use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ByteBufferKeyValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestProtobufUtil method testToCell.
public void testToCell() throws Exception {
KeyValue kv1 = new KeyValue(Bytes.toBytes("aaa"), Bytes.toBytes("f1"), Bytes.toBytes("q1"), new byte[30]);
KeyValue kv2 = new KeyValue(Bytes.toBytes("bbb"), Bytes.toBytes("f1"), Bytes.toBytes("q1"), new byte[30]);
KeyValue kv3 = new KeyValue(Bytes.toBytes("ccc"), Bytes.toBytes("f1"), Bytes.toBytes("q1"), new byte[30]);
byte[] arr = new byte[kv1.getLength() + kv2.getLength() + kv3.getLength()];
System.arraycopy(kv1.getBuffer(), kv1.getOffset(), arr, 0, kv1.getLength());
System.arraycopy(kv2.getBuffer(), kv2.getOffset(), arr, kv1.getLength(), kv2.getLength());
System.arraycopy(kv3.getBuffer(), kv3.getOffset(), arr, kv1.getLength() + kv2.getLength(), kv3.getLength());
ByteBuffer dbb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(arr.length);
ByteBufferKeyValue offheapKV = new ByteBufferKeyValue(dbb, kv1.getLength(), kv2.getLength());
CellProtos.Cell cell = org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.ProtobufUtil.toCell(offheapKV);
Cell newOffheapKV = org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.ProtobufUtil.toCell(cell);
assertTrue(, newOffheapKV) == 0);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ByteBufferKeyValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestKeyOnlyFilter method testKeyOnly.
public void testKeyOnly() throws Exception {
byte[] r = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
byte[] f = Bytes.toBytes("cf1");
byte[] q = Bytes.toBytes("qual1");
byte[] v = Bytes.toBytes("val1");
byte[] tags = Bytes.toBytes("tag1");
KeyValue kv = new KeyValue(r, f, q, 0, q.length, 1234L, Type.Put, v, 0, v.length, tags);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(kv.getBuffer());
ByteBufferKeyValue bbCell = new ByteBufferKeyValue(buffer, 0, buffer.remaining());
// KV format: <keylen:4><valuelen:4><key:keylen><value:valuelen>
// Rebuild as: <keylen:4><0:4><key:keylen>
int dataLen = lenAsVal ? Bytes.SIZEOF_INT : 0;
int keyOffset = (2 * Bytes.SIZEOF_INT);
int keyLen = KeyValueUtil.keyLength(kv);
byte[] newBuffer = new byte[keyLen + keyOffset + dataLen];
Bytes.putInt(newBuffer, 0, keyLen);
Bytes.putInt(newBuffer, Bytes.SIZEOF_INT, dataLen);
KeyValueUtil.appendKeyTo(kv, newBuffer, keyOffset);
if (lenAsVal) {
Bytes.putInt(newBuffer, newBuffer.length - dataLen, kv.getValueLength());
KeyValue KeyOnlyKeyValue = new KeyValue(newBuffer);
KeyOnlyCell keyOnlyCell = new KeyOnlyCell(kv, lenAsVal);
KeyOnlyByteBufferExtendedCell keyOnlyByteBufferedCell = new KeyOnlyByteBufferExtendedCell(bbCell, lenAsVal);
assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingRows(KeyOnlyKeyValue, keyOnlyCell));
assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingRows(KeyOnlyKeyValue, keyOnlyByteBufferedCell));
assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingFamily(KeyOnlyKeyValue, keyOnlyCell));
assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingFamily(KeyOnlyKeyValue, keyOnlyByteBufferedCell));
assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingQualifier(KeyOnlyKeyValue, keyOnlyCell));
assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingQualifier(KeyOnlyKeyValue, keyOnlyByteBufferedCell));
assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingValue(KeyOnlyKeyValue, keyOnlyCell));
assertTrue(KeyOnlyKeyValue.getValueLength() == keyOnlyByteBufferedCell.getValueLength());
assertEquals(8 + keyLen + (lenAsVal ? 4 : 0), KeyOnlyKeyValue.getSerializedSize());
assertEquals(8 + keyLen + (lenAsVal ? 4 : 0), keyOnlyCell.getSerializedSize());
if (keyOnlyByteBufferedCell.getValueLength() > 0) {
assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingValue(KeyOnlyKeyValue, keyOnlyByteBufferedCell));
assertTrue(KeyOnlyKeyValue.getTimestamp() == keyOnlyCell.getTimestamp());
assertTrue(KeyOnlyKeyValue.getTimestamp() == keyOnlyByteBufferedCell.getTimestamp());
assertTrue(KeyOnlyKeyValue.getTypeByte() == keyOnlyCell.getTypeByte());
assertTrue(KeyOnlyKeyValue.getTypeByte() == keyOnlyByteBufferedCell.getTypeByte());
assertTrue(KeyOnlyKeyValue.getTagsLength() == keyOnlyCell.getTagsLength());
assertTrue(KeyOnlyKeyValue.getTagsLength() == keyOnlyByteBufferedCell.getTagsLength());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ByteBufferKeyValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestProtobufUtil method testToCell.
public void testToCell() {
KeyValue kv1 = new KeyValue(Bytes.toBytes("aaa"), Bytes.toBytes("f1"), Bytes.toBytes("q1"), new byte[30]);
KeyValue kv2 = new KeyValue(Bytes.toBytes("bbb"), Bytes.toBytes("f1"), Bytes.toBytes("q1"), new byte[30]);
KeyValue kv3 = new KeyValue(Bytes.toBytes("ccc"), Bytes.toBytes("f1"), Bytes.toBytes("q1"), new byte[30]);
byte[] arr = new byte[kv1.getLength() + kv2.getLength() + kv3.getLength()];
System.arraycopy(kv1.getBuffer(), kv1.getOffset(), arr, 0, kv1.getLength());
System.arraycopy(kv2.getBuffer(), kv2.getOffset(), arr, kv1.getLength(), kv2.getLength());
System.arraycopy(kv3.getBuffer(), kv3.getOffset(), arr, kv1.getLength() + kv2.getLength(), kv3.getLength());
ByteBuffer dbb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(arr.length);
ByteBufferKeyValue offheapKV = new ByteBufferKeyValue(dbb, kv1.getLength(), kv2.getLength());
CellProtos.Cell cell = ProtobufUtil.toCell(offheapKV, false);
Cell newOffheapKV = ProtobufUtil.toCell(ExtendedCellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY), cell, false);
assertTrue(, newOffheapKV) == 0);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ByteBufferKeyValue in project hbase by apache.
the class CellChunkImmutableSegment method initializeCellSet.
// /////////////////// PRIVATE METHODS /////////////////////
// Create CellSet based on CellChunkMap from compacting iterator
private void initializeCellSet(int numOfCells, MemStoreSegmentsIterator iterator, MemStoreCompactionStrategy.Action action) {
int numOfCellsAfterCompaction = 0;
int currentChunkIdx = 0;
int offsetInCurentChunk = ChunkCreator.SIZEOF_CHUNK_HEADER;
int numUniqueKeys = 0;
Cell prev = null;
Chunk[] chunks = allocIndexChunks(numOfCells);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
// the iterator hides the elimination logic for compaction
boolean alreadyCopied = false;
Cell c =;
assert (c instanceof ExtendedCell);
if (((ExtendedCell) c).getChunkId() == ExtendedCell.CELL_NOT_BASED_ON_CHUNK) {
// CellChunkMap assumes all cells are allocated on MSLAB.
// Therefore, cells which are not allocated on MSLAB initially,
// are copied into MSLAB here.
// no memstore sizing object to update
c = copyCellIntoMSLAB(c, null);
alreadyCopied = true;
if (offsetInCurentChunk + ClassSize.CELL_CHUNK_MAP_ENTRY > chunks[currentChunkIdx].size) {
// continue to the next index chunk
offsetInCurentChunk = ChunkCreator.SIZEOF_CHUNK_HEADER;
if (action == MemStoreCompactionStrategy.Action.COMPACT && !alreadyCopied) {
// for compaction copy cell to the new segment (MSLAB copy)
c = maybeCloneWithAllocator(c, false);
// add the Cell reference to the index chunk
offsetInCurentChunk = createCellReference((ByteBufferKeyValue) c, chunks[currentChunkIdx].getData(), offsetInCurentChunk);
// the sizes still need to be updated in the new segment
// second parameter true, because in compaction/merge the addition of the cell to new segment
// is always successful
// updates the size per cell
updateMetaInfo(c, true, null);
if (action == MemStoreCompactionStrategy.Action.MERGE_COUNT_UNIQUE_KEYS) {
// counting number of unique keys
if (prev != null) {
if (!CellUtil.matchingRowColumnBytes(prev, c)) {
} else {
prev = c;
if (action == MemStoreCompactionStrategy.Action.COMPACT) {
numUniqueKeys = numOfCells;
} else if (action != MemStoreCompactionStrategy.Action.MERGE_COUNT_UNIQUE_KEYS) {
numUniqueKeys = CellSet.UNKNOWN_NUM_UNIQUES;
// build the immutable CellSet
CellChunkMap ccm = new CellChunkMap(getComparator(), chunks, 0, numOfCellsAfterCompaction, false);
// update the CellSet of this Segment
this.setCellSet(null, new CellSet(ccm, numUniqueKeys));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ByteBufferKeyValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestComparators method testCellFieldsCompare.
public void testCellFieldsCompare() throws Exception {
byte[] r0 = Bytes.toBytes("row0");
byte[] r1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
byte[] r2 = Bytes.toBytes("row2");
byte[] f = Bytes.toBytes("cf1");
byte[] q1 = Bytes.toBytes("qual1");
byte[] q2 = Bytes.toBytes("qual2");
byte[] q3 = Bytes.toBytes("r");
long l1 = 1234L;
byte[] v1 = Bytes.toBytes(l1);
long l2 = 2000L;
byte[] v2 = Bytes.toBytes(l2);
// Row compare
KeyValue kv = new KeyValue(r1, f, q1, v1);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(kv.getBuffer());
Cell bbCell = new ByteBufferKeyValue(buffer, 0, buffer.remaining());
ByteArrayComparable comparable = new BinaryComparator(r1);
assertEquals(0, PrivateCellUtil.compareRow(bbCell, comparable));
assertEquals(0, PrivateCellUtil.compareRow(kv, comparable));
kv = new KeyValue(r0, f, q1, v1);
buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(kv.getBuffer());
bbCell = new ByteBufferKeyValue(buffer, 0, buffer.remaining());
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareRow(bbCell, comparable) > 0);
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareRow(kv, comparable) > 0);
kv = new KeyValue(r2, f, q1, v1);
buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(kv.getBuffer());
bbCell = new ByteBufferKeyValue(buffer, 0, buffer.remaining());
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareRow(bbCell, comparable) < 0);
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareRow(kv, comparable) < 0);
// Qualifier compare
comparable = new BinaryPrefixComparator(Bytes.toBytes("qual"));
assertEquals(0, PrivateCellUtil.compareQualifier(bbCell, comparable));
assertEquals(0, PrivateCellUtil.compareQualifier(kv, comparable));
kv = new KeyValue(r2, f, q2, v1);
buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(kv.getBuffer());
bbCell = new ByteBufferKeyValue(buffer, 0, buffer.remaining());
assertEquals(0, PrivateCellUtil.compareQualifier(bbCell, comparable));
assertEquals(0, PrivateCellUtil.compareQualifier(kv, comparable));
kv = new KeyValue(r2, f, q3, v1);
buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(kv.getBuffer());
bbCell = new ByteBufferKeyValue(buffer, 0, buffer.remaining());
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareQualifier(bbCell, comparable) < 0);
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareQualifier(kv, comparable) < 0);
// Value compare
comparable = new LongComparator(l1);
assertEquals(0, PrivateCellUtil.compareValue(bbCell, comparable));
assertEquals(0, PrivateCellUtil.compareValue(kv, comparable));
kv = new KeyValue(r1, f, q1, v2);
buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(kv.getBuffer());
bbCell = new ByteBufferKeyValue(buffer, 0, buffer.remaining());
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareValue(bbCell, comparable) < 0);
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareValue(kv, comparable) < 0);
// Family compare
comparable = new SubstringComparator("cf");
assertEquals(0, PrivateCellUtil.compareFamily(bbCell, comparable));
assertEquals(0, PrivateCellUtil.compareFamily(kv, comparable));
// Qualifier starts with
kv = new KeyValue(r1, f, q1, v2);
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.qualifierStartsWith(kv, Bytes.toBytes("q")));
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.qualifierStartsWith(kv, q1));
assertFalse(PrivateCellUtil.qualifierStartsWith(kv, q2));
assertFalse(PrivateCellUtil.qualifierStartsWith(kv, Bytes.toBytes("longerthanthequalifier")));
// Binary component comparisons
byte[] val = Bytes.toBytes("abcd");
kv = new KeyValue(r0, f, q1, val);
buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(kv.getBuffer());
bbCell = new ByteBufferKeyValue(buffer, 0, buffer.remaining());
// equality check
// row comparison
// row is "row0"(set by variable r0)
// and we are checking for equality to 'o' at position 1
// 'r' is at position 0.
byte[] component = Bytes.toBytes("o");
comparable = new BinaryComponentComparator(component, 1);
assertEquals(0, PrivateCellUtil.compareRow(bbCell, comparable));
assertEquals(0, PrivateCellUtil.compareRow(kv, comparable));
// value comparison
// value is "abcd"(set by variable val).
// and we are checking for equality to 'c' at position 2.
// 'a' is at position 0.
component = Bytes.toBytes("c");
comparable = new BinaryComponentComparator(component, 2);
assertEquals(0, PrivateCellUtil.compareValue(bbCell, comparable));
assertEquals(0, PrivateCellUtil.compareValue(kv, comparable));
// greater than
component = Bytes.toBytes("z");
// checking for greater than at position 1.
// for both row("row0") and value("abcd")
// 'z' > 'r'
comparable = new BinaryComponentComparator(component, 1);
// row comparison
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareRow(bbCell, comparable) > 0);
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareRow(kv, comparable) > 0);
// value comparison
// 'z' > 'a'
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareValue(bbCell, comparable) > 0);
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareValue(kv, comparable) > 0);
// less than
component = Bytes.toBytes("a");
// checking for less than at position 1 for row ("row0")
comparable = new BinaryComponentComparator(component, 1);
// row comparison
// 'a' < 'r'
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareRow(bbCell, comparable) < 0);
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareRow(kv, comparable) < 0);
// value comparison
// checking for less than at position 2 for value("abcd")
// 'a' < 'c'
comparable = new BinaryComponentComparator(component, 2);
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareValue(bbCell, comparable) < 0);
assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.compareValue(kv, comparable) < 0);