use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestWriteRead method testWriteAndRead.
* Common routine to do position read while open the file for write.
* After each iteration of write, do a read of the file from begin to end.
* Return 0 on success, else number of failure.
private int testWriteAndRead(String fname, int loopN, int chunkSize, long readBeginPosition) throws IOException {
int countOfFailures = 0;
long byteVisibleToRead = 0;
FSDataOutputStream out = null;
byte[] outBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
byte[] inBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
outBuffer[i] = (byte) (i & 0x00ff);
try {
Path path = getFullyQualifiedPath(fname);
long fileLengthBeforeOpen = 0;
if (ifExists(path)) {
if (truncateOption) {
out = useFCOption ? mfc.create(path, EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.OVERWRITE)) : mfs.create(path, truncateOption);"File already exists. File open with Truncate mode: " + path);
} else {
out = useFCOption ? mfc.create(path, EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.APPEND)) : mfs.append(path);
fileLengthBeforeOpen = getFileLengthFromNN(path);"File already exists of size " + fileLengthBeforeOpen + " File open for Append mode: " + path);
} else {
out = useFCOption ? mfc.create(path, EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.CREATE)) : mfs.create(path);
long totalByteWritten = fileLengthBeforeOpen;
long totalByteVisible = fileLengthBeforeOpen;
long totalByteWrittenButNotVisible = 0;
boolean toFlush;
for (int i = 0; i < loopN; i++) {
toFlush = (i % 2) == 0;
writeData(out, outBuffer, chunkSize);
totalByteWritten += chunkSize;
if (toFlush) {
totalByteVisible += chunkSize + totalByteWrittenButNotVisible;
totalByteWrittenButNotVisible = 0;
} else {
totalByteWrittenButNotVisible += chunkSize;
if (verboseOption) {"TestReadWrite - Written " + chunkSize + ". Total written = " + totalByteWritten + ". TotalByteVisible = " + totalByteVisible + " to file " + fname);
byteVisibleToRead = readData(fname, inBuffer, totalByteVisible, readBeginPosition);
String readmsg = "Written=" + totalByteWritten + " ; Expected Visible=" + totalByteVisible + " ; Got Visible=" + byteVisibleToRead + " of file " + fname;
if (byteVisibleToRead >= totalByteVisible && byteVisibleToRead <= totalByteWritten) {
readmsg = "pass: reader sees expected number of visible byte. " + readmsg + " [pass]";
} else {
readmsg = "fail: reader see different number of visible byte. " + readmsg + " [fail]";
if (abortTestOnFailure) {
throw new IOException(readmsg);
// test the automatic flush after close
writeData(out, outBuffer, chunkSize);
totalByteWritten += chunkSize;
totalByteVisible += chunkSize + totalByteWrittenButNotVisible;
totalByteWrittenButNotVisible += 0;
byteVisibleToRead = readData(fname, inBuffer, totalByteVisible, readBeginPosition);
String readmsg2 = "Written=" + totalByteWritten + " ; Expected Visible=" + totalByteVisible + " ; Got Visible=" + byteVisibleToRead + " of file " + fname;
String readmsg;
if (byteVisibleToRead >= totalByteVisible && byteVisibleToRead <= totalByteWritten) {
readmsg = "pass: reader sees expected number of visible byte on close. " + readmsg2 + " [pass]";
} else {
readmsg = "fail: reader sees different number of visible byte on close. " + readmsg2 + " [fail]";;
if (abortTestOnFailure)
throw new IOException(readmsg);
// now check if NN got the same length
long lenFromFc = getFileLengthFromNN(path);
if (lenFromFc != byteVisibleToRead) {
readmsg = "fail: reader sees different number of visible byte from NN " + readmsg2 + " [fail]";
throw new IOException(readmsg);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException("##### Caught Exception in testAppendWriteAndRead. Close file. " + "Total Byte Read so far = " + byteVisibleToRead, e);
} finally {
if (out != null)
return -countOfFailures;
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestWriteStripedFileWithFailure method writeFileWithDNFailure.
* Test writing a file with shutting down some DNs(data DNs or parity DNs or both).
* @param fileLength file length
* @param dataDNFailureNum the shutdown number of data DNs
* @param parityDNFailureNum the shutdown number of parity DNs
* @throws IOException
private void writeFileWithDNFailure(int fileLength, int dataDNFailureNum, int parityDNFailureNum) throws IOException {
String fileType = fileLength < (blockSize * dataBlocks) ? "smallFile" : "largeFile";
String src = "/dnFailure_" + dataDNFailureNum + "_" + parityDNFailureNum + "_" + fileType;"writeFileWithDNFailure: file = " + src + ", fileType = " + fileType + ", dataDNFailureNum = " + dataDNFailureNum + ", parityDNFailureNum = " + parityDNFailureNum);
Path srcPath = new Path(src);
final AtomicInteger pos = new AtomicInteger();
final FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(srcPath);
final DFSStripedOutputStream stripedOut = (DFSStripedOutputStream) out.getWrappedStream();
int[] dataDNFailureIndices = StripedFileTestUtil.randomArray(0, dataBlocks, dataDNFailureNum);
int[] parityDNFailureIndices = StripedFileTestUtil.randomArray(dataBlocks, dataBlocks + parityBlocks, parityDNFailureNum);
int[] failedDataNodes = new int[dataDNFailureNum + parityDNFailureNum];
System.arraycopy(dataDNFailureIndices, 0, failedDataNodes, 0, dataDNFailureIndices.length);
System.arraycopy(parityDNFailureIndices, 0, failedDataNodes, dataDNFailureIndices.length, parityDNFailureIndices.length);
final int killPos = fileLength / 2;
for (; pos.get() < fileLength; ) {
final int i = pos.getAndIncrement();
if (i == killPos) {
for (int failedDn : failedDataNodes) {
StripedFileTestUtil.killDatanode(cluster, stripedOut, failedDn, pos);
write(out, i);
// make sure the expected number of Datanode have been killed
int dnFailureNum = dataDNFailureNum + parityDNFailureNum;
Assert.assertEquals(cluster.getDataNodes().size(), numDNs - dnFailureNum);
byte[] smallBuf = new byte[1024];
byte[] largeBuf = new byte[fileLength + 100];
final byte[] expected = StripedFileTestUtil.generateBytes(fileLength);
StripedFileTestUtil.verifyLength(fs, srcPath, fileLength);
StripedFileTestUtil.verifySeek(fs, srcPath, fileLength, ecPolicy, blockSize * dataBlocks);
StripedFileTestUtil.verifyStatefulRead(fs, srcPath, fileLength, expected, smallBuf);
StripedFileTestUtil.verifyPread(fs, srcPath, fileLength, expected, largeBuf);
// delete the file
fs.delete(srcPath, true);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestHSync method testHSyncWithReplication.
/** Test that syncBlock is correctly performed at replicas */
public void testHSyncWithReplication() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(3).build();
final FileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
final Path p = new Path("/testHSyncWithReplication/foo");
final int len = 1 << 16;
FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(p, FsPermission.getDefault(), EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.CREATE, CreateFlag.OVERWRITE, CreateFlag.SYNC_BLOCK), 4096, (short) 3, len, null);
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 0, 0);
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 1, 0);
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 2, 0);
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 0, 1);
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 1, 1);
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 2, 1);
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 0, 2);
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 1, 2);
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 2, 2);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestHSync method testHSyncOperation.
private void testHSyncOperation(boolean testWithAppend) throws IOException {
Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).build();
final DistributedFileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
final Path p = new Path("/testHSync/foo");
final int len = 1 << 16;
FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(p, FsPermission.getDefault(), EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.CREATE, CreateFlag.OVERWRITE, CreateFlag.SYNC_BLOCK), 4096, (short) 1, len, null);
if (testWithAppend) {
// re-open the file with append call
out = fs.append(p, EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.APPEND, CreateFlag.SYNC_BLOCK), 4096, null);
// hflush does not sync
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 0);
// hsync on empty file does nothing
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 0);
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 0);
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 1);
// avoiding repeated hsyncs is a potential future optimization
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 2);
// hflush still does not sync
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 2);
// close is sync'ing
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 3);
// same with a file created with out SYNC_BLOCK
out = fs.create(p, FsPermission.getDefault(), EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.CREATE, CreateFlag.OVERWRITE), 4096, (short) 1, len, null);
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 3);
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 3);
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 4);
// repeated hsyncs
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 5);
// close does not sync (not opened with SYNC_BLOCK)
checkSyncMetric(cluster, 5);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestQuotasWithHA method testQuotasTrackedOnStandby.
* Test that quotas are properly tracked by the standby through
* create, append, delete.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testQuotasTrackedOnStandby() throws Exception {
DistributedFileSystem dfs = (DistributedFileSystem) fs;
long expectedSize = 3 * BLOCK_SIZE + BLOCK_SIZE / 2;
DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, TEST_FILE, expectedSize, (short) 1, 1L);
HATestUtil.waitForStandbyToCatchUp(nn0, nn1);
ContentSummary cs = nn1.getRpcServer().getContentSummary(TEST_DIR_STR);
assertEquals(NS_QUOTA, cs.getQuota());
assertEquals(DS_QUOTA, cs.getSpaceQuota());
assertEquals(expectedSize, cs.getSpaceConsumed());
assertEquals(1, cs.getDirectoryCount());
assertEquals(1, cs.getFileCount());
// Append to the file and make sure quota is updated correctly.
FSDataOutputStream stm = fs.append(TEST_FILE);
try {
byte[] data = new byte[(int) (BLOCK_SIZE * 3 / 2)];
expectedSize += data.length;
} finally {
HATestUtil.waitForStandbyToCatchUp(nn0, nn1);
cs = nn1.getRpcServer().getContentSummary(TEST_DIR_STR);
assertEquals(NS_QUOTA, cs.getQuota());
assertEquals(DS_QUOTA, cs.getSpaceQuota());
assertEquals(expectedSize, cs.getSpaceConsumed());
assertEquals(1, cs.getDirectoryCount());
assertEquals(1, cs.getFileCount());
fs.delete(TEST_FILE, true);
expectedSize = 0;
HATestUtil.waitForStandbyToCatchUp(nn0, nn1);
cs = nn1.getRpcServer().getContentSummary(TEST_DIR_STR);
assertEquals(NS_QUOTA, cs.getQuota());
assertEquals(DS_QUOTA, cs.getSpaceQuota());
assertEquals(expectedSize, cs.getSpaceConsumed());
assertEquals(1, cs.getDirectoryCount());
assertEquals(0, cs.getFileCount());