use of org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation.hive.copy.HiveParserTypeCheckCtx in project flink by apache.
the class HiveParserUtils method extractLateralViewInfo.
// extracts useful information for a given lateral view node
public static LateralViewInfo extractLateralViewInfo(HiveParserASTNode lateralView, HiveParserRowResolver inputRR, HiveParserSemanticAnalyzer hiveAnalyzer, FrameworkConfig frameworkConfig, RelOptCluster cluster) throws SemanticException {
// checks the left sub-tree
HiveParserASTNode sel = (HiveParserASTNode) lateralView.getChild(0);
Preconditions.checkArgument(sel.getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_SELECT);
Preconditions.checkArgument(sel.getChildCount() == 1);
HiveParserASTNode selExpr = (HiveParserASTNode) sel.getChild(0);
Preconditions.checkArgument(selExpr.getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_SELEXPR);
// decide function name and function
HiveParserASTNode func = (HiveParserASTNode) selExpr.getChild(0);
Preconditions.checkArgument(func.getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_FUNCTION);
String funcName = getFunctionText(func, true);
SqlOperator sqlOperator = getSqlOperator(funcName, frameworkConfig.getOperatorTable(), SqlFunctionCategory.USER_DEFINED_TABLE_FUNCTION);
Preconditions.checkArgument(isUDTF(sqlOperator), funcName + " is not a valid UDTF");
// decide operands
List<ExprNodeDesc> operands = new ArrayList<>(func.getChildCount() - 1);
List<ColumnInfo> operandColInfos = new ArrayList<>(func.getChildCount() - 1);
HiveParserTypeCheckCtx typeCheckCtx = new HiveParserTypeCheckCtx(inputRR, frameworkConfig, cluster);
for (int i = 1; i < func.getChildCount(); i++) {
ExprNodeDesc exprDesc = hiveAnalyzer.genExprNodeDesc((HiveParserASTNode) func.getChild(i), inputRR, typeCheckCtx);
operandColInfos.add(new ColumnInfo(getColumnInternalName(i - 1), exprDesc.getWritableObjectInspector(), null, false));
// decide table alias -- there must be a table alias
HiveParserASTNode tabAliasNode = (HiveParserASTNode) selExpr.getChild(selExpr.getChildCount() - 1);
Preconditions.checkArgument(tabAliasNode.getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_TABALIAS);
String tabAlias = unescapeIdentifier(tabAliasNode.getChild(0).getText().toLowerCase());
// decide column aliases -- column aliases are optional
List<String> colAliases = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i < selExpr.getChildCount() - 1; i++) {
HiveParserASTNode child = (HiveParserASTNode) selExpr.getChild(i);
Preconditions.checkArgument(child.getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.Identifier);
return new LateralViewInfo(funcName, sqlOperator, operands, operandColInfos, colAliases, tabAlias);
use of org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation.hive.copy.HiveParserTypeCheckCtx in project flink by apache.
the class HiveParserTypeCheckProcFactory method processGByExpr.
* Function to do groupby subexpression elimination. This is called by all the processors
* initially. As an example, consider the query select a+b, count(1) from T group by a+b; Then
* a+b is already precomputed in the group by operators key, so we substitute a+b in the select
* list with the internal column name of the a+b expression that appears in the in input row
* resolver.
* @param nd The node that is being inspected.
* @param procCtx The processor context.
* @return exprNodeColumnDesc.
public static ExprNodeDesc processGByExpr(Node nd, Object procCtx) throws SemanticException {
// We recursively create the exprNodeDesc. Base cases: when we encounter
// a column ref, we convert that into an exprNodeColumnDesc; when we
// encounter
// a constant, we convert that into an exprNodeConstantDesc. For others we
// just
// build the exprNodeFuncDesc with recursively built children.
HiveParserASTNode expr = (HiveParserASTNode) nd;
HiveParserTypeCheckCtx ctx = (HiveParserTypeCheckCtx) procCtx;
// having key in (select .. where a = min(b.value)
if (!ctx.isUseCaching() && ctx.getOuterRR() == null) {
return null;
HiveParserRowResolver input = ctx.getInputRR();
ExprNodeDesc desc = null;
if (input == null || !ctx.getAllowGBExprElimination()) {
return null;
// If the current subExpression is pre-calculated, as in Group-By etc.
ColumnInfo colInfo = input.getExpression(expr);
// try outer row resolver
HiveParserRowResolver outerRR = ctx.getOuterRR();
if (colInfo == null && outerRR != null) {
colInfo = outerRR.getExpression(expr);
if (colInfo != null) {
desc = new ExprNodeColumnDesc(colInfo);
HiveParserASTNode source = input.getExpressionSource(expr);
if (source != null) {
ctx.getUnparseTranslator().addCopyTranslation(expr, source);
return desc;
return desc;
use of org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation.hive.copy.HiveParserTypeCheckCtx in project flink by apache.
the class HiveParserCalcitePlanner method getWindowRexAndType.
private Pair<RexNode, TypeInfo> getWindowRexAndType(HiveParserWindowingSpec.WindowExpressionSpec winExprSpec, RelNode srcRel) throws SemanticException {
RexNode window;
if (winExprSpec instanceof HiveParserWindowingSpec.WindowFunctionSpec) {
HiveParserWindowingSpec.WindowFunctionSpec wFnSpec = (HiveParserWindowingSpec.WindowFunctionSpec) winExprSpec;
HiveParserASTNode windowProjAst = wFnSpec.getExpression();
// TODO: do we need to get to child?
int wndSpecASTIndx = getWindowSpecIndx(windowProjAst);
// 2. Get Hive Aggregate Info
AggInfo hiveAggInfo = getHiveAggInfo(windowProjAst, wndSpecASTIndx - 1, relToRowResolver.get(srcRel), (HiveParserWindowingSpec.WindowFunctionSpec) winExprSpec, semanticAnalyzer, frameworkConfig, cluster);
// 3. Get Calcite Return type for Agg Fn
RelDataType calciteAggFnRetType = HiveParserUtils.toRelDataType(hiveAggInfo.getReturnType(), cluster.getTypeFactory());
// 4. Convert Agg Fn args to Calcite
Map<String, Integer> posMap = relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap.get(srcRel);
HiveParserRexNodeConverter converter = new HiveParserRexNodeConverter(cluster, srcRel.getRowType(), posMap, 0, false, funcConverter);
List<RexNode> calciteAggFnArgs = new ArrayList<>();
List<RelDataType> calciteAggFnArgTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < hiveAggInfo.getAggParams().size(); i++) {
calciteAggFnArgTypes.add(HiveParserUtils.toRelDataType(hiveAggInfo.getAggParams().get(i).getTypeInfo(), cluster.getTypeFactory()));
// 5. Get Calcite Agg Fn
final SqlAggFunction calciteAggFn = HiveParserSqlFunctionConverter.getCalciteAggFn(hiveAggInfo.getUdfName(), hiveAggInfo.isDistinct(), calciteAggFnArgTypes, calciteAggFnRetType);
// 6. Translate Window spec
HiveParserRowResolver inputRR = relToRowResolver.get(srcRel);
HiveParserWindowingSpec.WindowSpec wndSpec = ((HiveParserWindowingSpec.WindowFunctionSpec) winExprSpec).getWindowSpec();
List<RexNode> partitionKeys = getPartitionKeys(wndSpec.getPartition(), converter, inputRR, new HiveParserTypeCheckCtx(inputRR, frameworkConfig, cluster), semanticAnalyzer);
List<RexFieldCollation> orderKeys = getOrderKeys(wndSpec.getOrder(), converter, inputRR, new HiveParserTypeCheckCtx(inputRR, frameworkConfig, cluster), semanticAnalyzer);
RexWindowBound lowerBound = getBound(wndSpec.getWindowFrame().getStart(), cluster);
RexWindowBound upperBound = getBound(wndSpec.getWindowFrame().getEnd(), cluster);
boolean isRows = wndSpec.getWindowFrame().getWindowType() == HiveParserWindowingSpec.WindowType.ROWS;
window = HiveParserUtils.makeOver(cluster.getRexBuilder(), calciteAggFnRetType, calciteAggFn, calciteAggFnArgs, partitionKeys, orderKeys, lowerBound, upperBound, isRows, true, false, false, false);
window = window.accept(funcConverter);
} else {
throw new SemanticException("Unsupported window Spec");
return new Pair<>(window, HiveParserTypeConverter.convert(window.getType()));
use of org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation.hive.copy.HiveParserTypeCheckCtx in project flink by apache.
the class HiveParserCalcitePlanner method genSelectLogicalPlan.
// NOTE: there can only be one select clause since we don't handle multi destination insert.
private RelNode genSelectLogicalPlan(HiveParserQB qb, RelNode srcRel, RelNode starSrcRel, Map<String, Integer> outerNameToPos, HiveParserRowResolver outerRR) throws SemanticException {
// 0. Generate a Select Node for Windowing
// Exclude the newly-generated select columns from */etc. resolution.
HashSet<ColumnInfo> excludedColumns = new HashSet<>();
RelNode selForWindow = genSelectForWindowing(qb, srcRel, excludedColumns);
srcRel = (selForWindow == null) ? srcRel : selForWindow;
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> exprNodeDescs = new ArrayList<>();
// 1. Get Select Expression List
HiveParserQBParseInfo qbp = qb.getParseInfo();
String selClauseName = qbp.getClauseNames().iterator().next();
HiveParserASTNode selExprList = qbp.getSelForClause(selClauseName);
// make sure if there is subquery it is top level expression
final boolean cubeRollupGrpSetPresent = !qbp.getDestRollups().isEmpty() || !qbp.getDestGroupingSets().isEmpty() || !qbp.getDestCubes().isEmpty();
// 3. Query Hints
int posn = 0;
boolean hintPresent = selExprList.getChild(0).getType() == HiveASTParser.QUERY_HINT;
if (hintPresent) {
// 4. Bailout if select involves Transform
boolean isInTransform = selExprList.getChild(posn).getChild(0).getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_TRANSFORM;
if (isInTransform) {
String msg = "SELECT TRANSFORM is currently not supported in CBO, turn off cbo to use TRANSFORM.";
throw new SemanticException(msg);
// 2.Row resolvers for input, output
HiveParserRowResolver outRR = new HiveParserRowResolver();
Integer pos = 0;
// TODO: will this also fix windowing? try
HiveParserRowResolver inputRR = relToRowResolver.get(srcRel), starRR = inputRR;
if (starSrcRel != null) {
starRR = relToRowResolver.get(starSrcRel);
// 5. Check if select involves UDTF
String udtfTableAlias = null;
SqlOperator udtfOperator = null;
String genericUDTFName = null;
ArrayList<String> udtfColAliases = new ArrayList<>();
HiveParserASTNode expr = (HiveParserASTNode) selExprList.getChild(posn).getChild(0);
int exprType = expr.getType();
if (exprType == HiveASTParser.TOK_FUNCTION || exprType == HiveASTParser.TOK_FUNCTIONSTAR) {
String funcName = HiveParserTypeCheckProcFactory.DefaultExprProcessor.getFunctionText(expr, true);
// we can't just try to get table function here because the operator table throws
// exception if it's not a table function
SqlOperator sqlOperator = HiveParserUtils.getAnySqlOperator(funcName, frameworkConfig.getOperatorTable());
if (HiveParserUtils.isUDTF(sqlOperator)) {
LOG.debug("Found UDTF " + funcName);
udtfOperator = sqlOperator;
genericUDTFName = funcName;
if (!HiveParserUtils.isNative(sqlOperator)) {
semanticAnalyzer.unparseTranslator.addIdentifierTranslation((HiveParserASTNode) expr.getChild(0));
if (exprType == HiveASTParser.TOK_FUNCTIONSTAR) {
semanticAnalyzer.genColListRegex(".*", null, (HiveParserASTNode) expr.getChild(0), exprNodeDescs, null, inputRR, starRR, pos, outRR, qb.getAliases(), false);
if (udtfOperator != null) {
// Only support a single expression when it's a UDTF
if (selExprList.getChildCount() > 1) {
throw new SemanticException(generateErrorMessage((HiveParserASTNode) selExprList.getChild(1), ErrorMsg.UDTF_MULTIPLE_EXPR.getMsg()));
HiveParserASTNode selExpr = (HiveParserASTNode) selExprList.getChild(posn);
// column names also can be inferred from result of UDTF
for (int i = 1; i < selExpr.getChildCount(); i++) {
HiveParserASTNode selExprChild = (HiveParserASTNode) selExpr.getChild(i);
switch(selExprChild.getType()) {
case HiveASTParser.Identifier:
case HiveASTParser.TOK_TABALIAS:
assert (selExprChild.getChildCount() == 1);
udtfTableAlias = unescapeIdentifier(selExprChild.getChild(0).getText());
semanticAnalyzer.unparseTranslator.addIdentifierTranslation((HiveParserASTNode) selExprChild.getChild(0));
throw new SemanticException("Find invalid token type " + selExprChild.getType() + " in UDTF.");
LOG.debug("UDTF table alias is " + udtfTableAlias);
LOG.debug("UDTF col aliases are " + udtfColAliases);
// 6. Iterate over all expression (after SELECT)
HiveParserASTNode exprList;
if (udtfOperator != null) {
exprList = expr;
} else {
exprList = selExprList;
// For UDTF's, skip the function name to get the expressions
int startPos = udtfOperator != null ? posn + 1 : posn;
// track the col aliases provided by user
List<String> colAliases = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = startPos; i < exprList.getChildCount(); ++i) {
// 6.1 child can be EXPR AS ALIAS, or EXPR.
HiveParserASTNode child = (HiveParserASTNode) exprList.getChild(i);
boolean hasAsClause = child.getChildCount() == 2;
// slightly different.
if (udtfOperator == null && child.getChildCount() > 2) {
throw new SemanticException(generateErrorMessage((HiveParserASTNode) child.getChild(2), ErrorMsg.INVALID_AS.getMsg()));
String tabAlias;
String colAlias;
if (udtfOperator != null) {
tabAlias = null;
colAlias = semanticAnalyzer.getAutogenColAliasPrfxLbl() + i;
expr = child;
} else {
// 6.3 Get rid of TOK_SELEXPR
expr = (HiveParserASTNode) child.getChild(0);
String[] colRef = HiveParserUtils.getColAlias(child, semanticAnalyzer.getAutogenColAliasPrfxLbl(), inputRR, semanticAnalyzer.autogenColAliasPrfxIncludeFuncName(), i);
tabAlias = colRef[0];
colAlias = colRef[1];
if (hasAsClause) {
colAliases.set(colAliases.size() - 1, colAlias);
semanticAnalyzer.unparseTranslator.addIdentifierTranslation((HiveParserASTNode) child.getChild(1));
Map<HiveParserASTNode, RelNode> subQueryToRelNode = new HashMap<>();
boolean isSubQuery = genSubQueryRelNode(qb, expr, srcRel, false, subQueryToRelNode);
if (isSubQuery) {
ExprNodeDesc subQueryDesc = semanticAnalyzer.genExprNodeDesc(expr, relToRowResolver.get(srcRel), outerRR, subQueryToRelNode, false);
ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(getColumnInternalName(pos), subQueryDesc.getWritableObjectInspector(), tabAlias, false);
if (!outRR.putWithCheck(tabAlias, colAlias, null, colInfo)) {
throw new SemanticException("Cannot add column to RR: " + tabAlias + "." + colAlias + " => " + colInfo + " due to duplication, see previous warnings");
} else {
// 6.4 Build ExprNode corresponding to columns
if (expr.getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_ALLCOLREF) {
pos = semanticAnalyzer.genColListRegex(".*", expr.getChildCount() == 0 ? null : HiveParserBaseSemanticAnalyzer.getUnescapedName((HiveParserASTNode) expr.getChild(0)).toLowerCase(), expr, exprNodeDescs, excludedColumns, inputRR, starRR, pos, outRR, qb.getAliases(), false);
} else if (expr.getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_TABLE_OR_COL && !hasAsClause && !inputRR.getIsExprResolver() && HiveParserUtils.isRegex(unescapeIdentifier(expr.getChild(0).getText()), semanticAnalyzer.getConf())) {
// In case the expression is a regex COL. This can only happen without AS clause
// We don't allow this for ExprResolver - the Group By case
pos = semanticAnalyzer.genColListRegex(unescapeIdentifier(expr.getChild(0).getText()), null, expr, exprNodeDescs, excludedColumns, inputRR, starRR, pos, outRR, qb.getAliases(), true);
} else if (expr.getType() == HiveASTParser.DOT && expr.getChild(0).getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_TABLE_OR_COL && inputRR.hasTableAlias(unescapeIdentifier(expr.getChild(0).getChild(0).getText().toLowerCase())) && !hasAsClause && !inputRR.getIsExprResolver() && HiveParserUtils.isRegex(unescapeIdentifier(expr.getChild(1).getText()), semanticAnalyzer.getConf())) {
// In case the expression is TABLE.COL (col can be regex). This can only happen
// without AS clause
// We don't allow this for ExprResolver - the Group By case
pos = semanticAnalyzer.genColListRegex(unescapeIdentifier(expr.getChild(1).getText()), unescapeIdentifier(expr.getChild(0).getChild(0).getText().toLowerCase()), expr, exprNodeDescs, excludedColumns, inputRR, starRR, pos, outRR, qb.getAliases(), false);
} else if (HiveASTParseUtils.containsTokenOfType(expr, HiveASTParser.TOK_FUNCTIONDI) && !(srcRel instanceof Aggregate)) {
// Likely a malformed query eg, select hash(distinct c1) from t1;
throw new SemanticException("Distinct without an aggregation.");
} else {
// Case when this is an expression
HiveParserTypeCheckCtx typeCheckCtx = new HiveParserTypeCheckCtx(inputRR, frameworkConfig, cluster);
// We allow stateful functions in the SELECT list (but nowhere else)
if (!qbp.getDestToGroupBy().isEmpty()) {
// Special handling of grouping function
expr = rewriteGroupingFunctionAST(getGroupByForClause(qbp, selClauseName), expr, !cubeRollupGrpSetPresent);
ExprNodeDesc exprDesc = semanticAnalyzer.genExprNodeDesc(expr, inputRR, typeCheckCtx);
String recommended = semanticAnalyzer.recommendName(exprDesc, colAlias);
if (recommended != null && outRR.get(null, recommended) == null) {
colAlias = recommended;
ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(getColumnInternalName(pos), exprDesc.getWritableObjectInspector(), tabAlias, false);
colInfo.setSkewedCol(exprDesc instanceof ExprNodeColumnDesc && ((ExprNodeColumnDesc) exprDesc).isSkewedCol());
// Hive errors out in case of duplication. We allow it and see what happens.
outRR.put(tabAlias, colAlias, colInfo);
if (exprDesc instanceof ExprNodeColumnDesc) {
ExprNodeColumnDesc colExp = (ExprNodeColumnDesc) exprDesc;
String[] altMapping = inputRR.getAlternateMappings(colExp.getColumn());
if (altMapping != null) {
// TODO: this can overwrite the mapping. Should this be allowed?
outRR.put(altMapping[0], altMapping[1], colInfo);
// 7. Convert Hive projections to Calcite
List<RexNode> calciteColLst = new ArrayList<>();
HiveParserRexNodeConverter rexNodeConverter = new HiveParserRexNodeConverter(cluster, srcRel.getRowType(), outerNameToPos, buildHiveColNameToInputPosMap(exprNodeDescs, inputRR), relToRowResolver.get(srcRel), outerRR, 0, false, subqueryId, funcConverter);
for (ExprNodeDesc colExpr : exprNodeDescs) {
RexNode calciteCol = rexNodeConverter.convert(colExpr);
calciteCol = convertNullLiteral(calciteCol).accept(funcConverter);
// 8. Build Calcite Rel
RelNode res;
if (udtfOperator != null) {
// The basic idea for CBO support of UDTF is to treat UDTF as a special project.
res = genUDTFPlan(udtfOperator, genericUDTFName, udtfTableAlias, udtfColAliases, qb, calciteColLst, outRR.getColumnInfos(), srcRel, true, false);
} else {
// and thus introduces unnecessary agg node.
if (HiveParserUtils.isIdentityProject(srcRel, calciteColLst, colAliases) && outerRR != null) {
res = srcRel;
} else {
res = genSelectRelNode(calciteColLst, outRR, srcRel);
// 9. Handle select distinct as GBY if there exist windowing functions
if (selForWindow != null && selExprList.getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_SELECTDI) {
ImmutableBitSet groupSet = ImmutableBitSet.range(res.getRowType().getFieldList().size());
res = LogicalAggregate.create(res, groupSet, Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList());
HiveParserRowResolver groupByOutputRowResolver = new HiveParserRowResolver();
for (int i = 0; i < outRR.getColumnInfos().size(); i++) {
ColumnInfo colInfo = outRR.getColumnInfos().get(i);
ColumnInfo newColInfo = new ColumnInfo(colInfo.getInternalName(), colInfo.getType(), colInfo.getTabAlias(), colInfo.getIsVirtualCol());
groupByOutputRowResolver.put(colInfo.getTabAlias(), colInfo.getAlias(), newColInfo);
relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap.put(res, buildHiveToCalciteColumnMap(groupByOutputRowResolver));
relToRowResolver.put(res, groupByOutputRowResolver);
return res;