use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem in project druid by druid-io.
the class JobHelper method setupClasspath.
* Uploads jar files to hdfs and configures the classpath.
* Snapshot jar files are uploaded to intermediateClasspath and not shared across multiple jobs.
* Non-Snapshot jar files are uploaded to a distributedClasspath and shared across multiple jobs.
* @param distributedClassPath classpath shared across multiple jobs
* @param intermediateClassPath classpath exclusive for this job. used to upload SNAPSHOT jar files.
* @param job job to run
* @throws IOException
public static void setupClasspath(final Path distributedClassPath, final Path intermediateClassPath, final Job job) throws IOException {
String classpathProperty = System.getProperty("druid.hadoop.internal.classpath");
if (classpathProperty == null) {
classpathProperty = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
String[] jarFiles = classpathProperty.split(File.pathSeparator);
final Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
final FileSystem fs = distributedClassPath.getFileSystem(conf);
if (fs instanceof LocalFileSystem) {
for (String jarFilePath : jarFiles) {
final File jarFile = new File(jarFilePath);
if (jarFile.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
try {
RetryUtils.retry(() -> {
if (isSnapshot(jarFile)) {
addSnapshotJarToClassPath(jarFile, intermediateClassPath, fs, job);
} else {
addJarToClassPath(jarFile, distributedClassPath, intermediateClassPath, fs, job);
return true;
}, shouldRetryPredicate(), NUM_RETRIES);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class ReadHadoopPTest method createInputFiles.
private void createInputFiles() throws IOException {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
LocalFileSystem local = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path path = createPath();
if (inputFormatClass.getSimpleName().equals("SequenceFileInputFormat")) {
createInputSequenceFiles(conf, path);
} else {
createInputTextFiles(local, path);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem in project hbase by apache.
the class TestHStore method testFlushSizeSizing.
* Test we do not lose data if we fail a flush and then close.
* Part of HBase-10466
public void testFlushSizeSizing() throws Exception {"Setting up a faulty file system that cannot write in " +;
final Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration());
// Only retry once.
conf.setInt("hbase.hstore.flush.retries.number", 1);
User user = User.createUserForTesting(conf,, new String[] { "foo" });
// Inject our faulty LocalFileSystem
conf.setClass("fs.file.impl", FaultyFileSystem.class, FileSystem.class);
user.runAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
public Object run() throws Exception {
// Make sure it worked (above is sensitive to caching details in hadoop core)
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
assertEquals(FaultyFileSystem.class, fs.getClass());
FaultyFileSystem ffs = (FaultyFileSystem) fs;
// Initialize region
init(name.getMethodName(), conf);
MemStoreSize mss = store.memstore.getFlushableSize();
assertEquals(0, mss.getDataSize());"Adding some data");
MemStoreSizing kvSize = new NonThreadSafeMemStoreSizing();
store.add(new KeyValue(row, family, qf1, 1, (byte[]) null), kvSize);
// add the heap size of active (mutable) segment
kvSize.incMemStoreSize(0, MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD, 0, 0);
mss = store.memstore.getFlushableSize();
assertEquals(kvSize.getMemStoreSize(), mss);
// Flush. Bug #1 from HBASE-10466. Make sure size calculation on failed flush is right.
try {"Flushing");
flushStore(store, id++);
fail("Didn't bubble up IOE!");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
assertTrue(ioe.getMessage().contains("Fault injected"));
// due to snapshot, change mutable to immutable segment
kvSize.incMemStoreSize(0, CSLMImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CSLM - MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD, 0, 0);
mss = store.memstore.getFlushableSize();
assertEquals(kvSize.getMemStoreSize(), mss);
MemStoreSizing kvSize2 = new NonThreadSafeMemStoreSizing();
store.add(new KeyValue(row, family, qf2, 2, (byte[]) null), kvSize2);
kvSize2.incMemStoreSize(0, MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD, 0, 0);
// Even though we add a new kv, we expect the flushable size to be 'same' since we have
// not yet cleared the snapshot -- the above flush failed.
assertEquals(kvSize.getMemStoreSize(), mss);
flushStore(store, id++);
mss = store.memstore.getFlushableSize();
// Size should be the foreground kv size.
assertEquals(kvSize2.getMemStoreSize(), mss);
flushStore(store, id++);
mss = store.memstore.getFlushableSize();
assertEquals(0, mss.getDataSize());
assertEquals(MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD, mss.getHeapSize());
return null;
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem in project hbase by apache.
the class TestHStore method testHandleErrorsInFlush.
public void testHandleErrorsInFlush() throws Exception {"Setting up a faulty file system that cannot write");
final Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration());
User user = User.createUserForTesting(conf, "testhandleerrorsinflush", new String[] { "foo" });
// Inject our faulty LocalFileSystem
conf.setClass("fs.file.impl", FaultyFileSystem.class, FileSystem.class);
user.runAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
public Object run() throws Exception {
// Make sure it worked (above is sensitive to caching details in hadoop core)
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
assertEquals(FaultyFileSystem.class, fs.getClass());
// Initialize region
init(name.getMethodName(), conf);"Adding some data");
store.add(new KeyValue(row, family, qf1, 1, (byte[]) null), null);
store.add(new KeyValue(row, family, qf2, 1, (byte[]) null), null);
store.add(new KeyValue(row, family, qf3, 1, (byte[]) null), null);"Before flush, we should have no files");
Collection<StoreFileInfo> files = store.getRegionFileSystem().getStoreFiles(store.getColumnFamilyName());
assertEquals(0, files != null ? files.size() : 0);
// flush
try {"Flushing");
fail("Didn't bubble up IOE!");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
assertTrue(ioe.getMessage().contains("Fault injected"));
}"After failed flush, we should still have no files!");
files = store.getRegionFileSystem().getStoreFiles(store.getColumnFamilyName());
assertEquals(0, files != null ? files.size() : 0);
return null;
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem in project druid by druid-io.
the class HdfsDataSegmentPusherTest method shouldMakeDefaultSegmentOutputPathIfNotHDFS.
public void shouldMakeDefaultSegmentOutputPathIfNotHDFS() {
final HadoopIngestionSpec schema;
try {
schema = objectMapper.readValue("{\n" + " \"dataSchema\": {\n" + " \"dataSource\": \"the:data:source\",\n" + " \"metricsSpec\": [],\n" + " \"granularitySpec\": {\n" + " \"type\": \"uniform\",\n" + " \"segmentGranularity\": \"hour\",\n" + " \"intervals\": [\"2012-07-10/P1D\"]\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " \"ioConfig\": {\n" + " \"type\": \"hadoop\",\n" + " \"segmentOutputPath\": \"/tmp/dru:id/data:test\"\n" + " }\n" + "}", HadoopIngestionSpec.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
HadoopDruidIndexerConfig cfg = new HadoopDruidIndexerConfig(schema.withTuningConfig(schema.getTuningConfig().withVersion("some:brand:new:version")));
Bucket bucket = new Bucket(4711, new DateTime(2012, 07, 10, 5, 30, ISOChronology.getInstanceUTC()), 4712);
Path path = JobHelper.makeFileNamePath(new Path(cfg.getSchema().getIOConfig().getSegmentOutputPath()), new LocalFileSystem(), new DataSegment(cfg.getSchema().getDataSchema().getDataSource(), cfg.getSchema().getDataSchema().getGranularitySpec().bucketInterval(bucket.time).get(), cfg.getSchema().getTuningConfig().getVersion(), null, null, null, new NumberedShardSpec(bucket.partitionNum, 5000), -1, 0), JobHelper.INDEX_ZIP, new LocalDataSegmentPusher(new LocalDataSegmentPusherConfig()));
Assert.assertEquals("file:/tmp/dru:id/data:test/the:data:source/2012-07-10T05:00:00.000Z_2012-07-10T06:00:00.000Z/some:brand:new:" + "version/4712/", path.toString());
path = JobHelper.makeTmpPath(new Path(cfg.getSchema().getIOConfig().getSegmentOutputPath()), new LocalFileSystem(), new DataSegment(cfg.getSchema().getDataSchema().getDataSource(), cfg.getSchema().getDataSchema().getGranularitySpec().bucketInterval(bucket.time).get(), cfg.getSchema().getTuningConfig().getVersion(), null, null, null, new NumberedShardSpec(bucket.partitionNum, 5000), -1, 0), new TaskAttemptID("abc", 123, TaskType.REDUCE, 1, 0), new LocalDataSegmentPusher(new LocalDataSegmentPusherConfig()));
Assert.assertEquals("file:/tmp/dru:id/data:test/the:data:source/2012-07-10T05:00:00.000Z_2012-07-10T06:00:00.000Z/some:brand:new:" + "version/4712/", path.toString());