use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.StateMachineProcedure in project hbase by apache.
the class ProcedureExecutor method executeRollback.
* Execute the rollback of the full procedure stack.
* Once the procedure is rolledback, the root-procedure will be visible as
* finished to user, and the result will be the fatal exception.
private LockState executeRollback(final long rootProcId, final RootProcedureState procStack) {
final Procedure rootProc = procedures.get(rootProcId);
RemoteProcedureException exception = rootProc.getException();
if (exception == null) {
exception = procStack.getException();
final List<Procedure> subprocStack = procStack.getSubproceduresStack();
assert subprocStack != null : "Called rollback with no steps executed rootProc=" + rootProc;
int stackTail = subprocStack.size();
boolean reuseLock = false;
while (stackTail-- > 0) {
final Procedure proc = subprocStack.get(stackTail);
LockState lockState;
if (!reuseLock && (lockState = acquireLock(proc)) != LockState.LOCK_ACQUIRED) {
// queue waiting for the lock availability
return lockState;
lockState = executeRollback(proc);
boolean abortRollback = lockState != LockState.LOCK_ACQUIRED;
abortRollback |= !isRunning() || !store.isRunning();
// If the next procedure is the same to this one
// (e.g. StateMachineProcedure reuse the same instance)
// we can avoid to lock/unlock each step
reuseLock = stackTail > 0 && (subprocStack.get(stackTail - 1) == proc) && !abortRollback;
if (!reuseLock) {
releaseLock(proc, false);
// useful to test the procedure recovery.
if (abortRollback) {
return lockState;
// if the procedure is kind enough to pass the slot to someone else, yield
if (proc.isYieldAfterExecutionStep(getEnvironment())) {
return LockState.LOCK_YIELD_WAIT;
if (proc != rootProc) {
// Finalize the procedure state"Rolled back " + rootProc + " exec-time=" + StringUtils.humanTimeDiff(rootProc.elapsedTime()) + " exception=" + exception.getMessage());
return LockState.LOCK_ACQUIRED;