use of org.apache.flink.table.runtime.util.UniformBinaryRowGenerator in project flink by apache.
the class Int2SortMergeJoinOperatorTest method testSemiJoin.
public void testSemiJoin() throws Exception {
int numKeys1 = 10;
int numKeys2 = 9;
int buildValsPerKey = 10;
int probeValsPerKey = 3;
MutableObjectIterator<BinaryRowData> buildInput = new UniformBinaryRowGenerator(numKeys1, buildValsPerKey, true);
MutableObjectIterator<BinaryRowData> probeInput = new UniformBinaryRowGenerator(numKeys2, probeValsPerKey, true);
StreamOperator operator = newOperator(FlinkJoinType.SEMI, false);
joinAndAssert(operator, buildInput, probeInput, 90, 9, 45, true);
use of org.apache.flink.table.runtime.util.UniformBinaryRowGenerator in project flink by apache.
the class Int2SortMergeJoinOperatorTest method testAntiJoin.
public void testAntiJoin() throws Exception {
int numKeys1 = 10;
int numKeys2 = 9;
int buildValsPerKey = 10;
int probeValsPerKey = 3;
MutableObjectIterator<BinaryRowData> buildInput = new UniformBinaryRowGenerator(numKeys1, buildValsPerKey, true);
MutableObjectIterator<BinaryRowData> probeInput = new UniformBinaryRowGenerator(numKeys2, probeValsPerKey, true);
StreamOperator operator = newOperator(FlinkJoinType.ANTI, false);
joinAndAssert(operator, buildInput, probeInput, 10, 1, 45, true);
use of org.apache.flink.table.runtime.util.UniformBinaryRowGenerator in project flink by apache.
the class BinaryHashTableTest method testInMemoryMutableHashTable.
public void testInMemoryMutableHashTable() throws IOException {
final int numKeys = 100000;
final int buildValsPerKey = 3;
final int probeValsPerKey = 10;
// create a build input that gives 3 million pairs with 3 values sharing the same key
MutableObjectIterator<BinaryRowData> buildInput = new UniformBinaryRowGenerator(numKeys, buildValsPerKey, false);
// create a probe input that gives 10 million pairs with 10 values sharing a key
MutableObjectIterator<BinaryRowData> probeInput = new UniformBinaryRowGenerator(numKeys, probeValsPerKey, true);
MemoryManager memManager = MemoryManagerBuilder.newBuilder().setMemorySize(896 * PAGE_SIZE).build();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
final BinaryHashTable table = newBinaryHashTable(this.buildSideSerializer, this.probeSideSerializer, new MyProjection(), new MyProjection(), memManager, 100 * PAGE_SIZE, ioManager);
int numRecordsInJoinResult = join(table, buildInput, probeInput);
Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of records in join result.", numKeys * buildValsPerKey * probeValsPerKey, numRecordsInJoinResult);
use of org.apache.flink.table.runtime.util.UniformBinaryRowGenerator in project flink by apache.
the class BinaryHashTableTest method testSparseProbeSpilling.
* Spills build records, so that probe records are also spilled. But only so
* few probe records are used that some partitions remain empty.
public void testSparseProbeSpilling() throws IOException, MemoryAllocationException {
final int numBuildKeys = 1000000;
final int numBuildVals = 1;
final int numProbeKeys = 20;
final int numProbeVals = 1;
MutableObjectIterator<BinaryRowData> buildInput = new UniformBinaryRowGenerator(numBuildKeys, numBuildVals, false);
MemoryManager memManager = MemoryManagerBuilder.newBuilder().setMemorySize(128 * PAGE_SIZE).build();
final BinaryHashTable table = newBinaryHashTable(this.buildSideSerializer, this.probeSideSerializer, new MyProjection(), new MyProjection(), memManager, 100 * PAGE_SIZE, ioManager);
int expectedNumResults = (Math.min(numProbeKeys, numBuildKeys) * numBuildVals) * numProbeVals;
int numRecordsInJoinResult = join(table, buildInput, new UniformBinaryRowGenerator(numProbeKeys, numProbeVals, true));
Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of records in join result.", expectedNumResults, numRecordsInJoinResult);
use of org.apache.flink.table.runtime.util.UniformBinaryRowGenerator in project flink by apache.
the class BinaryHashTableTest method testSpillingHashJoinOneRecursionValidity.
public void testSpillingHashJoinOneRecursionValidity() throws IOException {
final int numKeys = 1000000;
final int buildValsPerKey = 3;
final int probeValsPerKey = 10;
// create a build input that gives 3 million pairs with 3 values sharing the same key
MutableObjectIterator<BinaryRowData> buildInput = new UniformBinaryRowGenerator(numKeys, buildValsPerKey, false);
// create a probe input that gives 10 million pairs with 10 values sharing a key
MutableObjectIterator<BinaryRowData> probeInput = new UniformBinaryRowGenerator(numKeys, probeValsPerKey, true);
// create the map for validating the results
HashMap<Integer, Long> map = new HashMap<>(numKeys);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MemoryManager memManager = MemoryManagerBuilder.newBuilder().setMemorySize(896 * PAGE_SIZE).build();
final BinaryHashTable table = newBinaryHashTable(this.buildSideSerializer, this.probeSideSerializer, new MyProjection(), new MyProjection(), memManager, 100 * PAGE_SIZE, ioManager);
final BinaryRowData recordReuse = new BinaryRowData(2);
BinaryRowData buildRow = buildSideSerializer.createInstance();
while ((buildRow = != null) {
BinaryRowData probeRow = probeSideSerializer.createInstance();
while ((probeRow = != null) {
if (table.tryProbe(probeRow)) {
testJoin(table, map);
while (table.nextMatching()) {
testJoin(table, map);
Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of keys", numKeys, map.size());
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Long> entry : map.entrySet()) {
long val = entry.getValue();
int key = entry.getKey();
Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of values in per-key cross product for key " + key, probeValsPerKey * buildValsPerKey, val);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;