use of org.apache.gobblin.hive.AutoCloseableHiveLock in project incubator-gobblin by apache.
the class IcebergMetadataWriter method flush.
* For flush of each table, we do the following logic:
* 1. Commit the appendFiles if it exist
* 2. Update the new table property: high watermark of GMCE, data offset range, schema versions
* 3. Update the schema
* 4. Commit the transaction
* 5. reset tableMetadata
* @param dbName
* @param tableName
public void flush(String dbName, String tableName) throws IOException {
Lock writeLock = readWriteLock.writeLock();
try {
TableIdentifier tid = TableIdentifier.of(dbName, tableName);
TableMetadata tableMetadata = tableMetadataMap.getOrDefault(tid, new TableMetadata());
if (tableMetadata.transaction.isPresent()) {
Transaction transaction = tableMetadata.transaction.get();
Map<String, String> props = tableMetadata.newProperties.or(Maps.newHashMap(tableMetadata.lastProperties.or(getIcebergTable(tid).properties())));
if (tableMetadata.appendFiles.isPresent()) {
if (tableMetadata.completenessEnabled) {
String topicName = props.get(TOPIC_NAME_KEY);
if (topicName == null) {
log.error(String.format("Not performing audit check. %s is null. Please set as table property of %s.%s", TOPIC_NAME_KEY, dbName, tableName));
} else {
long newCompletenessWatermark = computeCompletenessWatermark(topicName, tableMetadata.datePartitions, tableMetadata.prevCompletenessWatermark);
if (newCompletenessWatermark > tableMetadata.prevCompletenessWatermark) {"Updating %s for %s.%s to %s", COMPLETION_WATERMARK_KEY, dbName, tableName, newCompletenessWatermark));
props.put(COMPLETION_WATERMARK_KEY, String.valueOf(newCompletenessWatermark));
tableMetadata.newCompletenessWatermark = newCompletenessWatermark;
if (tableMetadata.deleteFiles.isPresent()) {
// Set high waterMark
Long highWatermark = tableCurrentWatermarkMap.get(tid);
props.put(String.format(GMCE_HIGH_WATERMARK_KEY, tableTopicPartitionMap.get(tid)), highWatermark.toString());
// Set low waterMark
props.put(String.format(GMCE_LOW_WATERMARK_KEY, tableTopicPartitionMap.get(tid)), tableMetadata.lowWatermark.get().toString());
// Set whether to delete metadata files after commit
// Set data offset range
boolean containOffsetRange = setDatasetOffsetRange(tableMetadata, props);
String topicName = tableName;
if (containOffsetRange) {
String topicPartitionString = tableMetadata.dataOffsetRange.get().keySet().iterator().next();
// In case the topic name is not the table name or the topic name contains '-'
topicName = topicPartitionString.substring(0, topicPartitionString.lastIndexOf('-'));
// Update schema(commit)
updateSchema(tableMetadata, props, topicName);
// Update properties
UpdateProperties updateProperties = transaction.updateProperties();
try (AutoCloseableHiveLock lock = this.locks.getTableLock(dbName, tableName)) {
// Emit GTE for snapshot commits
Snapshot snapshot = tableMetadata.table.get().currentSnapshot();
Map<String, String> currentProps = tableMetadata.table.get().properties();
submitSnapshotCommitEvent(snapshot, tableMetadata, dbName, tableName, currentProps, highWatermark);
// Reset the table metadata for next accumulation period
tableMetadata.reset(currentProps, highWatermark, tableMetadata.newCompletenessWatermark);"Finish commit of new snapshot %s for table %s", snapshot.snapshotId(), tid.toString()));
} else {"There's no transaction initiated for the table {}", tid.toString());
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Fail to flush table %s %s", dbName, tableName), e);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(String.format("Fail to flush table %s %s", dbName, tableName), e);
} finally {
use of org.apache.gobblin.hive.AutoCloseableHiveLock in project incubator-gobblin by apache.
the class HiveMetaStoreBasedRegister method ensureHiveTableExistenceBeforeAlternation.
* If table existed on Hive side will return false;
* Or will create the table thru. RPC and return retVal from remote MetaStore.
private boolean ensureHiveTableExistenceBeforeAlternation(String tableName, String dbName, IMetaStoreClient client, Table table) throws TException, IOException {
try (AutoCloseableHiveLock lock = this.locks.getTableLock(dbName, tableName)) {
try {
if (!existsTable(dbName, tableName, client)) {
try (Timer.Context context = this.metricContext.timer(CREATE_HIVE_TABLE).time()) {
client.createTable(getTableWithCreateTimeNow(table));"Created Hive table %s in db %s", tableName, dbName));
return true;
} catch (AlreadyExistsException ignore) {
// Table already exists, continue
} catch (TException e) {
log.error(String.format("Unable to create Hive table %s in db %s: " + e.getMessage(), tableName, dbName), e);
throw e;
}"Table {} already exists in db {}.", tableName, dbName);
// When the logic up to here it means table already existed in db. Return false.
return false;
use of org.apache.gobblin.hive.AutoCloseableHiveLock in project incubator-gobblin by apache.
the class HiveMetaStoreBasedRegister method createTableIfNotExists.
private /**
* @deprecated Please use {@link #createOrAlterTable(IMetaStoreClient, Table, HiveSpec)} instead.
boolean createTableIfNotExists(IMetaStoreClient client, Table table, HiveTable hiveTable) throws IOException {
String dbName = table.getDbName();
String tableName = table.getTableName();
try (AutoCloseableHiveLock lock = this.locks.getTableLock(dbName, tableName)) {
boolean tableExists;
try (Timer.Context context = this.metricContext.timer(TABLE_EXISTS).time()) {
tableExists = client.tableExists(table.getDbName(), table.getTableName());
if (tableExists) {
return false;
try (Timer.Context context = this.metricContext.timer(CREATE_HIVE_TABLE).time()) {
}"Created Hive table %s in db %s", tableName, dbName));
HiveMetaStoreEventHelper.submitSuccessfulTableCreation(this.eventSubmitter, hiveTable);
return true;
} catch (TException e) {
HiveMetaStoreEventHelper.submitFailedTableCreation(eventSubmitter, hiveTable, e);
throw new IOException(String.format("Error in creating or altering Hive table %s in db %s", table.getTableName(), table.getDbName()), e);
use of org.apache.gobblin.hive.AutoCloseableHiveLock in project incubator-gobblin by apache.
the class HiveMetaStoreBasedRegister method addOrAlterPartitionWithPullMode.
private void addOrAlterPartitionWithPullMode(IMetaStoreClient client, Table table, HivePartition partition) throws TException, IOException {
Partition nativePartition = HiveMetaStoreUtils.getPartition(partition);
Preconditions.checkArgument(table.getPartitionKeysSize() == nativePartition.getValues().size(), String.format("Partition key size is %s but partition value size is %s", table.getPartitionKeys().size(), nativePartition.getValues().size()));
try (AutoCloseableHiveLock lock = this.locks.getPartitionLock(table.getDbName(), table.getTableName(), nativePartition.getValues())) {
Partition existedPartition;
try {
try (Timer.Context context = this.metricContext.timer(GET_HIVE_PARTITION).time()) {
existedPartition = client.getPartition(table.getDbName(), table.getTableName(), nativePartition.getValues());
if (this.skipDiffComputation) {
onPartitionExistWithoutComputingDiff(table, nativePartition, null);
} else {
onPartitionExist(client, table, partition, nativePartition, existedPartition);
} catch (NoSuchObjectException e) {
try (Timer.Context context = this.metricContext.timer(ADD_PARTITION_TIMER).time()) {
} catch (Throwable e2) {
log.error(String.format("Unable to add or alter partition %s in table %s with location %s: " + e2.getMessage(), stringifyPartitionVerbose(nativePartition), table.getTableName(), nativePartition.getSd().getLocation()), e2);
throw e2;
}"Added partition %s to table %s with location %s", stringifyPartition(nativePartition), table.getTableName(), nativePartition.getSd().getLocation()));
use of org.apache.gobblin.hive.AutoCloseableHiveLock in project incubator-gobblin by apache.
the class HiveMetaStoreBasedRegister method addOrAlterPartitionWithPushMode.
private void addOrAlterPartitionWithPushMode(IMetaStoreClient client, Table table, HivePartition partition) throws TException, IOException {
Partition nativePartition = HiveMetaStoreUtils.getPartition(partition);
Preconditions.checkArgument(table.getPartitionKeysSize() == nativePartition.getValues().size(), String.format("Partition key size is %s but partition value size is %s", table.getPartitionKeys().size(), nativePartition.getValues().size()));
try (AutoCloseableHiveLock lock = this.locks.getPartitionLock(table.getDbName(), table.getTableName(), nativePartition.getValues())) {
try {
try (Timer.Context context = this.metricContext.timer(ADD_PARTITION_TIMER).time()) {
}"Added partition %s to table %s with location %s", stringifyPartition(nativePartition), table.getTableName(), nativePartition.getSd().getLocation()));
} catch (AlreadyExistsException e) {
try {
if (this.skipDiffComputation) {
onPartitionExistWithoutComputingDiff(table, nativePartition, e);
} else {
onPartitionExist(client, table, partition, nativePartition, null);
} catch (Throwable e2) {
log.error(String.format("Unable to add or alter partition %s in table %s with location %s: " + e2.getMessage(), stringifyPartitionVerbose(nativePartition), table.getTableName(), nativePartition.getSd().getLocation()), e2);
throw e2;