use of org.apache.geode.modules.session.catalina.DeltaSessionInterface in project geode by apache.
the class DeltaSessionAttributeEventBatch method apply.
public void apply(Cache cache) {
Region<String, DeltaSessionInterface> region = getRegion(cache);
DeltaSessionInterface session = region.get(this.key);
if (session == null) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("Session ").append(this.key).append(" was not found while attempting to apply ").append(this);
} else {
session.applyAttributeEvents(region, this.eventQueue);
if (cache.getLogger().fineEnabled()) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("Applied ").append(this);
use of org.apache.geode.modules.session.catalina.DeltaSessionInterface in project geode by apache.
the class SessionExpirationCacheListener method afterDestroy.
public void afterDestroy(EntryEvent<String, HttpSession> event) {
// A Session expired. If it was destroyed by GemFire expiration, process it.
// If it was destroyed via Session.invalidate, ignore it since it has
// already been processed.
DeltaSessionInterface session = null;
if (event.getOperation() == Operation.EXPIRE_DESTROY) {
session = (DeltaSessionInterface) event.getOldValue();
} else {
* This comes into play when we're dealing with an empty client proxy. We need the actual
* destroyed object to come back from the server so that any associated listeners can fire
* correctly. Having the destroyed object come back as the callback arg depends on setting the
Object callback = event.getCallbackArgument();
if (callback != null && callback instanceof DeltaSessionInterface) {
session = (DeltaSessionInterface) callback;
ManagerBase m = ContextMapper.getContext(session.getContextName());
if (m != null) {
if (session != null) {