
ObjectPath mytablePath = ObjectPath.fromString("test_database.MyTable");
ObjectPath virtualTablePath = ObjectPath.fromString("test_database.VirtualTable");
// partition map
List<Map<String, String>> partitions = Arrays.asList(new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("part1", "A");
put("part2", "1");
}, new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("part1", "A");
put("part2", "2");
}, new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("part1", "B");
put("part2", "3");
}, new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("part1", "C");
put("part2", "1");
for (Map<String, String> partition : partitions) {
CatalogPartitionSpec catalogPartitionSpec = new CatalogPartitionSpec(partition);
CatalogPartition catalogPartition = new CatalogPartitionImpl(new HashMap<>(), "");
catalog.createPartition(mytablePath, catalogPartitionSpec, catalogPartition, true);
catalog.createPartition(virtualTablePath, catalogPartitionSpec, catalogPartition, true);
use of org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.CalciteConfig in project flink by apache.
the class PushLimitIntoTableSourceScanRuleTest method setup.
public void setup() {
CalciteConfig calciteConfig = TableConfigUtils.getCalciteConfig(util().tableEnv().getConfig());
calciteConfig.getBatchProgram().get().addLast("rules", FlinkHepRuleSetProgramBuilder.<BatchOptimizeContext>newBuilder().setHepRulesExecutionType(HEP_RULES_EXECUTION_TYPE.RULE_COLLECTION()).setHepMatchOrder(HepMatchOrder.BOTTOM_UP).add(RuleSets.ofList(PushLimitIntoTableSourceScanRule.INSTANCE, CoreRules.SORT_PROJECT_TRANSPOSE, // rel(FlinkRelNode)
FlinkLogicalSort.BATCH_CONVERTER(), FlinkLogicalTableSourceScan.CONVERTER())).build());
String ddl = "CREATE TABLE LimitTable (\n" + " a int,\n" + " b bigint,\n" + " c string\n" + ") WITH (\n" + " 'connector' = 'values',\n" + " 'bounded' = 'true'\n" + ")";
use of org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.CalciteConfig in project flink by apache.
the class PushProjectIntoTableSourceScanRuleTest method setup.
public void setup() {
CalciteConfig calciteConfig = TableConfigUtils.getCalciteConfig(util().tableEnv().getConfig());
calciteConfig.getBatchProgram().get().addLast("rules", FlinkHepRuleSetProgramBuilder.<BatchOptimizeContext>newBuilder().setHepRulesExecutionType(HEP_RULES_EXECUTION_TYPE.RULE_SEQUENCE()).setHepMatchOrder(HepMatchOrder.BOTTOM_UP).add(RuleSets.ofList(PushProjectIntoTableSourceScanRule.INSTANCE)).build());
String ddl1 = "CREATE TABLE MyTable (\n" + " a int,\n" + " b bigint,\n" + " c string\n" + ") WITH (\n" + " 'connector' = 'values',\n" + " 'bounded' = 'true'\n" + ")";
String ddl2 = "CREATE TABLE VirtualTable (\n" + " a int,\n" + " b bigint,\n" + " c string,\n" + " d as a + 1\n" + ") WITH (\n" + " 'connector' = 'values',\n" + " 'bounded' = 'true'\n" + ")";
String ddl3 = "CREATE TABLE NestedTable (\n" + " id int,\n" + " deepNested row<nested1 row<name string, `value` int>, nested2 row<num int, flag boolean>>,\n" + " nested row<name string, `value` int>,\n" + " `deepNestedWith.` row<`.value` int, nested row<name string, `.value` int>>,\n" + " name string,\n" + " testMap Map<string, string>\n" + ") WITH (\n" + " 'connector' = 'values',\n" + " 'nested-projection-supported' = 'true'," + " 'bounded' = 'true'\n" + ")";
String ddl4 = "CREATE TABLE MetadataTable(\n" + " id int,\n" + " deepNested row<nested1 row<name string, `value` int>, nested2 row<num int, flag boolean>>,\n" + " metadata_1 int metadata,\n" + " metadata_2 string metadata\n" + ") WITH (" + " 'connector' = 'values'," + " 'nested-projection-supported' = 'true'," + " 'bounded' = 'true',\n" + " 'readable-metadata' = 'metadata_1:INT, metadata_2:STRING, metadata_3:BIGINT'" + ")";
String ddl5 = "CREATE TABLE UpsertTable(" + " id int,\n" + " deepNested row<nested1 row<name string, `value` int>, nested2 row<num int, flag boolean>>,\n" + " metadata_1 int metadata,\n" + " metadata_2 string metadata,\n" + " PRIMARY KEY(id, deepNested) NOT ENFORCED" + ") WITH (" + " 'connector' = 'values'," + " 'nested-projection-supported' = 'true'," + " 'bounded' = 'false',\n" + " 'changelod-mode' = 'I,UB,D'," + " 'readable-metadata' = 'metadata_1:INT, metadata_2:STRING, metadata_3:BIGINT'" + ")";
String ddl6 = "CREATE TABLE NestedItemTable (\n" + " `ID` INT,\n" + " `Timestamp` TIMESTAMP(3),\n" + " `Result` ROW<\n" + " `Mid` ROW<" + " `data_arr` ROW<`value` BIGINT> ARRAY,\n" + " `data_map` MAP<STRING, ROW<`value` BIGINT>>" + " >" + " >,\n" + " WATERMARK FOR `Timestamp` AS `Timestamp`\n" + ") WITH (\n" + " 'connector' = 'values',\n" + " 'nested-projection-supported' = 'true'," + " 'bounded' = 'true'\n" + ")";
String ddl7 = "CREATE TABLE ItemTable (\n" + " `ID` INT,\n" + " `Timestamp` TIMESTAMP(3),\n" + " `Result` ROW<\n" + " `data_arr` ROW<`value` BIGINT> ARRAY,\n" + " `data_map` MAP<STRING, ROW<`value` BIGINT>>>,\n" + " `outer_array` ARRAY<INT>,\n" + " `outer_map` MAP<STRING, STRING>,\n" + " WATERMARK FOR `Timestamp` AS `Timestamp`\n" + ") WITH (\n" + " 'connector' = 'values',\n" + " 'bounded' = 'true'\n" + ")";