use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.balancer.BaseLoadBalancer.Cluster in project hbase by apache.
the class TestBaseLoadBalancer method testRegionAvailabilityWithRegionMoves.
@Test(timeout = 180000)
public void testRegionAvailabilityWithRegionMoves() throws Exception {
List<HRegionInfo> list0 = new ArrayList<>();
List<HRegionInfo> list1 = new ArrayList<>();
List<HRegionInfo> list2 = new ArrayList<>();
// create a region (region1)
HRegionInfo hri1 = new HRegionInfo(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()), "key1".getBytes(), "key2".getBytes(), false, 100);
// create a replica of the region (replica_of_region1)
HRegionInfo hri2 = RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForReplica(hri1, 1);
// create a second region (region2)
HRegionInfo hri3 = new HRegionInfo(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()), "key2".getBytes(), "key3".getBytes(), false, 101);
//only region1
//only replica_of_region1
//only region2
Map<ServerName, List<HRegionInfo>> clusterState = new LinkedHashMap<>();
//servers[0] hosts region1
clusterState.put(servers[0], list0);
//servers[1] hosts replica_of_region1
clusterState.put(servers[1], list1);
//servers[2] hosts region2
clusterState.put(servers[2], list2);
// create a cluster with the above clusterState. The way in which the
// cluster is created (constructor code) would make sure the indices of
// the servers are in the order in which it is inserted in the clusterState
// map (linkedhashmap is important).
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(clusterState, null, null, rackManager);
// check whether moving region1 from servers[1] to servers[2] would lower availability
assertTrue(!cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(hri1, servers[2]));
// now move region1 from servers[0] to servers[2]
cluster.doAction(new MoveRegionAction(0, 0, 2));
// check that the numMaxRegionsPerTable for "table" has increased to 2
assertEquals(2, cluster.numMaxRegionsPerTable[0]);
// now repeat check whether moving region1 from servers[1] to servers[2]
// would lower availability
assertTrue(cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(hri1, servers[2]));
// start over again
List<HRegionInfo> list3 = new ArrayList<>();
HRegionInfo hri4 = RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForReplica(hri3, 1);
//servers[0], rack1 hosts region1
clusterState.put(servers[0], list0);
//servers[5], rack2 hosts replica_of_region1
clusterState.put(servers[5], list1);
//servers[6], rack2 hosts region2
clusterState.put(servers[6], list2);
//servers[12], rack3 hosts replica_of_region2
clusterState.put(servers[12], list3);
// create a cluster with the above clusterState
cluster = new Cluster(clusterState, null, null, rackManager);
// check whether a move of replica_of_region2 from servers[12],rack3 to servers[0],rack1 would
// lower the availability
assertTrue(!cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(hri4, servers[0]));
// now move region2 from servers[6],rack2 to servers[0],rack1
cluster.doAction(new MoveRegionAction(2, 2, 0));
// now repeat check if replica_of_region2 from servers[12],rack3 to servers[0],rack1 would
// lower the availability
assertTrue(cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(hri3, servers[0]));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.balancer.BaseLoadBalancer.Cluster in project hbase by apache.
the class TestBaseLoadBalancer method testClusterRegionLocations.
@Test(timeout = 180000)
public void testClusterRegionLocations() {
// tests whether region locations are handled correctly in Cluster
List<ServerName> servers = getListOfServerNames(randomServers(10, 10));
List<HRegionInfo> regions = randomRegions(101);
Map<ServerName, List<HRegionInfo>> clusterState = new HashMap<>();
assignRegions(regions, servers, clusterState);
// mock block locality for some regions
RegionLocationFinder locationFinder = mock(RegionLocationFinder.class);
// block locality: region:0 => {server:0}
// region:1 => {server:0, server:1}
// region:42 => {server:4, server:9, server:5}
when(locationFinder.getTopBlockLocations(regions.get(1))).thenReturn(Lists.newArrayList(servers.get(0), servers.get(1)));
when(locationFinder.getTopBlockLocations(regions.get(42))).thenReturn(Lists.newArrayList(servers.get(4), servers.get(9), servers.get(5)));
when(locationFinder.getTopBlockLocations(regions.get(43))).thenReturn(// this server does not exists in clusterStatus
Lists.newArrayList(ServerName.valueOf("foo", 0, 0)));
BaseLoadBalancer.Cluster cluster = new Cluster(clusterState, null, locationFinder, null);
// this is ok, it is just a test
int r0 = ArrayUtils.indexOf(cluster.regions, regions.get(0));
int r1 = ArrayUtils.indexOf(cluster.regions, regions.get(1));
int r10 = ArrayUtils.indexOf(cluster.regions, regions.get(10));
int r42 = ArrayUtils.indexOf(cluster.regions, regions.get(42));
int r43 = ArrayUtils.indexOf(cluster.regions, regions.get(43));
int s0 = cluster.serversToIndex.get(servers.get(0).getHostAndPort());
int s1 = cluster.serversToIndex.get(servers.get(1).getHostAndPort());
int s4 = cluster.serversToIndex.get(servers.get(4).getHostAndPort());
int s5 = cluster.serversToIndex.get(servers.get(5).getHostAndPort());
int s9 = cluster.serversToIndex.get(servers.get(9).getHostAndPort());
// region 0 locations
assertEquals(1, cluster.regionLocations[r0].length);
assertEquals(s0, cluster.regionLocations[r0][0]);
// region 1 locations
assertEquals(2, cluster.regionLocations[r1].length);
assertEquals(s0, cluster.regionLocations[r1][0]);
assertEquals(s1, cluster.regionLocations[r1][1]);
// region 10 locations
assertEquals(0, cluster.regionLocations[r10].length);
// region 42 locations
assertEquals(3, cluster.regionLocations[r42].length);
assertEquals(s4, cluster.regionLocations[r42][0]);
assertEquals(s9, cluster.regionLocations[r42][1]);
assertEquals(s5, cluster.regionLocations[r42][2]);
// region 43 locations
assertEquals(1, cluster.regionLocations[r43].length);
assertEquals(-1, cluster.regionLocations[r43][0]);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.balancer.BaseLoadBalancer.Cluster in project hbase by apache.
the class TestBaseLoadBalancer method testRegionAvailability.
@Test(timeout = 180000)
public void testRegionAvailability() throws Exception {
// Create a cluster with a few servers, assign them to specific racks
// then assign some regions. The tests should check whether moving a
// replica from one node to a specific other node or rack lowers the
// availability of the region or not
List<HRegionInfo> list0 = new ArrayList<>();
List<HRegionInfo> list1 = new ArrayList<>();
List<HRegionInfo> list2 = new ArrayList<>();
// create a region (region1)
HRegionInfo hri1 = new HRegionInfo(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()), "key1".getBytes(), "key2".getBytes(), false, 100);
// create a replica of the region (replica_of_region1)
HRegionInfo hri2 = RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForReplica(hri1, 1);
// create a second region (region2)
HRegionInfo hri3 = new HRegionInfo(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()), "key2".getBytes(), "key3".getBytes(), false, 101);
//only region1
//only replica_of_region1
//only region2
Map<ServerName, List<HRegionInfo>> clusterState = new LinkedHashMap<>();
//servers[0] hosts region1
clusterState.put(servers[0], list0);
//servers[1] hosts replica_of_region1
clusterState.put(servers[1], list1);
//servers[2] hosts region2
clusterState.put(servers[2], list2);
// create a cluster with the above clusterState. The way in which the
// cluster is created (constructor code) would make sure the indices of
// the servers are in the order in which it is inserted in the clusterState
// map (linkedhashmap is important). A similar thing applies to the region lists
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(clusterState, null, null, rackManager);
// check whether a move of region1 from servers[0] to servers[1] would lower
// the availability of region1
assertTrue(cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(hri1, servers[1]));
// check whether a move of region1 from servers[0] to servers[2] would lower
// the availability of region1
assertTrue(!cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(hri1, servers[2]));
// check whether a move of replica_of_region1 from servers[0] to servers[2] would lower
// the availability of replica_of_region1
assertTrue(!cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(hri2, servers[2]));
// check whether a move of region2 from servers[0] to servers[1] would lower
// the availability of region2
assertTrue(!cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(hri3, servers[1]));
// now lets have servers[1] host replica_of_region2
list1.add(RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForReplica(hri3, 1));
// create a new clusterState with the above change
cluster = new Cluster(clusterState, null, null, rackManager);
// now check whether a move of a replica from servers[0] to servers[1] would lower
// the availability of region2
assertTrue(cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(hri3, servers[1]));
// start over again
//servers[0], rack1 hosts region1
clusterState.put(servers[0], list0);
//servers[5], rack2 hosts replica_of_region1 and replica_of_region2
clusterState.put(servers[5], list1);
//servers[6], rack2 hosts region2
clusterState.put(servers[6], list2);
//servers[10], rack3 hosts no region
clusterState.put(servers[10], new ArrayList<>());
// create a cluster with the above clusterState
cluster = new Cluster(clusterState, null, null, rackManager);
// check whether a move of region1 from servers[0],rack1 to servers[6],rack2 would
// lower the availability
assertTrue(cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(hri1, servers[0]));
// now create a cluster without the rack manager
cluster = new Cluster(clusterState, null, null, null);
// now repeat check whether a move of region1 from servers[0] to servers[6] would
// lower the availability
assertTrue(!cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(hri1, servers[6]));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.balancer.BaseLoadBalancer.Cluster in project hbase by apache.
the class TestStochasticLoadBalancer method testNeedsBalanceForColocatedReplicas.
public void testNeedsBalanceForColocatedReplicas() {
// check for the case where there are two hosts and with one rack, and where
// both the replicas are hosted on the same server
List<HRegionInfo> regions = randomRegions(1);
ServerName s1 = ServerName.valueOf("host1", 1000, 11111);
ServerName s2 = ServerName.valueOf("host11", 1000, 11111);
Map<ServerName, List<HRegionInfo>> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(s1, regions);
regions.add(RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForReplica(regions.get(0), 1));
// until the step above s1 holds two replicas of a region
regions = randomRegions(1);
map.put(s2, regions);
assertTrue(loadBalancer.needsBalance(new Cluster(map, null, null, null)));
// check for the case where there are two hosts on the same rack and there are two racks
// and both the replicas are on the same rack
regions = randomRegions(1);
List<HRegionInfo> regionsOnS2 = new ArrayList<>(1);
regionsOnS2.add(RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForReplica(regions.get(0), 1));
map.put(s1, regions);
map.put(s2, regionsOnS2);
// add another server so that the cluster has some host on another rack
map.put(ServerName.valueOf("host2", 1000, 11111), randomRegions(1));
assertTrue(loadBalancer.needsBalance(new Cluster(map, null, null, new ForTestRackManagerOne())));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.balancer.BaseLoadBalancer.Cluster in project hbase by apache.
the class TestStochasticLoadBalancer method testTableSkewCost.
public void testTableSkewCost() {
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
StochasticLoadBalancer.CostFunction costFunction = new StochasticLoadBalancer.TableSkewCostFunction(conf);
for (int[] mockCluster : clusterStateMocks) {
BaseLoadBalancer.Cluster cluster = mockCluster(mockCluster);
double cost = costFunction.cost();
assertTrue(cost >= 0);
assertTrue(cost <= 1.01);