use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem in project incubator-gobblin by apache.
the class MRJobLauncher method addJars.
* Add framework or job-specific jars to the classpath through DistributedCache
* so the mappers can use them.
private void addJars(Path jarFileDir, String jarFileList, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
LocalFileSystem lfs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
for (String jarFile : SPLITTER.split(jarFileList)) {
Path srcJarFile = new Path(jarFile);
FileStatus[] fileStatusList = lfs.globStatus(srcJarFile);
for (FileStatus status : fileStatusList) {
// For each FileStatus there are chances it could fail in copying at the first attempt, due to file-existence
// or file-copy is ongoing by other job instance since all Gobblin jobs share the same jar file directory.
// the retryCount is to avoid cases (if any) where retry is going too far and causes job hanging.
int retryCount = 0;
boolean shouldFileBeAddedIntoDC = true;
Path destJarFile = calculateDestJarFile(status, jarFileDir);
// Adding destJarFile into HDFS until it exists and the size of file on targetPath matches the one on local path.
while (!this.fs.exists(destJarFile) || fs.getFileStatus(destJarFile).getLen() != status.getLen()) {
try {
if (this.fs.exists(destJarFile) && fs.getFileStatus(destJarFile).getLen() != status.getLen()) {
throw new IOException("Waiting for file to complete on uploading ... ");
// Set the first parameter as false for not deleting sourceFile
// Set the second parameter as false for not overwriting existing file on the target, by default it is true.
// If the file is preExisted but overwrite flag set to false, then an IOException if thrown.
this.fs.copyFromLocalFile(false, false, status.getPath(), destJarFile);
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
LOG.warn("Path:" + destJarFile + " is not copied successfully. Will require retry.");
retryCount += 1;
if (retryCount >= this.jarFileMaximumRetry) {
LOG.error("The jar file:" + destJarFile + "failed in being copied into hdfs", e);
// If retry reaches upper limit, skip copying this file.
shouldFileBeAddedIntoDC = false;
if (shouldFileBeAddedIntoDC) {
// Then add the jar file on HDFS to the classpath"Adding %s to classpath", destJarFile));
DistributedCache.addFileToClassPath(destJarFile, conf, this.fs);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem in project incubator-gobblin by apache.
the class MRCompactor method copyDependencyJarsToHdfs.
* Copy dependency jars from local fs to HDFS.
private void copyDependencyJarsToHdfs() throws IOException {
if (!this.state.contains(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_JAR_FILES_KEY)) {
LocalFileSystem lfs = FileSystem.getLocal(this.conf);
Path tmpJarFileDir = new Path(this.tmpOutputDir, "_gobblin_compaction_jars");
this.state.setProp(COMPACTION_JARS, tmpJarFileDir.toString());
this.fs.delete(tmpJarFileDir, true);
for (String jarFile : this.state.getPropAsList(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_JAR_FILES_KEY)) {
for (FileStatus status : lfs.globStatus(new Path(jarFile))) {
Path tmpJarFile = new Path(this.fs.makeQualified(tmpJarFileDir), status.getPath().getName());
this.fs.copyFromLocalFile(status.getPath(), tmpJarFile);"%s will be added to classpath", tmpJarFile));
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem in project incubator-gobblin by apache.
the class CompactionSource method copyJarDependencies.
* Copy dependent jars to a temporary job directory on HDFS
private void copyJarDependencies(State state) throws IOException {
if (this.tmpJobDir == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Job directory is not created");
if (!state.contains(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_JAR_FILES_KEY)) {
// create sub-dir to save jar files
LocalFileSystem lfs = FileSystem.getLocal(HadoopUtils.getConfFromState(state));
Path tmpJarFileDir = new Path(this.tmpJobDir, MRCompactor.COMPACTION_JAR_SUBDIR);
state.setProp(MRCompactor.COMPACTION_JARS, tmpJarFileDir.toString());
// copy jar files to hdfs
for (String jarFile : state.getPropAsList(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_JAR_FILES_KEY)) {
for (FileStatus status : lfs.globStatus(new Path(jarFile))) {
Path tmpJarFile = new Path(this.fs.makeQualified(tmpJarFileDir), status.getPath().getName());
this.fs.copyFromLocalFile(status.getPath(), tmpJarFile);"%s will be added to classpath", tmpJarFile));
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem in project incubator-gobblin by apache.
the class HadoopUtils method renamePathHandleLocalFSRace.
* Renames a src {@link Path} on fs {@link FileSystem} to a dst {@link Path}. If fs is a {@link LocalFileSystem} and
* src is a directory then {@link File#renameTo} is called directly to avoid a directory rename race condition where
* {@link org.apache.hadoop.fs.RawLocalFileSystem#rename} copies the conflicting src directory into dst resulting in
* an extra nested level, such as /root/a/b/c/e/e where e is repeated.
* @param fs the {@link FileSystem} where the src {@link Path} exists
* @param src the source {@link Path} which will be renamed
* @param dst the {@link Path} to rename to
* @return true if rename succeeded, false if rename failed.
* @throws IOException if rename failed for reasons other than target exists.
public static boolean renamePathHandleLocalFSRace(FileSystem fs, Path src, Path dst) throws IOException {
if (DecoratorUtils.resolveUnderlyingObject(fs) instanceof LocalFileSystem && fs.isDirectory(src)) {
LocalFileSystem localFs = (LocalFileSystem) DecoratorUtils.resolveUnderlyingObject(fs);
File srcFile = localFs.pathToFile(src);
File dstFile = localFs.pathToFile(dst);
return srcFile.renameTo(dstFile);
} else {
return fs.rename(src, dst);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem in project incubator-gobblin by apache.
the class InstrumentedLocalFileSystemTest method testFromConfigurationOverride.
public void testFromConfigurationOverride() throws Exception {
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
configuration.set("fs.file.impl", InstrumentedLocalFileSystem.class.getName());
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.newInstance(new URI("file:///"), configuration);
Assert.assertTrue(fs instanceof InstrumentedLocalFileSystem);
Assert.assertTrue(DecoratorUtils.resolveUnderlyingObject(fs) instanceof LocalFileSystem);
Assert.assertEquals(fs.getFileStatus(new Path("/tmp")).getPath(), new Path("file:///tmp"));
Assert.assertEquals(fs.getUri().getScheme(), "file");