use of org.apache.geode.cache.GatewayConfigurationException in project geode by apache.
the class ConnectionFactoryImpl method createClientToServerConnection.
public Connection createClientToServerConnection(Set excludedServers) throws GemFireSecurityException {
final Set origExcludedServers = excludedServers;
excludedServers = new HashSet(excludedServers);
Set blackListedServers = blackList.getBadServers();
Connection conn = null;
// long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
RuntimeException fatalException = null;
boolean tryBlackList = true;
do {
ServerLocation server = source.findServer(excludedServers);
if (server == null) {
if (tryBlackList) {
// Nothing worked! Let's try without the blacklist.
tryBlackList = false;
int size = excludedServers.size();
// make sure we didn't remove any of the ones that the caller set not to use
if (excludedServers.size() < size) {
// We are able to remove some exclusions, so lets give this another whirl.
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Source was unable to locate any servers");
if (fatalException != null) {
throw fatalException;
return null;
try {
conn = createClientToServerConnection(server, false);
} catch (CancelException e) {
// propagate this up immediately
throw e;
} catch (GemFireSecurityException e) {
// propagate this up immediately
throw e;
} catch (GatewayConfigurationException e) {
// propagate this up immediately
throw e;
} catch (ServerRefusedConnectionException srce) {
fatalException = srce;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("ServerRefusedConnectionException attempting to connect to {}", server, srce);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.ConnectException_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_TO_0, server), e);
} while (conn == null);
// }
return conn;
use of org.apache.geode.cache.GatewayConfigurationException in project geode by apache.
the class ConnectionFactoryImpl method createClientToServerConnection.
public Connection createClientToServerConnection(ServerLocation location, boolean forQueue) throws GemFireSecurityException {
ConnectionImpl connection = new ConnectionImpl(this.ds, this.cancelCriterion);
FailureTracker failureTracker = blackList.getFailureTracker(location);
boolean initialized = false;
try {
HandShake connHandShake = new HandShake(handshake);
connection.connect(endpointManager, location, connHandShake, socketBufferSize, handShakeTimeout, readTimeout, getCommMode(forQueue), this.gatewaySender, this.socketCreator);
initialized = true;
} catch (GemFireConfigException e) {
throw e;
} catch (CancelException e) {
// propagate this up, don't retry
throw e;
} catch (GemFireSecurityException e) {
// propagate this up, don't retry
throw e;
} catch (GatewayConfigurationException e) {
// propagate this up, don't retry
throw e;
} catch (ServerRefusedConnectionException src) {
// propagate this up, don't retry
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.AutoConnectionSourceImpl_COULD_NOT_CREATE_A_NEW_CONNECTION_TO_SERVER_0, src.getMessage()));
testFailedConnectionToServer = true;
throw src;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e.getMessage() != null && (e.getMessage().equals("Connection refused") || e.getMessage().equals("Connection reset"))) {
// print an exception
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Unable to connect to {}: connection refused", location);
} else {
// print a warning with the exception stack trace
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.ConnectException_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_TO_0, location), e);
testFailedConnectionToServer = true;
} finally {
if (!initialized) {
connection = null;
return connection;
use of org.apache.geode.cache.GatewayConfigurationException in project geode by apache.
the class HandShake method handshakeWithServer.
* Client-side handshake with a Server
public ServerQueueStatus handshakeWithServer(Connection conn, ServerLocation location, byte communicationMode) throws IOException, AuthenticationRequiredException, AuthenticationFailedException, ServerRefusedConnectionException {
try {
ServerQueueStatus serverQStatus = null;
Socket sock = conn.getSocket();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream());
final InputStream in = sock.getInputStream();
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(in);
DistributedMember member = getIDForSocket(sock);
// if running in a loner system, use the new port number in the ID to
// help differentiate from other clients
DM dm = ((InternalDistributedSystem) this.system).getDistributionManager();
InternalDistributedMember idm = dm.getDistributionManagerId();
synchronized (idm) {
if (idm.getPort() == 0 && dm instanceof LonerDistributionManager) {
int port = sock.getLocalPort();
((LonerDistributionManager) dm).updateLonerPort(port);
if (communicationMode == Acceptor.GATEWAY_TO_GATEWAY) {
this.credentials = getCredentials(member);
byte intermediateAcceptanceCode = write(dos, dis, communicationMode, REPLY_OK, this.clientReadTimeout, null, this.credentials, member, false);
String authInit = this.system.getProperties().getProperty(SECURITY_CLIENT_AUTH_INIT);
if (communicationMode != Acceptor.GATEWAY_TO_GATEWAY && intermediateAcceptanceCode != REPLY_AUTH_NOT_REQUIRED && (authInit != null && authInit.length() != 0)) {
// Read the acceptance code
byte acceptanceCode = dis.readByte();
if (acceptanceCode == (byte) 21 && !(sock instanceof SSLSocket)) {
// SSL
throw new AuthenticationRequiredException(LocalizedStrings.HandShake_SERVER_EXPECTING_SSL_CONNECTION.toLocalizedString());
if (acceptanceCode == REPLY_SERVER_IS_LOCATOR) {
throw new GemFireConfigException("Improperly configured client detected. " + "Server at " + location + " is actually a locator. Use addPoolLocator to configure locators.");
// Successful handshake for GATEWAY_TO_GATEWAY mode sets the peer version in connection
short wanSiteVersion = Version.readOrdinal(dis);
// establish a versioned stream for the other site, if necessary
if (wanSiteVersion < Version.CURRENT_ORDINAL) {
dis = new VersionedDataInputStream(dis, Version.fromOrdinalOrCurrent(wanSiteVersion));
// No need to check for return value since DataInputStream already throws
// EOFException in case of EOF
byte epType = dis.readByte();
int qSize = dis.readInt();
// Read the server member
member = readServerMember(dis);
serverQStatus = new ServerQueueStatus(epType, qSize, member);
// Read the message (if any)
readMessage(dis, dos, acceptanceCode, member);
// DSes with different values of this. It shoule be a member variable.
if (communicationMode != Acceptor.GATEWAY_TO_GATEWAY && currentClientVersion.compareTo(Version.GFE_61) >= 0) {
deltaEnabledOnServer = dis.readBoolean();
// validate that the remote side has a different distributed system id.
if (communicationMode == Acceptor.GATEWAY_TO_GATEWAY && Version.GFE_66.compareTo(conn.getWanSiteVersion()) <= 0 && currentClientVersion.compareTo(Version.GFE_66) >= 0) {
int remoteDistributedSystemId =;
int localDistributedSystemId = ((InternalDistributedSystem) system).getDistributionManager().getDistributedSystemId();
if (localDistributedSystemId >= 0 && localDistributedSystemId == remoteDistributedSystemId) {
throw new GatewayConfigurationException("Remote WAN site's distributed system id " + remoteDistributedSystemId + " matches this sites distributed system id " + localDistributedSystemId);
// Read the PDX registry size from the remote size
if (communicationMode == Acceptor.GATEWAY_TO_GATEWAY && Version.GFE_80.compareTo(conn.getWanSiteVersion()) <= 0 && currentClientVersion.compareTo(Version.GFE_80) >= 0) {
int remotePdxSize = dis.readInt();
return serverQStatus;
} catch (IOException ex) {
CancelCriterion stopper = this.system.getCancelCriterion();
throw ex;