use of org.apache.pulsar.client.api.transaction.TransactionCoordinatorClient in project flink by apache.
the class PulsarCommitter method commit.
public void commit(Collection<CommitRequest<PulsarCommittable>> requests) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
TransactionCoordinatorClient client = transactionCoordinatorClient();
for (CommitRequest<PulsarCommittable> request : requests) {
PulsarCommittable committable = request.getCommittable();
TxnID txnID = committable.getTxnID();
String topic = committable.getTopic();
LOG.debug("Start committing the Pulsar transaction {} for topic {}", txnID, topic);
try {
} catch (TransactionCoordinatorClientException e) {
// This is a known bug for Pulsar Transaction.
// We have to use instanceof instead of catching them.
TransactionCoordinatorClientException ex = PulsarTransactionUtils.unwrap(e);
if (ex instanceof CoordinatorNotFoundException) {
LOG.error("We couldn't find the Transaction Coordinator from Pulsar broker {}. " + "Check your broker configuration.", committable, ex);
} else if (ex instanceof InvalidTxnStatusException) {
LOG.error("Unable to commit transaction ({}) because it's in an invalid state. " + "Most likely the transaction has been aborted for some reason. " + "Please check the Pulsar broker logs for more details.", committable, ex);
} else if (ex instanceof TransactionNotFoundException) {
if (request.getNumberOfRetries() == 0) {
LOG.error("Unable to commit transaction ({}) because it's not found on Pulsar broker. " + "Most likely the checkpoint interval exceed the transaction timeout.", committable, ex);
} else {
LOG.warn("We can't find the transaction {} after {} retry committing. " + "This may mean that the transaction have been committed in previous but failed with timeout. " + "So we just mark it as committed.", txnID, request.getNumberOfRetries());
} else if (ex instanceof MetaStoreHandlerNotExistsException) {
LOG.error("We can't find the meta store handler by the mostSigBits from TxnID {}. " + "Did you change the metadata for topic {}?", committable, TRANSACTION_COORDINATOR_ASSIGN, ex);
} else {
LOG.error("Encountered retriable exception while committing transaction {} for topic {}.", committable, topic, ex);
int maxRecommitTimes = sinkConfiguration.getMaxRecommitTimes();
if (request.getNumberOfRetries() < maxRecommitTimes) {
} else {
String message = String.format("Failed to commit transaction %s after retrying %d times", txnID, maxRecommitTimes);
request.signalFailedWithKnownReason(new FlinkRuntimeException(message, ex));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Transaction ({}) encountered unknown error and data could be potentially lost.", committable, e);
use of org.apache.pulsar.client.api.transaction.TransactionCoordinatorClient in project flink by apache.
the class TopicProducerRegister method abortTransactions.
* Abort the existed transactions. This method would be used when closing PulsarWriter.
private void abortTransactions() {
if (transactionRegister.isEmpty()) {
TransactionCoordinatorClient coordinatorClient = ((PulsarClientImpl) pulsarClient).getTcClient();
// This null check is used for making sure transaction is enabled in client.
try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
for (Transaction transaction : transactionRegister.values()) {
TxnID txnID = transaction.getTxnID();
closer.register(() -> coordinatorClient.abort(txnID));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new FlinkRuntimeException(e);
use of org.apache.pulsar.client.api.transaction.TransactionCoordinatorClient in project flink by apache.
the class PulsarWriterTest method writeMessageWithoutGuarantee.
@EnumSource(value = DeliveryGuarantee.class, names = { "AT_LEAST_ONCE", "NONE" })
void writeMessageWithoutGuarantee(DeliveryGuarantee guarantee) throws Exception {
String topic = randomAlphabetic(10);
operator().createTopic(topic, 8);
SinkConfiguration configuration = sinkConfiguration(guarantee);
PulsarSerializationSchema<String> schema = pulsarSchema(STRING);
TopicMetadataListener listener = new TopicMetadataListener(singletonList(topic));
RoundRobinTopicRouter<String> router = new RoundRobinTopicRouter<>(configuration);
FixedMessageDelayer<String> delayer = MessageDelayer.never();
MockInitContext initContext = new MockInitContext();
PulsarWriter<String> writer = new PulsarWriter<>(configuration, schema, listener, router, delayer, initContext);
String message = randomAlphabetic(10);
writer.write(message, CONTEXT);
Collection<PulsarCommittable> committables = writer.prepareCommit();
if (guarantee != EXACTLY_ONCE) {
} else {
PulsarCommittable committable =;
TransactionCoordinatorClient coordinatorClient = operator().coordinatorClient();
String consumedMessage = operator().receiveMessage(topic, STRING).getValue();
assertEquals(consumedMessage, message);
use of org.apache.pulsar.client.api.transaction.TransactionCoordinatorClient in project flink by apache.
the class TopicProducerRegisterTest method createMessageBuilderForSendingMessage.
void createMessageBuilderForSendingMessage(DeliveryGuarantee deliveryGuarantee) throws IOException {
String topic = randomAlphabetic(10);
operator().createTopic(topic, 8);
SinkConfiguration configuration = sinkConfiguration(deliveryGuarantee);
TopicProducerRegister register = new TopicProducerRegister(configuration);
String message = randomAlphabetic(10);
register.createMessageBuilder(topic, Schema.STRING).value(message).send();
if (deliveryGuarantee == EXACTLY_ONCE) {
List<PulsarCommittable> committables = register.prepareCommit();
for (PulsarCommittable committable : committables) {
TxnID txnID = committable.getTxnID();
TransactionCoordinatorClient coordinatorClient = operator().coordinatorClient();
Message<String> receiveMessage = operator().receiveMessage(topic, Schema.STRING);
assertEquals(receiveMessage.getValue(), message);
use of org.apache.pulsar.client.api.transaction.TransactionCoordinatorClient in project flink by apache.
the class PulsarSourceReaderFactory method create.
public static <OUT> SourceReader<OUT, PulsarPartitionSplit> create(SourceReaderContext readerContext, PulsarDeserializationSchema<OUT> deserializationSchema, SourceConfiguration sourceConfiguration) {
PulsarClient pulsarClient = createClient(sourceConfiguration);
PulsarAdmin pulsarAdmin = createAdmin(sourceConfiguration);
// Create a message queue with the predefined source option.
int queueCapacity = sourceConfiguration.getMessageQueueCapacity();
FutureCompletingBlockingQueue<RecordsWithSplitIds<PulsarMessage<OUT>>> elementsQueue = new FutureCompletingBlockingQueue<>(queueCapacity);
// Create different pulsar source reader by subscription type.
SubscriptionType subscriptionType = sourceConfiguration.getSubscriptionType();
if (subscriptionType == SubscriptionType.Failover || subscriptionType == SubscriptionType.Exclusive) {
// Create a ordered split reader supplier.
Supplier<PulsarOrderedPartitionSplitReader<OUT>> splitReaderSupplier = () -> new PulsarOrderedPartitionSplitReader<>(pulsarClient, pulsarAdmin, sourceConfiguration, deserializationSchema);
return new PulsarOrderedSourceReader<>(elementsQueue, splitReaderSupplier, readerContext, sourceConfiguration, pulsarClient, pulsarAdmin);
} else if (subscriptionType == SubscriptionType.Shared || subscriptionType == SubscriptionType.Key_Shared) {
TransactionCoordinatorClient coordinatorClient = ((PulsarClientImpl) pulsarClient).getTcClient();
if (coordinatorClient == null && !sourceConfiguration.isEnableAutoAcknowledgeMessage()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Transaction is required but didn't enabled");
Supplier<PulsarUnorderedPartitionSplitReader<OUT>> splitReaderSupplier = () -> new PulsarUnorderedPartitionSplitReader<>(pulsarClient, pulsarAdmin, sourceConfiguration, deserializationSchema, coordinatorClient);
return new PulsarUnorderedSourceReader<>(elementsQueue, splitReaderSupplier, readerContext, sourceConfiguration, pulsarClient, pulsarAdmin, coordinatorClient);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This subscription type is not " + subscriptionType + " supported currently.");