use of org.apache.geode.internal.cache.CacheDistributionAdvisor.CacheProfile in project geode by apache.
the class DistributedCacheOperation method removeDestroyTokensFromCqResultKeys.
* Cleanup destroyed events in CQ result cache for remote CQs. While maintaining the CQ results
* key caching. the destroy event keys are marked as destroyed instead of removing them, this is
* to take care, arrival of duplicate events. The key marked as destroyed are removed after the
* event is placed in clients HAQueue or distributed to the peers.
* This is similar to CacheClientNotifier.removeDestroyTokensFromCqResultKeys() where the
* destroyed events for local CQs are handled.
private void removeDestroyTokensFromCqResultKeys(FilterRoutingInfo filterRouting) {
for (InternalDistributedMember m : filterRouting.getMembers()) {
FilterInfo filterInfo = filterRouting.getFilterInfo(m);
if (filterInfo.getCQs() == null) {
CacheProfile cf = (CacheProfile) ((Bucket) getRegion()).getPartitionedRegion().getCacheDistributionAdvisor().getProfile(m);
if (cf == null || cf.filterProfile == null || cf.filterProfile.isLocalProfile() || cf.filterProfile.getCqMap().isEmpty()) {
for (Object value : cf.filterProfile.getCqMap().values()) {
ServerCQ cq = (ServerCQ) value;
for (Map.Entry<Long, Integer> e : filterInfo.getCQs().entrySet()) {
Long cqID = e.getKey();
// the entry form CQ cache.
if (cq.getFilterID() == cqID && (e.getValue().equals(MessageType.LOCAL_DESTROY))) {
cq.removeFromCqResultKeys(((EntryOperation) event).getKey(), true);
use of org.apache.geode.internal.cache.CacheDistributionAdvisor.CacheProfile in project geode by apache.
the class DistributedRegion method fillInProfile.
public void fillInProfile(Profile profile) {
assert profile instanceof CacheProfile;
CacheProfile cacheProfile = (CacheProfile) profile;
cacheProfile.dataPolicy = getDataPolicy();
cacheProfile.hasCacheLoader = basicGetLoader() != null;
cacheProfile.hasCacheWriter = basicGetWriter() != null;
cacheProfile.hasCacheListener = hasListener();
cacheProfile.scope = this.scope;
cacheProfile.inRecovery = getImageState().getInRecovery();
cacheProfile.isPersistent = getDataPolicy().withPersistence();
// Below PDX check is added for rolling upgrade support. We are
// removing Old wan in this checkin. PDX region are always gatewayEnabled
// irrespective whether gatewayHub is configured or not.
// Old version Pdx region always has this attribute true so to avoid region
// attribute comparison across member we are setting it to true.
cacheProfile.isGatewayEnabled = isPdxTypesRegion();
cacheProfile.serialNumber = getSerialNumber();
cacheProfile.regionInitialized = isInitialized();
cacheProfile.persistentID = getPersistentID();
if (getPersistenceAdvisor() != null) {
cacheProfile.persistenceInitialized = getPersistenceAdvisor().isOnline();
cacheProfile.hasCacheServer = this.cache.getCacheServers().size() > 0 ? true : false;
cacheProfile.requiresOldValueInEvents = this.dataPolicy.withReplication() && this.filterProfile != null && this.filterProfile.hasCQs();
cacheProfile.gatewaySenderIds = getGatewaySenderIds();
cacheProfile.asyncEventQueueIds = getVisibleAsyncEventQueueIds();
cacheProfile.isOffHeap = getOffHeap();
use of org.apache.geode.internal.cache.CacheDistributionAdvisor.CacheProfile in project geode by apache.
the class CqServiceImpl method processRegionEvent.
private void processRegionEvent(CacheEvent event, Profile localProfile, Profile[] profiles, FilterRoutingInfo frInfo) throws CqException {
final boolean isDebugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled();
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("CQ service processing region event {}", event);
Integer cqRegionEvent = generateCqRegionEvent(event);
for (int i = -1; i < profiles.length; i++) {
CacheProfile cf;
if (i < 0) {
cf = (CacheProfile) localProfile;
if (cf == null)
} else {
cf = (CacheProfile) profiles[i];
FilterProfile pf = cf.filterProfile;
if (pf == null || pf.getCqMap().isEmpty()) {
Map cqs = pf.getCqMap();
HashMap<Long, Integer> cqInfo = new HashMap<>();
Iterator cqIter = cqs.entrySet().iterator();
while (cqIter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry cqEntry = (Map.Entry);
ServerCQImpl cQuery = (ServerCQImpl) cqEntry.getValue();
if (!event.isOriginRemote() && event.getOperation().isRegionDestroy() && !((LocalRegion) event.getRegion()).isUsedForPartitionedRegionBucket()) {
try {
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Closing CQ on region destroy event. CqName : {}", cQuery.getName());
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Failed to Close CQ on region destroy. CqName : {}", cQuery.getName(), ex);
cqInfo.put(cQuery.getFilterID(), cqRegionEvent);
if (pf.isLocalProfile()) {
} else {
frInfo.setCqRoutingInfo(cf.getDistributedMember(), cqInfo);
use of org.apache.geode.internal.cache.CacheDistributionAdvisor.CacheProfile in project geode by apache.
the class FilterProfile method fillInInterestRoutingInfo.
* Fills in the routing information for clients that have registered interest in the given event.
* The routing information is stored in the given FilterRoutingInfo object for use in message
* delivery.
* @param event the event being applied to the cache
* @param profiles the profiles of members having the affected region
* @param filterRoutingInfo the routing object that is modified by this method (may be null)
* @param cacheOpRecipients members that will receive a CacheDistributionMessage for the event
* @return the resulting FilterRoutingInfo
public FilterRoutingInfo fillInInterestRoutingInfo(CacheEvent event, Profile[] profiles, FilterRoutingInfo filterRoutingInfo, Set cacheOpRecipients) {
Set clientsInv = Collections.emptySet();
Set clients = Collections.emptySet();
if (logger.isTraceEnabled(LogMarker.BRIDGE_SERVER)) {
logger.trace(LogMarker.BRIDGE_SERVER, "finding interested clients for {}", event);
FilterRoutingInfo frInfo = filterRoutingInfo;
for (int i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++) {
CacheProfile cf = (CacheProfile) profiles[i];
if (!cf.hasCacheServer) {
FilterProfile pf = cf.filterProfile;
if (pf == null) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled(LogMarker.BRIDGE_SERVER)) {
logger.trace(LogMarker.BRIDGE_SERVER, "Processing {}", pf);
if (!pf.hasInterest()) {
// the routing.
if (!pf.isLocalProfile() && cacheOpRecipients.contains(cf.getDistributedMember())) {
if (frInfo == null)
frInfo = new FilterRoutingInfo();
frInfo.addInterestedClients(cf.getDistributedMember(), Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptySet(), false);
if (event.getOperation().isEntry()) {
EntryEvent entryEvent = (EntryEvent) event;
if (pf.allKeyClientsInv != null || pf.keysOfInterestInv != null || pf.patternsOfInterestInv != null || pf.filtersOfInterestInv != null) {
clientsInv = pf.getInterestedClients(entryEvent, pf.allKeyClientsInv, pf.keysOfInterestInv, pf.patternsOfInterestInv, pf.filtersOfInterestInv);
if (pf.allKeyClients != null || pf.keysOfInterest != null || pf.patternsOfInterest != null || pf.filtersOfInterest != null) {
clients = pf.getInterestedClients(entryEvent, pf.allKeyClients, pf.keysOfInterest, pf.patternsOfInterest, pf.filtersOfInterest);
} else {
if (event.getOperation().isRegionDestroy() || event.getOperation().isClear()) {
clientsInv = pf.getAllClientsWithInterestInv();
clients = pf.getAllClientsWithInterest();
} else {
return frInfo;
if (pf.isLocalProfile) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Setting local interested clients={} and clientsInv={}", clients, clientsInv);
if (frInfo == null)
frInfo = new FilterRoutingInfo();
frInfo.setLocalInterestedClients(clients, clientsInv);
} else {
if (// always send a routing with
cacheOpRecipients.contains(cf.getDistributedMember()) || // CacheOperationMessages
(clients != null && !clients.isEmpty()) || (clientsInv != null && !clientsInv.isEmpty())) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Adding interested clients={} and clientsIn={} to {}", clients, clientsInv, filterRoutingInfo);
if (frInfo == null)
frInfo = new FilterRoutingInfo();
frInfo.addInterestedClients(cf.getDistributedMember(), clients, clientsInv, this.clientMap.hasLongID);
return frInfo;
use of org.apache.geode.internal.cache.CacheDistributionAdvisor.CacheProfile in project geode by apache.
the class FilterProfile method getFilterRoutingInfoPart1.
* Compute the full routing information for the given set of peers. This will not include local
* routing information from interest processing. That is done by getFilterRoutingInfoPart2
public FilterRoutingInfo getFilterRoutingInfoPart1(CacheEvent event, Profile[] peerProfiles, Set cacheOpRecipients) {
// early out if there are no cache servers in the system
boolean anyServers = false;
for (int i = 0; i < peerProfiles.length; i++) {
if (((CacheProfile) peerProfiles[i]).hasCacheServer) {
anyServers = true;
if (!anyServers && !this.localProfile.hasCacheServer) {
return null;
FilterRoutingInfo frInfo = null;
CqService cqService = getCqService(event.getRegion());
if (cqService.isRunning()) {
frInfo = new FilterRoutingInfo();
// bug #50809 - local routing for transactional ops must be done here
// because the event isn't available later and we lose the old value for the entry
final boolean processLocalProfile = event.getOperation().isEntry() && ((EntryEvent) event).getTransactionId() != null;
fillInCQRoutingInfo(event, processLocalProfile, peerProfiles, frInfo);
// Process InterestList.
// return fillInInterestRoutingInfo(event, peerProfiles, frInfo, cacheOpRecipients);
frInfo = fillInInterestRoutingInfo(event, peerProfiles, frInfo, cacheOpRecipients);
if (frInfo == null || !frInfo.hasMemberWithFilterInfo()) {
return null;
} else {
return frInfo;