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Example 1 with RpcCall

use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcCall in project hbase by apache.

the class RegionScannerImpl method nextInternal.

private boolean nextInternal(List<Cell> results, ScannerContext scannerContext) throws IOException {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(results.isEmpty(), "First parameter should be an empty list");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(scannerContext != null, "Scanner context cannot be null");
    Optional<RpcCall> rpcCall = RpcServer.getCurrentCall();
    // Save the initial progress from the Scanner context in these local variables. The progress
    // may need to be reset a few times if rows are being filtered out so we save the initial
    // progress.
    int initialBatchProgress = scannerContext.getBatchProgress();
    long initialSizeProgress = scannerContext.getDataSizeProgress();
    long initialHeapSizeProgress = scannerContext.getHeapSizeProgress();
    // Used to check time limit
    LimitScope limitScope = LimitScope.BETWEEN_CELLS;
    // and joinedHeap has no more data to read for the last row (if set, joinedContinuationRow).
    while (true) {
        resetProgress(scannerContext, initialBatchProgress, initialSizeProgress, initialHeapSizeProgress);
        // Check for thread interrupt status in case we have been signaled from
        // #interruptRegionOperation.
        // Let's see what we have in the storeHeap.
        Cell current = this.storeHeap.peek();
        boolean shouldStop = shouldStop(current);
        // When has filter row is true it means that the all the cells for a particular row must be
        // read before a filtering decision can be made. This means that filters where hasFilterRow
        // run the risk of enLongAddering out of memory errors in the case that they are applied to a
        // table that has very large rows.
        boolean hasFilterRow = this.filter != null && this.filter.hasFilterRow();
        // LimitScope.BETWEEN_ROWS so that those limits are not reached mid-row
        if (hasFilterRow) {
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace("filter#hasFilterRow is true which prevents partial results from being " + " formed. Changing scope of limits that may create partials");
            limitScope = LimitScope.BETWEEN_ROWS;
        if (scannerContext.checkTimeLimit(LimitScope.BETWEEN_CELLS)) {
            if (hasFilterRow) {
                throw new IncompatibleFilterException("Filter whose hasFilterRow() returns true is incompatible with scans that must " + " stop mid-row because of a limit. ScannerContext:" + scannerContext);
            return true;
        // If not, then it's main path - getting results from storeHeap.
        if (joinedContinuationRow == null) {
            // First, check if we are at a stop row. If so, there are no more results.
            if (shouldStop) {
                if (hasFilterRow) {
                return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
            // Technically, if we hit limits before on this row, we don't need this call.
            if (filterRowKey(current)) {
                // early check, see HBASE-16296
                if (isFilterDoneInternal()) {
                    return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
                // Typically the count of rows scanned is incremented inside #populateResult. However,
                // here we are filtering a row based purely on its row key, preventing us from calling
                // #populateResult. Thus, perform the necessary increment here to rows scanned metric
                boolean moreRows = nextRow(scannerContext, current);
                if (!moreRows) {
                    return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
                // Read nothing as the rowkey was filtered, but still need to check time limit
                if (scannerContext.checkTimeLimit(limitScope)) {
                    return true;
            // Ok, we are good, let's try to get some results from the main heap.
            populateResult(results, this.storeHeap, scannerContext, current);
            if (scannerContext.checkAnyLimitReached(LimitScope.BETWEEN_CELLS)) {
                if (hasFilterRow) {
                    throw new IncompatibleFilterException("Filter whose hasFilterRow() returns true is incompatible with scans that must " + " stop mid-row because of a limit. ScannerContext:" + scannerContext);
                return true;
            // Check for thread interrupt status in case we have been signaled from
            // #interruptRegionOperation.
            Cell nextKv = this.storeHeap.peek();
            shouldStop = shouldStop(nextKv);
            // save that the row was empty before filters applied to it.
            final boolean isEmptyRow = results.isEmpty();
            // We have the part of the row necessary for filtering (all of it, usually).
            // First filter with the filterRow(List).
            FilterWrapper.FilterRowRetCode ret = FilterWrapper.FilterRowRetCode.NOT_CALLED;
            if (hasFilterRow) {
                ret = filter.filterRowCellsWithRet(results);
                // according to contents of results now.
                if (scannerContext.getKeepProgress()) {
                    scannerContext.setProgress(initialBatchProgress, initialSizeProgress, initialHeapSizeProgress);
                } else {
                for (Cell cell : results) {
                    scannerContext.incrementSizeProgress(PrivateCellUtil.estimatedSerializedSizeOf(cell), cell.heapSize());
            if (isEmptyRow || ret == FilterWrapper.FilterRowRetCode.EXCLUDE || filterRow()) {
                boolean moreRows = nextRow(scannerContext, current);
                if (!moreRows) {
                    return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
                // we should continue on. Otherwise, nothing else to do.
                if (!shouldStop) {
                    // Read nothing as the cells was filtered, but still need to check time limit
                    if (scannerContext.checkTimeLimit(limitScope)) {
                        return true;
                return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
            // fetch to (possibly) reduce amount of data loads from disk.
            if (this.joinedHeap != null) {
                boolean mayHaveData = joinedHeapMayHaveData(current);
                if (mayHaveData) {
                    joinedContinuationRow = current;
                    populateFromJoinedHeap(results, scannerContext);
                    if (scannerContext.checkAnyLimitReached(LimitScope.BETWEEN_CELLS)) {
                        return true;
        } else {
            // Populating from the joined heap was stopped by limits, populate some more.
            populateFromJoinedHeap(results, scannerContext);
            if (scannerContext.checkAnyLimitReached(LimitScope.BETWEEN_CELLS)) {
                return true;
        // the case, we need to call it again on the next next() invocation.
        if (joinedContinuationRow != null) {
            return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
        // the case when SingleColumnValueExcludeFilter is used.
        if (results.isEmpty()) {
            boolean moreRows = nextRow(scannerContext, current);
            if (!moreRows) {
                return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
            if (!shouldStop) {
        if (shouldStop) {
            return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
        } else {
            return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
Also used : FilterWrapper(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.FilterWrapper) RpcCall(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcCall) LimitScope(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ScannerContext.LimitScope) IncompatibleFilterException(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.IncompatibleFilterException) Cell(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell)

Example 2 with RpcCall

use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcCall in project hbase by apache.

the class SlowLogQueueService method consumeEventFromDisruptor.

 * This implementation is specific to slowLog event. This consumes slowLog event from
 * disruptor and inserts records to EvictingQueue.
 * @param namedQueuePayload namedQueue payload from disruptor ring buffer
public void consumeEventFromDisruptor(NamedQueuePayload namedQueuePayload) {
    if (!isOnlineLogProviderEnabled) {
    if (!(namedQueuePayload instanceof RpcLogDetails)) {
        LOG.warn("SlowLogQueueService: NamedQueuePayload is not of type RpcLogDetails.");
    final RpcLogDetails rpcLogDetails = (RpcLogDetails) namedQueuePayload;
    final RpcCall rpcCall = rpcLogDetails.getRpcCall();
    final String clientAddress = rpcLogDetails.getClientAddress();
    final long responseSize = rpcLogDetails.getResponseSize();
    final String className = rpcLogDetails.getClassName();
    final TooSlowLog.SlowLogPayload.Type type = getLogType(rpcLogDetails);
    if (type == null) {
    Descriptors.MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor = rpcCall.getMethod();
    Message param = rpcLogDetails.getParam();
    long receiveTime = rpcCall.getReceiveTime();
    long startTime = rpcCall.getStartTime();
    long endTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
    int processingTime = (int) (endTime - startTime);
    int qTime = (int) (startTime - receiveTime);
    final SlowLogParams slowLogParams = ProtobufUtil.getSlowLogParams(param);
    int numGets = 0;
    int numMutations = 0;
    int numServiceCalls = 0;
    if (param instanceof ClientProtos.MultiRequest) {
        ClientProtos.MultiRequest multi = (ClientProtos.MultiRequest) param;
        for (ClientProtos.RegionAction regionAction : multi.getRegionActionList()) {
            for (ClientProtos.Action action : regionAction.getActionList()) {
                if (action.hasMutation()) {
                if (action.hasGet()) {
                if (action.hasServiceCall()) {
    final String userName = rpcCall.getRequestUserName().orElse(StringUtils.EMPTY);
    final String methodDescriptorName = methodDescriptor != null ? methodDescriptor.getName() : StringUtils.EMPTY;
    TooSlowLog.SlowLogPayload slowLogPayload = TooSlowLog.SlowLogPayload.newBuilder().setCallDetails(methodDescriptorName + "(" + param.getClass().getName() + ")").setClientAddress(clientAddress).setMethodName(methodDescriptorName).setMultiGets(numGets).setMultiMutations(numMutations).setMultiServiceCalls(numServiceCalls).setParam(slowLogParams != null ? slowLogParams.getParams() : StringUtils.EMPTY).setProcessingTime(processingTime).setQueueTime(qTime).setRegionName(slowLogParams != null ? slowLogParams.getRegionName() : StringUtils.EMPTY).setResponseSize(responseSize).setServerClass(className).setStartTime(startTime).setType(type).setUserName(userName).build();
    if (isSlowLogTableEnabled) {
        if (!slowLogPayload.getRegionName().startsWith("hbase:slowlog")) {
Also used : Message( TooSlowLog(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.TooSlowLog) RpcLogDetails(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.namequeues.RpcLogDetails) RpcCall(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcCall) SlowLogParams(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.SlowLogParams) Descriptors( ClientProtos(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos)

Example 3 with RpcCall

use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcCall in project hbase by apache.

the class HRegion method getRowLockInternal.

// will be override in tests
protected RowLock getRowLockInternal(byte[] row, boolean readLock, RowLock prevRowLock) throws IOException {
    // create an object to use a a key in the row lock map
    HashedBytes rowKey = new HashedBytes(row);
    RowLockContext rowLockContext = null;
    RowLockImpl result = null;
    boolean success = false;
    try {
        // TODO: do we need to add a time component here?
        while (result == null) {
            rowLockContext = computeIfAbsent(lockedRows, rowKey, () -> new RowLockContext(rowKey));
            // This can fail as
            if (readLock) {
                // For read lock, if the caller has locked the same row previously, it will not try
                // to acquire the same read lock. It simply returns the previous row lock.
                RowLockImpl prevRowLockImpl = (RowLockImpl) prevRowLock;
                if ((prevRowLockImpl != null) && (prevRowLockImpl.getLock() == rowLockContext.readWriteLock.readLock())) {
                    success = true;
                    return prevRowLock;
                result = rowLockContext.newReadLock();
            } else {
                result = rowLockContext.newWriteLock();
        int timeout = rowLockWaitDuration;
        boolean reachDeadlineFirst = false;
        Optional<RpcCall> call = RpcServer.getCurrentCall();
        if (call.isPresent()) {
            long deadline = call.get().getDeadline();
            if (deadline < Long.MAX_VALUE) {
                int timeToDeadline = (int) (deadline - EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime());
                if (timeToDeadline <= this.rowLockWaitDuration) {
                    reachDeadlineFirst = true;
                    timeout = timeToDeadline;
        if (timeout <= 0 || !result.getLock().tryLock(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
            String message = "Timed out waiting for lock for row: " + rowKey + " in region " + getRegionInfo().getEncodedName();
            if (reachDeadlineFirst) {
                throw new TimeoutIOException(message);
            } else {
                // If timeToDeadline is larger than rowLockWaitDuration, we can not drop the request.
                throw new IOException(message);
        success = true;
        return result;
    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Thread interrupted waiting for lock on row: {}, in region {}", rowKey, getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString());
        throw throwOnInterrupt(ie);
    } catch (Error error) {
        // The maximum lock count for read lock is 64K (hardcoded), when this maximum count
        // is reached, it will throw out an Error. This Error needs to be caught so it can
        // go ahead to process the minibatch with lock acquired.
        LOG.warn("Error to get row lock for {}, in region {}, cause: {}", Bytes.toStringBinary(row), getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString(), error);
        IOException ioe = new IOException(error);
        throw ioe;
    } finally {
        // Clean up the counts just in case this was the thing keeping the context alive.
        if (!success && rowLockContext != null) {
Also used : IOException( DoNotRetryIOException(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException) TimeoutIOException(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.TimeoutIOException) InterruptedIOException( TimeoutIOException(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.TimeoutIOException) HashedBytes(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.HashedBytes) RpcCall(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcCall)

Example 4 with RpcCall

use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcCall in project hbase by apache.

the class TestRSRpcServices method testRegionScannerHolderToString.

 * Simple test of the toString on RegionScannerHolder works.
 * Just creates one and calls #toString on it.
public void testRegionScannerHolderToString() throws UnknownHostException {
    RpcCall call = Mockito.mock(RpcCall.class);
    int port = 1234;
    InetAddress address = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
    Optional<String> userName = Optional.ofNullable("test");
    String clientIpAndPort = RSRpcServices.getRemoteClientIpAndPort();
    String userNameTest = RSRpcServices.getUserName();
    assertEquals("test", userNameTest);
    HRegion region = Mockito.mock(HRegion.class);
    RSRpcServices.RegionScannerHolder rsh = new RSRpcServices.RegionScannerHolder(null, region, null, null, false, false, clientIpAndPort, userNameTest);"rsh: {}", rsh);
Also used : RpcCall(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcCall) InetAddress( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with RpcCall

use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcCall in project hbase by apache.

the class HRegion method getRowLockInternal.

protected RowLock getRowLockInternal(byte[] row, boolean readLock) throws IOException {
    // create an object to use a a key in the row lock map
    HashedBytes rowKey = new HashedBytes(row);
    RowLockContext rowLockContext = null;
    RowLockImpl result = null;
    TraceScope traceScope = null;
    // If we're tracing start a span to show how long this took.
    if (Trace.isTracing()) {
        traceScope = Trace.startSpan("HRegion.getRowLock");
        traceScope.getSpan().addTimelineAnnotation("Getting a " + (readLock ? "readLock" : "writeLock"));
    try {
        // TODO: do we need to add a time component here?
        while (result == null) {
            rowLockContext = computeIfAbsent(lockedRows, rowKey, () -> new RowLockContext(rowKey));
            // This can fail as
            if (readLock) {
                result = rowLockContext.newReadLock();
            } else {
                result = rowLockContext.newWriteLock();
        int timeout = rowLockWaitDuration;
        boolean reachDeadlineFirst = false;
        RpcCall call = RpcServer.getCurrentCall();
        if (call != null && call.getDeadline() < Long.MAX_VALUE) {
            int timeToDeadline = (int) (call.getDeadline() - System.currentTimeMillis());
            if (timeToDeadline <= this.rowLockWaitDuration) {
                reachDeadlineFirst = true;
                timeout = timeToDeadline;
        if (timeout <= 0 || !result.getLock().tryLock(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
            if (traceScope != null) {
                traceScope.getSpan().addTimelineAnnotation("Failed to get row lock");
            result = null;
            // Clean up the counts just in case this was the thing keeping the context alive.
            String message = "Timed out waiting for lock for row: " + rowKey + " in region " + getRegionInfo().getEncodedName();
            if (reachDeadlineFirst) {
                throw new TimeoutIOException(message);
            } else {
                // If timeToDeadline is larger than rowLockWaitDuration, we can not drop the request.
                throw new IOException(message);
        return result;
    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        LOG.warn("Thread interrupted waiting for lock on row: " + rowKey);
        InterruptedIOException iie = new InterruptedIOException();
        if (traceScope != null) {
            traceScope.getSpan().addTimelineAnnotation("Interrupted exception getting row lock");
        throw iie;
    } finally {
        if (traceScope != null) {
Also used : InterruptedIOException( RpcCall(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcCall) TraceScope(org.apache.htrace.TraceScope) InterruptedIOException( IOException( MultipleIOException( DoNotRetryIOException(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException) TimeoutIOException(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.TimeoutIOException) TimeoutIOException(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.TimeoutIOException) HashedBytes(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.HashedBytes)


RpcCall (org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcCall)7 IOException ( InterruptedIOException ( DoNotRetryIOException (org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException)3 TimeoutIOException (org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.TimeoutIOException)3 HashedBytes (org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.HashedBytes)3 InetAddress ( RestrictedApi ( Nullable (edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable)1 Span (io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span)1 EOFException ( FileNotFoundException ( Constructor (java.lang.reflect.Constructor)1 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)1 StandardCharsets (java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets)1 ParseException (java.text.ParseException)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Arrays (java.util.Arrays)1 Collection (java.util.Collection)1 Collections (java.util.Collections)1