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Example 1 with FileResult

use of in project geode by apache.

the class RemoteExecutionStrategy method execute.

public Object execute(ParseResult parseResult) throws RuntimeException {
    Result result = null;
    try {
        Assert.notNull(parseResult, "Parse result required");
        if (!GfshParseResult.class.isInstance(parseResult)) {
            // TODO: should this message be more specific?
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Command Configuration/Definition error.");
        GfshParseResult gfshParseResult = (GfshParseResult) parseResult;
        Method method = gfshParseResult.getMethod();
        if (!isShellOnly(method)) {
            Boolean fromShell = CommandExecutionContext.isShellRequest();
            boolean sentFromShell = fromShell != null && fromShell.booleanValue();
            String interceptorClass = getInterceptor(gfshParseResult.getMethod());
            CliAroundInterceptor interceptor = null;
            // 1. Pre Execution
            if (!sentFromShell && !CliMetaData.ANNOTATION_NULL_VALUE.equals(interceptorClass)) {
                try {
                    interceptor = (CliAroundInterceptor) ClassPathLoader.getLatest().forName(interceptorClass).newInstance();
                } catch (InstantiationException e) {
                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                if (interceptor != null) {
                    Result preExecResult = interceptor.preExecution(gfshParseResult);
                    if (Status.ERROR.equals(preExecResult.getStatus())) {
                        return preExecResult;
                    } else if (preExecResult instanceof FileResult) {
                        FileResult fileResult = (FileResult) preExecResult;
                        byte[][] fileData = fileResult.toBytes();
                } else {
                    return ResultBuilder.createBadConfigurationErrorResult("Interceptor Configuration Error");
  "Executing " + gfshParseResult.getUserInput());
            result = (Result) ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(gfshParseResult.getMethod(), gfshParseResult.getInstance(), gfshParseResult.getArguments());
            if (result != null && Status.ERROR.equals(result.getStatus())) {
      "Error occurred while executing \"" + gfshParseResult.getUserInput() + "\".");
            if (interceptor != null) {
                Result postExecResult = interceptor.postExecution(gfshParseResult, result, null);
                if (postExecResult != null) {
                    if (Status.ERROR.equals(postExecResult.getStatus())) {
                        logWrapper.warning(postExecResult.toString(), null);
                    } else if (logWrapper.fineEnabled()) {
                    result = postExecResult;
                // for remote commands with bytes
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only Remote command can be executed through " + ManagementService.class.getSimpleName() + ".processCommand() or ManagementMBean's processCommand " + "operation. Please refer documentation for the list of " + "commands.");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        throw e;
    return result;
Also used : GfshParseResult( CliAroundInterceptor( Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) ParseResult( GfshParseResult( Result( FileResult( ManagementService( FileResult(

Example 2 with FileResult

use of in project geode by apache.

the class GfshExecutionStrategy method executeOnRemote.

//////////////// ExecutionStrategy interface Methods End /////////////////////
   * Sends the user input (command string) via {@link OperationInvoker} to a remote GemFire node for
   * processing & execution.
   * @param parseResult
   * @return result of execution/processing of the command
   * @throws IllegalStateException if gfsh doesn't have an active connection.
private Result executeOnRemote(GfshParseResult parseResult) {
    Result commandResult = null;
    Object response = null;
    if (!shell.isConnectedAndReady()) {
        shell.logWarning("Can't execute a remote command without connection. Use 'connect' first to connect.", null);"Can't execute a remote command \"" + parseResult.getUserInput() + "\" without connection. Use 'connect' first to connect to GemFire.");
        return null;
    byte[][] fileData = null;
    CliAroundInterceptor interceptor = null;
    String interceptorClass = getInterceptor(parseResult.getMethod());
    // 1. Pre Remote Execution
    if (!CliMetaData.ANNOTATION_NULL_VALUE.equals(interceptorClass)) {
        try {
            interceptor = (CliAroundInterceptor) ClassPathLoader.getLatest().forName(interceptorClass).newInstance();
        } catch (InstantiationException | ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException e) {
            shell.logWarning("Configuration error", e);
        if (interceptor != null) {
            Result preExecResult = interceptor.preExecution(parseResult);
            if (Status.ERROR.equals(preExecResult.getStatus())) {
                return preExecResult;
            } else if (preExecResult instanceof FileResult) {
                FileResult fileResult = (FileResult) preExecResult;
                fileData = fileResult.toBytes();
        } else {
            return ResultBuilder.createBadConfigurationErrorResult("Interceptor Configuration Error");
    // 2. Remote Execution
    final Map<String, String> env = shell.getEnv();
    try {
        response = shell.getOperationInvoker().processCommand(new CommandRequest(parseResult, env, fileData));
    } catch (NotAuthorizedException e) {
        return ResultBuilder.createGemFireUnAuthorizedErrorResult("Unauthorized. Reason : " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        shell.logSevere(e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
    if (response == null) {
        shell.logWarning("Response was null for: \"" + parseResult.getUserInput() + "\". (gfsh.isConnected=" + shell.isConnectedAndReady() + ")", null);
        return ResultBuilder.createBadResponseErrorResult(" Error occurred while " + "executing \"" + parseResult.getUserInput() + "\" on manager. " + "Please check manager logs for error.");
    // it can also be a Path to a temp file downloaded from the rest http request
    if (response instanceof String) {
        CommandResponse commandResponse = CommandResponseBuilder.prepareCommandResponseFromJson((String) response);
        if (commandResponse.isFailedToPersist()) {
        String debugInfo = commandResponse.getDebugInfo();
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(debugInfo)) {
            // TODO - Abhishek When debug is ON, log response in gfsh logs
            // TODO - Abhishek handle \n better. Is it coming from GemFire formatter
            debugInfo = debugInfo.replaceAll("\n\n\n", "\n");
            debugInfo = debugInfo.replaceAll("\n\n", "\n");
            debugInfo = debugInfo.replaceAll("\n", "\n[From Manager : " + commandResponse.getSender() + "]");
            debugInfo = "[From Manager : " + commandResponse.getSender() + "]" + debugInfo;
        commandResult = ResultBuilder.fromJson((String) response);
    Path tempFile = null;
    if (response instanceof Path) {
        tempFile = (Path) response;
    // 3. Post Remote Execution
    if (interceptor != null) {
        Result postExecResult = interceptor.postExecution(parseResult, commandResult, tempFile);
        if (postExecResult != null) {
            if (Status.ERROR.equals(postExecResult.getStatus())) {
                if (logWrapper.infoEnabled()) {
          "Post execution Result :: " + postExecResult);
            } else if (logWrapper.fineEnabled()) {
                logWrapper.fine("Post execution Result :: " + postExecResult);
            commandResult = postExecResult;
    return commandResult;
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) CliAroundInterceptor( NotAuthorizedException( CommandResponse( NotAuthorizedException( CommandProcessingException( ParseResult( GfshParseResult( Result( FileResult( CommandRequest( FileResult(


Result ( CliAroundInterceptor ( GfshParseResult ( FileResult ( ParseResult ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)1 Path (java.nio.file.Path)1 ManagementService ( CommandProcessingException ( CommandRequest ( CommandResponse ( NotAuthorizedException (