use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.nio.MultiByteBuff in project hbase by apache.
the class RpcServer method allocateByteBuffToReadInto.
* This is extracted to a static method for better unit testing. We try to get buffer(s) from pool
* as much as possible.
* @param pool The ByteBufferPool to use
* @param minSizeForPoolUse Only for buffer size above this, we will try to use pool. Any buffer
* need of size below this, create on heap ByteBuffer.
* @param reqLen Bytes count in request
static Pair<ByteBuff, CallCleanup> allocateByteBuffToReadInto(ByteBufferPool pool, int minSizeForPoolUse, int reqLen) {
ByteBuff resultBuf;
List<ByteBuffer> bbs = new ArrayList<>((reqLen / pool.getBufferSize()) + 1);
int remain = reqLen;
ByteBuffer buf = null;
while (remain >= minSizeForPoolUse && (buf = pool.getBuffer()) != null) {
remain -= pool.getBufferSize();
ByteBuffer[] bufsFromPool = null;
if (bbs.size() > 0) {
bufsFromPool = new ByteBuffer[bbs.size()];
if (remain > 0) {
if (bbs.size() > 1) {
ByteBuffer[] items = new ByteBuffer[bbs.size()];
resultBuf = new MultiByteBuff(items);
} else {
// We are backed by single BB
resultBuf = new SingleByteBuff(bbs.get(0));
if (bufsFromPool != null) {
final ByteBuffer[] bufsFromPoolFinal = bufsFromPool;
return new Pair<>(resultBuf, () -> {
// Return back all the BBs to pool
for (int i = 0; i < bufsFromPoolFinal.length; i++) {
return new Pair<>(resultBuf, null);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.nio.MultiByteBuff in project hbase by apache.
the class TestHFileBlock method testBlockHeapSizeInternals.
protected void testBlockHeapSizeInternals() {
if (ClassSize.is32BitJVM()) {
assertEquals(64, HFileBlock.MULTI_BYTE_BUFFER_HEAP_SIZE);
} else {
assertEquals(72, HFileBlock.MULTI_BYTE_BUFFER_HEAP_SIZE);
for (int size : new int[] { 100, 256, 12345 }) {
byte[] byteArr = new byte[HConstants.HFILEBLOCK_HEADER_SIZE + size];
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(byteArr, 0, size);
HFileContext meta = new HFileContextBuilder().withIncludesMvcc(includesMemstoreTS).withIncludesTags(includesTag).withHBaseCheckSum(false).withCompression(Algorithm.NONE).withBytesPerCheckSum(HFile.DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM).withChecksumType(ChecksumType.NULL).build();
HFileBlock block = new HFileBlock(BlockType.DATA, size, size, -1, buf, HFileBlock.FILL_HEADER, -1, 0, -1, meta);
long byteBufferExpectedSize = ClassSize.align(ClassSize.estimateBase(new MultiByteBuff(buf).getClass(), true) + HConstants.HFILEBLOCK_HEADER_SIZE + size);
long hfileMetaSize = ClassSize.align(ClassSize.estimateBase(HFileContext.class, true));
long hfileBlockExpectedSize = ClassSize.align(ClassSize.estimateBase(HFileBlock.class, true));
long expected = hfileBlockExpectedSize + byteBufferExpectedSize + hfileMetaSize;
assertEquals("Block data size: " + size + ", byte buffer expected " + "size: " + byteBufferExpectedSize + ", HFileBlock class expected " + "size: " + hfileBlockExpectedSize + ";", expected, block.heapSize());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.nio.MultiByteBuff in project hbase by apache.
the class TestByteBuffUtils method testCopyAndCompare.
public void testCopyAndCompare() throws Exception {
ByteBuffer bb1 = ByteBuffer.allocate(50);
ByteBuffer bb2 = ByteBuffer.allocate(50);
MultiByteBuff src = new MultiByteBuff(bb1, bb2);
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
src.put((byte) 1);
src.put((byte) 1);
ByteBuffer bb3 = ByteBuffer.allocate(50);
ByteBuffer bb4 = ByteBuffer.allocate(50);
MultiByteBuff mbbDst = new MultiByteBuff(bb3, bb4);
// copy from MBB to MBB
mbbDst.put(0, src, 0, 100);
int compareTo = ByteBuff.compareTo(src, 0, 100, mbbDst, 0, 100);
assertTrue(compareTo == 0);
// Copy from MBB to SBB
bb3 = ByteBuffer.allocate(100);
SingleByteBuff sbbDst = new SingleByteBuff(bb3);
sbbDst.put(0, src, 0, 100);
compareTo = ByteBuff.compareTo(src, 0, 100, sbbDst, 0, 100);
assertTrue(compareTo == 0);
// Copy from SBB to SBB
bb3 = ByteBuffer.allocate(100);
SingleByteBuff sbb = new SingleByteBuff(bb3);
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
sbb.put((byte) 1);
sbb.put((byte) 1);
bb4 = ByteBuffer.allocate(100);
sbbDst = new SingleByteBuff(bb4);
sbbDst.put(0, sbb, 0, 100);
compareTo = ByteBuff.compareTo(sbb, 0, 100, sbbDst, 0, 100);
assertTrue(compareTo == 0);
// copy from SBB to MBB
mbbDst = new MultiByteBuff(bb3, bb4);
mbbDst.put(0, sbb, 0, 100);
compareTo = ByteBuff.compareTo(sbb, 0, 100, mbbDst, 0, 100);
assertTrue(compareTo == 0);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.nio.MultiByteBuff in project hbase by apache.
the class TestRpcServer method testAllocateByteBuffToReadInto.
public void testAllocateByteBuffToReadInto() throws Exception {
int maxBuffersInPool = 10;
ByteBufferPool pool = new ByteBufferPool(6 * 1024, maxBuffersInPool);
initPoolWithAllBuffers(pool, maxBuffersInPool);
ByteBuff buff = null;
Pair<ByteBuff, CallCleanup> pair;
// When the request size is less than 1/6th of the pool buffer size. We should use on demand
// created on heap Buffer
pair = RpcServer.allocateByteBuffToReadInto(pool, RpcServer.getMinSizeForReservoirUse(pool), 200);
buff = pair.getFirst();
assertEquals(maxBuffersInPool, pool.getQueueSize());
// When the request size is > 1/6th of the pool buffer size.
pair = RpcServer.allocateByteBuffToReadInto(pool, RpcServer.getMinSizeForReservoirUse(pool), 1024);
buff = pair.getFirst();
assertEquals(maxBuffersInPool - 1, pool.getQueueSize());
// CallCleanup#run should put back the BB to pool.
assertEquals(maxBuffersInPool, pool.getQueueSize());
// Request size> pool buffer size
pair = RpcServer.allocateByteBuffToReadInto(pool, RpcServer.getMinSizeForReservoirUse(pool), 7 * 1024);
buff = pair.getFirst();
assertTrue(buff instanceof MultiByteBuff);
ByteBuffer[] bbs = ((MultiByteBuff) buff).getEnclosingByteBuffers();
assertEquals(2, bbs.length);
assertEquals(6 * 1024, bbs[0].limit());
assertEquals(1024, bbs[1].limit());
assertEquals(maxBuffersInPool - 2, pool.getQueueSize());
// CallCleanup#run should put back the BB to pool.
assertEquals(maxBuffersInPool, pool.getQueueSize());
pair = RpcServer.allocateByteBuffToReadInto(pool, RpcServer.getMinSizeForReservoirUse(pool), 6 * 1024 + 200);
buff = pair.getFirst();
assertTrue(buff instanceof MultiByteBuff);
bbs = ((MultiByteBuff) buff).getEnclosingByteBuffers();
assertEquals(2, bbs.length);
assertEquals(6 * 1024, bbs[0].limit());
assertEquals(200, bbs[1].limit());
assertEquals(maxBuffersInPool - 1, pool.getQueueSize());
// CallCleanup#run should put back the BB to pool.
assertEquals(maxBuffersInPool, pool.getQueueSize());
ByteBuffer[] buffers = new ByteBuffer[maxBuffersInPool - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < maxBuffersInPool - 1; i++) {
buffers[i] = pool.getBuffer();
pair = RpcServer.allocateByteBuffToReadInto(pool, RpcServer.getMinSizeForReservoirUse(pool), 20 * 1024);
buff = pair.getFirst();
assertTrue(buff instanceof MultiByteBuff);
bbs = ((MultiByteBuff) buff).getEnclosingByteBuffers();
assertEquals(2, bbs.length);
assertEquals(6 * 1024, bbs[0].limit());
assertEquals(14 * 1024, bbs[1].limit());
assertEquals(0, pool.getQueueSize());
// CallCleanup#run should put back the BB to pool.
assertEquals(1, pool.getQueueSize());
pair = RpcServer.allocateByteBuffToReadInto(pool, RpcServer.getMinSizeForReservoirUse(pool), 7 * 1024);
buff = pair.getFirst();
assertTrue(buff instanceof SingleByteBuff);
assertEquals(7 * 1024, ((SingleByteBuff) buff).getEnclosingByteBuffer().limit());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.nio.MultiByteBuff in project hbase by apache.
the class TestHFileBlockIndex method testSecondaryIndexBinarySearch.
public void testSecondaryIndexBinarySearch() throws IOException {
int numTotalKeys = 99;
// Ensure no one made this even.
assertTrue(numTotalKeys % 2 == 1);
// We only add odd-index keys into the array that we will binary-search.
int numSearchedKeys = (numTotalKeys - 1) / 2;
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
int curAllEntriesSize = 0;
int numEntriesAdded = 0;
// Only odd-index elements of this array are used to keep the secondary
// index entries of the corresponding keys.
int[] secondaryIndexEntries = new int[numTotalKeys];
for (int i = 0; i < numTotalKeys; ++i) {
byte[] k = RandomKeyValueUtil.randomOrderedKey(rand, i * 2);
KeyValue cell = new KeyValue(k, Bytes.toBytes("f"), Bytes.toBytes("q"), Bytes.toBytes("val"));
//KeyValue cell = new KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue(k, 0, k.length);
String msgPrefix = "Key #" + i + " (" + Bytes.toStringBinary(k) + "): ";
StringBuilder padding = new StringBuilder();
while (msgPrefix.length() + padding.length() < 70) padding.append(' ');
msgPrefix += padding;
if (i % 2 == 1) {
secondaryIndexEntries[i] = curAllEntriesSize; + "secondary index entry #" + ((i - 1) / 2) + ", offset " + curAllEntriesSize);
curAllEntriesSize += cell.getKey().length + HFileBlockIndex.SECONDARY_INDEX_ENTRY_OVERHEAD;
} else {
secondaryIndexEntries[i] = -1; + "not in the searched array");
// Make sure the keys are increasing.
for (int i = 0; i < keys.size() - 1; ++i) assertTrue( KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue(keys.get(i), 0, keys.get(i).length), new KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue(keys.get(i + 1), 0, keys.get(i + 1).length)) < 0);
assertEquals(numSearchedKeys, numEntriesAdded);
int secondaryIndexOffset = dos.size();
assertEquals(Bytes.SIZEOF_INT * (numSearchedKeys + 2), secondaryIndexOffset);
for (int i = 1; i <= numTotalKeys - 1; i += 2) {
assertEquals(dos.size(), secondaryIndexOffset + secondaryIndexEntries[i]);
long dummyFileOffset = getDummyFileOffset(i);
int dummyOnDiskSize = getDummyOnDiskSize(i);
LOG.debug("Storing file offset=" + dummyFileOffset + " and onDiskSize=" + dummyOnDiskSize + " at offset " + dos.size());
LOG.debug("Stored key " + ((i - 1) / 2) + " at offset " + dos.size());
ByteBuffer nonRootIndex = ByteBuffer.wrap(baos.toByteArray());
for (int i = 0; i < numTotalKeys; ++i) {
byte[] searchKey = keys.get(i);
byte[] arrayHoldingKey = new byte[searchKey.length + searchKey.length / 2];
// To make things a bit more interesting, store the key we are looking
// for at a non-zero offset in a new array.
System.arraycopy(searchKey, 0, arrayHoldingKey, searchKey.length / 2, searchKey.length);
KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue cell = new KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue(arrayHoldingKey, searchKey.length / 2, searchKey.length);
int searchResult = BlockIndexReader.binarySearchNonRootIndex(cell, new MultiByteBuff(nonRootIndex), CellComparator.COMPARATOR);
String lookupFailureMsg = "Failed to look up key #" + i + " (" + Bytes.toStringBinary(searchKey) + ")";
int expectedResult;
int referenceItem;
if (i % 2 == 1) {
// This key is in the array we search as the element (i - 1) / 2. Make
// sure we find it.
expectedResult = (i - 1) / 2;
referenceItem = i;
} else {
// This key is not in the array but between two elements on the array,
// in the beginning, or in the end. The result should be the previous
// key in the searched array, or -1 for i = 0.
expectedResult = i / 2 - 1;
referenceItem = i - 1;
assertEquals(lookupFailureMsg, expectedResult, searchResult);
// Now test we can get the offset and the on-disk-size using a
// higher-level API function.s
boolean locateBlockResult = (BlockIndexReader.locateNonRootIndexEntry(new MultiByteBuff(nonRootIndex), cell, CellComparator.COMPARATOR) != -1);
if (i == 0) {
} else {
String errorMsg = "i=" + i + ", position=" + nonRootIndex.position();
assertEquals(errorMsg, getDummyFileOffset(referenceItem), nonRootIndex.getLong());
assertEquals(errorMsg, getDummyOnDiskSize(referenceItem), nonRootIndex.getInt());