use of in project hbase by apache.
the class HMobStore method readCell.
* Reads the cell from a mob file.
* The mob file might be located in different directories.
* 1. The working directory.
* 2. The archive directory.
* Reads the cell from the files located in both of the above directories.
* @param locations The possible locations where the mob files are saved.
* @param fileName The file to be read.
* @param search The cell to be searched.
* @param cacheMobBlocks Whether the scanner should cache blocks.
* @param readPt the read point.
* @param readEmptyValueOnMobCellMiss Whether return null value when the mob file is
* missing or corrupt.
* @return The found cell. Null if there's no such a cell.
* @throws IOException
private MobCell readCell(List<Path> locations, String fileName, Cell search, boolean cacheMobBlocks, long readPt, boolean readEmptyValueOnMobCellMiss) throws IOException {
FileSystem fs = getFileSystem();
Throwable throwable = null;
for (Path location : locations) {
MobFile file = null;
Path path = new Path(location, fileName);
try {
file = mobFileCache.openFile(fs, path, getCacheConfig());
return readPt != -1 ? file.readCell(search, cacheMobBlocks, readPt) : file.readCell(search, cacheMobBlocks);
} catch (IOException e) {
throwable = e;
if ((e instanceof FileNotFoundException) || (e.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException)) {
LOG.debug("Fail to read the cell, the mob file " + path + " doesn't exist", e);
} else if (e instanceof CorruptHFileException) {
LOG.error("The mob file " + path + " is corrupt", e);
} else {
throw e;
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// HDFS 1.x - DFSInputStream.getBlockAt()
LOG.debug("Fail to read the cell", e);
throwable = e;
} catch (AssertionError e) {
// assert in HDFS 1.x - DFSInputStream.getBlockAt()
LOG.debug("Fail to read the cell", e);
throwable = e;
} finally {
if (file != null) {
LOG.error("The mob file " + fileName + " could not be found in the locations " + locations + " or it is corrupt");
if (readEmptyValueOnMobCellMiss) {
return null;
} else if ((throwable instanceof FileNotFoundException) || (throwable.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException)) {
// doesn't help fix the lost MOB files.
throw new DoNotRetryIOException(throwable);
} else if (throwable instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException) throwable;
} else {
throw new IOException(throwable);
use of in project hbase by apache.
the class FaultyMobStoreCompactor method performCompaction.
protected boolean performCompaction(FileDetails fd, InternalScanner scanner, long smallestReadPoint, boolean cleanSeqId, ThroughputController throughputController, boolean major, int numofFilesToCompact) throws IOException {
if (major) {
long bytesWrittenProgressForLog = 0;
long bytesWrittenProgressForShippedCall = 0;
// Clear old mob references
boolean isUserRequest = userRequest.get();
boolean compactMOBs = major && isUserRequest;
boolean discardMobMiss = conf.getBoolean(MobConstants.MOB_UNSAFE_DISCARD_MISS_KEY, MobConstants.DEFAULT_MOB_DISCARD_MISS);
boolean mustFail = false;
if (compactMOBs) {
double dv = rnd.nextDouble();
if (dv < failureProb) {
mustFail = true;
FileSystem fs = store.getFileSystem();
// Since can return 'false' but still be delivering data,
// we have to use a do/while loop.
List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<>();
// Limit to "hbase.hstore.compaction.kv.max" (default 10) to avoid OOME
long currentTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
long lastMillis = 0;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
lastMillis = currentTime;
CloseChecker closeChecker = new CloseChecker(conf, currentTime);
String compactionName = ThroughputControlUtil.getNameForThrottling(store, "compaction");
long now = 0;
boolean hasMore;
Path path = MobUtils.getMobFamilyPath(conf, store.getTableName(), store.getColumnFamilyName());
byte[] fileName = null;
StoreFileWriter mobFileWriter = null;
long mobCells = 0;
long cellsCountCompactedToMob = 0, cellsCountCompactedFromMob = 0;
long cellsSizeCompactedToMob = 0, cellsSizeCompactedFromMob = 0;
boolean finished = false;
ScannerContext scannerContext = ScannerContext.newBuilder().setBatchLimit(compactionKVMax).build();
KeyValueScanner kvs = (scanner instanceof KeyValueScanner) ? (KeyValueScanner) scanner : null;
long shippedCallSizeLimit = (long) numofFilesToCompact *;
Cell mobCell = null;
long counter = 0;
long countFailAt = -1;
if (mustFail) {
// randomly fail fast
countFailAt = rnd.nextInt(100);
try {
try {
mobFileWriter = mobStore.createWriterInTmp(new Date(fd.latestPutTs), fd.maxKeyCount, major ? majorCompactionCompression : minorCompactionCompression, store.getRegionInfo().getStartKey(), true);
fileName = Bytes.toBytes(mobFileWriter.getPath().getName());
} catch (IOException e) {
// Bailing out
LOG.error("Failed to create mob writer, ", e);
throw e;
if (compactMOBs) {
// Add the only reference we get for compact MOB case
// because new store file will have only one MOB reference
// in this case - of newly compacted MOB file
mobRefSet.get().put(store.getTableName(), mobFileWriter.getPath().getName());
do {
hasMore =, scannerContext);
currentTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
now = currentTime;
if (closeChecker.isTimeLimit(store, currentTime)) {
return false;
for (Cell c : cells) {
if (compactMOBs) {
if (MobUtils.isMobReferenceCell(c)) {
if (counter == countFailAt) {
LOG.warn("INJECTED FAULT mobCounter={}", mobCounter.get());
throw new CorruptHFileException("injected fault");
String fName = MobUtils.getMobFileName(c);
// Added to support migration
try {
mobCell = mobStore.resolve(c, true, false).getCell();
} catch (DoNotRetryIOException e) {
if (discardMobMiss && e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException) {
LOG.error("Missing MOB cell: file={} not found cell={}", fName, c);
} else {
throw e;
if (discardMobMiss && mobCell.getValueLength() == 0) {
LOG.error("Missing MOB cell value: file={} cell={}", fName, mobCell);
if (mobCell.getValueLength() > mobSizeThreshold) {
// put the mob data back to the store file
PrivateCellUtil.setSequenceId(mobCell, c.getSequenceId());
writer.append(MobUtils.createMobRefCell(mobCell, fileName, this.mobStore.getRefCellTags()));
} else {
// If MOB value is less than threshold, append it directly to a store file
PrivateCellUtil.setSequenceId(mobCell, c.getSequenceId());
cellsSizeCompactedFromMob += mobCell.getValueLength();
} else {
// Not a MOB reference cell
int size = c.getValueLength();
if (size > mobSizeThreshold) {
writer.append(MobUtils.createMobRefCell(c, fileName, this.mobStore.getRefCellTags()));
cellsSizeCompactedToMob += c.getValueLength();
} else {
} else if (c.getTypeByte() != KeyValue.Type.Put.getCode()) {
// Not a major compaction or major with MOB disabled
// If the kv type is not put, directly write the cell
// to the store file.
} else if (MobUtils.isMobReferenceCell(c)) {
// Not a major MOB compaction, Put MOB reference
if (MobUtils.hasValidMobRefCellValue(c)) {
int size = MobUtils.getMobValueLength(c);
if (size > mobSizeThreshold) {
// If the value size is larger than the threshold, it's regarded as a mob. Since
// its value is already in the mob file, directly write this cell to the store file
Optional<TableName> refTable = MobUtils.getTableName(c);
if (refTable.isPresent()) {
mobRefSet.get().put(refTable.get(), MobUtils.getMobFileName(c));
} else {
throw new IOException(String.format("MOB cell did not contain a tablename " + "tag. should not be possible. see ref guide on mob troubleshooting. " + "store=%s cell=%s", getStoreInfo(), c));
} else {
// If the value is not larger than the threshold, it's not regarded a mob. Retrieve
// the mob cell from the mob file, and write it back to the store file.
mobCell = mobStore.resolve(c, true, false).getCell();
if (mobCell.getValueLength() != 0) {
// put the mob data back to the store file
PrivateCellUtil.setSequenceId(mobCell, c.getSequenceId());
cellsSizeCompactedFromMob += mobCell.getValueLength();
} else {
// If the value of a file is empty, there might be issues when retrieving,
// directly write the cell to the store file, and leave it to be handled by the
// next compaction.
LOG.error("Empty value for: " + c);
Optional<TableName> refTable = MobUtils.getTableName(c);
if (refTable.isPresent()) {
mobRefSet.get().put(refTable.get(), MobUtils.getMobFileName(c));
} else {
throw new IOException(String.format("MOB cell did not contain a tablename " + "tag. should not be possible. see ref guide on mob troubleshooting. " + "store=%s cell=%s", getStoreInfo(), c));
} else {
LOG.error("Corrupted MOB reference: {}", c);
} else if (c.getValueLength() <= mobSizeThreshold) {
// If the value size of a cell is not larger than the threshold, directly write it to
// the store file.
} else {
// If the value size of a cell is larger than the threshold, it's regarded as a mob,
// write this cell to a mob file, and write the path to the store file.
// append the original keyValue in the mob file.
Cell reference = MobUtils.createMobRefCell(c, fileName, this.mobStore.getRefCellTags());
// write the cell whose value is the path of a mob file to the store file.
cellsSizeCompactedToMob += c.getValueLength();
// Add ref we get for compact MOB case
mobRefSet.get().put(store.getTableName(), mobFileWriter.getPath().getName());
int len = c.getSerializedSize();
progress.totalCompactedSize += len;
bytesWrittenProgressForShippedCall += len;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
bytesWrittenProgressForLog += len;
throughputController.control(compactionName, len);
if (closeChecker.isSizeLimit(store, len)) {
return false;
if (kvs != null && bytesWrittenProgressForShippedCall > shippedCallSizeLimit) {
((ShipperListener) writer).beforeShipped();
bytesWrittenProgressForShippedCall = 0;
// logging at DEBUG level
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
if ((now - lastMillis) >= COMPACTION_PROGRESS_LOG_INTERVAL) {
String rate = String.format("%.2f", (bytesWrittenProgressForLog / 1024.0) / ((now - lastMillis) / 1000.0));
LOG.debug("Compaction progress: {} {}, rate={} KB/sec, throughputController is {}", compactionName, progress, rate, throughputController);
lastMillis = now;
bytesWrittenProgressForLog = 0;
} while (hasMore);
finished = true;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new InterruptedIOException("Interrupted while control throughput of compacting " + compactionName);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
LOG.error("MOB Stress Test FAILED, region: " + store.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName(), e);
} catch (IOException t) {
LOG.error("Mob compaction failed for region: " + store.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName());
throw t;
} finally {
// Clone last cell in the final because writer will append last cell when committing. If
// don't clone here and once the scanner get closed, then the memory of last cell will be
// released. (HBASE-22582)
((ShipperListener) writer).beforeShipped();
if (!finished && mobFileWriter != null) {
// Remove all MOB references because compaction failed
// Abort writer
if (mobFileWriter != null) {
if (mobCells > 0) {
// If the mob file is not empty, commit it.
mobFileWriter.appendMetadata(fd.maxSeqId, major, mobCells);
mobStore.commitFile(mobFileWriter.getPath(), path);
} else {
// If the mob file is empty, delete it instead of committing.
return true;
use of in project hbase by apache.
the class TestWALSplitToHFile method testCorruptRecoveredHFile.
public void testCorruptRecoveredHFile() throws Exception {
Pair<TableDescriptor, RegionInfo> pair = setupTableAndRegion();
TableDescriptor td = pair.getFirst();
RegionInfo ri = pair.getSecond();
WAL wal = createWAL(this.conf, rootDir, logName);
HRegion region = HRegion.openHRegion(this.conf, this.fs, rootDir, ri, td, wal);
writeData(td, region);
// Now close the region without flush
// split the log
WALSplitter.split(rootDir, logDir, oldLogDir, FileSystem.get(this.conf), this.conf, wals);
// Write a corrupt recovered hfile
Path regionDir = new Path(CommonFSUtils.getTableDir(rootDir, td.getTableName()), ri.getEncodedName());
for (ColumnFamilyDescriptor cfd : td.getColumnFamilies()) {
FileStatus[] files = WALSplitUtil.getRecoveredHFiles(this.fs, regionDir, cfd.getNameAsString());
assertTrue(files.length > 0);
// Failed to reopen the region
WAL wal2 = createWAL(this.conf, rootDir, logName);
try {
HRegion.openHRegion(this.conf, this.fs, rootDir, ri, td, wal2);
fail("Should fail to open region");
} catch (CorruptHFileException che) {
// Expected
// Set skip errors to true and reopen the region
this.conf.setBoolean(HConstants.HREGION_EDITS_REPLAY_SKIP_ERRORS, true);
HRegion region2 = HRegion.openHRegion(this.conf, this.fs, rootDir, ri, td, wal2);
Result result2 = region2.get(new Get(ROW));
assertEquals(td.getColumnFamilies().length, result2.size());
for (ColumnFamilyDescriptor cfd : td.getColumnFamilies()) {
assertTrue(Bytes.equals(VALUE1, result2.getValue(cfd.getName(), QUALIFIER)));
// Assert the corrupt file was skipped and still exist
FileStatus[] files = WALSplitUtil.getRecoveredHFiles(this.fs, regionDir, cfd.getNameAsString());
assertEquals(1, files.length);