use of org.apache.geode.test.process.ProcessWrapper in project geode by apache.
the class ServerLauncherRemoteIntegrationTest method testRunningServerOutlivesForkingProcess.
@Ignore("TRAC bug #52304: test is broken and needs to be reworked")
public void testRunningServerOutlivesForkingProcess() throws Throwable {
// launch ServerLauncherForkingProcess which then launches server
// final List<String> command = new ArrayList<String>();
// command.add(new File(new File(System.getProperty("java.home"), "bin"),
// "java").getCanonicalPath());
// command.add("-cp");
// command.add(System.getProperty("java.class.path"));
// command.add(ServerLauncherDUnitTest.class.getName().concat("$").concat(ServerLauncherForkingProcess.class.getSimpleName()));
// process = new ProcessBuilder(command).directory(temporaryFolder.getRoot()).start();
// assertNotNull(process);
// processOutReader = new ProcessStreamReader(process.getInputStream(), createListener("sysout",
// getUniqueName() + "#sysout")).start();
// processErrReader = new ProcessStreamReader(process.getErrorStream(), createListener("syserr",
// getUniqueName() + "#syserr")).start();
@SuppressWarnings("unused") File file = new File(this.temporaryFolder.getRoot(), ServerLauncherForkingProcess.class.getSimpleName().concat(".log"));
//"log file is " + file);
final ProcessWrapper pw = new ProcessWrapper.Builder().mainClass(ServerLauncherForkingProcess.class).build();
pw.execute(null, this.temporaryFolder.getRoot()).waitFor(true);
//"[testRunningServerOutlivesForkingProcess] ServerLauncherForkingProcess output
// is:\n\n"+pw.getOutput());
// // create waiting thread since waitFor does not have a timeout
// Thread waiting = new Thread(new Runnable() {
// @Override
// public void run() {
// try {
// assertIndexDetailsEquals(0, process.waitFor());
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// logger.error("Interrupted while waiting for process", e);
// }
// }
// });
// // start waiting thread and join to it for timeout
// try {
// waiting.start();
// waiting.join(TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
// assertFalse("ServerLauncherForkingProcess took too long and caused timeout",
// waiting.isAlive());
// } catch (Throwable e) {
// logger.error(e);
// if (failure == null) {
// failure = e;
// }
// } finally {
// if (waiting.isAlive()) {
// waiting.interrupt();
// }
// }
// wait for server to start
int pid = 0;
final String serverName = ServerLauncherForkingProcess.class.getSimpleName() + "_server";
final ServerLauncher dirLauncher = new ServerLauncher.Builder().setWorkingDirectory(this.temporaryFolder.getRoot().getCanonicalPath()).build();
try {
// validate the pid file and its contents
this.pidFile = new File(this.temporaryFolder.getRoot(), ProcessType.SERVER.getPidFileName());
pid = readPid(this.pidFile);
assertTrue(pid > 0);
// validate log file was created
final String logFileName = serverName + ".log";
assertTrue("Log file should exist: " + logFileName, new File(this.temporaryFolder.getRoot(), logFileName).exists());
// validate the status
final ServerState actualStatus = dirLauncher.status();
assertEquals(Status.ONLINE, actualStatus.getStatus());
assertEquals(pid, actualStatus.getPid().intValue());
assertTrue(actualStatus.getUptime() > 0);
assertEquals(this.temporaryFolder.getRoot().getCanonicalPath(), actualStatus.getWorkingDirectory());
assertEquals(getJvmArguments(), actualStatus.getJvmArguments());
assertEquals(ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getClassPath(), actualStatus.getClasspath());
assertEquals(GemFireVersion.getGemFireVersion(), actualStatus.getGemFireVersion());
assertEquals(System.getProperty("java.version"), actualStatus.getJavaVersion());
assertEquals(this.temporaryFolder.getRoot().getCanonicalPath() + File.separator + serverName + ".log", actualStatus.getLogFile());
assertEquals(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName(), actualStatus.getHost());
assertEquals(serverName, actualStatus.getMemberName());
} catch (Throwable e) {
// stop the server
try {
assertEquals(Status.STOPPED, dirLauncher.stop().getStatus());
} catch (Throwable e) {
use of org.apache.geode.test.process.ProcessWrapper in project geode by apache.
the class PassWithExpectedProblemTestCase method testPassWithExpectedProblem.
* Process output has an expected warning/error/severe message and should pass
public void testPassWithExpectedProblem() throws Exception {
final String goldenString = "Begin " + name() + ".main" + "\n" + "Press Enter to continue." + "\n" + "\n" + expectedProblemLines()[this.problemLine] + "\n" + "End " + name() + ".main" + "\n";
debug(goldenString, "GOLDEN");
final ProcessWrapper process = createProcessWrapper(new ProcessWrapper.Builder(), getClass());
process.waitForOutputToMatch("Begin " + name() + "\\.main");
process.waitForOutputToMatch("Press Enter to continue\\.");
process.waitForOutputToMatch("End " + name() + "\\.main");
assertOutputMatchesGoldenFile(process.getOutput(), goldenString);
use of org.apache.geode.test.process.ProcessWrapper in project geode by apache.
the class FailWithLineMissingFromEndOfOutputJUnitTest method testFailWithLineMissingFromEndOfOutput.
public void testFailWithLineMissingFromEndOfOutput() throws Exception {
final String goldenString = "Begin " + name() + ".main" + "\n" + "Press Enter to continue." + "\n" + "End " + name() + ".main" + "\n" + problem() + "\n";
debug(goldenString, "GOLDEN");
final ProcessWrapper process = createProcessWrapper(new ProcessWrapper.Builder(), getClass());
process.waitForOutputToMatch("Begin " + name() + "\\.main");
process.waitForOutputToMatch("Press Enter to continue\\.");
process.waitForOutputToMatch("End " + name() + "\\.main");
try {
assertOutputMatchesGoldenFile(process.getOutput(), goldenString);
fail("assertOutputMatchesGoldenFile should have failed due to " + problem());
} catch (AssertionError expected) {
assertTrue("AssertionError message should contain \"" + problem() + "\"", expected.getMessage().contains(problem()));
use of org.apache.geode.test.process.ProcessWrapper in project geode by apache.
the class FailWithLineMissingFromMiddleOfOutputJUnitTest method testFailWithLineMissingFromEndOfOutput.
public void testFailWithLineMissingFromEndOfOutput() throws Exception {
final String goldenString = "Begin " + name() + ".main" + "\n" + "Press Enter to continue." + "\n" + problem() + "\n" + "End " + name() + ".main" + "\n";
debug(goldenString, "GOLDEN");
final ProcessWrapper process = createProcessWrapper(new ProcessWrapper.Builder(), getClass());
process.waitForOutputToMatch("Begin " + name() + "\\.main");
process.waitForOutputToMatch("Press Enter to continue\\.");
try {
assertOutputMatchesGoldenFile(process.getOutput(), goldenString);
fail("assertOutputMatchesGoldenFile should have failed due to " + problem());
} catch (AssertionError expected) {
assertTrue("AssertionError message should contain \"" + problem() + "\"", expected.getMessage().contains(problem()));
use of org.apache.geode.test.process.ProcessWrapper in project geode by apache.
the class FailWithProblemInOutputTestCase method testFailWithProblemLogMessageInOutput.
public void testFailWithProblemLogMessageInOutput() throws Exception {
final String goldenString = "Begin " + name() + ".main" + "\n" + "Press Enter to continue." + "\n" + "End " + name() + ".main" + "\n";
debug(goldenString, "GOLDEN");
final ProcessWrapper process = createProcessWrapper(new ProcessWrapper.Builder(), getClass());
process.waitForOutputToMatch("Begin " + name() + "\\.main");
process.waitForOutputToMatch("Press Enter to continue\\.");
process.waitForOutputToMatch("End " + name() + "\\.main");
try {
assertOutputMatchesGoldenFile(process.getOutput(), goldenString);
fail("assertOutputMatchesGoldenFile should have failed due to " + problem());
} catch (AssertionError expected) {