use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestWebHDFS method testGetFileBlockLocationsBackwardsCompatibility.
public void testGetFileBlockLocationsBackwardsCompatibility() throws Exception {
final Configuration conf = WebHdfsTestUtil.createConf();
final String pathSpec = WebHdfsFileSystem.PATH_PREFIX + "/*";
HttpServer2 http = null;
try {
http = HttpServerFunctionalTest.createTestServer(conf);
http.addServlet("test", pathSpec, MockWebHdfsServlet.class);
// Write the address back to configuration so
// WebHdfsFileSystem could connect to the mock server
conf.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_HTTP_ADDRESS_KEY, "localhost:" + http.getConnectorAddress(0).getPort());
final WebHdfsFileSystem webFS = WebHdfsTestUtil.getWebHdfsFileSystem(conf, WebHdfsConstants.WEBHDFS_SCHEME);
WebHdfsFileSystem spyFs = spy(webFS);
BlockLocation[] locations = spyFs.getFileBlockLocations(new Path("p"), 0, 100);
// Verify result
assertEquals(1, locations.length);
assertEquals(121, locations[0].getLength());
// Verify the fall back
// The function should be called exactly 2 times
// 1st time handles GETFILEBLOCKLOCATIONS and found it is not supported
// 2nd time fall back to handle GET_FILE_BLOCK_LOCATIONS
verify(spyFs, times(2)).getFileBlockLocations(any(), any(), anyLong(), anyLong());
// throw an exception.
try {
spyFs.getFileBlockLocations(new Path("p"), 0, 100);
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue(e instanceof IOException);
assertEquals(e.getMessage(), MockWebHdfsServlet.RANDOM_EXCEPTION_MSG);
// Totally this function has been called 3 times
verify(spyFs, times(3)).getFileBlockLocations(any(), any(), anyLong(), anyLong());
} finally {
if (http != null) {
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestWebHdfsFileSystemContract method testGetFileBlockLocations.
//the following are new tests (i.e. not over-riding the super class methods)
public void testGetFileBlockLocations() throws IOException {
final String f = "/test/testGetFileBlockLocations";
final BlockLocation[] computed = fs.getFileBlockLocations(new Path(f), 0L, 1L);
final BlockLocation[] expected = cluster.getFileSystem().getFileBlockLocations(new Path(f), 0L, 1L);
assertEquals(expected.length, computed.length);
for (int i = 0; i < computed.length; i++) {
assertEquals(expected[i].toString(), computed[i].toString());
// Check names
String[] names1 = expected[i].getNames();
String[] names2 = computed[i].getNames();
Assert.assertArrayEquals("Names differ", names1, names2);
// Check topology
String[] topos1 = expected[i].getTopologyPaths();
String[] topos2 = computed[i].getTopologyPaths();
Assert.assertArrayEquals("Topology differs", topos1, topos2);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestSaslDataTransfer method doTest.
* Tests DataTransferProtocol with the given client configuration.
* @param conf client configuration
* @throws IOException if there is an I/O error
private void doTest(HdfsConfiguration conf) throws IOException {
fs = FileSystem.get(cluster.getURI(), conf);
FileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fs, PATH, NUM_BLOCKS, BLOCK_SIZE);
assertArrayEquals(FileSystemTestHelper.getFileData(NUM_BLOCKS, BLOCK_SIZE), DFSTestUtil.readFile(fs, PATH).getBytes("UTF-8"));
BlockLocation[] blockLocations = fs.getFileBlockLocations(PATH, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
assertEquals(NUM_BLOCKS, blockLocations.length);
for (BlockLocation blockLocation : blockLocations) {
assertEquals(3, blockLocation.getHosts().length);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestHostsFiles method testHostsExcludeInUI.
public void testHostsExcludeInUI() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = getConf();
final Path filePath = new Path("/testFile");
HostsFileWriter hostsFileWriter = new HostsFileWriter();
hostsFileWriter.initialize(conf, "temp/decommission");
// Two blocks and four racks
String[] racks = { "/rack1", "/rack1", "/rack2", "/rack2" };
MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(racks.length).racks(racks).build();
final FSNamesystem ns = cluster.getNameNode().getNamesystem();
try {
// Create a file with one block
final FileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, filePath, 1L, REPLICATION_FACTOR, 1L);
ExtendedBlock b = DFSTestUtil.getFirstBlock(fs, filePath);
DFSTestUtil.waitForReplication(cluster, b, 2, REPLICATION_FACTOR, 0);
// Decommission one of the hosts with the block, this should cause
// the block to get replicated to another host on the same rack,
// otherwise the rack policy is violated.
BlockLocation[] locs = fs.getFileBlockLocations(fs.getFileStatus(filePath), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
String name = locs[0].getNames()[0];"adding '" + name + "' to decommission");
DFSTestUtil.waitForDecommission(fs, name);
// Check the block still has sufficient # replicas across racks
DFSTestUtil.waitForReplication(cluster, b, 2, REPLICATION_FACTOR, 0);
MBeanServer mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
ObjectName mxbeanName = new ObjectName("Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo");
String nodes = (String) mbs.getAttribute(mxbeanName, "LiveNodes");
assertTrue("Live nodes should contain the decommissioned node", nodes.contains("Decommissioned"));
} finally {
if (cluster != null) {
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestBlocksWithNotEnoughRacks method testNodeDecomissionRespectsRackPolicy.
* Test that rack policy is still respected when blocks are replicated
* due to node decommissioning.
public void testNodeDecomissionRespectsRackPolicy() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = getConf();
final Path filePath = new Path("/testFile");
HostsFileWriter hostsFileWriter = new HostsFileWriter();
hostsFileWriter.initialize(conf, "temp/decommission");
// Two blocks and four racks
String[] racks = { "/rack1", "/rack1", "/rack2", "/rack2" };
MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(racks.length).racks(racks).build();
final FSNamesystem ns = cluster.getNameNode().getNamesystem();
try {
// Create a file with one block
final FileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, filePath, 1L, REPLICATION_FACTOR, 1L);
ExtendedBlock b = DFSTestUtil.getFirstBlock(fs, filePath);
DFSTestUtil.waitForReplication(cluster, b, 2, REPLICATION_FACTOR, 0);
// Decommission one of the hosts with the block, this should cause
// the block to get replicated to another host on the same rack,
// otherwise the rack policy is violated.
BlockLocation[] locs = fs.getFileBlockLocations(fs.getFileStatus(filePath), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
String name = locs[0].getNames()[0];
DFSTestUtil.waitForDecommission(fs, name);
// Check the block still has sufficient # replicas across racks
DFSTestUtil.waitForReplication(cluster, b, 2, REPLICATION_FACTOR, 0);
} finally {