use of org.apache.flink.util.FlinkRuntimeException in project flink by apache.
the class HiveTableSink method consume.
private DataStreamSink<?> consume(ProviderContext providerContext, DataStream<RowData> dataStream, boolean isBounded, DataStructureConverter converter) {
checkAcidTable(catalogTable.getOptions(), identifier.toObjectPath());
try (HiveMetastoreClientWrapper client = HiveMetastoreClientFactory.create(HiveConfUtils.create(jobConf), hiveVersion)) {
Table table = client.getTable(identifier.getDatabaseName(), identifier.getObjectName());
StorageDescriptor sd = table.getSd();
Class hiveOutputFormatClz = hiveShim.getHiveOutputFormatClass(Class.forName(sd.getOutputFormat()));
boolean isCompressed = jobConf.getBoolean(HiveConf.ConfVars.COMPRESSRESULT.varname, false);
HiveWriterFactory writerFactory = new HiveWriterFactory(jobConf, hiveOutputFormatClz, sd.getSerdeInfo(), tableSchema, getPartitionKeyArray(), HiveReflectionUtils.getTableMetadata(hiveShim, table), hiveShim, isCompressed);
String extension = Utilities.getFileExtension(jobConf, isCompressed, (HiveOutputFormat<?, ?>) hiveOutputFormatClz.newInstance());
OutputFileConfig.OutputFileConfigBuilder fileNamingBuilder = OutputFileConfig.builder().withPartPrefix("part-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()).withPartSuffix(extension == null ? "" : extension);
final int parallelism = Optional.ofNullable(configuredParallelism).orElse(dataStream.getParallelism());
if (isBounded) {
OutputFileConfig fileNaming =;
return createBatchSink(dataStream, converter, sd, writerFactory, fileNaming, parallelism);
} else {
if (overwrite) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Streaming mode not support overwrite.");
Properties tableProps = HiveReflectionUtils.getTableMetadata(hiveShim, table);
return createStreamSink(providerContext, dataStream, sd, tableProps, writerFactory, fileNamingBuilder, parallelism);
} catch (TException e) {
throw new CatalogException("Failed to query Hive metaStore", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new FlinkRuntimeException("Failed to create staging dir", e);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new FlinkHiveException("Failed to get output format class", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException e) {
throw new FlinkHiveException("Failed to instantiate output format instance", e);
use of org.apache.flink.util.FlinkRuntimeException in project flink by apache.
the class PulsarCommitter method commit.
public void commit(Collection<CommitRequest<PulsarCommittable>> requests) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
TransactionCoordinatorClient client = transactionCoordinatorClient();
for (CommitRequest<PulsarCommittable> request : requests) {
PulsarCommittable committable = request.getCommittable();
TxnID txnID = committable.getTxnID();
String topic = committable.getTopic();
LOG.debug("Start committing the Pulsar transaction {} for topic {}", txnID, topic);
try {
} catch (TransactionCoordinatorClientException e) {
// This is a known bug for Pulsar Transaction.
// We have to use instanceof instead of catching them.
TransactionCoordinatorClientException ex = PulsarTransactionUtils.unwrap(e);
if (ex instanceof CoordinatorNotFoundException) {
LOG.error("We couldn't find the Transaction Coordinator from Pulsar broker {}. " + "Check your broker configuration.", committable, ex);
} else if (ex instanceof InvalidTxnStatusException) {
LOG.error("Unable to commit transaction ({}) because it's in an invalid state. " + "Most likely the transaction has been aborted for some reason. " + "Please check the Pulsar broker logs for more details.", committable, ex);
} else if (ex instanceof TransactionNotFoundException) {
if (request.getNumberOfRetries() == 0) {
LOG.error("Unable to commit transaction ({}) because it's not found on Pulsar broker. " + "Most likely the checkpoint interval exceed the transaction timeout.", committable, ex);
} else {
LOG.warn("We can't find the transaction {} after {} retry committing. " + "This may mean that the transaction have been committed in previous but failed with timeout. " + "So we just mark it as committed.", txnID, request.getNumberOfRetries());
} else if (ex instanceof MetaStoreHandlerNotExistsException) {
LOG.error("We can't find the meta store handler by the mostSigBits from TxnID {}. " + "Did you change the metadata for topic {}?", committable, TRANSACTION_COORDINATOR_ASSIGN, ex);
} else {
LOG.error("Encountered retriable exception while committing transaction {} for topic {}.", committable, topic, ex);
int maxRecommitTimes = sinkConfiguration.getMaxRecommitTimes();
if (request.getNumberOfRetries() < maxRecommitTimes) {
} else {
String message = String.format("Failed to commit transaction %s after retrying %d times", txnID, maxRecommitTimes);
request.signalFailedWithKnownReason(new FlinkRuntimeException(message, ex));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Transaction ({}) encountered unknown error and data could be potentially lost.", committable, e);
use of org.apache.flink.util.FlinkRuntimeException in project flink by apache.
the class TopicProducerRegister method abortTransactions.
* Abort the existed transactions. This method would be used when closing PulsarWriter.
private void abortTransactions() {
if (transactionRegister.isEmpty()) {
TransactionCoordinatorClient coordinatorClient = ((PulsarClientImpl) pulsarClient).getTcClient();
// This null check is used for making sure transaction is enabled in client.
try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
for (Transaction transaction : transactionRegister.values()) {
TxnID txnID = transaction.getTxnID();
closer.register(() -> coordinatorClient.abort(txnID));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new FlinkRuntimeException(e);
use of org.apache.flink.util.FlinkRuntimeException in project flink by apache.
the class TtlAggregateFunction method getResult.
public OUT getResult(TtlValue<ACC> accumulator) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(updater, "State updater should be set in TtlAggregatingState");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(stateClear, "State clearing should be set in TtlAggregatingState");
ACC userAcc;
try {
userAcc = getWithTtlCheckAndUpdate(() -> accumulator, updater, stateClear);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FlinkRuntimeException("Failed to retrieve original internal aggregating state", e);
return userAcc == null ? null : original.getResult(userAcc);
use of org.apache.flink.util.FlinkRuntimeException in project flink by apache.
the class ApplicationDispatcherBootstrapTest method testErrorHandlerIsCalledWhenSubmissionThrowsAnException.
public void testErrorHandlerIsCalledWhenSubmissionThrowsAnException() throws Exception {
final AtomicBoolean shutdownCalled = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final TestingDispatcherGateway.Builder dispatcherBuilder = runningJobGatewayBuilder().setSubmitFunction(jobGraph -> {
throw new FlinkRuntimeException("Nope!");
}).setClusterShutdownFunction(status -> {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Acknowledge.get());
// we're "listening" on this to be completed to verify that the error handler is called.
// In production, this will shut down the cluster with an exception.
final CompletableFuture<Void> errorHandlerFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
final ApplicationDispatcherBootstrap bootstrap = createApplicationDispatcherBootstrap(2,, scheduledExecutor, errorHandlerFuture::completeExceptionally);
final CompletableFuture<Acknowledge> completionFuture = bootstrap.getBootstrapCompletionFuture();
// we call the error handler
assertException(errorHandlerFuture, FlinkRuntimeException.class);
// we return a future that is completed exceptionally
assertException(completionFuture, FlinkRuntimeException.class);
// and cluster shutdown didn't get called