use of org.apache.geode.internal.cache.CacheDistributionAdvisor.CacheProfile in project geode by apache.
the class PartitionedRegion method fillInProfile.
public void fillInProfile(Profile p) {
CacheProfile profile = (CacheProfile) p;
// set fields on CacheProfile...
profile.isPartitioned = true;
profile.isPersistent = dataPolicy.withPersistence();
profile.dataPolicy = getDataPolicy();
profile.hasCacheLoader = basicGetLoader() != null;
profile.hasCacheWriter = basicGetWriter() != null;
profile.hasCacheListener = hasListener();
profile.scope = getScope();
// fillInProfile MUST set serialNumber
profile.serialNumber = getSerialNumber();
// TODO - prpersist - this is a bit of a hack, but we're
// reusing this boolean to indicate that this member has finished disk recovery.
profile.regionInitialized = recoveredFromDisk;
profile.hasCacheServer = ((this.cache.getCacheServers().size() > 0) ? true : false);
profile.filterProfile = getFilterProfile();
profile.gatewaySenderIds = getGatewaySenderIds();
profile.asyncEventQueueIds = getVisibleAsyncEventQueueIds();
if (dataPolicy.withPersistence()) {
profile.persistentID = getDiskStore().generatePersistentID(null);
fillInProfile((PartitionProfile) profile);
if (cacheServiceProfiles != null) {
for (CacheServiceProfile csp : cacheServiceProfiles.values()) {
profile.isOffHeap = getOffHeap();
use of org.apache.geode.internal.cache.CacheDistributionAdvisor.CacheProfile in project geode by apache.
the class DistributionAdvisor method syncForCrashedMember.
/** perform a delta-GII for the given lost member */
public void syncForCrashedMember(final InternalDistributedMember id, final Profile profile) {
final DistributedRegion dr = getRegionForDeltaGII();
if (dr == null) {
final boolean isDebugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled();
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("da.syncForCrashedMember will sync region in waiting thread pool: {}", dr);
dr.getDistributionManager().getWaitingThreadPool().execute(new Runnable() {
// bug #49601 - don't synchronize until GII has been performed
public void run() {
while (!dr.isInitialized()) {
if (dr.isDestroyed()) {
} else {
try {
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("da.syncForCrashedMember waiting for region to finish initializing: {}", dr);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
CacheProfile cp = (CacheProfile) profile;
PersistentMemberID persistentId = cp.persistentID;
if (dr.getDataPolicy().withPersistence() && persistentId == null) {
// a persistent member.
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("da.syncForCrashedMember skipping sync because crashed member is not persistent: {}", id);
VersionSource lostVersionID;
if (persistentId != null) {
lostVersionID = persistentId.getVersionMember();
} else {
lostVersionID = id;
dr.synchronizeForLostMember(id, lostVersionID);
use of org.apache.geode.internal.cache.CacheDistributionAdvisor.CacheProfile in project geode by apache.
the class CqServiceImpl method processEntryEvent.
private void processEntryEvent(CacheEvent event, Profile localProfile, Profile[] profiles, FilterRoutingInfo frInfo) throws CqException {
final boolean isDebugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled();
HashSet<Object> cqUnfilteredEventsSet_newValue = new HashSet<>();
HashSet<Object> cqUnfilteredEventsSet_oldValue = new HashSet<>();
boolean b_cqResults_newValue;
boolean b_cqResults_oldValue;
boolean queryOldValue;
EntryEvent entryEvent = (EntryEvent) event;
Object eventKey = entryEvent.getKey();
boolean isDupEvent = ((EntryEventImpl) event).isPossibleDuplicate();
// The CQ query needs to be applied when the op is update, destroy
// invalidate and in case when op is create and its an duplicate
// event, the reason for this is when peer sends a duplicate event
// it marks it as create and sends it, so that the receiving node
// applies it (see DR.virtualPut()).
boolean opRequiringQueryOnOldValue = (event.getOperation().isUpdate() || event.getOperation().isDestroy() || event.getOperation().isInvalidate() || (event.getOperation().isCreate() && isDupEvent));
HashMap<String, Integer> matchedCqs = new HashMap<>();
long executionStartTime;
for (int i = -1; i < profiles.length; i++) {
CacheProfile cf;
if (i < 0) {
cf = (CacheProfile) localProfile;
if (cf == null)
} else {
cf = (CacheProfile) profiles[i];
FilterProfile pf = cf.filterProfile;
if (pf == null || pf.getCqMap().isEmpty()) {
Map cqs = pf.getCqMap();
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Profile for {} processing {} CQs", cf.peerMemberId, cqs.size());
if (cqs.isEmpty()) {
// Get new value. If its not retrieved.
if (cqUnfilteredEventsSet_newValue.isEmpty() && (event.getOperation().isCreate() || event.getOperation().isUpdate())) {
Object newValue = entryEvent.getNewValue();
if (newValue != null) {
// We have a new value to run the query on
HashMap<Long, Integer> cqInfo = new HashMap<>();
Iterator cqIter = cqs.entrySet().iterator();
while (cqIter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry cqEntry = (Map.Entry);
ServerCQImpl cQuery = (ServerCQImpl) cqEntry.getValue();
b_cqResults_newValue = false;
b_cqResults_oldValue = false;
queryOldValue = false;
if (cQuery == null) {
String cqName = cQuery.getServerCqName();
Long filterID = cQuery.getFilterID();
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Processing CQ : {} Key: {}", cqName, eventKey);
Integer cqEvent = null;
if (matchedCqs.containsKey(cqName)) {
cqEvent = matchedCqs.get(cqName);
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("query {} has already been processed and returned {}", cqName, cqEvent);
if (cqEvent == null) {
// Update the Cache Results for this CQ.
if (cqEvent.intValue() == MessageType.LOCAL_CREATE || cqEvent.intValue() == MessageType.LOCAL_UPDATE) {
} else if (cqEvent.intValue() == MessageType.LOCAL_DESTROY) {
} else {
boolean error = false;
try {
synchronized (cQuery) {
// Apply query on new value.
if (!cqUnfilteredEventsSet_newValue.isEmpty()) {
executionStartTime = this.stats.startCqQueryExecution();
b_cqResults_newValue = evaluateQuery(cQuery, new Object[] { cqUnfilteredEventsSet_newValue });
// Apply query on oldValue.
if (opRequiringQueryOnOldValue) {
// with PR region.
if (cQuery.cqResultKeysInitialized) {
b_cqResults_oldValue = cQuery.isPartOfCqResult(eventKey);
// Also apply if the query was not executed during cq execute
if ((cQuery.isPR || !CqServiceImpl.EXECUTE_QUERY_DURING_INIT) && b_cqResults_oldValue == false) {
queryOldValue = true;
if (isDebugEnabled && !cQuery.isPR && !b_cqResults_oldValue) {
logger.debug("Event Key not found in the CQ Result Queue. EventKey : {} CQ Name : {}", eventKey, cqName);
} else {
queryOldValue = true;
if (queryOldValue) {
if (cqUnfilteredEventsSet_oldValue.isEmpty()) {
Object oldValue = entryEvent.getOldValue();
if (oldValue != null) {
synchronized (cQuery) {
// Apply query on old value.
if (!cqUnfilteredEventsSet_oldValue.isEmpty()) {
executionStartTime = this.stats.startCqQueryExecution();
b_cqResults_oldValue = evaluateQuery(cQuery, new Object[] { cqUnfilteredEventsSet_oldValue });
} else {
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("old value for event with key {} is null - query execution not performed", eventKey);
// Query oldValue
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Any exception in running the query should be caught here and
// buried because this code is running in-line with the message
// processing code and we don't want to kill that thread
error = true;
// CHANGE LOG MESSAGE:, new Object[] { ((EntryEvent) event).getKey(), cQuery.getName(), ex.getLocalizedMessage() }));
if (error) {
} else {
if (b_cqResults_newValue) {
if (b_cqResults_oldValue) {
} else {
// If its create and caching is enabled, cache the key
// for this CQ.
} else if (b_cqResults_oldValue) {
// Base invalidate operation is treated as destroy.
// When the invalidate comes through, the entry will no longer
// satisfy the query and will need to be deleted.
// If caching is enabled, mark this event's key as removed
// from the CQ cache.
// Get the matching CQs if any.
// synchronized (this.matchingCqMap){
String query = cQuery.getQueryString();
Set matchingCqs = (Set) matchingCqMap.get(query);
if (matchingCqs != null) {
Iterator iter = matchingCqs.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String matchingCqName = (String);
if (!matchingCqName.equals(cqName)) {
matchedCqs.put(matchingCqName, cqEvent);
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Adding CQ into Matching CQ Map: {} Event is: {}", matchingCqName, cqEvent);
if (cqEvent != null && cQuery.isRunning()) {
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Added event to CQ with client-side name: {} key: {} operation : {}", cQuery.cqName, eventKey, cqEvent);
cqInfo.put(filterID, cqEvent);
CqQueryVsdStats stats = cQuery.getVsdStats();
if (stats != null) {
if (cqInfo.size() > 0) {
if (pf.isLocalProfile()) {
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Setting local CQ matches to {}", cqInfo);
} else {
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Setting CQ matches for {} to {}", cf.getDistributedMember(), cqInfo);
frInfo.setCqRoutingInfo(cf.getDistributedMember(), cqInfo);
// iteration over Profiles.