use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift.generated.TScan in project hbase by apache.
the class TestThriftServer method doTestTableScanners.
* Tests the four different scanner-opening methods (with and without
* a stoprow, with and without a timestamp).
* @throws Exception
public void doTestTableScanners() throws Exception {
// Setup
ThriftServerRunner.HBaseHandler handler = new ThriftServerRunner.HBaseHandler(UTIL.getConfiguration(), UserProvider.instantiate(UTIL.getConfiguration()));
handler.createTable(tableAname, getColumnDescriptors());
// Apply timestamped Mutations to rowA
long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
handler.mutateRowTs(tableAname, rowAname, getMutations(), time1, null);
// Sleep to assure that 'time1' and 'time2' will be different even with a
// coarse grained system timer.
// Apply timestamped BatchMutations for rowA and rowB
long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
handler.mutateRowsTs(tableAname, getBatchMutations(), time2, null);
time1 += 1;
// Test a scanner on all rows and all columns, no timestamp
int scanner1 = handler.scannerOpen(tableAname, rowAname, getColumnList(true, true), null);
TRowResult rowResult1a = handler.scannerGet(scanner1).get(0);
assertEquals(rowResult1a.row, rowAname);
// This used to be '1'. I don't know why when we are asking for two columns
// and when the mutations above would seem to add two columns to the row.
// -- St.Ack 05/12/2009
assertEquals(rowResult1a.columns.size(), 1);
assertEquals(rowResult1a.columns.get(columnBname).value, valueCname);
TRowResult rowResult1b = handler.scannerGet(scanner1).get(0);
assertEquals(rowResult1b.row, rowBname);
assertEquals(rowResult1b.columns.size(), 2);
assertEquals(rowResult1b.columns.get(columnAname).value, valueCname);
assertEquals(rowResult1b.columns.get(columnBname).value, valueDname);
closeScanner(scanner1, handler);
// Test a scanner on all rows and all columns, with timestamp
int scanner2 = handler.scannerOpenTs(tableAname, rowAname, getColumnList(true, true), time1, null);
TRowResult rowResult2a = handler.scannerGet(scanner2).get(0);
assertEquals(rowResult2a.columns.size(), 1);
// column A deleted, does not exist.
//assertTrue(Bytes.equals(rowResult2a.columns.get(columnAname).value, valueAname));
assertEquals(rowResult2a.columns.get(columnBname).value, valueBname);
closeScanner(scanner2, handler);
// Test a scanner on the first row and first column only, no timestamp
int scanner3 = handler.scannerOpenWithStop(tableAname, rowAname, rowBname, getColumnList(true, false), null);
closeScanner(scanner3, handler);
// Test a scanner on the first row and second column only, with timestamp
int scanner4 = handler.scannerOpenWithStopTs(tableAname, rowAname, rowBname, getColumnList(false, true), time1, null);
TRowResult rowResult4a = handler.scannerGet(scanner4).get(0);
assertEquals(rowResult4a.columns.size(), 1);
assertEquals(rowResult4a.columns.get(columnBname).value, valueBname);
// Test scanner using a TScan object once with sortColumns False and once with sortColumns true
TScan scanNoSortColumns = new TScan();
int scanner5 = handler.scannerOpenWithScan(tableAname, scanNoSortColumns, null);
TRowResult rowResult5 = handler.scannerGet(scanner5).get(0);
assertEquals(rowResult5.columns.size(), 1);
assertEquals(rowResult5.columns.get(columnBname).value, valueCname);
TScan scanSortColumns = new TScan();
scanSortColumns = scanSortColumns.setSortColumns(true);
int scanner6 = handler.scannerOpenWithScan(tableAname, scanSortColumns, null);
TRowResult rowResult6 = handler.scannerGet(scanner6).get(0);
assertEquals(rowResult6.sortedColumns.size(), 1);
assertEquals(rowResult6.sortedColumns.get(0).getCell().value, valueCname);
List<Mutation> rowBmutations = new ArrayList<>(20);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
rowBmutations.add(new Mutation(false, asByteBuffer("columnA:" + i), valueCname, true));
ByteBuffer rowC = asByteBuffer("rowC");
handler.mutateRow(tableAname, rowC, rowBmutations, null);
TScan scanSortMultiColumns = new TScan();
scanSortMultiColumns = scanSortMultiColumns.setSortColumns(true);
int scanner7 = handler.scannerOpenWithScan(tableAname, scanSortMultiColumns, null);
TRowResult rowResult7 = handler.scannerGet(scanner7).get(0);
ByteBuffer smallerColumn = asByteBuffer("columnA:");
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
ByteBuffer currentColumn = rowResult7.sortedColumns.get(i).columnName;
assertTrue(Bytes.compareTo(smallerColumn.array(), currentColumn.array()) < 0);
smallerColumn = currentColumn;
TScan reversedScan = new TScan();
int scanner8 = handler.scannerOpenWithScan(tableAname, reversedScan, null);
List<TRowResult> results = handler.scannerGet(scanner8);
assertEquals(results.size(), 1);
assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap(results.get(0).getRow()), rowBname);
// Teardown