use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs.ViewFileSystem.MountPoint in project hadoop by apache.
the class ViewFileSystemBaseTest method testViewFileSystemUtil.
@Test(expected = NotInMountpointException.class)
public void testViewFileSystemUtil() throws Exception {
Configuration newConf = new Configuration(conf);
FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(FsConstants.LOCAL_FS_URI, newConf);
Assert.assertFalse("Unexpected FileSystem: " + fileSystem, ViewFileSystemUtil.isViewFileSystem(fileSystem));
fileSystem = FileSystem.get(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, newConf);
Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected FileSystem: " + fileSystem, ViewFileSystemUtil.isViewFileSystem(fileSystem));
// Case 1: Verify FsStatus of root path returns all MountPoints status.
Map<MountPoint, FsStatus> mountPointFsStatusMap = ViewFileSystemUtil.getStatus(fileSystem, InodeTree.SlashPath);
Assert.assertEquals(getExpectedMountPoints(), mountPointFsStatusMap.size());
// Case 2: Verify FsStatus of an internal dir returns all
// MountPoints status.
mountPointFsStatusMap = ViewFileSystemUtil.getStatus(fileSystem, new Path("/internalDir"));
Assert.assertEquals(getExpectedMountPoints(), mountPointFsStatusMap.size());
// Case 3: Verify FsStatus of a matching MountPoint returns exactly
// the corresponding MountPoint status.
mountPointFsStatusMap = ViewFileSystemUtil.getStatus(fileSystem, new Path("/user"));
Assert.assertEquals(1, mountPointFsStatusMap.size());
for (Entry<MountPoint, FsStatus> entry : mountPointFsStatusMap.entrySet()) {
Assert.assertEquals(entry.getKey().getMountedOnPath().toString(), "/user");
// Case 4: Verify FsStatus of a path over a MountPoint returns the
// corresponding MountPoint status.
mountPointFsStatusMap = ViewFileSystemUtil.getStatus(fileSystem, new Path("/user/cloud"));
Assert.assertEquals(1, mountPointFsStatusMap.size());
for (Entry<MountPoint, FsStatus> entry : mountPointFsStatusMap.entrySet()) {
Assert.assertEquals(entry.getKey().getMountedOnPath().toString(), "/user");
// Case 5: Verify FsStatus of any level of an internal dir
// returns all MountPoints status.
mountPointFsStatusMap = ViewFileSystemUtil.getStatus(fileSystem, new Path("/internalDir/internalDir2"));
Assert.assertEquals(getExpectedMountPoints(), mountPointFsStatusMap.size());
// Case 6: Verify FsStatus of a MountPoint URI returns
// the MountPoint status.
mountPointFsStatusMap = ViewFileSystemUtil.getStatus(fileSystem, new Path("viewfs:/user/"));
Assert.assertEquals(1, mountPointFsStatusMap.size());
for (Entry<MountPoint, FsStatus> entry : mountPointFsStatusMap.entrySet()) {
Assert.assertEquals(entry.getKey().getMountedOnPath().toString(), "/user");
// Case 7: Verify FsStatus of a non MountPoint path throws exception
ViewFileSystemUtil.getStatus(fileSystem, new Path("/non-existing"));
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs.ViewFileSystem.MountPoint in project hadoop by apache.
the class ViewFileSystemUtil method getStatus.
* Get FsStatus for all ViewFsMountPoints matching path for the given
* ViewFileSystem.
* Say ViewFileSystem has following mount points configured
* (1) hdfs://NN0_host:port/sales mounted on /dept/sales
* (2) hdfs://NN1_host:port/marketing mounted on /dept/marketing
* (3) hdfs://NN2_host:port/eng_usa mounted on /dept/eng/usa
* (4) hdfs://NN3_host:port/eng_asia mounted on /dept/eng/asia
* For the above config, here is a sample list of paths and their matching
* mount points while getting FsStatus
* Path Description Matching MountPoint
* "/" Root ViewFileSystem lists all (1), (2), (3), (4)
* mount points.
* "/dept" Not a mount point, but a valid (1), (2), (3), (4)
* internal dir in the mount tree
* and resolved down to "/" path.
* "/dept/sales" Matches a mount point (1)
* "/dept/sales/india" Path is over a valid mount point (1)
* and resolved down to
* "/dept/sales"
* "/dept/eng" Not a mount point, but a valid (1), (2), (3), (4)
* internal dir in the mount tree
* and resolved down to "/" path.
* "/erp" Doesn't match or leads to or
* over any valid mount points None
* @param fileSystem - ViewFileSystem on which mount point exists
* @param path - URI for which FsStatus is requested
* @return Map of ViewFsMountPoint and FsStatus
public static Map<MountPoint, FsStatus> getStatus(FileSystem fileSystem, Path path) throws IOException {
if (!isViewFileSystem(fileSystem)) {
throw new UnsupportedFileSystemException("FileSystem '" + fileSystem.getUri() + "'is not a ViewFileSystem.");
ViewFileSystem viewFileSystem = (ViewFileSystem) fileSystem;
String viewFsUriPath = viewFileSystem.getUriPath(path);
boolean isPathOverMountPoint = false;
boolean isPathLeadingToMountPoint = false;
boolean isPathIncludesAllMountPoint = false;
Map<MountPoint, FsStatus> mountPointMap = new HashMap<>();
for (MountPoint mountPoint : viewFileSystem.getMountPoints()) {
String[] mountPointPathComponents = InodeTree.breakIntoPathComponents(mountPoint.getMountedOnPath().toString());
String[] incomingPathComponents = InodeTree.breakIntoPathComponents(viewFsUriPath);
int pathCompIndex;
for (pathCompIndex = 0; pathCompIndex < mountPointPathComponents.length && pathCompIndex < incomingPathComponents.length; pathCompIndex++) {
if (!mountPointPathComponents[pathCompIndex].equals(incomingPathComponents[pathCompIndex])) {
if (pathCompIndex >= mountPointPathComponents.length) {
// Patch matches or over a valid mount point
isPathOverMountPoint = true;
updateMountPointFsStatus(viewFileSystem, mountPointMap, mountPoint, new Path(viewFsUriPath));
} else {
if (pathCompIndex > 1) {
// Path is in the mount tree
isPathLeadingToMountPoint = true;
} else if (incomingPathComponents.length <= 1) {
// Special case of "/" path
isPathIncludesAllMountPoint = true;
updateMountPointFsStatus(viewFileSystem, mountPointMap, mountPoint, mountPoint.getMountedOnPath());
if (!isPathOverMountPoint && !isPathLeadingToMountPoint && !isPathIncludesAllMountPoint) {
throw new NotInMountpointException(path, "getStatus");
return mountPointMap;
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs.ViewFileSystem.MountPoint in project hadoop by apache.
the class ViewFileSystemBaseTest method testGetMountPoints.
public void testGetMountPoints() {
ViewFileSystem viewfs = (ViewFileSystem) fsView;
MountPoint[] mountPoints = viewfs.getMountPoints();
for (MountPoint mountPoint : mountPoints) {"MountPoint: " + mountPoint.getMountedOnPath() + " => " + mountPoint.getTargetFileSystemURIs()[0]);
Assert.assertEquals(getExpectedMountPoints(), mountPoints.length);